public static Book getByFile(ZLFile bookFile) { if (bookFile == null) { return null; } final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile != null && !physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(bookFile); Book book = BooksDatabase.Instance().loadBookByFile(fileInfos.getId(bookFile), bookFile); if (book != null) { book.loadLists(); } if (book != null && fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { return book; }; if (book == null) { book = new Book(bookFile); } if (book.readMetaInfo()) {; return book; } return null; }
private void updateTables4() { final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(); final Cursor cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT file_name FROM Books", null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { fileInfos.check(ZLFile.createFileByPath(cursor.getString(0)).getPhysicalFile(), false); } cursor.close();; myDatabase.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE RecentBooks(" + "book_index INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "book_id INTEGER REFERENCES Books(book_id))"); final ArrayList<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); final SQLiteStatement statement = myDatabase.compileStatement("SELECT book_id FROM Books WHERE file_name = ?"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { final ZLStringOption option = new ZLStringOption("LastOpenedBooks", "Book" + i, ""); final String fileName = option.getValue(); option.setValue(""); try { statement.bindString(1, fileName); final long bookId = statement.simpleQueryForLong(); if (bookId != -1) { ids.add(bookId); } } catch (SQLException e) { } } saveRecentBookIds(ids); }
public Book getBookByFile(ZLFile bookFile) { if (bookFile == null) { return null; } final FormatPlugin plugin = PluginCollection.Instance().getPlugin(bookFile); if (plugin == null) { return null; } try { bookFile = plugin.realBookFile(bookFile); } catch (BookReadingException e) { return null; } Book book = myBooksByFile.get(bookFile); if (book != null) { return book; } final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile != null && !physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(myDatabase, bookFile); book = myDatabase.loadBookByFile(fileInfos.getId(bookFile), bookFile); if (book != null) { book.loadLists(myDatabase); } if (book != null && fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { saveBook(book, false); // saved addBook(book, false); return book; }; try { if (book == null) { book = new Book(bookFile); } else { book.readMetaInfo(); } } catch (BookReadingException e) { return null; } saveBook(book, false); return book; }
@Override protected long insertBookInfo(ZLFile file, String encoding, String language, String title) { if (myInsertBookInfoStatement == null) { myInsertBookInfoStatement = myDatabase.compileStatement( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Books (encoding,language,title,file_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"); } SQLiteUtil.bindString(myInsertBookInfoStatement, 1, encoding); SQLiteUtil.bindString(myInsertBookInfoStatement, 2, language); myInsertBookInfoStatement.bindString(3, title); final FileInfoSet infoSet = new FileInfoSet(file); myInsertBookInfoStatement.bindLong(4, infoSet.getId(file)); return myInsertBookInfoStatement.executeInsert(); }
private void updateTables6() { myDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE Bookmarks ADD COLUMN model_id TEXT"); myDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE Books ADD COLUMN file_id INTEGER"); myDatabase.execSQL("DELETE FROM Files"); final FileInfoSet infoSet = new FileInfoSet(); Cursor cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT file_name FROM Books", null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { infoSet.check(ZLFile.createFileByPath(cursor.getString(0)).getPhysicalFile(), false); } cursor.close();; cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT book_id,file_name FROM Books", null); final SQLiteStatement deleteStatement = myDatabase.compileStatement("DELETE FROM Books WHERE book_id = ?"); final SQLiteStatement updateStatement = myDatabase.compileStatement("UPDATE Books SET file_id = ? WHERE book_id = ?"); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { final long bookId = cursor.getLong(0); final long fileId = infoSet.getId(ZLFile.createFileByPath(cursor.getString(1))); if (fileId == -1) { deleteStatement.bindLong(1, bookId); deleteStatement.execute(); } else { updateStatement.bindLong(1, fileId); updateStatement.bindLong(2, bookId); updateStatement.execute(); } } cursor.close(); myDatabase.execSQL("ALTER TABLE Books RENAME TO Books_Obsolete"); myDatabase.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE Books(" + "book_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "encoding TEXT," + "language TEXT," + "title TEXT NOT NULL," + "file_id INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL REFERENCES Files(file_id))"); myDatabase.execSQL( "INSERT INTO Books (book_id,encoding,language,title,file_id) SELECT book_id,encoding,language,title,file_id FROM Books_Obsolete"); myDatabase.execSQL("DROP TABLE Books_Obsolete"); }
private void collectBooks( ZLFile file, FileInfoSet fileInfos, Map<Long, Book> savedBooksByFileId, Map<Long, Book> orphanedBooksByFileId, Set<Book> newBooks, boolean doReadMetaInfo) { final long fileId = fileInfos.getId(file); if (savedBooksByFileId.get(fileId) != null) { return; } try { final Book book = orphanedBooksByFileId.get(fileId); if (book != null) { if (doReadMetaInfo) { book.readMetaInfo(); } newBooks.add(book); return; } } catch (BookReadingException e) { // ignore } try { final Book book = new Book(file); newBooks.add(book); return; } catch (BookReadingException e) { // ignore } if (file.isArchive()) { for (ZLFile entry : fileInfos.archiveEntries(file)) { collectBooks( entry, fileInfos, savedBooksByFileId, orphanedBooksByFileId, newBooks, doReadMetaInfo); } } }
public Book getBookById(long id) { Book book = myBooksById.get(id); if (book != null) { return book; } book = myDatabase.loadBook(id); if (book == null) { return null; } book.loadLists(myDatabase); final ZLFile bookFile = book.File; final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile == null) { // loaded from db addBook(book, false); return book; } if (!physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(myDatabase, physicalFile); if (fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { // loaded from db addBook(book, false); return book; }; try { book.readMetaInfo(); // loaded from db addBook(book, false); return book; } catch (BookReadingException e) { return null; } }
public static Book getById(long bookId) { final Book book = BooksDatabase.Instance().loadBook(bookId); if (book == null) { return null; } book.loadLists(); final ZLFile bookFile = book.File; final ZLPhysicalFile physicalFile = bookFile.getPhysicalFile(); if (physicalFile == null) { return book; } if (!physicalFile.exists()) { return null; } FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(physicalFile); if (fileInfos.check(physicalFile, physicalFile != bookFile)) { return book; }; return book.readMetaInfo() ? book : null; }
protected Book createBook(long id, long fileId, String title, String encoding, String language) { final FileInfoSet infos = new FileInfoSet(fileId); return createBook(id, infos.getFile(fileId), title, encoding, language); }
private void build() { // Step 0: get database books marked as "existing" final FileInfoSet fileInfos = new FileInfoSet(myDatabase); final Map<Long, Book> savedBooksByFileId = myDatabase.loadBooks(fileInfos, true); final Map<Long, Book> savedBooksByBookId = new HashMap<Long, Book>(); for (Book b : savedBooksByFileId.values()) { savedBooksByBookId.put(b.getId(), b); } // Step 1: check if files corresponding to "existing" books really exists; // add books to library if yes (and reload book info if needed); // remove from recent/favorites list if no; // collect newly "orphaned" books final Set<Book> orphanedBooks = new HashSet<Book>(); final Set<ZLPhysicalFile> physicalFiles = new HashSet<ZLPhysicalFile>(); int count = 0; for (Book book : savedBooksByFileId.values()) { final ZLPhysicalFile file = book.File.getPhysicalFile(); if (file != null) { physicalFiles.add(file); } if (file != book.File && file != null && file.getPath().endsWith(".epub")) { continue; } if (book.File.exists()) { boolean doAdd = true; if (file == null) { continue; } if (!fileInfos.check(file, true)) { try { book.readMetaInfo(); saveBook(book, false); } catch (BookReadingException e) { doAdd = false; } file.setCached(false); } if (doAdd) { // loaded from db addBook(book, false); } } else { orphanedBooks.add(book); } } myDatabase.setExistingFlag(orphanedBooks, false); // Step 2: collect books from physical files; add new, update already added, // unmark orphaned as existing again, collect newly added final Map<Long, Book> orphanedBooksByFileId = myDatabase.loadBooks(fileInfos, false); final Set<Book> newBooks = new HashSet<Book>(); final List<ZLPhysicalFile> physicalFilesList = collectPhysicalFiles(BookDirectories); for (ZLPhysicalFile file : physicalFilesList) { if (physicalFiles.contains(file)) { continue; } collectBooks( file, fileInfos, savedBooksByFileId, orphanedBooksByFileId, newBooks, !fileInfos.check(file, true)); file.setCached(false); } // Step 3: add help file try { final ZLFile helpFile = BookUtil.getHelpFile(); Book helpBook = savedBooksByFileId.get(fileInfos.getId(helpFile)); if (helpBook == null) { helpBook = new Book(helpFile); } saveBook(helpBook, false); // saved addBook(helpBook, false); } catch (BookReadingException e) { // that's impossible e.printStackTrace(); } // Step 4: save changes into database; myDatabase.executeAsTransaction( new Runnable() { public void run() { for (Book book : newBooks) { saveBook(book, false); } } }); myDatabase.setExistingFlag(newBooks, true); }
@Override protected Map<Long, Book> loadBooks(FileInfoSet infos, boolean existing) { Cursor cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery( "SELECT book_id,file_id,title,encoding,language FROM Books WHERE `exists` = " + (existing ? 1 : 0), null); final HashMap<Long, Book> booksById = new HashMap<Long, Book>(); final HashMap<Long, Book> booksByFileId = new HashMap<Long, Book>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { final long id = cursor.getLong(0); final long fileId = cursor.getLong(1); final Book book = createBook( id, infos.getFile(fileId), cursor.getString(2), cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4)); if (book != null) { booksById.put(id, book); booksByFileId.put(fileId, book); } } cursor.close(); initTagCache(); cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT author_id,name,sort_key FROM Authors", null); final HashMap<Long, Author> authorById = new HashMap<Long, Author>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { authorById.put(cursor.getLong(0), new Author(cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2))); } cursor.close(); cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT book_id,author_id FROM BookAuthor ORDER BY author_index", null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { Book book = booksById.get(cursor.getLong(0)); if (book != null) { Author author = authorById.get(cursor.getLong(1)); if (author != null) { addAuthor(book, author); } } } cursor.close(); cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT book_id,tag_id FROM BookTag", null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { Book book = booksById.get(cursor.getLong(0)); if (book != null) { addTag(book, getTagById(cursor.getLong(1))); } } cursor.close(); cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT series_id,name FROM Series", null); final HashMap<Long, String> seriesById = new HashMap<Long, String>(); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { seriesById.put(cursor.getLong(0), cursor.getString(1)); } cursor.close(); cursor = myDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT book_id,series_id,book_index FROM BookSeries", null); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { Book book = booksById.get(cursor.getLong(0)); if (book != null) { final String series = seriesById.get(cursor.getLong(1)); if (series != null) { setSeriesInfo(book, series, cursor.getString(2)); } } } cursor.close(); return booksByFileId; }