文件: Key.java 项目: BersaKAIN/h2o
  // *Desired* distribution function on keys & replication factor. Replica #0
  // is the master, replica #1, 2, 3, etc represent additional desired
  // replication nodes. Note that this function is just the distribution
  // function - it does not DO any replication, nor does it dictate any policy
  // on how fast replication occurs. Returns -1 if the desired replica
  // is nonsense, e.g. asking for replica #3 in a 2-Node system.
  int D(int repl) {
    int hsz = H2O.CLOUD.size();

    // See if this is a specifically homed Key
    if (!user_allowed() && repl < _kb[1]) { // Asking for a replica# from the homed list?
      assert _kb[0] != Key.DVEC;
      H2ONode h2o = H2ONode.intern(_kb, 2 + repl * (4 + 2 /*serialized bytesize of H2OKey*/));
      // Reverse the home to the index
      int idx = h2o.index();
      if (idx >= 0) return idx;
      // Else homed to a node which is no longer in the cloud!
      // Fall back to the normal home mode

    // Distribution of Fluid Vectors is a special case.
    // Fluid Vectors are grouped into vector groups, each of which must have
    // the same distribution of chunks so that MRTask2 run over group of
    // vectors will keep data-locality.  The fluid vecs from the same group
    // share the same key pattern + each has 4 bytes identifying particular
    // vector in the group.  Since we need the same chunks end up on the same
    // node in the group, we need to skip the 4 bytes containing vec# from the
    // hash.  Apart from that, we keep the previous mode of operation, so that
    // ByteVec would have first 64MB distributed around cloud randomly and then
    // go round-robin in 64MB chunks.
    if (_kb[0] == DVEC) {
      // Homed Chunk?
      if (_kb[1] != -1) throw H2O.unimpl();
      // For round-robin on Chunks in the following pattern:
      // 1 Chunk-per-node, until all nodes have 1 chunk (max parallelism).
      // Then 2 chunks-per-node, once around, then 4, then 8, then 16.
      // Getting several chunks-in-a-row on a single Node means that stencil
      // calculations that step off the end of one chunk into the next won't
      // force a chunk local - replicating the data.  If all chunks round robin
      // exactly, then any stencil calc will double the cached volume of data
      // (every node will have it's own chunk, plus a cached next-chunk).
      // Above 16-chunks-in-a-row we hit diminishing returns.
      int cidx = UnsafeUtils.get4(_kb, 1 + 1 + 4); // Chunk index
      int x = cidx / hsz; // Multiples of cluster size
      // 0 -> 1st trip around the cluster;            nidx= (cidx- 0*hsz)>>0
      // 1,2 -> 2nd & 3rd trip; allocate in pairs:    nidx= (cidx- 1*hsz)>>1
      // 3,4,5,6 -> next 4 rounds; allocate in quads: nidx= (cidx- 3*hsz)>>2
      // 7-14 -> next 8 rounds in octets:             nidx= (cidx- 7*hsz)>>3
      // 15+ -> remaining rounds in groups of 16:     nidx= (cidx-15*hsz)>>4
      int z = x == 0 ? 0 : (x <= 2 ? 1 : (x <= 6 ? 2 : (x <= 14 ? 3 : 4)));
      int nidx = (cidx - ((1 << z) - 1) * hsz) >> z;
      return ((nidx + repl) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % hsz;

    // Easy Cheesy Stupid:
    return ((_hash + repl) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % hsz;
 public Key localModelInfoKey(H2ONode node) {
   return Key.make(
       get_params()._model_id + ".node" + node.index(),
       (byte) 1 /*replica factor*/,
       (byte) 31 /*hidden user-key*/,
文件: Key.java 项目: BersaKAIN/h2o
 // Make a Key which is homed to specific nodes.
 public static Key make(byte[] kb, byte rf, byte systemType, H2ONode... replicas) {
   // no more than 3 replicas allowed to be stored in the key
   assert 0 <= replicas.length && replicas.length <= 3;
   assert systemType < 32; // only system keys allowed
   // Key byte layout is:
   // 0 - systemType, from 0-31
   // 1 - replica-count, plus up to 3 bits for ip4 vs ip6
   // 2-n - zero, one, two or 3 IP4 (4+2 bytes) or IP6 (16+2 bytes) addresses
   // 2-5- 4 bytes of chunk#, or -1 for masters
   // n+ - repeat of the original kb
   AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer();
   for (H2ONode h2o : replicas) h2o.write(ab);
   ab.putA1(kb, kb.length);
   return make(Arrays.copyOf(ab.buf(), ab.position()), rf);
文件: RPC.java 项目: liaochy/h2o-3
    private void sendAck() {
      // Send results back
      DTask dt, origDt = _dt; // _dt can go null the instant it is send over wire
      assert origDt != null; // Freed after completion
      while ((dt = _dt) != null) { // Retry loop for broken TCP sends
        AutoBuffer ab = null;
        try {
          // Start the ACK with results back to client.  If the client is
          // asking for a class/id mapping (or any job running at FETCH_ACK
          // priority) then return a udp.fetchack byte instead of a udp.ack.
          // The receiver thread then knows to handle the mapping at the higher
          // priority.

          UDP.udp udp = dt.priority() == H2O.FETCH_ACK_PRIORITY ? UDP.udp.fetchack : UDP.udp.ack;
          ab = new AutoBuffer(_client, udp._prior).putTask(udp, _tsknum).put1(SERVER_UDP_SEND);
          assert ab.position() == 1 + 2 + 4 + 1;
          dt.write(ab); // Write the DTask - could be very large write
          dt._repliedTcp = ab.hasTCP(); // Resends do not need to repeat TCP result
          ab.close(); // Then close; send final byte
          _computedAndReplied = true; // After the final handshake, set computed+replied bit
          break; // Break out of retry loop
        } catch (AutoBuffer.AutoBufferException e) {
          if (!_client._heartbeat._client) // Report on servers only; clients allowed to be flaky
                "IOException during ACK, "
                    + e._ioe.getMessage()
                    + ", t#"
                    + _tsknum
                    + " AB="
                    + ab
                    + ", waiting and retrying...");
          if (_client._heartbeat._client) // Dead client will not accept a TCP ACK response?
          this.CAS_DT(dt, null); // cancel the ACK
          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
        } catch (Exception e) { // Custom serializer just barfed?
          Log.err(e); // Log custom serializer exception
      } // end of while(true)
      if (dt == null)
            "Cancelled remote task#"
                + _tsknum
                + " "
                + origDt.getClass()
                + " to "
                + _client
                + " has been cancelled by remote");
      else {
        if (dt instanceof MRTask && dt.logVerbose())
          Log.debug("Done remote task#" + _tsknum + " " + dt.getClass() + " to " + _client);
        _client.record_task_answer(this); // Setup for retrying Ack & AckAck, if not canceled
 // Do the remote execution in a F/J thread & send a reply packet.
 // Caller must call 'tryComplete'.
 private static AutoBuffer remexec(DTask dt, H2ONode client, int task, AutoBuffer abold) {
   abold.close(); // Closing the old guy, returning a new guy
   // Now compute on it!
   // Send results back
   AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer(client).putTask(UDP.udp.ack, task).put1(SERVER_UDP_SEND);
   dt.write(ab); // Write the DTask
   dt._repliedTcp = ab.hasTCP(); // Resends do not need to repeat TCP result
   // Install answer so retries get this very answer
   client.record_task_answer(task, dt);
   return ab;
文件: RPC.java 项目: liaochy/h2o-3
 // Attempt to cancel job
 public final boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
   boolean did = false;
   synchronized (this) { // Install the answer under lock
     if (!isCancelled()) {
       did = true; // Did cancel (was not cancelled already)
       _target = null; // Flag as canceled
       //        UDPTimeOutThread.PENDING.remove(this);
     notifyAll(); // notify in any case
   return did;
  // The Run Method.
  // Started by main() on a single thread, this code publishes Cloud membership
  // to the Cloud once a second (across all members).  If anybody disagrees
  // with the membership Heartbeat, they will start a round of Paxos group
  // discovery.
  public void run() {
    MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
    ObjectName os;
    try {
      os = new ObjectName("java.lang:type=OperatingSystem");
    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
      throw Log.errRTExcept(e);
    int counter = 0;
    while (true) {
      // Once per second, for the entire cloud a Node will multi-cast publish
      // itself, so other unrelated Clouds discover each other and form up.
      try {
      } // Only once-sec per entire Cloud
      catch (InterruptedException e) {

      // Update the interesting health self-info for publication also
      H2O cloud = H2O.CLOUD;
      HeartBeat hb = H2O.SELF._heartbeat;
      hb._hb_version = HB_VERSION++;
      hb._jvm_boot_msec = TimeLine.JVM_BOOT_MSEC;
      final Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime();
      hb._keys = (H2O.STORE.size());
      hb._num_cpus = (char) run.availableProcessors();
      if (counter % 300 == 2) {
        // run mini-benchmark every 5 mins
        hb._gflops = Linpack.run();
        hb._membw = MemoryBandwidth.run();
      Object load = null;
      try {
        load = mbs.getAttribute(os, "SystemLoadAverage");
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // Ignore, data probably not available on this VM
      hb._system_load_average = load instanceof Double ? ((Double) load).floatValue() : 0;
      int rpcs = 0;
      for (H2ONode h2o : cloud._memary) rpcs += h2o.taskSize();
      hb._rpcs = (char) rpcs;
      // Scrape F/J pool counts
      hb._fjthrds = new short[H2O.MAX_PRIORITY + 1];
      hb._fjqueue = new short[H2O.MAX_PRIORITY + 1];
      for (int i = 0; i < hb._fjthrds.length; i++) {
        hb._fjthrds[i] = (short) H2O.getWrkThrPoolSize(i);
        hb._fjqueue[i] = (short) H2O.getWrkQueueSize(i);
      hb._tcps_active = (char) H2ONode.TCPS.get();

      // get the usable and total disk storage for the partition where the
      // persistent KV pairs are stored

      // get cpu utilization for the system and for this process.  (linux only.)
      LinuxProcFileReader lpfr = new LinuxProcFileReader();
      if (lpfr.valid()) {
        hb._system_idle_ticks = lpfr.getSystemIdleTicks();
        hb._system_total_ticks = lpfr.getSystemTotalTicks();
        hb._process_total_ticks = lpfr.getProcessTotalTicks();
        hb._process_num_open_fds = lpfr.getProcessNumOpenFds();
      } else {
        hb._system_idle_ticks = -1;
        hb._system_total_ticks = -1;
        hb._process_total_ticks = -1;
        hb._process_num_open_fds = -1;
      hb._pid = lpfr.getProcessID();

      // Announce what Cloud we think we are in.
      // Publish our health as well.
      UDPHeartbeat.build_and_multicast(cloud, hb);

      // If we have no internet connection, then the multicast goes
      // nowhere and we never receive a heartbeat from ourselves!
      // Fake it now.
      long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
      H2O.SELF._last_heard_from = now;

      // Look for napping Nodes & propose removing from Cloud
      for (H2ONode h2o : cloud._memary) {
        long delta = now - h2o._last_heard_from;
        if (delta > SUSPECT) { // We suspect this Node has taken a dirt nap
          if (!h2o._announcedLostContact) {
            Paxos.print("hart: announce suspect node", cloud._memary, h2o.toString());
            h2o._announcedLostContact = true;
        } else if (h2o._announcedLostContact) {
          Paxos.print("hart: regained contact with node", cloud._memary, h2o.toString());
          h2o._announcedLostContact = false;
文件: RPC.java 项目: liaochy/h2o-3
  public synchronized RPC<V> call() {
    // Any Completer will not be carried over to remote; add it to the RPC call
    // so completion is signaled after the remote comes back.
    CountedCompleter cc = _dt.getCompleter();
    if (cc != null) handleCompleter(cc);

    // If running on self, just submit to queues & do locally
    if (_target == H2O.SELF) return handleLocal();

    // Keep a global record, for awhile
    if (_target != null) _target.taskPut(_tasknum, this);
    try {
      if (_nack) return this; // Racing Nack rechecked under lock; no need to send retry
      // We could be racing timeouts-vs-replies.  Blow off timeout if we have an answer.
      if (isDone()) {
        if (_target != null) _target.taskRemove(_tasknum);
        return this;
      // Default strategy: (re)fire the packet and (re)start the timeout.  We
      // "count" exactly 1 failure: just whether or not we shipped via TCP ever
      // once.  After that we fearlessly (re)send UDP-sized packets until the
      // server replies.

      // Pack classloader/class & the instance data into the outgoing
      // AutoBuffer.  If it fits in a single UDP packet, ship it.  If not,
      // finish off the current AutoBuffer (which is now going TCP style), and
      // make a new UDP-sized packet.  On a re-send of a TCP-sized hunk, just
      // send the basic UDP control packet.
      if (!_sentTcp) {
        while (true) { // Retry loop for broken TCP sends
          AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer(_target, _dt.priority());
          try {
            final boolean t;
            int offset = ab.position();
            ab.putTask(UDP.udp.exec, _tasknum).put1(CLIENT_UDP_SEND);
            t = ab.hasTCP();
            assert sz_check(ab)
                : "Resend of "
                    + _dt.getClass()
                    + " changes size from "
                    + _size
                    + " to "
                    + ab.size()
                    + " for task#"
                    + _tasknum;
            ab.close(); // Then close; send final byte
            _sentTcp = t; // Set after close (and any other possible fail)
            break; // Break out of retry loop
          } catch (AutoBuffer.AutoBufferException e) {
                "IOException during RPC call: "
                    + e._ioe.getMessage()
                    + ",  AB="
                    + ab
                    + ", for task#"
                    + _tasknum
                    + ", waiting and retrying...");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
        } // end of while(true)
      } else {
        // Else it was sent via TCP in a prior attempt, and we've timed out.
        // This means the caller's ACK/answer probably got dropped and we need
        // him to resend it (or else the caller is still processing our
        // request).  Send a UDP reminder - but with the CLIENT_TCP_SEND flag
        // instead of the UDP send, and no DTask (since it previously went via
        // TCP, no need to resend it).
        AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer(_target, _dt.priority()).putTask(UDP.udp.exec, _tasknum);
      // Double retry until we exceed existing age.  This is the time to delay
      // until we try again.  Note that we come here immediately on creation,
      // so the first doubling happens before anybody does any waiting.  Also
      // note the generous 5sec cap: ping at least every 5 sec.
      _retry += (_retry < MAX_TIMEOUT) ? _retry : MAX_TIMEOUT;
      // Put self on the "TBD" list of tasks awaiting Timeout.
      // So: dont really 'forget' but remember me in a little bit.
      //      UDPTimeOutThread.PENDING.put(_tasknum, this);
      return this;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw Log.throwErr(t);
文件: RPC.java 项目: liaochy/h2o-3
 RPC<V> setTaskNum() {
   assert _tasknum == 0;
   _tasknum = _target.nextTaskNum();
   return this;