private Indent calcCurrentIndent(final ASTNode child, final int state) { IElementType elementType = child.getElementType(); if (isRBrace(child) || elementType == JavaTokenType.AT) { return Indent.getNoneIndent(); } if (state == BEFORE_FIRST) return Indent.getNoneIndent(); if (elementType == JavaElementType.SWITCH_LABEL_STATEMENT) { return getCodeBlockInternalIndent(myChildrenIndent); } if (state == BEFORE_LBRACE) { if (isLBrace(child) || elementType == JavaTokenType.CLASS_KEYWORD || elementType == JavaTokenType.INTERFACE_KEYWORD || elementType == JavaTokenType.IDENTIFIER || elementType == JavaTokenType.ENUM_KEYWORD) { return Indent.getNoneIndent(); } else { return Indent.getContinuationIndent(myIndentSettings.USE_RELATIVE_INDENTS); } } else { if (isRBrace(child)) { return Indent.getNoneIndent(); } else { return getCodeBlockInternalIndent(myChildrenIndent); } } }
@Override public Indent getIndent() { PsiElement element = myNode.getPsi(); if (isNode()) { return Indent.getIndent(Indent.Type.NORMAL, true, true); } return Indent.getNoneIndent(); }
public void printComments(Indent indent, PrintWriter pw) { for (String comment : this.comments) { Indent nextIndent =; nextIndent.print(pw); pw.print("<!-- "); pw.print(escape(comment)); pw.print(" -->"); } }
@Override @NotNull public ChildAttributes getChildAttributes(final int newChildIndex) { if (isAfter( newChildIndex, new IElementType[] {JavaDocElementType.DOC_COMMENT, JavaElementType.MODIFIER_LIST})) { return new ChildAttributes(Indent.getNoneIndent(), null); } else { if (getSubBlocks().size() == newChildIndex) { return new ChildAttributes(Indent.getNoneIndent(), null); } else { return new ChildAttributes(getCodeBlockInternalIndent(myChildrenIndent), null); } } }
private SyntheticCodeBlock createCaseSectionBlock( final ArrayList<Block> localResult, final Alignment childAlignment, final Indent indent, final Wrap childWrap) { final SyntheticCodeBlock result = new SyntheticCodeBlock( localResult, childAlignment, getSettings(), myJavaSettings, indent, childWrap) { @Override @NotNull public ChildAttributes getChildAttributes(final int newChildIndex) { IElementType prevElementType = null; if (newChildIndex > 0) { final Block previousBlock = getSubBlocks().get(newChildIndex - 1); if (previousBlock instanceof AbstractBlock) { prevElementType = ((AbstractBlock) previousBlock).getNode().getElementType(); } } if (prevElementType == JavaElementType.BLOCK_STATEMENT || prevElementType == JavaElementType.BREAK_STATEMENT || prevElementType == JavaElementType.RETURN_STATEMENT) { return new ChildAttributes(Indent.getNoneIndent(), null); } else { return super.getChildAttributes(newChildIndex); } } }; result.setChildAttributes(new ChildAttributes(Indent.getNormalIndent(), null)); result.setIsIncomplete(true); return result; }
/** Convenience method to print a string nicely and does character conversion to entities. */ void formatted(PrintWriter pw, Indent indent, int width, String s) { int pos = width + 1; s = s.trim(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (i == 0 || (Character.isWhitespace(c) && pos > width - 3)) { indent.print(pw); pos = 0; } switch (c) { case '<': pw.print("<"); pos += 4; break; case '>': pw.print(">"); pos += 4; break; case '&': pw.print("&"); pos += 5; break; default: pw.print(c); pos++; break; } } }
private RestBlock buildSubBlock(ASTNode child) { IElementType parentType = myNode.getElementType(); IElementType childType = child.getElementType(); IElementType grandparentType = myNode.getTreeParent() == null ? null : myNode.getTreeParent().getElementType(); Wrap wrap = null; Indent childIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent(); Alignment childAlignment = null; if (grandparentType == RestElementTypes.FIELD_LIST && parentType == RestElementTypes.LINE_TEXT && childType == RestTokenTypes.LINE) { childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent(); } return new RestBlock(this, child, childAlignment, childIndent, wrap); }
private static Block generateGoFileBlock(ASTNode node, CommonCodeStyleSettings settings) { return new GoFileBlock( node, Alignment.createAlignment(), Indent.getAbsoluteNoneIndent(), Wrap.createWrap(WrapType.NONE, false), settings); }
private void setDefaultIndents(final List<AbstractBlockWrapper> list) { if (!list.isEmpty()) { for (AbstractBlockWrapper wrapper : list) { if (wrapper.getIndent() == null) { wrapper.setIndent( (IndentImpl) Indent.getContinuationWithoutFirstIndent(myOptions.USE_RELATIVE_INDENTS)); } } } }
public void printContents(Indent indent, PrintWriter pw) { for (Object content : this.content) { Indent nextIndent =; if (content instanceof String) { formatted(pw, nextIndent, 60, escape((String) content)); } else if (content instanceof Tag) { Tag tag = (Tag) content; tag.print(nextIndent, pw); } } }
private List<Block> buildSubBlocks() { final List<Block> blocks = new ArrayList<Block>(); Indent prevIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent(); // if (myNode.getElementType() == CoqTypes.PROOFPHRASE) return // Collections.unmodifiableList(blocks); for (ASTNode child = myNode.getFirstChildNode(); child != null; child = child.getTreeNext()) { if (!shouldCreateBlockFor(child)) continue; Block b = createChildBlock(child, Alignment.createAlignment(), prevIndent); prevIndent = b.getIndent(); blocks.add(b); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(blocks); }
@Nullable private ASTNode processCaseAndStatementAfter( final ArrayList<Block> result, ASTNode child, final Alignment childAlignment, final Wrap childWrap, final Indent indent) { final ArrayList<Block> localResult = new ArrayList<Block>(); processChild( localResult, child, AlignmentStrategy.getNullStrategy(), null, Indent.getNoneIndent()); child = child.getTreeNext(); Indent childIndent = Indent.getNormalIndent(); while (child != null) { if (child.getElementType() == JavaElementType.SWITCH_LABEL_STATEMENT || isRBrace(child)) { result.add(createCaseSectionBlock(localResult, childAlignment, indent, childWrap)); return child.getTreePrev(); } if (!FormatterUtil.containsWhiteSpacesOnly(child)) { if (child.getElementType() == JavaElementType.BLOCK_STATEMENT) { childIndent = Indent.getNoneIndent(); } boolean breakOrReturn = isBreakOrReturn(child); processChild(localResult, child, AlignmentStrategy.getNullStrategy(), null, childIndent); if (breakOrReturn) { result.add(createCaseSectionBlock(localResult, childAlignment, indent, childWrap)); return child; } } child = child.getTreeNext(); } result.add(createCaseSectionBlock(localResult, childAlignment, indent, childWrap)); return null; }
public void printOpen(Indent indent, PrintWriter pw, boolean andClose) { indent.print(pw); pw.print('<'); pw.print(name); String quote = "\""; for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : attributes.entrySet()) { String key = e.getKey(); String value = escape(e.getValue()); pw.print(' '); pw.print(key); pw.print("="); pw.print(quote); pw.print(value.replaceAll("\"", """)); pw.print(quote); } if (andClose) pw.print("/>"); else pw.print('>'); }
@NotNull @Override public FormattingModel createModel( @NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull CodeStyleSettings settings, @NotNull FormattingMode mode) { if (DUMP_FORMATTING_AST) { ASTNode fileNode = element.getContainingFile().getNode(); System.out.println("AST tree for " + element.getContainingFile().getName() + ":"); printAST(fileNode, 0); } final PyBlockContext context = new PyBlockContext(settings, createSpacingBuilder(settings), mode); final PyBlock block = new PyBlock(null, element.getNode(), null, Indent.getNoneIndent(), null, context); if (DUMP_FORMATTING_AST) { FormattingModelDumper.dumpFormattingModel(block, 2, System.out); } return FormattingModelProvider.createFormattingModelForPsiFile( element.getContainingFile(), block, settings); }
public SOF parse(StringBuffer buf) { Indent.clearStats(); ArrayList<LexicalNode> nodeList = new ArrayList<LexicalNode>(); char[] content = buf.toString().toCharArray(); int start = 0; int lastMatch = 0; int length = 0; SOF sof = new SOF(new Interval(0, 0)); nodeList.add(sof); while (start < content.length) { if ((length = match(content, start, buf, nodeList, lastMatch)) > 0) { start += length; lastMatch = start; } else start++; } if (start - lastMatch - 1 > 0) { createWater(buf, lastMatch + 1, start, nodeList); } nodeList.add( new EOF( nodeList.get(nodeList.size() - 1), new Interval(content.length - 1, content.length - 1))); return sof; }
private CompositeBlockWrapper buildCompositeBlock( final Block rootBlock, @Nullable final CompositeBlockWrapper parent, final int index, @Nullable final WrapImpl currentWrapParent, boolean rootBlockIsRightBlock) { final CompositeBlockWrapper wrappedRootBlock = new CompositeBlockWrapper(rootBlock, myCurrentWhiteSpace, parent); if (index == 0) { wrappedRootBlock.arrangeParentTextRange(); } if (myRootBlockWrapper == null) { myRootBlockWrapper = wrappedRootBlock; myRootBlockWrapper.setIndent((IndentImpl) Indent.getNoneIndent()); } boolean blocksMayBeOfInterest = false; if (myPositionOfInterest != -1) { myResult.put(wrappedRootBlock, rootBlock); blocksMayBeOfInterest = true; } final boolean blocksAreReadOnly = rootBlock instanceof ReadOnlyBlockContainer || blocksMayBeOfInterest; State state = new State( rootBlock, wrappedRootBlock, currentWrapParent, blocksAreReadOnly, rootBlockIsRightBlock); myStates.push(state); return wrappedRootBlock; }
public static Block generateBlock( ASTNode node, Indent indent, Alignment alignment, CommonCodeStyleSettings styleSettings) { PsiElement psi = node.getPsi(); if (psi instanceof GoBlockStatement) return new GoBlockStatementBlock(node, indent, styleSettings); if (psi instanceof GoFile) return generateGoFileBlock(node, styleSettings); if (psi instanceof GoPackageDeclaration) return generatePackageBlock(node, styleSettings); if (psi instanceof GoBinaryExpression) { return new GoBinaryExpressionBlock(node, alignment, NO_WRAP, styleSettings); } if (psi instanceof GoFunctionDeclaration) { return new GoFunctionDeclarationBlock(node, alignment, indent, styleSettings); } IElementType elementType = node.getElementType(); if (elementType == GoTokenTypes.pLPAREN) { return new GoLeafBlock(node, null, indent, NO_WRAP, styleSettings); } else if (elementType == GoTokenTypes.pRCURLY) { if (node.getTreeParent().getElementType() == GoElementTypes.LITERAL_COMPOSITE_VALUE) { boolean inFunctionCall = false; ASTNode nodeParent = node; while (nodeParent != null) { if (nodeParent.getElementType() == GoElementTypes.CALL_OR_CONVERSION_EXPRESSION) { int indentTabSize = styleSettings.getIndentOptions() == null ? 4 : styleSettings.getIndentOptions().INDENT_SIZE; return new GoLeafBlock( node, null, Indent.getSpaceIndent(indentTabSize * -1), NO_WRAP, styleSettings); } nodeParent = nodeParent.getTreeParent(); } } } else if (elementType == GoTokenTypes.kPACKAGE || elementType == GoTokenTypes.oSEMI) { return new GoLeafBlock( node, null, Indent.getAbsoluteNoneIndent(), Wrap.createWrap(WrapType.NONE, false), styleSettings); } else if (GoTokenTypeSets.COMMENTS.contains(elementType)) { return new GoLeafBlock( node, alignment, indent, Wrap.createWrap(WrapType.NONE, false), styleSettings); } else if (ALIGN_LIST_BLOCK_STATEMENTS.contains(elementType)) { return new GoAssignListBlock(node, alignment, indent, styleSettings); } else if (elementType == GoElementTypes.TYPE_STRUCT) { return new GoTypeStructBlock(node, alignment, indent, styleSettings); // } else if (elementType == GoElementTypes.TYPE_INTERFACE) { // return new GoTypeInterfaceBlock(node, alignment, indent, styleSettings); } else if (elementType == GoElementTypes.EXPRESSION_LIST) { return new GoExpressionListBlock(node, alignment, indent, styleSettings); } else if (elementType == GoElementTypes.UNARY_EXPRESSION) { return new GoUnaryExpressionBlock(node, alignment, indent, NO_WRAP, styleSettings); } else if (GoElementTypes.FUNCTION_CALL_SETS.contains(elementType)) { return new GoCallOrConvExpressionBlock(node, alignment, indent, NO_WRAP, styleSettings); } else if (elementType == GoElementTypes.PARENTHESISED_EXPRESSION) { return new GoParenthesisedExpressionBlock(node, alignment, indent, styleSettings); } else if (elementType == GoElementTypes.LABELED_STATEMENT) { return new GoLabeledStatmentBlock(node, styleSettings); } else if (elementType == GoElementTypes.FUNCTION_PARAMETER_LIST) { return new GoFunctionParameterListBlock(node, indent, styleSettings); } else if (elementType == GoElementTypes.FUNCTION_PARAMETER) { return new GoFunctionParameterBlock(node, indent, styleSettings); } return new GoBlock(node, alignment, indent, NO_WRAP, styleSettings); }
public void printClose(Indent indent, PrintWriter pw) { indent.print(pw); pw.print("</"); pw.print(name); pw.print('>'); }
@NotNull public ChildAttributes getChildAttributes(int newChildIndex) { return new ChildAttributes(Indent.getNoneIndent(), Alignment.createAlignment()); // return ChildAttributes.DELEGATE_TO_NEXT_CHILD; }
public static Block generateBlock( ASTNode node, Alignment alignment, CommonCodeStyleSettings settings) { return generateBlock(node, Indent.getNoneIndent(), alignment, settings); }
@NotNull @Override public ChildAttributes getChildAttributes(int newChildIndex) { return new ChildAttributes(Indent.getNoneIndent(), null); }