protected static <T> void parseEDISegmentOrSegmentGroup( EDIMessage ediMessage, T object, Iterator<Field> fieldIterator, Queue<String> lookAhead, SegmentIterator segmentIterator) throws EDIMessageException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, ConversionException { if (!fieldIterator.hasNext()) { throw new EDIMessageException("No more fields to read."); } if (!segmentIterator.hasNext() && lookAhead.size() == 0) { return; } // get the queued object first... String line = lookAhead.size() > 0 ? lookAhead.remove() :; // match up the field with the line... FieldMatch fm = advanceToMatch(ediMessage, fieldIterator, line); // if (fm != null) { Class<?> fieldType = getEDISegmentOrGroupType(fm.getField()); if (fieldType.isAnnotationPresent(EDISegment.class)) { processSegment(ediMessage, object, lookAhead, segmentIterator, fm); } else if (fieldType.isAnnotationPresent(EDISegmentGroup.class)) { processSegmentGroup(ediMessage, object, lookAhead, segmentIterator, fm); } } else { lookAhead.add(line); } }
public boolean isValid(final Object value, final ConstraintValidatorContext context) { boolean isValid = false; BeanWrapper beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(value); final Object field = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(constraint.field()); final Object match = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(constraint.match()); isValid = field == match || field != null && field.equals(match); if (!isValid) { context .buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate(constraint.message()) .addNode(constraint.match()) .addConstraintViolation(); } return isValid; }
protected static <T> void processSegment( EDIMessage ediMessage, T object, Queue<String> lookAhead, SegmentIterator SegmentIterator, FieldMatch fm) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException, ConversionException { if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(fm.getField().getType())) { Collection obj = CollectionFactory.newInstance(fm.getField().getType()); BeanUtils.setProperty(object, fm.getField().getName(), obj); // look ahead to see if we need to break. Class<?> collectionClass = getCollectionType(fm.getField()); if (collectionClass.isAnnotationPresent(EDISegment.class)) { EDISegment es = collectionClass.getAnnotation(EDISegment.class); // first, go ahead and add the object from the field match. Object matchObject = collectionClass.newInstance(); parseEDISegmentFields(ediMessage, matchObject, fm.getLine()); obj.add(matchObject); Queue<String> segments = queueLinesForType(ediMessage, es, lookAhead, SegmentIterator); for (String segment : segments) { Object collectionObject = collectionClass.newInstance(); parseEDISegmentFields(ediMessage, collectionObject, segment); obj.add(collectionObject); } } } else { Object obj = fm.getField().getType().newInstance(); BeanUtils.setProperty(object, fm.getField().getName(), obj); parseEDISegmentFields(ediMessage, obj, fm.getLine()); } }
protected static <T> void processSegmentGroup( EDIMessage ediMessage, T object, Queue<String> lookAhead, SegmentIterator segmentIterator, FieldMatch fm) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException, ConversionException, EDIMessageException { LOG.debug("Object: " + ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(object)); LOG.debug("Field: " + fm.getField().getName()); Class<?> segmentGroupClass = getEDISegmentOrGroupType(fm.getField()); if (!segmentGroupClass.isAnnotationPresent(EDISegmentGroup.class)) { throw new EDIMessageException("Segment Group should have annotation."); } LOG.debug("Segment Group Type: " + segmentGroupClass); String line = fm.getLine(); EDISegmentGroup es = segmentGroupClass.getAnnotation(EDISegmentGroup.class); if (StringUtils.equals(es.header(), line)) { // feed line. } else { LOG.debug("Adding to Look Ahead: " + line); lookAhead.add(line); } if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(fm.getField().getType())) { Collection obj = CollectionFactory.newInstance(fm.getField().getType()); BeanUtils.setProperty(object, fm.getField().getName(), obj); String segmentTag = getSegmentTag(fm.getField(), true); while (true) { LOG.debug("Looping to collect Collection of Segment Groups"); // parse the group... Field[] fields = segmentGroupClass.getDeclaredFields(); final List<Field> fieldsList = Arrays.asList(fields); ListIterator<Field> fieldIterator = fieldsList.listIterator(0); Object collectionObj = segmentGroupClass.newInstance(); while (fieldIterator.hasNext() && (segmentIterator.hasNext() || lookAhead.size() > 0)) { if (startOfNewRecursiveObject(fieldIterator, fieldsList, segmentGroupClass)) { String next = lookAhead.size() > 0 ? lookAhead.remove() :; lookAhead.add(next); if (!isSegmentHeirarchicalLevelAndDeeperLevel( line, next, Character.toString(ediMessage.elementDelimiter()))) { LOG.debug("Reaching new instance of list."); break; } } parseEDISegmentOrSegmentGroup( ediMessage, collectionObj, fieldIterator, lookAhead, segmentIterator); } obj.add(collectionObj); // look to next line... String nextLine = lookAhead.size() > 0 ? lookAhead.remove() :; // get the first element of the line. StrTokenizer nextLineTokenizer = new StrTokenizer(nextLine, ediMessage.elementDelimiter()); if (StringUtils.equals(segmentTag, nextLineTokenizer.nextToken())) { if (!isSegmentEqual(line, nextLine, Character.toString(ediMessage.elementDelimiter()))) { LOG.debug("Reaching new collection"); lookAhead.add(nextLine); break; } LOG.debug("Might be a repeat.."); LOG.debug("Next line: " + line); lookAhead.add(nextLine); } else { lookAhead.add(nextLine); break; } // now, look ahead to see whether the next line is of the same // object type.. if (!segmentIterator.hasNext() && lookAhead.size() == 0) { break; } } } else { Field[] fields = segmentGroupClass.getDeclaredFields(); Iterator<Field> fieldIterator = Arrays.asList(fields).iterator(); Object obj = segmentGroupClass.newInstance(); while (fieldIterator.hasNext() && (segmentIterator.hasNext() || lookAhead.size() > 0)) { parseEDISegmentOrSegmentGroup(ediMessage, obj, fieldIterator, lookAhead, segmentIterator); } BeanUtils.setProperty(object, fm.getField().getName(), obj); } // look at next... if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(es.header())) { line = lookAhead.size() > 0 ? lookAhead.remove() :; if (StringUtils.endsWith(es.footer(), line)) { // feed line. LOG.debug("Popping footer off of the line iterator."); } else { lookAhead.add(line); } } }
@Override public void initialize(final FieldMatch constraintAnnotation) { firstFieldName = constraintAnnotation.first(); secondFieldName = constraintAnnotation.second(); type = constraintAnnotation.type(); }