public void replaceFixedWithFixed(FixedWithNextNode node, FixedWithNextNode replacement) { assert node != null && replacement != null && node.isAlive() && replacement.isAlive() : "cannot replace " + node + " with " + replacement; FixedNode next =; node.setNext(null); replacement.setNext(next); node.replaceAndDelete(replacement); if (node == start) { setStart((StartNode) replacement); } }
public void replaceSplitWithFixed( ControlSplitNode node, FixedWithNextNode replacement, AbstractBeginNode survivingSuccessor) { assert node != null && replacement != null && node.isAlive() && replacement.isAlive() : "cannot replace " + node + " with " + replacement; assert survivingSuccessor != null; node.clearSuccessors(); replacement.setNext(survivingSuccessor); node.replaceAndDelete(replacement); }
public void addBeforeFixed(FixedNode node, FixedWithNextNode newNode) { assert node != null && newNode != null && node.isAlive() && newNode.isAlive() : "cannot add " + newNode + " before " + node; assert node.predecessor() != null && node.predecessor() instanceof FixedWithNextNode : "cannot add " + newNode + " before " + node; assert == null : newNode; assert !(node instanceof AbstractMergeNode); FixedWithNextNode pred = (FixedWithNextNode) node.predecessor(); pred.setNext(newNode); newNode.setNext(node); }
public void addAfterFixed(FixedWithNextNode node, FixedNode newNode) { assert node != null && newNode != null && node.isAlive() && newNode.isAlive() : "cannot add " + newNode + " after " + node; FixedNode next =; node.setNext(newNode); if (next != null) { assert newNode instanceof FixedWithNextNode; FixedWithNextNode newFixedWithNext = (FixedWithNextNode) newNode; assert == null; newFixedWithNext.setNext(next); } }
public void replaceFixedWithFloating(FixedWithNextNode node, FloatingNode replacement) { assert node != null && replacement != null && node.isAlive() && replacement.isAlive() : "cannot replace " + node + " with " + replacement; GraphUtil.unlinkFixedNode(node); node.replaceAtUsagesAndDelete(replacement); }
public static void unlinkFixedNode(FixedWithNextNode fixed) { assert != null && fixed.predecessor() != null && fixed.isAlive(); FixedNode next =; fixed.setNext(null); fixed.replaceAtPredecessor(next); }