  * Adds a pattern and a task to the collector.
  * @param pattern The scheduling pattern.
  * @param task The task.
  * @return An ID for the scheduled operation.
 public synchronized String add(SchedulingPattern pattern, Task task) {
   String id = GUIDGenerator.generate();
   return id;
 * Abstract base representation of a cron4j task.
 * <p>Developers can extends this abstract class to build their own tasks.
 * <p>Extending Task means, above all, implementing the {@link Task#execute(TaskExecutionContext)}
 * method. Within this method the task must perform its operation. If the <em>execute()</em> method
 * returns regularly then the execution is considered to be successfully completed. If
 * <em>execute()</em> dies throwing a {@link RuntimeException} then the task execution is considered
 * to be failed. The supplied parameter, which is a {@link TaskExecutionContext} instance, helps the
 * developer in integrating his task with the scheduler executor. Through the context the developer
 * can check if the execution has been paused or stopped, and he can also push back some status
 * informations by calling {@link TaskExecutionContext#setCompleteness(double)} and {@link
 * TaskExecutionContext#setStatusMessage(String)}.
 * <p>If the custom task supports pausing, stopping and/or tracking, that should be notified by
 * overriding {@link Task#canBePaused()}, {@link Task#canBeStopped()}, {@link
 * Task#supportsCompletenessTracking()} and/or {@link Task#supportsStatusTracking()}.
 * @author Carlo Pelliccia
 * @since 2.0
public abstract class Task {

  /** The ID for this task. Also used as an instance synchronization lock. */
  private Object id = GUIDGenerator.generate();

  /** Empty constructor, does nothing. */
  public Task() {}

   * It returns the ID for this task.
   * @return The ID for this task.
  Object getId() {
    return id;

   * Checks whether this task supports pause requests.
   * <p>Default implementation returns <em>false</em>.
   * <p>Task developers can override this method to let it return a <em>true</em> value, and at the
   * same time they have to implement the {@link Task#execute(TaskExecutionContext)} method, so that
   * pause requests are really handled. This can be done calling regularly the {@link
   * TaskExecutionContext#pauseIfRequested()} method during the task execution.
   * @return true if this task can be paused; false otherwise.
  public boolean canBePaused() {
    return false;

   * Checks whether this task supports stop requests.
   * <p>Default implementation returns <em>false</em>.
   * <p>Task developers can override this method to let it return a <em>true</em> value, and at the
   * same time they have to implement the {@link Task#execute(TaskExecutionContext)} method, so that
   * stop requests are really handled. This can be done checking regularly the {@link
   * TaskExecutionContext#isStopped()} method during the task execution.
   * @return true if this task can be stopped; false otherwise.
  public boolean canBeStopped() {
    return false;

   * Tests whether this task supports status tracking.
   * <p>Default implementation returns <em>false</em>.
   * <p>The task developer can override this method and returns <em>true</em>, having care to
   * regularly calling the {@link TaskExecutionContext#setStatusMessage(String)} method during the
   * task execution.
   * @return true if this task, during its execution, provides status message regularly.
  public boolean supportsStatusTracking() {
    return false;

   * Tests whether this task supports completeness tracking.
   * <p>Default implementation returns <em>false</em>.
   * <p>The task developer can override this method and returns <em>true</em>, having care to
   * regularly calling the {@link TaskExecutionContext#setCompleteness(double)} method during the
   * task execution.
   * @return true if this task, during its execution, provides a completeness value regularly.
  public boolean supportsCompletenessTracking() {
    return false;

   * This method is called to require a task execution, and should contain the core routine of any
   * scheduled task.
   * <p>If the <em>execute()</em> method ends regularly the scheduler will consider the execution
   * successfully completed, and this will be communicated to any {@link SchedulerListener}
   * interested in it. If the <em>execute()</em> method dies throwing a {@link RuntimeException} the
   * scheduler will consider it as a failure notification. Any {@link SchedulerListener} will be
   * notified about the occurred exception.
   * @param context The execution context.
   * @throws RuntimeException Task execution has somehow failed.
  public abstract void execute(TaskExecutionContext context) throws RuntimeException;
   * CLAIM送信を行う。
   * @param sendModel 送信するDocuentModel
   * @throws Exception
  public void send(DiagnosisSendWrapper wrapper) throws Exception {

    // s.oh^ 2013/12/10 傷病名のCLAIM送信する/しない
    Properties config = new Properties();
    StringBuilder sbPath = new StringBuilder();
    File f = new File(sbPath.toString());
    FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(f);
    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fin, "JISAutoDetect");
    String claimSend = config.getProperty("diagnosis.claim.send");
    if (claimSend != null && claimSend.equals("false")) {
    // s.oh$

    // 新規病名
    List<RegisteredDiagnosisModel> addedDiagnosis = wrapper.getAddedDiagnosis();

    // 更新病名
    List<RegisteredDiagnosisModel> updatedDiagnosis = wrapper.getUpdatedDiagnosis();

    // minagawa^ LSC 1.4 傷病名の削除 2013/06/24
    // 削除病名
    List<RegisteredDiagnosisModel> deletedDiagnosis = wrapper.getDeletedDiagnosis();
    // minagawa$

    // 実際にCLAIM送信する病名
    List<RegisteredDiagnosisModel> actualList = new ArrayList<RegisteredDiagnosisModel>();

    // 新規病名を送信する
    if (addedDiagnosis != null && addedDiagnosis.size() > 0) {

      for (RegisteredDiagnosisModel rdm : addedDiagnosis) {
        if (isDorcaUpdatedDisease(rdm) || isPureDisease(rdm)) {

      if (!actualList.isEmpty()) {
        if (DEBUG) {
          debug("-------- Send Diagnosis List to add ----------------");
          for (RegisteredDiagnosisModel r : actualList) {

    // 更新された病名を CLAIM 送信する
    // detuched object のみ
    if (updatedDiagnosis != null && updatedDiagnosis.size() > 0) {
      if (DEBUG) {
        debug("-------- Send Diagnosis List to update ----------------");
        for (RegisteredDiagnosisModel r : updatedDiagnosis) {

    // minagawa^ LSC 1.4 傷病名の削除 2013/06/24
    if (deletedDiagnosis != null && deletedDiagnosis.size() > 0) {
      if (DEBUG) {
        debug("-------- Send Diagnosis List to delete ----------------");
        for (RegisteredDiagnosisModel r : updatedDiagnosis) {

    if (actualList.isEmpty()) {
    // minagawa$

    // DocInfo & RD をカプセル化したアイテムを生成する
    ArrayList<DiagnosisModuleItem> moduleItems = new ArrayList<DiagnosisModuleItem>();

    for (RegisteredDiagnosisModel rd : actualList) {

      DocInfoModel docInfo = new DocInfoModel();


      // s.oh^ 2013/05/10 傷病名対応
      rd.setDiagnosisCode(HAND_CODE); // ORCAから取り込んだ場合、コードに0000999を設定する
      // s.oh$

      DiagnosisModuleItem mItem = new DiagnosisModuleItem();

    // ヘルパー用の値を生成する
    String confirmDate = wrapper.getConfirmDate();

    // ヘルパークラスを生成する
    DiseaseHelper dhl = new DiseaseHelper();
    dhl.setPatientId(wrapper.getPatientId()); // 患者ID
    dhl.setConfirmDate(confirmDate); // 確定日
    dhl.setDiagnosisModuleItems(moduleItems); // RD+DocInfo
    dhl.setGroupId(GUIDGenerator.generate(dhl)); // GroupId

    dhl.setDepartment(wrapper.getDepartment()); // 診療科コード
    dhl.setDepartmentDesc(wrapper.getDepartmentDesc()); // 診療科名
    dhl.setCreatorName(wrapper.getCreatorName()); // 担当医名
    dhl.setCreatorId(wrapper.getCreatorLicense()); // 担当医コード
    dhl.setJmariCode(wrapper.getJamariCode()); // JMARI code
    dhl.setCreatorLicense(wrapper.getCreatorLicense()); // 医療資格
    dhl.setFacilityName(wrapper.getFacilityName()); // 施設名

    if (DEBUG) {
      debug("患者ID=" + dhl.getPatientId());
      debug("確定日=" + dhl.getConfirmDate());
      debug("GroupId=" + dhl.getGroupId());
      debug("診療科コード=" + dhl.getDepartment());
      debug("診療科名=" + dhl.getDepartmentDesc());
      debug("担当医名=" + dhl.getCreatorName());
      debug("担当医コード=" + dhl.getCreatorId());
      debug("JMARI code=" + dhl.getJmariCode());
      debug("医療資格=" + dhl.getCreatorLicense());
      debug("施設名=" + dhl.getFacilityName());

    // ログのために基本情報を生成する
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append(confirmDate).append(" ");
    sb.append(wrapper.getPatientId()).append(" ");
    sb.append(wrapper.getPatientName()).append(" ");
    String baseInfo = sb.toString();

    // --------------------------------------------------------
    // CLIAM message を生成する
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    VelocityContext context = VelocityHelper.getContext();
    context.put(OBJECT_NAME, dhl);
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(sw);
    Velocity.mergeTemplate(TEMPLATE_NAME, TEMPLATE_ENC, context, bw);
    String claimMessage = sw.toString();
    // minagawa^ CLAIM Log
    //        if (DEBUG) {
    //            debug(claimMessage);
    //        }
    // minagawa$
    // --------------------------------------------------------

    // ORCAへ接続する
    Socket socket = new Socket(host, port);
    OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream();
    DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(out);
    BufferedOutputStream writer = new BufferedOutputStream(dout);

    InputStream in = socket.getInputStream();
    DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(in);
    BufferedInputStream reader = new BufferedInputStream(din);

    // Writes UTF8 data

    // Reads result
    int c = reader.read();
    if (c == ACK) {
      sb = new StringBuilder();
    } else if (c == NAK) {
      sb = new StringBuilder();
