   * You can use this if you have a lot of text parameters to set instead of the individual
   * properties.
   * @param Font The name of the font face for the text display.
   * @param Size The size of the font (in pixels essentially).
   * @param Color The color of the text in traditional flash 0xRRGGBB format.
   * @param Alignment A string representing the desired alignment ("left,"right" or "center").
   * @param ShadowColor An int representing the desired text shadow color in flash 0xAARRGGBB
   *     format.
   * @param ShadowX The x-position of the shadow, default is 1.
   * @param ShadowY The y-position of the shadow, default is 1.
   * @return This FlxText instance (nice for chaining stuff together, if you're into that).
  public FlxText setFormat(
      String Font,
      float Size,
      int Color,
      String Alignment,
      int ShadowColor,
      float ShadowX,
      float ShadowY) {
    if (Font == null) Font = _font;

    if (!Font.equals(_font) || Size != _size) {
      try {
        _textField = new BitmapFontCache(FlxG.loadFont(Font, FlxU.round(Size)));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        _textField = new BitmapFontCache(FlxG.loadFont("org/flixel/data/font/nokiafc.fnt", 22));

      _font = Font;
      _size = FlxU.round(Size);

    if (Alignment != null) // GWT doesn't support Locale. May cause problems?
    _alignment = HAlignment.valueOf(Alignment.toUpperCase()); // Locale.ENGLISH));
    _shadow = ShadowColor;
    _shadowX = ShadowX;
    _shadowY = ShadowY;


    return this;
  * This function creates a flat colored square image dynamically.
  * @param Width The width of the sprite you want to generate.
  * @param Height The height of the sprite you want to generate.
  * @param Color Specifies the color of the generated block.
  * @param Unique Whether the graphic should be a unique instance in the graphics cache. Default is
  *     false.
  * @param Key Optional parameter - specify a string key to identify this graphic in the cache.
  *     Trumps Unique flag.
  * @return This FlxSprite instance (nice for chaining stuff together, if you're into that).
 public FlxSprite makeGraphic(int Width, int Height, int Color, boolean Unique, String Key) {
   _bakedRotation = 0;
   _pixels = FlxG.createBitmap(Width, Height, Color, Unique, Key);
   width = frameWidth = Width;
   height = frameHeight = Height;
   return this;
  * Tell the sprite to change to a specific frame of animation.
  * @param Frame The frame you want to display.
 public void setFrame(int Frame) {
   if (Frame >= getNumFrames()) {
         "WARNING: The frame number of a " + this + " must be less than its `numFrames` value.");
     Frame = getNumFrames() - 1;
   _curAnim = null;
   _curIndex = Frame;
   dirty = true;
   * Make this <code>FlxGesture</code> object active in the manager.
   * @param Callback The callback that will be fired when a gesture is performed.
   * @return The <code>FlxGesture</code> object that got activated.
  public FlxGesture start(IFlxGesture Callback) {
    GestureManager manager = getManager();
    if (manager != null) manager.add(this);
    else {
      FlxG.log("WARNING: Did you forgot to plug-in GestureManager?");
      return null;

    _callback = Callback;
    return this;
  /** @private */
  public void setNumFrames(int NumFrames) {
    if (NumFrames < 1) {
      FlxG.log("ERROR: Cannot set the number of frames on a " + this + " to less than 1.");
      _numFrames = 1;

    if (NumFrames > _maxFrames) {
          "ERROR: Cannot set the number of frames on a "
              + this
              + " higher than its `maxFrames` value ("
              + _maxFrames
              + ").");
      _numFrames = _maxFrames;

    // Will only re-render if the current frame number has changed
    if (_curIndex >= _numFrames) {
      _curIndex = _numFrames - 1;
   * Try setting the `_curIndex` value to the specified value, extracted out to avoid duplicate
   * code. If it is outside of the allowed bounds, it will still set the variable to the nearest
   * possible value, but will return false, allowing internal code to throw its own error messages
   * (if necessary). Will re-draw even if the frame hasn't changed (Adam had it that way, I'll just
   * assume he did that on purpose).
  private boolean trySetIndex(int Value) {
    _curIndex = Value;
    dirty = true;

    if (_curIndex >= getNumFrames()) {
      _curIndex = getNumFrames();
          "WARNING: A "
              + this
              + " animation is trying to set the frame number of its FlxSprite out of bounds.");
      return false;
    return true;
  * Load an image from an embedded graphic file.
  * @param Graphic The image you want to use.
  * @param Animated Whether the Graphic parameter is a single sprite or a row of sprites.
  * @param Reverse Whether you need this class to generate horizontally flipped versions of the
  *     animation frames.
  * @param Width Optional, specify the width of your sprite (helps FlxSprite figure out what to do
  *     with non-square sprites or sprite sheets).
  * @param Height Optional, specify the height of your sprite (helps FlxSprite figure out what to
  *     do with non-square sprites or sprite sheets).
  * @param Unique Optional, whether the graphic should be a unique instance in the graphics cache.
  *     Default is false.
  * @return This FlxSprite instance (nice for chaining stuff together, if you're into that).
 public FlxSprite loadGraphic(
     String Graphic, boolean Animated, boolean Reverse, int Width, int Height, boolean Unique) {
   _bakedRotation = 0;
   _pixels = FlxG.addBitmap(Graphic, Reverse, Unique);
   if (Reverse) _flipped = _pixels.getRegionWidth() >> 1;
   else _flipped = 0;
   if (Width == 0) {
     if (Animated) Width = _pixels.rotate ? _pixels.getRegionWidth() : _pixels.getRegionHeight();
     else Width = _pixels.rotate ? _pixels.getRegionHeight() : _pixels.getRegionWidth();
   width = frameWidth = Width;
   if (Height == 0) {
     if (Animated) Height = (int) width;
     else Height = _pixels.rotate ? _pixels.getRegionWidth() : _pixels.getRegionHeight();
   height = frameHeight = Height;
   return this;
   * Create a pre-rotated sprite sheet from a simple sprite. This can make a huge difference in
   * graphical performance!
   * @param Graphic The image you want to rotate and stamp.
   * @param Rotations The number of rotation frames the final sprite should have. For small sprites
   *     this can be quite a large number (360 even) without any problems.
   * @param Frame If the Graphic has a single row of square animation frames on it, you can specify
   *     which of the frames you want to use here. Default is -1, or "use whole graphic."
   * @param AntiAliasing Whether to use high quality rotations when creating the graphic. Default is
   *     false.
   * @param AutoBuffer Whether to automatically increase the image size to accommodate rotated
   *     corners. Default is false. Will create frames that are 150% larger on each axis than the
   *     original frame or graphic.
   * @return This FlxSprite instance (nice for chaining stuff together, if you're into that).
  public FlxSprite loadRotatedGraphic(
      String Graphic, int Rotations, int Frame, boolean AntiAliasing, boolean AutoBuffer) {
    _bakedRotation = 0;
    _pixels = FlxG.addBitmap(Graphic);
    if (Frame >= 0) {
      width = frameWidth = _pixels.getRegionHeight();
      int rx = (int) (Frame * width);
      int ry = 0;
      int fw = _pixels.getRegionWidth();
      if (rx >= fw) {
        ry = (int) ((rx / fw) * width);
        rx %= fw;
          rx + _pixels.getRegionX(), ry + _pixels.getRegionY(), (int) width, (int) width);
    } else width = frameWidth = _pixels.getRegionWidth();

    height = frameHeight = _pixels.getRegionHeight();

    return this;
  * Plays an existing animation (e.g. "run"). If you call an animation that is already playing it
  * will be ignored.
  * @param AnimName The string name of the animation you want to play.
  * @param Force Whether to force the animation to restart.
  * @param StartFrame Which frame of the animation to start from if possible.
 public void play(String AnimName, boolean Force, int StartFrame) {
   if (!Force
       && (_curAnim != null)
       && (AnimName.equals(_curAnim.name))
       && (_curAnim.looped || !finished)) return;
   if (StartFrame <= _animations.size) _curFrame = StartFrame;
   else _curFrame = 0;
   _curIndex = 0;
   _frameTimer = 0;
   int i = 0;
   int l = _animations.size;
   while (i < l) {
     if (_animations.get(i).name.equals(AnimName)) {
       _curAnim = _animations.get(i);
       if (_curAnim.delay <= 0) finished = true;
       else finished = false;
   FlxG.log("FlxSprite", "WARNING: No animation called \"" + AnimName + "\"");
  * Get the <code>GestureManager</code> object that is used by <code>FlxGesture</code>.
  * @return The <code>GestureManager</code> object.
 public static GestureManager getManager() {
   return (GestureManager) FlxG.getPlugin(GestureManager.class);
 public void randomize() {
   targetY = (int) (16 + FlxG.random() * (208 - height));
   if (targetY < y) velocity.y = -SPEED;
   else velocity.y = SPEED;
  * Tell the sprite to change to a random frame of animation Useful for instantiating particles or
  * other weird things.
 public void randomFrame() {
   _curAnim = null;
   trySetIndex((int) (FlxG.random() * getNumFrames())); // Shouldn't ever
   // throw an
   // error.