   * WICKET-3470
   * <p>Tests that a page already put in the session (in SessionEntry) can be serialized and later
   * deserialized without the need of {@link IPageStore}
   * @throws ClassNotFoundException
   * @throws IOException
  public void serializationOutsideWicketLifecyle() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    // make sure no leaked threadlocals are present

    // create IPageManager (with IPageStore) and store a page instance
    IPageManager pageManager = newPersistentPageManager(APP_NAME);
    TestPage toSerializePage = new TestPage();

    // get the stored SessionEntry
    Serializable sessionEntry = pageManager.getContext().getSessionAttribute(null);

    // destroy the manager and the store

    // simulate persisting of the http sessions initiated by the web container
    byte[] serializedSessionEntry = new JavaSerializer(APP_NAME).serialize(sessionEntry);
    assertNotNull("Wicket needs to be able to serialize the session entry", serializedSessionEntry);

    // simulate loading of the persisted http session initiated by the web container
    // when starting an application
    ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(serializedSessionEntry));

    // WicketFilter is not initialized so there is no Application available yet
        "Worker thread should be unaware of Wicket application", Application.exists());

    assertEquals(APP_NAME, in.readObject());

    // without available IPageStore the read SessionEntry holds
    // the IManageablePage itself, not SerializedPage
    Serializable loadedSessionEntry = (Serializable) in.readObject();
        "Wicket needs to be able to deserialize the session entry regardless the application availability",

    // provide new IPageStore which will read IManageablePage's or SerializedPage's
    // from the SessionEntry's
    IPageManager newPageManager = newPersistentPageManager(APP_NAME);
    newPageManager.getContext().setSessionAttribute(null, loadedSessionEntry);

    TestPage deserializedPage = (TestPage) newPageManager.getPage(toSerializePage.getPageId());
    assertEquals(toSerializePage.instanceID, deserializedPage.instanceID);
