public static Path coerceToPathOrNull(Object path) { if (path instanceof Path) return (Path) path; if (path instanceof URL) return URLPath.valueOf((URL) path); /* #ifdef */ if (path instanceof URI) return URIPath.valueOf((URI) path); /* #endif */ if (path instanceof File) return FilePath.valueOf((File) path); String str; if (path instanceof gnu.lists.FString) // FIXME: || UntypedAtomic str = path.toString(); else if (!(path instanceof String)) return null; else str = (String) path; if (Path.uriSchemeSpecified(str)) return URIPath.valueOf(str); else return FilePath.valueOf(str); }
/** A generalized path/location, including File and URIs. */ public abstract class Path /* #ifdef JAVA6 */ // implements /* #endif */ { /** * This is equivalent to the System {@code "user.dir} property. However, the getProperty is * tracked dynamically and resolved as needed. */ public static final FilePath userDirPath = FilePath.valueOf(new File(".")); public static Path defaultPath = userDirPath; /* #ifdef JAVA2 */ private static ThreadLocal<Path> pathLocation = new ThreadLocal<Path>(); /* #endif */ protected Path() {} public static Path currentPath() { /* #ifdef JAVA2 */ Path path = pathLocation.get(); if (path != null) return path; /* #endif */ return defaultPath; } public static void setCurrentPath(Path path) { /* #ifdef JAVA2 */ pathLocation.set(path); /* #else */ // defaultPath = path; /* #endif */ } public static Path coerceToPathOrNull(Object path) { if (path instanceof Path) return (Path) path; if (path instanceof URL) return URLPath.valueOf((URL) path); /* #ifdef */ if (path instanceof URI) return URIPath.valueOf((URI) path); /* #endif */ if (path instanceof File) return FilePath.valueOf((File) path); String str; if (path instanceof gnu.lists.FString) // FIXME: || UntypedAtomic str = path.toString(); else if (!(path instanceof String)) return null; else str = (String) path; if (Path.uriSchemeSpecified(str)) return URIPath.valueOf(str); else return FilePath.valueOf(str); } public static Path valueOf(Object arg) { Path path = coerceToPathOrNull(arg); if (path == null) throw new WrongType((String) null, WrongType.ARG_CAST, arg, "path"); return path; } public static URL toURL(String str) { try { if (!Path.uriSchemeSpecified(str)) { Path cur = currentPath(); Path path = cur.resolve(str); if (path.isAbsolute()) return path.toURL(); str = path.toString(); } return new URL(str); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw WrappedException.wrapIfNeeded(ex); } } /** * Helper routine to get the scheme part of a URI. The scheme part is "http:" or "file:" or "ftp:" * most commonly. This functions searches for the first ':' that doesn't follow a '/'. * * @return The length of the scheme component, not counting the colon, (or alternatively the index * of the colon), or -1 if the is no scheme. */ public static int uriSchemeLength(String uri) { int len = uri.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char ch = uri.charAt(i); if (ch == ':') return i; if (i == 0 ? !Character.isLetter(ch) : (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) && ch != '+' && ch != '-' && ch != '.')) return -1; } return -1; } /** * Tests if a URL has a scheme. For convenience, we treat a 1-character "scheme" as an * MS-DOS-style "drive letter" - i.e. not a scheme. */ public static boolean uriSchemeSpecified(String name) { int ulen = uriSchemeLength(name); if (ulen == 1 && File.separatorChar == '\\') { char drive = name.charAt(0); return !((drive >= 'a' && drive <= 'z') || (drive >= 'A' && drive <= 'Z')); } return ulen > 0; } public abstract boolean isAbsolute(); /** * Does this path name a directory? The default implementation returns true only if the path ends * with '/' or the separatorChar. */ public boolean isDirectory() { String str = toString(); int len = str.length(); if (len > 0) { char last = str.charAt(len - 1); if (last == '/' || last == File.separatorChar) return true; } return false; } public boolean delete() { return false; } public boolean exists() { return getLastModified() != 0; } public abstract long getLastModified(); public long getContentLength() { return -1; } public abstract String getScheme(); public String getAuthority() { return null; } public String getUserInfo() { return null; } public String getHost() { return null; } public abstract String getPath(); public Path getDirectory() { if (isDirectory()) return this; else return resolve(""); } public Path getParent() { return resolve(isDirectory() ? ".." : ""); } public String getLast() { String p = getPath(); if (p == null) return null; int len = p.length(); int end = len; for (int i = len; ; ) { if (--i <= 0) return ""; char c = p.charAt(i); if (c == '/' || (this instanceof FilePath && c == File.separatorChar)) { if (i + 1 == len) end = i; else return p.substring(i + 1, end); } } } public String getExtension() { String p = getPath(); if (p == null) return null; int len = p.length(); for (int i = len; ; ) { if (--i <= 0) return null; char c = p.charAt(i); boolean sawDot = false; if (c == '.') { c = p.charAt(i - 1); sawDot = true; } if (c == '/' || (this instanceof FilePath && c == File.separatorChar)) return null; if (sawDot) return p.substring(i + 1); } } public int getPort() { return -1; } public String getQuery() { return null; } public String getFragment() { return null; } public abstract URL toURL(); /* #ifdef */ public abstract URI toUri(); /* @deprecated */ public final URI toURI() { return toUri(); } /* #else */ // public String toUri () { return toURIString(); } // /* @deprecated */ // public final String toURI () { return toUri(); } /* #endif */ public String toURIString() { return toUri().toString(); } public Path resolve(Path relative) { if (relative.isAbsolute()) return relative; return resolve(relative.toString()); } public abstract Path resolve(String relative); public static InputStream openInputStream(Object uri) throws IOException { return Path.valueOf(uri).openInputStream(); } public abstract InputStream openInputStream() throws IOException; public abstract OutputStream openOutputStream() throws IOException; public Reader openReader(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // FIXME } public Writer openWriter() throws IOException { return new OutputStreamWriter(openOutputStream()); } /* #ifdef use:java.lang.CharSequence */ public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // FIXME } /* #endif */ /** * Convert an absolute URI to one relatve to a given base. This goes beyond * in that if the arguments have a common prefix, it can create a relative * URI using "../" steps. */ public static String relativize(String in, String base) throws, { String baseStr = base; String inStr = in; /* #ifdef */ baseStr = new URI(baseStr).normalize().toString(); inStr = URLPath.valueOf(in).toURI().normalize().toString(); /* #endif */ int baseLen = baseStr.length(); int inLen = inStr.length(); int i = 0; int sl = 0; int colon = 0; for (; i < baseLen && i < inLen; i++) { char cb = baseStr.charAt(i); char ci = inStr.charAt(i); if (cb != ci) break; if (cb == '/') sl = i; if (cb == ':') colon = i; } if (colon > 0 && (sl > colon + 2 || baseLen <= colon + 2 || baseStr.charAt(colon + 2) != '/') /* && (colon + 2 != CLASS_RESOURCE_URI_PREFIX_LENGTH || ! inStr.substring(0, colon + 2).equals(CLASS_RESOURCE_URI_PREFIX) || getClassLoaderForURI(base) == getClassLoaderForURI(in)) */ ) { baseStr = baseStr.substring(sl + 1); inStr = inStr.substring(sl + 1); } else return in; /* #ifdef JAVA5 */ StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); /* #else */ // StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); /* #endif */ sl = 0; for (i = baseLen = baseStr.length(); --i >= 0; ) if (baseStr.charAt(i) == '/') // sep? sbuf.append("../"); sbuf.append(inStr); return sbuf.toString(); } public String getName() { return toString(); } public Path getAbsolute() { if (this == Path.userDirPath) return resolve(""); else return currentPath().resolve(this); } public Path getCanonical() { return getAbsolute(); } }