public static void removeApplication(String appPath) throws NotesException { Session session = null; Database dbUnplugged = null; String correctedPath = appPath.replace("\\", "/"); Logger.debug("Remove Unplugged application for app at " + correctedPath); Configuration config = Configuration.get(); // open unplugged db session = Utils.getCurrentSession(); dbUnplugged = session.getDatabase(config.getServerName(), config.getUnpluggedDbPath()); // check if an app document for this app already exists and create it if not DocumentCollection dcApp ="Form=\"UserDatabase\" & Path=\"" + correctedPath + "\""); if (dcApp.getCount() == 0) { Logger.warn("- Unplugged application document not found"); } else if (dcApp.getCount() > 1) { Logger.error("- Multiple Unplugged application documents found: not removed"); } else {"- Unplugged add configuration found"); dcApp.getFirstDocument().remove(true);"- Unplugged app configuration removed"); } }
public static void removeUsersAndDevices(String alias) throws NotesException { Session session = null; Database dbUnplugged = null; String alias1 = "/" + alias.toLowerCase(); String alias2 = "/o=" + alias.toLowerCase(); Logger.debug("Remove Unplugged users and devices for alias \"" + alias + "\""); Configuration config = Configuration.get(); // open unplugged db session = Utils.getCurrentSession(); dbUnplugged = session.getDatabase(config.getServerName(), config.getUnpluggedDbPath()); // check if an app document for this app already exists and create it if not String q = "Form=\"User\":\"Device\" & ( @Contains(@LowerCase(UserName); \"" + alias1 + "\") | @Contains(@LowerCase(UserName); \"" + alias2 + "\") )"; DocumentCollection dcApp =;"- finding users and devices with query: " + q); if (dcApp.getCount() == 0) {"- No Unplugged users/ devices found"); } else {"- found " + dcApp.getCount() + " users and/or devices"); Document doc = dcApp.getFirstDocument(); while (null != doc) { Document t = dcApp.getNextDocument(doc); "- removing " + doc.getItemValueString("form") + " for " + doc.getItemValueString("UserName")); doc.remove(true); try { doc.recycle(); } catch (Exception e) { } doc = t; } } }
public static void createAppDefinition(String appPath, boolean hideFromWS, boolean autoLaunch) { Session sessionAsSigner = null; Database dbUnplugged = null; Document docApp = null; try { String correctedPath = appPath.replace("\\", "/"); Logger.debug("create unplugged application " + correctedPath); Configuration config = Configuration.get(); // open unplugged db sessionAsSigner = Utils.getCurrentSessionAsSigner(); dbUnplugged = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase(config.getServerName(), config.getUnpluggedDbPath()); // check if an app document for this app already exists and create it if not DocumentCollection dcApp ="Form=\"UserDatabase\" & Path=\"" + correctedPath + "\""); if (dcApp.getCount() == 0) { // create new app document Logger.debug("application not found: create new"); docApp = dbUnplugged.createDocument(); docApp.replaceItemValue("form", "UserDatabase"); docApp.replaceItemValue("Path", correctedPath); } else { throw (new Exception("application for " + correctedPath + " already exists in Unplugged")); } docApp.replaceItemValue("Active", "1"); docApp.replaceItemValue("ShowOnWS", (hideFromWS ? "no" : "")); docApp.replaceItemValue("AutoLaunchApp", (autoLaunch ? "yes" : "")); docApp.replaceItemValue("ReplAttachmentExts", ""); // send all attachments docApp.computeWithForm(true, true);; Logger.debug("done"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e); } finally { Utils.recycle(docApp, dbUnplugged); } }
/** * train the tagger using the DocumentCollection in file 'trainingCollection'. * 'trainingCollection' should consist of documents which have been explicitly tagged with * part-of-speech information. */ void train(String trainingCollection) { for (int i = 0; i < posTable.length; i++) tagTable[i] = new String[] {"constit", "cat", posTable[i], posTable[i]}; // build ergodic HMM with one state for each POS (plus start and end states) HMMstate startState = new HMMstate("start", "", WordFeatureHMMemitter.class); posh.addState(startState); for (int j = 0; j < posTable.length; j++) startState.addArc(new HMMarc(posTable[j], 0)); HMMstate endState = new HMMstate("end", "", WordFeatureHMMemitter.class); posh.addState(endState); for (int i = 0; i < posTable.length; i++) { String pos = posTable[i]; HMMstate state = new HMMstate(pos, pos, WordFeatureHMMemitter.class); posh.addState(state); for (int j = 0; j < posTable.length; j++) state.addArc(new HMMarc(posTable[j], 0)); state.addArc(new HMMarc("end", 0)); } posh.resolveNames(); posh.resetForTraining(); annotator = new HMMannotator(posh); annotator.setTagTable(tagTable); annotator.setBItag(false); DocumentCollection col = new DocumentCollection(trainingCollection);; for (int i = 0; i < col.size(); i++) { ExternalDocument doc = col.get(i);; System.out.println("Training from " + doc.fileName()); // divide at endmarks (constit cat="."), adding "S" marks int posn = 0; int start = posn; Vector anns; while ((anns = doc.annotationsAt(posn, "constit")) != null) { Annotation ann = (Annotation) anns.get(0); posn = ann.span().end(); String pos = (String) ann.get("cat"); if (pos.equals(".")) { doc.annotate("S", new Span(start, posn), new FeatureSet()); start = posn; } } annotator.train(doc); // free up space taken by annotations on document doc.clearAnnotations(); } posh.computeProbabilities(); }
public void run() { List<TestFailure> failures = dto.loadFailures(); DocumentCollection documents = DocumentCollection.getInstance(); TermCollection terms = TermCollection.getInstance(); TestFailureUtil.buildDocumentCollection(failures, documents); TestFailureUtil.buildTermCollection(failures, terms); for (int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) { String term = terms.get(i); Integer count = documents.findTermFrequency(term); // Calculate idf weight against a term Float weight = (float) Math.log((double) documents.size() / (double) count); terms.setWeithg(term, weight); // System.out.println(String.valueOf(i) + "." + term + " : " + String.valueOf(weight)) ; } for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) { String document = documents.get(i); String[] words = document.split("\\s+"); System.out.println(document); for (String word : words) { TermItem item = new TermItem(); float tfidf = VectorSpaceModel.findTFIDF(documents.get(i), word); item.setTerm(word); item.setTfidf(tfidf); Integer pos = -1; while ((pos = document.indexOf(word, pos + 1)) >= 0) { item.addPos(pos); } if (tfidf > 0.0) System.out.println(item.toString()); } } }
// removes the specified applications for the user from Unplugged @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void deleteApplication(String userName, Vector<String> appPaths) { Session sessionAsSigner = null; Database dbUnplugged = null; Document docUser = null; View vwUsers = null; Name nmUser = null; Document docApp = null; try { Configuration config = Configuration.get(); // open unplugged db sessionAsSigner = Utils.getCurrentSessionAsSigner(); dbUnplugged = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase(config.getServerName(), config.getUnpluggedDbPath()); nmUser = sessionAsSigner.createName(userName); // get all application documents for this user DocumentCollection dcApp ="Form=\"UserDatabase\" & @IsMember(\"" + userName + "\"; UserName)"); Document docTemp = null; int numRemoved = 0; // update app documents docApp = dcApp.getFirstDocument(); while (null != docApp) { String path = docApp.getItemValueString("Path"); if (appPaths.contains(path)) { // remove application Vector<String> appUsers = docApp.getItemValue("UserName"); Logger.debug(nmUser.getCanonical() + " is a user for " + path + " - removing"); appUsers.remove(nmUser.getCanonical()); docApp.replaceItemValue("UserName", appUsers); docApp.computeWithForm(true, true);; numRemoved++; } docTemp = dcApp.getNextDocument(docApp); docApp.recycle(); docApp = docTemp; } if (numRemoved == dcApp.getCount()) { // user removed from all apps - remove user config "Unplugged user " + nmUser.getCanonical() + " removed from all applications - remove user config"); // check for user account vwUsers = dbUnplugged.getView(USERS_VIEW); docUser = vwUsers.getDocumentByKey(nmUser.getAbbreviated(), true); if (docUser != null) { docUser.remove(true);"removed Unplugged user " + nmUser.getCanonical()); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e); } finally { Utils.recycle(docUser, nmUser, dbUnplugged, sessionAsSigner); } }
/* * Create an Unplugged application definition in the Unplugged database * and add the specified user to it. The user is created if Unplugged * if he doesn't exist yet. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean createApplication(String userName, String appPath, boolean isActive) { Session sessionAsSigner = null; Database dbUnplugged = null; Document docApp = null; Document docUser = null; View vwUsers = null; Name nmUser = null; try { String correctedPath = appPath.replace("\\", "/"); Logger.debug("create unplugged application " + correctedPath + " for " + userName); Configuration config = Configuration.get(); // open unplugged db sessionAsSigner = Utils.getCurrentSessionAsSigner(); dbUnplugged = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase(config.getServerName(), config.getUnpluggedDbPath()); // create notes name object for user nmUser = sessionAsSigner.createName(userName); // check if user already exists in Unplugged vwUsers = dbUnplugged.getView(USERS_VIEW); docUser = vwUsers.getDocumentByKey(nmUser.getAbbreviated(), true); if (docUser == null) { // user doesn't exist yet: create Unplugged.createUser(dbUnplugged, nmUser.getCanonical(), isActive); } else if (docUser.getItemValueString("Active").equals("1") && !isActive) { // mark user as inactive docUser.replaceItemValue("Active", "0");; } else if (!docUser.getItemValueString("Active").equals("1") && isActive) { // mark user as active docUser.replaceItemValue("Active", "1");; } // check if an app document for this app already exists and create it if not DocumentCollection dcApp ="Form=\"UserDatabase\" & Path=\"" + correctedPath + "\""); if (dcApp.getCount() == 0) { // create new app document Logger.debug("application not found: create new"); docApp = dbUnplugged.createDocument(); docApp.replaceItemValue("form", "UserDatabase"); docApp.replaceItemValue("Path", correctedPath); } else { // update existing app document docApp = dcApp.getFirstDocument(); } Vector<String> appUsers = docApp.getItemValue("UserName"); if (!appUsers.contains(nmUser.getCanonical())) { Logger.debug(nmUser.getCanonical() + " not in list of application users: adding"); appUsers.add(nmUser.getCanonical()); docApp.replaceItemValue("UserName", appUsers); docApp.replaceItemValue("Active", "1"); docApp.computeWithForm(true, true);; } Logger.debug("done"); } catch (NotesException e) { Logger.error(e); } finally { Utils.recycle(docUser, docApp, nmUser, dbUnplugged); } return true; }
private void generateJSONResponse(OutputStream outputStream, QueryResult queryResult) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, NamingException { String charSet = "UTF-8"; JsonGenerator jg = Json.createGenerator(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, charSet)); jg.writeStartArray(); List<String> selects = queryResult.getQuery().getSelects(); List<String> partIterationSelectedAttributes = getPartIterationSelectedAttributes(selects); List<String> pathDataSelectedAttributes = getPathDataSelectedAttributes(selects); context = new InitialContext(); IProductInstanceManagerLocal productInstanceService = (IProductInstanceManagerLocal) context.lookup( "java:global/docdoku-server-ear/docdoku-server-ejb/ProductInstanceManagerBean"); for (QueryResultRow row : queryResult.getRows()) { QueryContext queryContext = row.getContext(); PartRevision part = row.getPartRevision(); PartIteration lastCheckedInIteration = part.getLastCheckedInIteration(); jg.writeStartObject(); jg.write(QueryField.PART_REVISION_PART_KEY, part.getPartNumber() + '-' + part.getVersion()); // PartMaster data if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_MASTER_NUMBER)) { jg.write(QueryField.PART_MASTER_NUMBER, part.getPartNumber()); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_MASTER_NAME)) { String sName = part.getPartName(); jg.write(QueryField.PART_MASTER_NAME, sName != null ? sName : ""); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_MASTER_TYPE)) { String sType = part.getType(); jg.write(QueryField.PART_MASTER_TYPE, sType != null ? sType : ""); } // PartRevision data if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_REVISION_MODIFICATION_DATE)) { PartIteration pi = part.getLastIteration(); if (pi != null) { writeDate(jg, QueryField.PART_REVISION_MODIFICATION_DATE, pi.getModificationDate()); } } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_REVISION_CREATION_DATE)) { writeDate(jg, QueryField.PART_REVISION_CREATION_DATE, part.getCreationDate()); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_REVISION_CHECKOUT_DATE)) { writeDate(jg, QueryField.PART_REVISION_CHECKOUT_DATE, part.getCheckOutDate()); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_REVISION_CHECKIN_DATE)) { writeDate( jg, QueryField.PART_REVISION_CHECKIN_DATE, lastCheckedInIteration != null ? lastCheckedInIteration.getCheckInDate() : null); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_REVISION_VERSION)) { String version = part.getVersion(); jg.write(QueryField.PART_REVISION_VERSION, version); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_REVISION_LIFECYCLE_STATE)) { String lifeCycleState = part.getLifeCycleState(); jg.write( QueryField.PART_REVISION_LIFECYCLE_STATE, lifeCycleState != null ? lifeCycleState : ""); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_REVISION_STATUS)) { PartRevision.RevisionStatus status = part.getStatus(); jg.write(QueryField.PART_REVISION_STATUS, status.toString()); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.AUTHOR_LOGIN)) { User user = part.getAuthor(); jg.write(QueryField.AUTHOR_LOGIN, user.getLogin()); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.AUTHOR_NAME)) { User user = part.getAuthor(); jg.write(QueryField.AUTHOR_NAME, user.getName()); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.CTX_DEPTH)) { jg.write(QueryField.CTX_DEPTH, row.getDepth()); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_ITERATION_LINKED_DOCUMENTS)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (null != queryContext && null != queryContext.getSerialNumber()) { try { ProductInstanceMaster productInstanceMaster = productInstanceService.getProductInstanceMaster( new ProductInstanceMasterKey( queryContext.getSerialNumber(), queryContext.getWorkspaceId(), queryContext.getConfigurationItemId())); ProductInstanceIteration lastIteration = productInstanceMaster.getLastIteration(); ProductBaseline basedOn = lastIteration.getBasedOn(); PartCollection partCollection = basedOn.getPartCollection(); BaselinedPart baselinedPart = partCollection.getBaselinedPart( new BaselinedPartKey( partCollection.getId(), queryContext.getWorkspaceId(), part.getPartNumber())); PartIteration targetPart = baselinedPart.getTargetPart(); Set<DocumentLink> linkedDocuments = targetPart.getLinkedDocuments(); DocumentCollection documentCollection = basedOn.getDocumentCollection(); for (DocumentLink documentLink : linkedDocuments) { DocumentRevision targetDocument = documentLink.getTargetDocument(); BaselinedDocument baselinedDocument = documentCollection.getBaselinedDocument( new BaselinedDocumentKey( documentCollection.getId(), queryContext.getWorkspaceId(), targetDocument.getDocumentMasterId(), targetDocument.getVersion())); if (null != baselinedDocument) { DocumentIteration targetDocumentIteration = baselinedDocument.getTargetDocument(); sb.append(targetDocumentIteration.toString() + ","); } } } catch (UserNotFoundException | UserNotActiveException | WorkspaceNotFoundException | ProductInstanceMasterNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, null, e); } } else { if (lastCheckedInIteration != null) { Set<DocumentLink> linkedDocuments = lastCheckedInIteration.getLinkedDocuments(); for (DocumentLink documentLink : linkedDocuments) { DocumentRevision targetDocument = documentLink.getTargetDocument(); DocumentIteration targetDocumentLastCheckedInIteration = targetDocument.getLastCheckedInIteration(); if (targetDocumentLastCheckedInIteration != null) { sb.append(targetDocumentLastCheckedInIteration.toString() + ","); } } } } jg.write(QueryField.PART_ITERATION_LINKED_DOCUMENTS, sb.toString()); } for (String attributeSelect : partIterationSelectedAttributes) { String attributeSelectType = attributeSelect .substring(0, attributeSelect.indexOf(".")) .substring(QueryField.PART_REVISION_ATTRIBUTES_PREFIX.length()); String attributeSelectName = attributeSelect.substring(attributeSelect.indexOf(".") + 1); String attributeValue = ""; PartIteration pi = part.getLastIteration(); if (pi != null) { List<InstanceAttribute> attributes = pi.getInstanceAttributes(); if (attributes != null) { jg.writeStartArray(attributeSelect); for (InstanceAttribute attribute : attributes) { InstanceAttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor = new InstanceAttributeDescriptor(attribute); if (attributeDescriptor.getName().equals(attributeSelectName) && attributeDescriptor.getStringType().equals(attributeSelectType)) { attributeValue = attribute.getValue() + ""; if (attribute instanceof InstanceDateAttribute) { attributeValue = getFormattedDate(((InstanceDateAttribute) attribute).getDateValue()); } else if (attribute instanceof InstanceListOfValuesAttribute) { attributeValue = ((InstanceListOfValuesAttribute) attribute).getSelectedName(); } jg.write(attributeValue); } } jg.writeEnd(); } else { jg.write(attributeSelect, attributeValue); } } else { // TODO: maybe this line is useless and should be removed jg.write(attributeSelect, attributeValue); } } for (String attributeSelect : pathDataSelectedAttributes) { String attributeSelectType = attributeSelect .substring(0, attributeSelect.indexOf(".")) .substring(QueryField.PATH_DATA_ATTRIBUTES_PREFIX.length()); String attributeSelectName = attributeSelect.substring(attributeSelect.indexOf(".") + 1); String attributeValue = ""; PathDataIteration pdi = row.getPathDataIteration(); if (pdi != null) { List<InstanceAttribute> attributes = pdi.getInstanceAttributes(); if (attributes != null) { jg.writeStartArray(attributeSelect); for (InstanceAttribute attribute : attributes) { InstanceAttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor = new InstanceAttributeDescriptor(attribute); if (attributeDescriptor.getName().equals(attributeSelectName) && attributeDescriptor.getStringType().equals(attributeSelectType)) { attributeValue = attribute.getValue() + ""; if (attribute instanceof InstanceDateAttribute) { attributeValue = getFormattedDate(((InstanceDateAttribute) attribute).getDateValue()); } else if (attribute instanceof InstanceListOfValuesAttribute) { attributeValue = ((InstanceListOfValuesAttribute) attribute).getSelectedName(); } jg.write(attributeValue); } } jg.writeEnd(); } else { jg.write(attributeSelect, attributeValue); } } } if (selects.contains(QueryField.CTX_PRODUCT_ID)) { String configurationItemId = queryContext != null ? queryContext.getConfigurationItemId() : ""; jg.write(QueryField.CTX_PRODUCT_ID, configurationItemId); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.CTX_SERIAL_NUMBER)) { String serialNumber = queryContext != null ? queryContext.getSerialNumber() : ""; jg.write(QueryField.CTX_SERIAL_NUMBER, serialNumber != null ? serialNumber : ""); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.CTX_AMOUNT)) { String amount = row.getAmount() + ""; jg.write(QueryField.CTX_AMOUNT, amount); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.CTX_P2P_SOURCE)) { Map<String, List<PartLinkList>> sources = row.getSources(); String partLinksAsString = Tools.getPartLinksAsHumanString(sources); jg.write(QueryField.CTX_P2P_SOURCE, partLinksAsString); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.CTX_P2P_TARGET)) { Map<String, List<PartLinkList>> targets = row.getTargets(); String partLinksAsString = Tools.getPartLinksAsHumanString(targets); jg.write(QueryField.CTX_P2P_TARGET, partLinksAsString); } if (selects.contains(QueryField.PART_MASTER_IS_STANDARD)) { boolean isStandard = row.getPartRevision().getPartMaster().isStandardPart(); jg.write(QueryField.PART_MASTER_IS_STANDARD, isStandard); } jg.writeEnd(); } jg.writeEnd(); jg.flush(); }