private void submitSearch() { List<ModelData> query = new ArrayList<ModelData>(); for (Field<?> field : formFields) { ModelData md = new BaseModelData(); MetaField mf = findField(field.getName()); if (mf == null || !enabledFields.containsKey(mf.getName()) || field.getValue() == null || field.getValue().toString().length() == 0 || !field.isValid()) { GWT.log("Will not submit field " + field.getName() + ".", null); continue; } md.set("field", mf); md.set("value", field.getValue()); query.add(md); } GWT.log("Submitting search with " + query.size() + " query elements.", null); AppEvent evt = new AppEvent(ApplicationEvents.SUBMIT_ADVANCED_SEARCH, query); evt.setData("asset", combo.getValue().getBean()); Dispatcher.forwardEvent(evt); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public synchronized int insert(Field field, Plugin plugin) { field.setIdField(newPrimaryKey(plugin)); field.setPosition(newPosition(plugin)); DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil(SQL_QUERY_INSERT, plugin); daoUtil.setInt(1, field.getIdField()); daoUtil.setInt(2, field.getEntry().getIdEntry()); daoUtil.setString(3, field.getTitle()); daoUtil.setString(4, field.getValue()); daoUtil.setInt(5, field.getHeight()); daoUtil.setInt(6, field.getWidth()); daoUtil.setBoolean(7, field.isDefaultValue()); daoUtil.setInt(8, field.getMaxSizeEnter()); daoUtil.setInt(9, field.getPosition()); daoUtil.setDate( 10, (field.getValueTypeDate() == null) ? null : new Date(field.getValueTypeDate().getTime())); daoUtil.setString(11, field.getRoleKey()); daoUtil.setString(12, field.getWorkgroup()); daoUtil.setBoolean(13, field.isShownInResultList()); daoUtil.setBoolean(14, field.isShownInResultRecord()); daoUtil.executeUpdate();; return field.getIdField(); }
/** * Returns the value held by the field with the supplied name. This is just a convenience method * to save us from an extra method call and cast. * * @param <T> the desired type of the returned value. * @param clazz the desired type of the returned value. * @param fieldName the name of the field which value will be retrieved. * @return the value held by the field with the supplied name. * @throws NoSuchFieldNameException if no field metadata can be found with the specified name. * @throws ClassCastException if the type provided is not compatible with the real type of the * requested value. */ public <T extends Serializable> T getValue(Class<T> clazz, String fieldName) { int fieldIndex = this.metadata.getFieldIndex(fieldName); if (fieldIndex != -1) { Field<? extends Object> field =; return (T) field.getValue(); } else { throw new NoSuchFieldNameException("No field named " + fieldName); } }
protected static String getUniqueMeetingId(MeetingInfo meetingInfo) { String uniqueMeetingId = ""; for (Field field : meetingInfo.getMeetingFields()) { if (field.getName().equals("uniqueMeetingId")) { uniqueMeetingId = field.getValue(); } } return uniqueMeetingId; }
private String field(Issue issue, TicketFields filed) { Field field = issue.getFieldByName(filed.getName()); if (field != null) { Object fieldValue = field.getValue(); if (fieldValue != null) { return fieldValue.toString(); } } return ""; }
@Override protected String doRender(Field field, Locale locale, int valueIndex) { Serializable value = field.getValue(locale, valueIndex); if (Validator.isNull(value)) { return StringPool.BLANK; } Format format = FastDateFormatFactoryUtil.getDate(locale); return format.format(value); }
/** * Get multi headers * * @return Enumeration of the values, or null if no such header. * @param name the case-insensitive field name */ public Collection<String> getValuesCollection(String name) { Field field = getField(name); if (field == null) return null; final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); while (field != null) { list.add(field.getValue()); field = field._next; } return list; }
private void setUpdatedFields(User user, Fields fields) throws Exception { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); for (Field field : fields.getFields()) { BeanUtils.setProperty(user, field.getName(), field.getValue()); } Long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String targetUserId = user.getId(); String targetUserName = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(fields); String targetUrl = null; Target target = new Target(IdType.USER_ID.toString(), targetUserName, targetUrl); Event followedUSerEvent = new Event(AuditEventType.USER_UPDATED.toString(), target, currentTime, false); auditEventDao.addEvent(targetUserId, followedUSerEvent); }
protected void validateDDMStructureFields(long ddmStructureId, Fields fields) throws PortalException { DDMStructure ddmStructure = DDMStructureLocalServiceUtil.getDDMStructure(ddmStructureId); for (Field field : fields) { if (!ddmStructure.hasField(field.getName())) { throw new StorageFieldNameException(); } if (ddmStructure.getFieldRequired(field.getName()) && Validator.isNull(field.getValue())) { throw new StorageFieldRequiredException(); } } }
private void setStoreValue(PrefPanel pp, String name, PersistentBean bean, boolean inheritable) { if (bean == null) return; Field fld = pp.getField(name); Object newValue = fld.getValue(); // if (newValue == null) return; // LOOK remove from store ?? // if it matches whats already stored (inherited or not), dont need to store it Object oldValue = bean.getObject(name); if (newValue == oldValue) return; if ((newValue != null) && newValue.equals(oldValue)) return; // otherwise store it if (!inheritable) bean.putObject(name, newValue); else if (isInheritable(fld)) bean.putObject("localMetadataInheritable." + name, newValue); else bean.putObject("localMetadata." + name, newValue); }
public static void printRS(Recordset rs) { Fields fs = rs.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fs.getCount(); i++) { System.out.print(fs.getItem(i).getName() + " "); } System.out.println(""); rs.MoveFirst(); while (!rs.getEOF()) { for (int i = 0; i < fs.getCount(); i++) { Field f = fs.getItem(i); Variant v = f.getValue(); System.out.print(v + " "); } System.out.println(""); rs.MoveNext(); } }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */ public String toString() { try { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < _fields.size(); i++) { Field field = (Field) _fields.get(i); if (field != null) { String tmp = field.getName(); if (tmp != null) buffer.append(tmp); buffer.append(": "); tmp = field.getValue(); if (tmp != null) buffer.append(tmp); buffer.append("\r\n"); } } buffer.append("\r\n"); return buffer.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn(e); return e.toString(); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void store(Field field, Plugin plugin) { DAOUtil daoUtil = new DAOUtil(SQL_QUERY_UPDATE, plugin); daoUtil.setInt(1, field.getIdField()); daoUtil.setInt(2, field.getEntry().getIdEntry()); daoUtil.setString(3, field.getTitle()); daoUtil.setString(4, field.getValue()); daoUtil.setInt(5, field.getHeight()); daoUtil.setInt(6, field.getWidth()); daoUtil.setBoolean(7, field.isDefaultValue()); daoUtil.setInt(8, field.getMaxSizeEnter()); daoUtil.setInt(9, field.getPosition()); daoUtil.setDate( 10, (field.getValueTypeDate() == null) ? null : new Date(field.getValueTypeDate().getTime())); daoUtil.setString(11, field.getRoleKey()); daoUtil.setString(12, field.getWorkgroup()); daoUtil.setBoolean(13, field.isShownInResultList()); daoUtil.setBoolean(14, field.isShownInResultRecord()); daoUtil.setInt(15, field.getIdField()); daoUtil.executeUpdate();; }
public Bar(Set<Field<?>> fields) { super(fields); for (Field<?> f : fields) { if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Field.Name.VOLUME.field())) this.volume = (Integer) f.getValue(); if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Field.Name.HIGH.field())) this.high = (BigDecimal) f.getValue(); if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Field.Name.LOW.field())) this.low = (BigDecimal) f.getValue(); if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Field.Name.OPEN.field())) = (BigDecimal) f.getValue(); if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Field.Name.CLOSE.field())) this.close = (BigDecimal) f.getValue(); if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Field.Name.INTERVAL.field())) this.interval = (String) f.getValue(); } }
private int saveNewRecord(SqlConn con) throws SQLException { // CREATE STMT TO INSERT NEW ENTRY INTO DB StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("insert into " + table + "("); for (Field field : fields.values()) { if (field.getValue() == null) continue; "adding field to insert clause: " + + " val: " + field.getValueAsString()); sb.append( + ","); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); sb.append(") values ("); for (Field field : fields.values()) { if (field.getValue() == null) continue; if (field.getType() == DAOutils.PASSWORD_TYPE) { sb.append("password(?),"); } else { sb.append("?,"); } } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); sb.append(")"); // FILL STMT TO INSERT NEW ENTRY INTO DB int ind = 1;"save dao new " + sb.toString()); con.prepareStatement(sb.toString()); for (Field field : fields.values()) { if (field.getValue() == null) continue; switch (field.getType()) { case DAOutils.STRING_TYPE: con.setString(ind++, field.getValueAsString()); break; case DAOutils.INT_TYPE: con.setInt(ind++, field.getValueAsInt()); break; case DAOutils.TIMESTAMP_TYPE: con.setTimestamp(ind++, (Timestamp) field.getValue()); break; case DAOutils.FLOAT_TYPE: con.setFloat(ind++, ((Float) field.getValue()).floatValue()); break; case DAOutils.DATE_TYPE: con.setDate(ind++, (Date) field.getValue()); break; case DAOutils.PASSWORD_TYPE:"password is " + field.getValueAsString()); con.setString(ind++, field.getValueAsString()); break; case DAOutils.BLOB_TYPE: con.setBlob(ind++, (Blob) field.getValue()); break; } } // EXECUTE UPDATE con.exPrep(); // IF NEW INSERTION OF AUTO-INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, RETURN THE AUTO-ID if (fields.get(PK).getType() == DAOutils.INT_TYPE && fields.get(PK).getValue() == null) { int id = con.getLastSerial(table, PK); return id; } return -1; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.xml.sax.XMLReader#parse(org.xml.sax.InputSource) */ public void parse(InputSource inputSource) throws IOException, SAXException { if (contentHandler == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("'contentHandler' not set. Cannot parse Record stream."); } if (execContext == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("'execContext' not set. Cannot parse Record stream."); } try { Reader recordReader; // Create the record parser.... RecordParser recordParser = parserFactory.newRecordParser(); recordParser.setRecordParserFactory(parserFactory); recordParser.setDataSource(inputSource); // Start the document and add the root "record-set" element... contentHandler.startDocument(); contentHandler.startElement( XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI, rootElementName, StringUtils.EMPTY, EMPTY_ATTRIBS); // Output each of the CVS line entries... int lineNumber = 0; Record record = recordParser.nextRecord(); while (record != null) { lineNumber++; // First line is line "1" if (record != null) { List<Field> recordFields = record.getFields(); if (indent) { contentHandler.characters(INDENT_LF, 0, 1); contentHandler.characters(INDENTCHARS, 0, 1); } AttributesImpl attrs = new AttributesImpl(); attrs.addAttribute( XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI, RECORD_NUMBER_ATTR, RECORD_NUMBER_ATTR, "xs:int", Integer.toString(lineNumber)); RecordMetaData recordMetaData = record.getRecordMetaData(); if (recordFields.size() < recordMetaData.getUnignoredFieldCount()) { attrs.addAttribute( XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI, RECORD_TRUNCATED_ATTR, RECORD_TRUNCATED_ATTR, "xs:boolean", Boolean.TRUE.toString()); } contentHandler.startElement( XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI, record.getName(), StringUtils.EMPTY, attrs); for (Field recordField : recordFields) { String fieldName = recordField.getName(); if (indent) { contentHandler.characters(INDENT_LF, 0, 1); contentHandler.characters(INDENTCHARS, 0, 2); } contentHandler.startElement( XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI, fieldName, StringUtils.EMPTY, EMPTY_ATTRIBS); String value = recordField.getValue(); contentHandler.characters(value.toCharArray(), 0, value.length()); contentHandler.endElement(XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI, fieldName, StringUtils.EMPTY); } if (indent) { contentHandler.characters(INDENT_LF, 0, 1); contentHandler.characters(INDENTCHARS, 0, 1); } contentHandler.endElement(XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI, record.getName(), StringUtils.EMPTY); } record = recordParser.nextRecord(); } if (indent) { contentHandler.characters(INDENT_LF, 0, 1); } // Close out the "csv-set" root element and end the document.. contentHandler.endElement(XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI, rootElementName, StringUtils.EMPTY); contentHandler.endDocument(); } finally { // These properties need to be reset for every execution (e.g. when reader is pooled). contentHandler = null; execContext = null; } }
/** * @return the value of a field, or null if not found. For multiple fields of the same name, only * the first is returned. * @param name the case-insensitive field name */ public String getStringField(Buffer name) { Field field = getField(name); return field == null ? null : field.getValue(); }
private int saveExistingRecord(SqlConn con) throws SQLException { // CREATE STMT TO UPDATE ENTRY IN DB StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("update " + table + " set "); for (Field field : fields.values()) { if (field.getValue() == null) continue; if (field.getType() == DAOutils.PASSWORD_TYPE) { sb.append( + "=password(?),"); } else { sb.append( + "=?,"); } } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); if (fields.get(PK).getType() == DAOutils.STRING_TYPE) sb.append(" where " + PK + "='" + fields.get(PK).getValueAsString() + "'"); else sb.append(" where " + PK + "=" + fields.get(PK).getValueAsInt()); // FILL STMT TO UPDATE ENTRY IN DB int ind = 1; con.prepareStatement(sb.toString()); for (Field field : fields.values()) { logger.debug( " saving field " + field.getName() + " with val " + field.getValueAsString() + " in table " + this.table + " with doa hash " + this.hashCode()); if (field.getValue() == null) continue; switch (field.getType()) { case DAOutils.STRING_TYPE: con.setString(ind++, field.getValueAsString()); break; case DAOutils.INT_TYPE: con.setInt(ind++, field.getValueAsInt()); break; case DAOutils.TIMESTAMP_TYPE: con.setTimestamp(ind++, (Timestamp) field.getValue()); break; case DAOutils.FLOAT_TYPE: con.setFloat(ind++, ((Float) field.getValue()).floatValue()); break; case DAOutils.DATE_TYPE: con.setDate(ind++, (Date) field.getValue()); break; case DAOutils.PASSWORD_TYPE: con.setString(ind++, field.getValueAsString()); break; case DAOutils.BLOB_TYPE: con.setBlob(ind++, (Blob) field.getValue()); } } // EXECUTE UPDATE con.exPrep(); // IF STRING TYPE PK, WE KNOW WE'RE NOT DOING AUTO-INCREMENT, // SO IGNORE RETURNING A REAL INT. if (fields.get(PK).getType() == DAOutils.STRING_TYPE) return 0; return getValueAsInt(PK); }
@Test public void verifyResult() { BasicPackageCreationExample basicPackageCreationExample = new BasicPackageCreationExample(Props.get());; DocumentPackage documentPackage = basicPackageCreationExample.getRetrievedPackage(); // Verify if the package is created correctly. assertFalse( "Package enableInPerson setting was not set correctly.", documentPackage.getSettings().getEnableInPerson()); assertThat( "Package description was not set correctly.", documentPackage.getDescription(), is("This is a package created using the e-SignLive SDK")); assertThat( "Package expiry date was not set correctly.", documentPackage.getExpiryDate(), is(now().plusMonths(1).toDate())); assertThat( "Package message was not set correctly.", documentPackage.getPackageMessage(), is("This message should be delivered to all signers")); // Verify if the sdk version is set correctly assertThat("Package attributes are null", documentPackage.getAttributes(), is(notNullValue())); assertThat( "Package attributes are empty", documentPackage.getAttributes().getContents(), is(notNullValue())); assertThat( "SDK version was not set", documentPackage.getAttributes().toMap().containsKey("sdk"), is(true)); assertThat( "SDK version was not set to the correct value", documentPackage.getAttributes().toMap().get("sdk").toString(), is(equalTo("Java v" + VersionUtil.getVersion()))); // Signer 1 Signer signer = documentPackage.getSigner(basicPackageCreationExample.email1); assertThat("Signer 1 ID was not set correctly.", signer.getId(), is("Client1")); assertThat("Signer 1 first name was not set correctly.", signer.getFirstName(), is("John")); assertThat("Signer 1 last name was not set correctly.", signer.getLastName(), is("Smith")); assertThat("Signer 1 title was not set correctly.", signer.getTitle(), is("Managing Director")); assertThat("Signer 1 company was not set correctly.", signer.getCompany(), is("Acme Inc.")); // Signer 2 signer = documentPackage.getSigner(basicPackageCreationExample.email2); assertThat("Signer 2 first name was not set correctly.", signer.getFirstName(), is("Patty")); assertThat("Signer 2 last name was not set correctly.", signer.getLastName(), is("Galant")); // Document 1 Document document = documentPackage.getDocument("First Document pdf"); Iterator<Signature> signatures = document.getSignatures().iterator(); Signature signature; Field field; if (signatures.hasNext()) { signature =; assertThat( "Signature's signer Email was not set correctly for First Document.", signature.getSignerEmail(), is(basicPackageCreationExample.email1)); assertThat( "Signature page was not set correctly for First Document.", signature.getPage(), is(0)); Iterator<Field> fields = signature.getFields().iterator(); if (fields.hasNext()) { field =; assertThat( "Field style for signature was not set correctly in First Document.", field.getStyle(), is(FieldStyle.UNBOUND_CHECK_BOX)); assertThat( "Field Page number was not set correctly in First Document.", field.getPage(), is(0)); assertThat( "Field value of signature was not set correctly in First Document.", field.getValue(), is(FieldBuilder.RADIO_SELECTED)); } } // Document 2 document = documentPackage.getDocument("Second Document PDF"); signatures = document.getSignatures().iterator(); if (signatures.hasNext()) { signature =; assertThat( "Signature's signer Email was not set correctly for Second Document.", signature.getSignerEmail(), is("*****@*****.**")); assertThat( "Signature page was not set correctly for Second Document.", signature.getPage(), is(0)); Iterator<Field> fields = signature.getFields().iterator(); if (fields.hasNext()) { field =; assertThat( "First radio button style for signature was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getStyle(), is(FieldStyle.UNBOUND_RADIO_BUTTON)); assertThat( "First radio button Page number was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getPage(), is(0)); assertThat( "First radio button value of signature was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getValue(), is("")); assertThat( "First radio button group was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getFieldValidator().getOptions().get(0), equalTo(basicPackageCreationExample.group1)); field =; assertThat( "Second radio button style for signature was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getStyle(), is(FieldStyle.UNBOUND_RADIO_BUTTON)); assertThat( "Second radio button Page number was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getPage(), is(0)); assertThat( "Second radio button value of signature was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getValue(), is(FieldBuilder.RADIO_SELECTED)); assertThat( "Second radio button group was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getFieldValidator().getOptions().get(0), equalTo(basicPackageCreationExample.group1)); field =; assertThat( "Third radio button style for signature was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getStyle(), is(FieldStyle.UNBOUND_RADIO_BUTTON)); assertThat( "Third radio button Page number was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getPage(), is(0)); assertThat( "Third radio button value of signature was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getValue(), is(FieldBuilder.RADIO_SELECTED)); assertThat( "Third radio button group was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getFieldValidator().getOptions().get(0), equalTo(basicPackageCreationExample.group2)); field =; assertThat( "Third radio button style for signature was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getStyle(), is(FieldStyle.UNBOUND_RADIO_BUTTON)); assertThat( "Third radio button Page number was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getPage(), is(0)); assertThat( "Third radio button value of signature was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getValue(), is("")); assertThat( "Third radio button group was not set correctly in Second Document.", field.getFieldValidator().getOptions().get(0), equalTo(basicPackageCreationExample.group2)); } } }