/** * Constructor. * * @param listener The listener that created this connection. * @param remoteAddr The address of the remote end or null. * @param in InputStream to read request(s) from. * @param out OutputputStream to write response(s) to. * @param connection The underlying connection object, most likely a socket. This is not used by * HttpConnection other than to make it available via getConnection(). */ public HttpConnection( HttpListener listener, InetAddress remoteAddr, InputStream in, OutputStream out, Object connection) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("new HttpConnection: " + connection); _listener = listener; _remoteInetAddress = remoteAddr; int bufferSize = listener == null ? 4096 : listener.getBufferSize(); int reserveSize = listener == null ? 512 : listener.getBufferReserve(); _inputStream = new HttpInputStream(in, bufferSize); _outputStream = new HttpOutputStream(out, bufferSize, reserveSize); _outputStream.addObserver(this); _firstWrite = false; if (_listener != null) _httpServer = _listener.getHttpServer(); _connection = connection; _statsOn = _httpServer != null && _httpServer.getStatsOn(); if (_statsOn) { _openTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _httpServer.statsOpenConnection(); } _reqTime = 0; _requests = 0; _request = new HttpRequest(this); _response = new HttpResponse(this); _resolveRemoteHost = _listener != null && _listener.getHttpServer() != null && _listener.getHttpServer().getResolveRemoteHost(); }
public DefaultSockJSServer(final VertxInternal vertx, final HttpServer httpServer) { this.vertx = vertx; this.sessions = vertx.sharedData().getMap("_vertx.sockjssessions"); // Any previous request and websocket handlers will become default handlers // if nothing else matches rm.noMatch(httpServer.requestHandler()); wsMatcher.noMatch( new Handler<WebSocketMatcher.Match>() { Handler<ServerWebSocket> wsHandler = httpServer.websocketHandler(); public void handle(WebSocketMatcher.Match match) { if (wsHandler != null) { wsHandler.handle(match.ws); } } }); httpServer.requestHandler( new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() { @Override public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Got request in sockjs server: " + req.uri); } rm.handle(req); } }); httpServer.websocketHandler(wsMatcher); }
/** Destroy the connection. called by handle when handleNext returns false. */ protected void destroy() { try { close(); } catch (IOException e) { LogSupport.ignore(log, e); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(LogSupport.EXCEPTION, e); } // Destroy request and response if (_request != null) _request.destroy(); if (_response != null) _response.destroy(); if (_inputStream != null) _inputStream.destroy(); if (_outputStream != null) _outputStream.destroy(); _inputStream = null; _outputStream = null; _request = null; _response = null; _handlingThread = null; if (_statsOn) { _tmpTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (_reqTime > 0) _httpServer.statsEndRequest(_tmpTime - _reqTime, false); _httpServer.statsCloseConnection(_tmpTime - _openTime, _requests); } }
public HttpServerExample(QWidget parent) { server = new HttpServer(this); if (!server.start()) { QMessageBox.critical( this, tr("HTTP Server"), tr("Unable to start the server: ") + server.errorString()); close(); } QPushButton publishButton = new QPushButton(this); publishButton.setText("Publish"); editor = new QTextEdit(this); editor.setPlainText( "<h1>Server is up and running!</h1>" + "You should be able to view it in a normal web browser." + " Try this address: http://localhost:" + server.serverPort()); QGridLayout layout = new QGridLayout(this); setLayout(layout); layout.addWidget(publishButton); layout.addWidget(editor); publishButton.clicked.connect(this, "publish()"); setWindowTitle(tr("Simple HTTP Server")); setWindowIcon(new QIcon("classpath:com/trolltech/images/qt-logo.png")); }
// For debug only public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Vertx vertx = Vertx.newVertx(); HttpServer httpServer = vertx.createHttpServer(); DefaultSockJSServer sjsServer = (DefaultSockJSServer) vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer); sjsServer.installTestApplications(); httpServer.listen(8081); Thread.sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE); }
protected HttpServer createHttpServer() throws IOException { HttpServer server = new HttpServer(); SocketListener listener = new SocketListener(); listener.setPort(SysConfig.getHttpPortAsInt()); server.addListener(listener); return server; }
public static void main(String args[]) { try { HttpServer server = new HttpServer(7896); server.start(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Test public void testStartAndStop() throws IOException, InterruptedException { final HttpServer server = new HttpServer().port(8085); server.start(); assertEquals(404, client().newCall(request(8085).build()).execute().code()); server.shutdown(); Thread.sleep(5000L); try { assertEquals(404, client().newCall(request(8085).build()).execute().code()); fail("Server should have stopped"); } catch (final ConnectException ignore) { } catch (final InterruptedIOException ignored) { } }
protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); HttpServerConfiguration config = new HttpServerConfiguration(); config.setWebappsDir(null); config.setServerLogPath("build/test-server.log"); config.setAccessLogPath("build/test-access.log"); config.setPort(9000); HttpServerFactory factory = HttpServerFactory.getInstance(); this.server = factory.create(config); ApplicationManager manager = server.getApplicationManager(); Application application = manager.createApplication("test"); application.addController(new TestAsyncController()); manager.publish(application); server.start(); }
@Override protected void handlePost(HttpRequest request, String data) { String uri = request.getPath(); if (uri.startsWith(JSCOVERAGE_STORE)) { File reportDir = configuration.getReportDir(); if (uri.length() > JSCOVERAGE_STORE.length()) { reportDir = new File(reportDir, uri.substring(JSCOVERAGE_STORE.length())); } try { List<ScriptLinesAndSource> unloadJSData = null; if (configuration.isIncludeUnloadedJS()) unloadJSData = unloadedSourceProcessor.getEmptyCoverageData(uris); jsonDataSaver.saveJSONData(reportDir, data, unloadJSData); ioService.generateJSCoverFilesForWebServer(reportDir, configuration.getVersion()); sendResponse(HTTP_STATUS.HTTP_OK, MIME.TEXT_PLAIN, "Coverage data stored at " + reportDir); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); String message = format("Error saving coverage data. Try deleting JSON file at %s\n", reportDir); sendResponse(HTTP_STATUS.HTTP_OK, MIME.TEXT_PLAIN, message); } } else { if (configuration.isProxy()) proxyService.handleProxyPost(request, data, os); else super.handlePost(request, data); } }
@Before public void init() throws InterruptedException { counter = 0; random = new Random(DateTime.now().getMillis()); gson = new Gson(); httpServer = new HttpServer(); httpServer.start(); }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ protected void statsRequestStart() { if (_statsOn) { if (_reqTime > 0) statsRequestEnd(); _requests++; _tmpTime = _request.getTimeStamp(); _reqTime = _tmpTime; _httpServer.statsGotRequest(); } }
public void stopHttpServer(HttpServer httpServer) { try { httpServer.stop(true); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { SysLog.logThrowable(ie); } SysLog.logInfo("http server was stopped"); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { MyAuthenticator auth = new MyAuthenticator(); Authenticator.setDefault(auth); try { server = new HttpServer(new AuthHeaderTest(), 1, 10, 0); System.out.println("Server: listening on port: " + server.getLocalPort()); client("http://localhost:" + server.getLocalPort() + "/d1/foo.html"); } catch (Exception e) { if (server != null) { server.terminate(); } throw e; } int f = auth.getCount(); if (f != 1) { except("Authenticator was called " + f + " times. Should be 1"); } server.terminate(); }
@Test public void should_log_request_and_response_into_file() throws Exception { File file = folder.newFile(); HttpServer server = httpServer(port(), log(file.getAbsolutePath())); server.request(by("0XCAFE")).response("0XBABE"); running( server, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { assertThat(helper.postContent(root(), "0XCAFE"), is("0XBABE")); } }); String actual = Files.toString(file, Charset.defaultCharset()); assertThat(actual, containsString("0XCAFE")); assertThat(actual, containsString("0XCAFE")); }
private HttpResponseSetting bindToSession(HttpServer server) { if (isMount()) { return server.mount(mount.getDir(), to(mount.getUri()), mount.getMountPredicates()); } if (isProxy()) { if (proxy.hasUrl()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("It's not allowed to have URL in proxy from server"); } return server.proxy(proxy.getProxyConfig(), proxy.getFailover()); } if (isAnyResponse()) { return server.response(getResponseHandler()); } if (isRedirectResponse()) { return server.request(getRequestMatcher()).redirectTo(redirectTo); } return server.request(getRequestMatcher()).response(getResponseHandler()); }
@Test public void should_log_request_and_response_with_exception() throws Exception { File file = folder.newFile(); HttpServer server = httpServer(port(), log(file.getAbsolutePath())); ResponseHandler mock = mock(ResponseHandler.class); doThrow(RuntimeException.class).when(mock).writeToResponse(any(SessionContext.class)); server.request(by("0XCAFE")).response(mock); running( server, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() throws Exception { try { helper.postContent(root(), "0XCAFE"); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } }); String actual = Files.toString(file, Charset.defaultCharset()); assertThat(actual, containsString("RuntimeException")); }
@Override protected void handleGet(HttpRequest request) throws IOException { String uri = request.getPath(); try { if (uri.equals("/jscoverage.js")) { sendResponse( HTTP_STATUS.HTTP_OK, request.getMime(), ioService.generateJSCoverageServerJS()); } else if (uri.startsWith("/jscoverage.html")) { String reportHTML = ioService.generateJSCoverageHtml(configuration.getVersion()); sendResponse(HTTP_STATUS.HTTP_OK, request.getMime(), reportHTML); } else if (uri.startsWith("/jscoverage")) { sendResponse(HTTP_STATUS.HTTP_OK, request.getMime(), ioService.getResourceAsStream(uri)); } else if (uri.endsWith(".js") && !configuration.skipInstrumentation(uri.substring(1))) { String jsInstrumented; if (configuration.isProxy()) { String originalJS = proxyService.getUrl(request.getUrl()); jsInstrumented = instrumenterService.instrumentJSForWebServer( configuration.getCompilerEnvirons(), originalJS, uri, configuration.isIncludeBranch()); } else { if (configuration.isIncludeUnloadedJS()) uris.add(uri.substring(1)); jsInstrumented = instrumenterService.instrumentJSForWebServer( configuration.getCompilerEnvirons(), new File(wwwRoot, uri), uri, configuration.isIncludeBranch()); } sendResponse(HTTP_STATUS.HTTP_OK, MIME.JS, jsInstrumented); } else { if (configuration.isProxy()) proxyService.handleProxyGet(request, os); else super.handleGet(request); } } catch (Throwable e) { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter)); sendResponse( HTTP_STATUS.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, MIME.TEXT_PLAIN, stringWriter.toString()); } }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ protected void statsRequestEnd() { if (_statsOn && _reqTime > 0) { _httpServer.statsEndRequest(System.currentTimeMillis() - _reqTime, (_response != null)); _reqTime = 0; } }
protected void configureHttpServer(HttpServer server) { // Favicon hack HttpContext faviconContext = new HttpContext(); faviconContext.setContextPath("/favicon.ico"); server.addContext(faviconContext); ResourceHandler faviconHandler = new ResourceHandler(); faviconContext.setResourceBase(SysConfig.getStaticDir().getRootPath()); faviconContext.addHandler(faviconHandler); faviconContext.addHandler(new NotFoundHandler()); // robots.txt hack HttpContext robotsContext = new HttpContext(); robotsContext.setContextPath("/robots.txt"); server.addContext(robotsContext); ResourceHandler robotsHandler = new ResourceHandler(); robotsContext.setResourceBase(SysConfig.getStaticDir().getRootPath()); robotsContext.addHandler(robotsHandler); robotsContext.addHandler(new NotFoundHandler()); // Dynamic content HttpContext servletContext = new HttpContext(); servletContext.setContextPath("/"); server.addContext(servletContext); ServletHandler servlets = new ServletHandler(); servletContext.addHandler(servlets); servlets.addServlet("/*", "org.wahlzeit.main.MainServlet"); servletContext.addHandler(new NotFoundHandler()); // Photos content HttpContext photosContext = new HttpContext(); photosContext.setContextPath(SysConfig.getPhotosDirAsString()); server.addContext(photosContext); ResourceHandler photosHandler = new ResourceHandler(); photosContext.setResourceBase(SysConfig.getPhotosDirAsString()); photosContext.addHandler(photosHandler); photosContext.addHandler(new NotFoundHandler()); // Static content HttpContext staticContext = new HttpContext(); staticContext.setContextPath(SysConfig.getStaticDir().getRootPath()); server.addContext(staticContext); ResourceHandler staticHandler = new ResourceHandler(); staticContext.setResourceBase(SysConfig.getStaticDir().getRootPath()); staticContext.addHandler(staticHandler); staticContext.addHandler(new NotFoundHandler()); }
public void startHttpServer(HttpServer httpServer) throws Exception { httpServer.start(); SysLog.logInfo("http server was started"); }
protected void publish() { server.publish(editor.toPlainText()); }
public YokeTester(Verticle verticle, boolean fakeSSL) { super(verticle); this.vertx = verticle.getVertx(); fakeServer.setSSL(fakeSSL); listen(fakeServer); }
@After public void tearDown() { httpServer.stop(); }
public void request( final String method, final String url, final MultiMap headers, final Buffer body, final Handler<Response> handler) { try { final URI uri = new URI(url); final boolean urlEncoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".equalsIgnoreCase(headers.get("content-type")); final Response response = new Response(vertx, handler); // start yoke fakeServer .requestHandler() .handle( new HttpServerRequest() { MultiMap params = null; MultiMap attributes = null; @Override public HttpVersion version() { return HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1; } @Override public String method() { return method.toUpperCase(); } @Override public String uri() { return uri.getPath() + "?" + uri.getQuery() + "#" + uri.getFragment(); } @Override public String path() { return uri.getPath(); } @Override public String query() { return uri.getQuery(); } @Override public HttpServerResponse response() { return response; } @Override public MultiMap headers() { return headers; } @Override public MultiMap params() { if (params == null) { QueryStringDecoder queryStringDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(uri()); Map<String, List<String>> prms = queryStringDecoder.parameters(); params = new CaseInsensitiveMultiMap(); if (!prms.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : prms.entrySet()) { params.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } return params; } @Override public InetSocketAddress remoteAddress() { return new InetSocketAddress("", 80); } @Override public X509Certificate[] peerCertificateChain() throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException { return null; } @Override public URI absoluteURI() { return uri; } @Override public HttpServerRequest bodyHandler(Handler<Buffer> bodyHandler) { bodyHandler.handle(body); return this; } @Override public HttpServerRequest dataHandler(Handler<Buffer> handler) { handler.handle(body); return this; } @Override public HttpServerRequest pause() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This mock does not support pause"); } @Override public HttpServerRequest resume() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This mock does not support resume"); } @Override public HttpServerRequest endHandler(Handler<Void> endHandler) { endHandler.handle(null); return this; } @Override public NetSocket netSocket() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This mock does not support netSocket"); } @Override public HttpServerRequest expectMultiPart(boolean expect) { // NOOP return this; } @Override public HttpServerRequest uploadHandler( Handler<HttpServerFileUpload> uploadHandler) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This mock does not support uploadHandler"); } @Override public MultiMap formAttributes() { if (attributes == null) { attributes = new CaseInsensitiveMultiMap(); if (urlEncoded) { QueryStringDecoder queryStringDecoder = new QueryStringDecoder(body.toString(), false); Map<String, List<String>> prms = queryStringDecoder.parameters(); if (!prms.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : prms.entrySet()) { attributes.add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } } return attributes; } @Override public HttpServerRequest exceptionHandler(Handler<Throwable> handler) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This mock does not support exceptionHandler"); } }); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
@Override protected void handleHead(HttpRequest request) { if (configuration.isProxy()) proxyService.handleProxyHead(request, os); else super.handleHead(request); }
public static void except(String s) { server.terminate(); throw new RuntimeException(s); }
/** * Service a Request. This implementation passes the request and response to the service method of * the HttpServer for this connections listener. If no HttpServer has been associated, the 503 is * returned. This method may be specialized to implement other ways of servicing a request. * * @param request The request * @param response The response * @return The HttpContext that completed handling of the request or null. * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException */ protected HttpContext service(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws HttpException, IOException { if (_httpServer == null) throw new HttpException(HttpResponse.__503_Service_Unavailable); return _httpServer.service(request, response); }
@Override public InetSocketAddress getSocketAddress() { return httpServer == null ? null : httpServer.getSocketAddress(); }
protected void tearDown() throws Exception { if (this.server != null) { server.stop(); } }