public void testRemoveHugeLogicalLineThatLaysBeforeSoftWrappedLines() throws IOException { String text = "short line\n" + "this is a long line that is expected to be soft wrapped into more than one or even two visual lines\n" + "1. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" + "2. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" + "3. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped\n" + "4. just a line that is long enough to be soft wrapped"; init(15, text); Document document = myEditor.getDocument(); int start = document.getLineStartOffset(1); int end = document.getLineEndOffset(1) + 1; int visualLinesToRemove = getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrapsForLine(1).size() + 1; List<VisualPosition> positionsBefore = new ArrayList<VisualPosition>(); for (int i = end; i < text.length(); i++) { positionsBefore.add(myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(i)); } Collections.reverse(positionsBefore); myEditor.getSelectionModel().setSelection(start, end); delete(); // Check that all remembered positions are just shifted to expected number of visual lines. for (int i = start; i < document.getTextLength(); i++) { VisualPosition position = positionsBefore.remove(positionsBefore.size() - 1); assertEquals( new VisualPosition(position.line - visualLinesToRemove, position.column), myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(i)); } }
private VerticalInfo createVerticalInfo(LogicalPosition position) { Document document = myEditor.getDocument(); int logicalLine = position.line; if (logicalLine >= document.getLineCount()) { logicalLine = Math.max(0, document.getLineCount() - 1); } int startOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(logicalLine); int endOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(logicalLine); // There is a possible case that active logical line is represented on multiple lines due to // soft wraps processing. // We want to highlight those visual lines as 'active' then, so, we calculate 'y' position for // the logical line start // and height in accordance with the number of occupied visual lines. VisualPosition visualPosition = myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(document.getLineStartOffset(logicalLine)); int y = myEditor.visualPositionToXY(visualPosition).y; int lineHeight = myEditor.getLineHeight(); int height = lineHeight; List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = myEditor.getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrapsForRange(startOffset, endOffset); for (SoftWrap softWrap : softWraps) { height += StringUtil.countNewLines(softWrap.getText()) * lineHeight; } return new VerticalInfo(y, height); }
public void testPastingInsideSelection() throws IOException { String text = "this is line number 0\n" + "this is line number 1\n" + "this is line number 2\n" + "this is line number 3\n" + "this is line number 4\n" + "this is line number 5\n" + "this is line number 6\n" + "this is the last line"; init(100, text); int lineToSelect = 4; myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(text.indexOf("number " + lineToSelect)); Document document = myEditor.getDocument(); int startOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(lineToSelect); int endOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(lineToSelect); myEditor.getSelectionModel().setSelection(startOffset, endOffset); VisualPosition positionBefore = myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(document.getLineStartOffset(lineToSelect + 1)); List<SoftWrap> softWrapsBefore = new ArrayList<>(getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps()); copy(); paste(); assertEquals( positionBefore, myEditor.offsetToVisualPosition(document.getLineStartOffset(lineToSelect + 1))); assertEquals(softWrapsBefore, getSoftWrapModel().getRegisteredSoftWraps()); }
public CaretModelImpl(EditorImpl editor) { myEditor = editor; myLogicalCaret = new LogicalPosition(0, 0); myVisibleCaret = new VisualPosition(0, 0); myCaretInfo = new VerticalInfo(0, 0); myOffset = 0; myVisualLineStart = 0; Document doc = editor.getDocument(); myVisualLineEnd = doc.getLineCount() > 1 ? doc.getLineStartOffset(1) : doc.getLineCount() == 0 ? 0 : doc.getLineEndOffset(0); DocumentBulkUpdateListener bulkUpdateListener = new DocumentBulkUpdateListener() { @Override public void updateStarted(Document doc) { if (doc != myEditor.getDocument()) return; savedBeforeBulkCaretMarker = doc.createRangeMarker(myOffset, myOffset); } @Override public void updateFinished(Document doc) { if (doc != myEditor.getDocument() || myIsInUpdate) return; if (savedBeforeBulkCaretMarker != null && savedBeforeBulkCaretMarker.isValid()) { moveToOffset(savedBeforeBulkCaretMarker.getStartOffset()); } releaseBulkCaretMarker(); } }; ApplicationManager.getApplication() .getMessageBus() .connect(this) .subscribe(DocumentBulkUpdateListener.TOPIC, bulkUpdateListener); }
private boolean isLineEmpty(final int line) { final CharSequence chars = myDocument.getCharsSequence(); int start = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(line); int end = Math.min(myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line), myDocument.getTextLength() - 1); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(chars.charAt(i))) return false; } return true; }
private boolean isBlankLine(int line, CharSequence chars) { Document document = myDocument; if (document == null) { return true; } int startOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(line); int endOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(line); return CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(chars, startOffset, endOffset, " \t") >= myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line); }
private static boolean lineContainsNonSpaces(final Document document, final int line) { if (line >= document.getLineCount()) { return false; } int lineStartOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(line); int lineEndOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(line); @NonNls String text = document.getCharsSequence().subSequence(lineStartOffset, lineEndOffset).toString(); return text.trim().length() != 0; }
public static int insertStringAtCaret( Editor editor, @NotNull String s, boolean toProcessOverwriteMode, boolean toMoveCaret, int caretShift) { final SelectionModel selectionModel = editor.getSelectionModel(); if (selectionModel.hasSelection()) { editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), true); } // There is a possible case that particular soft wraps become hard wraps if the caret is located // at soft wrap-introduced virtual // space, hence, we need to give editor a chance to react accordingly. editor.getSoftWrapModel().beforeDocumentChangeAtCaret(); int oldOffset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); String filler = calcStringToFillVirtualSpace(editor); if (filler.length() > 0) { s = filler + s; } Document document = editor.getDocument(); if (editor.isInsertMode() || !toProcessOverwriteMode) { if (selectionModel.hasSelection()) { oldOffset = selectionModel.getSelectionStart(); document.replaceString( selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), selectionModel.getSelectionEnd(), s); } else { document.insertString(oldOffset, s); } } else { deleteSelectedText(editor); int lineNumber = editor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition().line; if (lineNumber >= document.getLineCount()) { return insertStringAtCaret(editor, s, false, toMoveCaret); } int endOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(lineNumber); document.replaceString(oldOffset, Math.min(endOffset, oldOffset + s.length()), s); } int offset = oldOffset + filler.length() + caretShift; if (toMoveCaret) { editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(offset, true); editor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.RELATIVE); selectionModel.removeSelection(); } else if (editor.getCaretModel().getOffset() != oldOffset) { // handling the case when caret model tracks document changes editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(oldOffset); } return offset; }
@Nullable private static String getPropertyName(@NotNull Document document, int line) { int startOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(line); int endOffset = StringUtil.indexOf( document.getCharsSequence(), '=', startOffset, document.getLineEndOffset(line)); if (endOffset <= startOffset) { return null; } String propertyName = document.getCharsSequence().subSequence(startOffset, endOffset).toString().trim(); return propertyName.isEmpty() ? null : propertyName; }
/** * Calculates difference in columns between current editor caret position and end of the logical * line fragment displayed on a current visual line. * * @param editor target editor * @return difference in columns between current editor caret position and end of the logical line * fragment displayed on a current visual line */ public static int calcAfterLineEnd(Editor editor) { Document document = editor.getDocument(); CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); LogicalPosition logicalPosition = caretModel.getLogicalPosition(); int lineNumber = logicalPosition.line; int columnNumber = logicalPosition.column; if (lineNumber >= document.getLineCount()) { return columnNumber; } int caretOffset = caretModel.getOffset(); int anchorLineEndOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(lineNumber); List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = editor.getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrapsForLine(logicalPosition.line); for (SoftWrap softWrap : softWraps) { if (!editor.getSoftWrapModel().isVisible(softWrap)) { continue; } int softWrapOffset = softWrap.getStart(); if (softWrapOffset == caretOffset) { // There are two possible situations: // *) caret is located on a visual line before soft wrap-introduced line feed; // *) caret is located on a visual line after soft wrap-introduced line feed; VisualPosition position = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(caretOffset - 1); VisualPosition visualCaret = caretModel.getVisualPosition(); if (position.line == visualCaret.line) { return visualCaret.column - position.column - 1; } } if (softWrapOffset > caretOffset) { anchorLineEndOffset = softWrapOffset; break; } // Same offset corresponds to all soft wrap-introduced symbols, however, current method should // behave differently in // situations when the caret is located just before the soft wrap and at the next visual line. if (softWrapOffset == caretOffset) { boolean visuallyBeforeSoftWrap = caretModel.getVisualPosition().line < editor.offsetToVisualPosition(caretOffset).line; if (visuallyBeforeSoftWrap) { anchorLineEndOffset = softWrapOffset; break; } } } int lineEndColumnNumber = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(anchorLineEndOffset).column; return columnNumber - lineEndColumnNumber; }
@Override @NotNull public List<? extends SoftWrap> getSoftWrapsForLine(int documentLine) { if (!isSoftWrappingEnabled() || documentLine < 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } Document document = myEditor.getDocument(); int start = document.getLineStartOffset(documentLine); int end = document.getLineEndOffset(documentLine); return getSoftWrapsForRange( start, end + 1 /* it's theoretically possible that soft wrap is registered just before the line feed, * hence, we add '1' here assuming that end line offset points to line feed symbol */); }
private boolean isLineCommented( final int line, final CharSequence chars, final Commenter commenter) { boolean commented; int lineEndForBlockCommenting = -1; int lineStart = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(line); lineStart = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(chars, lineStart, " \t"); if (commenter instanceof SelfManagingCommenter) { final SelfManagingCommenter selfManagingCommenter = (SelfManagingCommenter) commenter; commented = selfManagingCommenter.isLineCommented( line, lineStart, myDocument, myCommenterStateMap.get(selfManagingCommenter)); } else { String prefix = commenter.getLineCommentPrefix(); if (prefix != null) { commented = CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, lineStart, prefix) || prefix.endsWith(" ") && CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, lineStart, prefix.trim() + "\n"); } else { prefix = commenter.getBlockCommentPrefix(); String suffix = commenter.getBlockCommentSuffix(); final int textLength = myDocument.getTextLength(); lineEndForBlockCommenting = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line); if (lineEndForBlockCommenting == textLength) { final int shifted = CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(chars, textLength - 1, " \t"); if (shifted < textLength - 1) lineEndForBlockCommenting = shifted; } else { lineEndForBlockCommenting = CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(chars, lineEndForBlockCommenting, " \t"); } commented = lineStart == lineEndForBlockCommenting && myStartLine != myEndLine || CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, lineStart, prefix) && CharArrayUtil.regionMatches( chars, lineEndForBlockCommenting - suffix.length(), suffix); } } if (commented) { myStartOffsets[line - myStartLine] = lineStart; myEndOffsets[line - myStartLine] = lineEndForBlockCommenting; } return commented; }
@Nullable private Commenter findCommenter(final int line) { final FileType fileType = myFile.getFileType(); if (fileType instanceof AbstractFileType) { return ((AbstractFileType) fileType).getCommenter(); } int lineStartOffset = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(line); int lineEndOffset = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line) - 1; final CharSequence charSequence = myDocument.getCharsSequence(); lineStartOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(charSequence, lineStartOffset, " \t"); lineEndOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(charSequence, lineEndOffset < 0 ? 0 : lineEndOffset, " \t"); final Language lineStartLanguage = PsiUtilBase.getLanguageAtOffset(myFile, lineStartOffset); final Language lineEndLanguage = PsiUtilBase.getLanguageAtOffset(myFile, lineEndOffset); return CommentByBlockCommentHandler.getCommenter( myFile, myEditor, lineStartLanguage, lineEndLanguage); }
private static void logInitial( @NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull int[] startOffsets, @NotNull int[] endOffsets, int indentSymbolsToStrip, int firstLineStartOffset) { if (!"editor.richcopy.debug")) { return; } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Document document = editor.getDocument(); CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence(); for (int i = 0; i < startOffsets.length; i++) { int start = startOffsets[i]; int lineStart = document.getLineStartOffset(document.getLineNumber(start)); int end = endOffsets[i]; int lineEnd = document.getLineEndOffset(document.getLineNumber(end)); buffer .append(" region #") .append(i) .append(": ") .append(start) .append('-') .append(end) .append(", text at range ") .append(lineStart) .append('-') .append(lineEnd) .append(": \n'") .append(text.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd)) .append("'\n"); } if (buffer.length() > 0) { buffer.setLength(buffer.length() - 1); } String.format( "Preparing syntax-aware text. Given: %s selection, indent symbols to strip=%d, first line start offset=%d, selected text:%n%s", startOffsets.length > 1 ? "block" : "regular", indentSymbolsToStrip, firstLineStartOffset, buffer)); }
public static String getNewText(PsiElement elt) { Project project = elt.getProject(); PsiFile psiFile = getContainingFile(elt); final Document doc = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getDocument(psiFile); if (doc == null) return null; final ImplementationTextSelectioner implementationTextSelectioner = LanguageImplementationTextSelectioner.INSTANCE.forLanguage(elt.getLanguage()); int start = implementationTextSelectioner.getTextStartOffset(elt); final int end = implementationTextSelectioner.getTextEndOffset(elt); final int lineStart = doc.getLineStartOffset(doc.getLineNumber(start)); final int lineEnd = end < doc.getTextLength() ? doc.getLineEndOffset(doc.getLineNumber(end)) : doc.getTextLength(); return doc.getCharsSequence().subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd).toString(); }
private int yPositionToOffset(int y, boolean beginLine) { if (myEditorScrollbarTop == -1 || myEditorTargetHeight == -1) { recalcEditorDimensions(); } final int safeY = Math.max(0, y - myEditorScrollbarTop); VisualPosition visual; if (myEditorSourceHeight < myEditorTargetHeight) { visual = myEditor.xyToVisualPosition(new Point(0, safeY)); } else { float fraction = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, safeY / (float) myEditorTargetHeight)); final int lineCount = myEditorSourceHeight / myEditor.getLineHeight(); visual = new VisualPosition((int) (fraction * lineCount), 0); } int line = myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(visual).line; Document document = myEditor.getDocument(); if (line < 0) return 0; if (line >= document.getLineCount()) return document.getTextLength(); return beginLine ? document.getLineStartOffset(line) : document.getLineEndOffset(line); }
public void doClick(final MouseEvent e, final int width) { RangeHighlighter marker = getNearestRangeHighlighter(e, width); if (marker == null) return; int offset = marker.getStartOffset(); final Document doc = myEditor.getDocument(); if (doc.getLineCount() > 0) { // Necessary to expand folded block even if navigating just before one // Very useful when navigating to first unused import statement. int lineEnd = doc.getLineEndOffset(doc.getLineNumber(offset)); myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(lineEnd); } myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(offset); myEditor.getSelectionModel().removeSelection(); ScrollingModel scrollingModel = myEditor.getScrollingModel(); scrollingModel.disableAnimation(); scrollingModel.scrollToCaret(ScrollType.CENTER); scrollingModel.enableAnimation(); fireErrorMarkerClicked(marker, e); }
private static Pair<Integer /* start offset to use */, Integer /* indent symbols to strip */> calcIndentSymbolsToStrip(@NotNull Document document, int startOffset, int endOffset) { int startLine = document.getLineNumber(startOffset); int endLine = document.getLineNumber(endOffset); CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence(); int maximumCommonIndent = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int firstLineStart = startOffset; int firstLineEnd = startOffset; for (int line = startLine; line <= endLine; line++) { int lineStartOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(line); int lineEndOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(line); if (line == startLine) { firstLineStart = lineStartOffset; firstLineEnd = lineEndOffset; } int nonWsOffset = lineEndOffset; for (int i = lineStartOffset; i < lineEndOffset && (i - lineStartOffset) < maximumCommonIndent && i < endOffset; i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') { nonWsOffset = i; break; } } if (nonWsOffset >= lineEndOffset) { continue; // Blank line } int indent = nonWsOffset - lineStartOffset; maximumCommonIndent = Math.min(maximumCommonIndent, indent); if (maximumCommonIndent == 0) { break; } } int startOffsetToUse = Math.min(firstLineEnd, Math.max(startOffset, firstLineStart + maximumCommonIndent)); return Pair.create(startOffsetToUse, maximumCommonIndent); }
private void paintHighlighterAfterEndOfLine(Graphics2D g, RangeHighlighterEx highlighter) { if (!highlighter.isAfterEndOfLine()) { return; } int startOffset = highlighter.getStartOffset(); int lineEndOffset = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(myDocument.getLineNumber(startOffset)); if (myEditor.getFoldingModel().isOffsetCollapsed(lineEndOffset)) return; Point lineEnd = myView.offsetToXY(lineEndOffset, true, false); int x = lineEnd.x; int y = lineEnd.y; TextAttributes attributes = highlighter.getTextAttributes(); paintBackground(g, attributes, x, y, myView.getPlainSpaceWidth()); if (attributes != null && hasTextEffect(attributes.getEffectColor(), attributes.getEffectType())) { paintTextEffect( g, x, x + myView.getPlainSpaceWidth() - 1, y + myView.getAscent(), attributes.getEffectColor(), attributes.getEffectType()); } }
private void generateJavadoc(CodeDocumentationAwareCommenter commenter) throws IncorrectOperationException { CodeInsightSettings settings = CodeInsightSettings.getInstance(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); final String docCommentLinePrefix = commenter.getDocumentationCommentLinePrefix(); if (docCommentLinePrefix == null) { return; } // There are at least two approaches for completing javadoc in case there is a text between // current caret position and line end: // 1. Move that tail text below the javadoc. Use-case: // Before: // /**<caret>public void foo() {} // After: // /** // */ // public void foo() {} // 2. Move the tail text inside the javadoc. Use-case: // Before: // /**This is <caret>javadoc description // After: // /** This is // * javadoc description // */ // The later is most relevant when we have 'auto wrap when typing reaches right margin' option // set, i.e. user starts javadoc // and types until right margin is reached. We want the wrapped text tail to be located inside // javadoc and continue typing // inside it. So, we have a control flow branch below that does the trick. buffer.append(docCommentLinePrefix); if (DataManager.getInstance() .loadFromDataContext( myDataContext, AutoHardWrapHandler.AUTO_WRAP_LINE_IN_PROGRESS_KEY) == Boolean.TRUE) { myDocument.insertString(myOffset, buffer); // We create new buffer here because the one referenced by current 'buffer' variable value // may be already referenced at another // place (e.g. 'undo' processing stuff). buffer = new StringBuilder(LINE_SEPARATOR).append(commenter.getDocumentationCommentSuffix()); int line = myDocument.getLineNumber(myOffset); myOffset = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line); } else { buffer.append(LINE_SEPARATOR); buffer.append(commenter.getDocumentationCommentSuffix()); } PsiComment comment = createComment(buffer, settings); if (comment == null) { return; } myOffset = comment.getTextRange().getStartOffset(); CharSequence text = myDocument.getCharsSequence(); myOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForwardUntil(text, myOffset, LINE_SEPARATOR); myOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(text, myOffset, LINE_SEPARATOR); myOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForwardUntil(text, myOffset, docCommentLinePrefix) + 1; removeTrailingSpaces(myDocument, myOffset); if (!CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(getProject()).JD_LEADING_ASTERISKS_ARE_ENABLED) { LOG.assertTrue( CharArrayUtil.regionMatches( myDocument.getCharsSequence(), myOffset - docCommentLinePrefix.length(), docCommentLinePrefix)); myDocument.deleteString(myOffset - docCommentLinePrefix.length(), myOffset); myOffset--; } else { myDocument.insertString(myOffset, " "); myOffset++; } PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(getProject()).commitAllDocuments(); }
private void paintBorderEffect( Graphics2D g, ClipDetector clipDetector, int startOffset, int endOffset, TextAttributes attributes) { if (!clipDetector.rangeCanBeVisible(startOffset, endOffset)) return; int startLine = myDocument.getLineNumber(startOffset); int endLine = myDocument.getLineNumber(endOffset); if (startLine + 1 == endLine && startOffset == myDocument.getLineStartOffset(startLine) && endOffset == myDocument.getLineStartOffset(endLine)) { // special case of line highlighters endLine--; endOffset = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(endLine); } boolean rounded = attributes.getEffectType() == EffectType.ROUNDED_BOX; int lineHeight = myView.getLineHeight() - 1; g.setColor(attributes.getEffectColor()); VisualPosition startPosition = myView.offsetToVisualPosition(startOffset, true, false); VisualPosition endPosition = myView.offsetToVisualPosition(endOffset, false, true); if (startPosition.line == endPosition.line) { int y = myView.visualLineToY(startPosition.line); TFloatArrayList ranges = adjustedLogicalRangeToVisualRanges(startOffset, endOffset); for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size() - 1; i += 2) { int startX = (int) ranges.get(i); int endX = (int) ranges.get(i + 1); if (rounded) { UIUtil.drawRectPickedOut(g, startX, y, endX - startX, lineHeight); } else { g.drawRect(startX, y, endX - startX, lineHeight); } } } else { int maxWidth = myView.getMaxWidthInLineRange(startPosition.line, endPosition.line) - 1; TFloatArrayList leadingRanges = adjustedLogicalRangeToVisualRanges( startOffset, myView.visualPositionToOffset( new VisualPosition(startPosition.line, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true))); TFloatArrayList trailingRanges = adjustedLogicalRangeToVisualRanges( myView.visualPositionToOffset(new VisualPosition(endPosition.line, 0)), endOffset); if (!leadingRanges.isEmpty() && !trailingRanges.isEmpty()) { boolean containsInnerLines = endPosition.line > startPosition.line + 1; int leadingTopY = myView.visualLineToY(startPosition.line); int leadingBottomY = leadingTopY + lineHeight; int trailingTopY = myView.visualLineToY(endPosition.line); int trailingBottomY = trailingTopY + lineHeight; float start = 0; float end = 0; float leftGap = leadingRanges.get(0) - (containsInnerLines ? 0 : trailingRanges.get(0)); int adjustY = leftGap == 0 ? 2 : leftGap > 0 ? 1 : 0; // avoiding 1-pixel gap between aligned lines for (int i = 0; i < leadingRanges.size() - 1; i += 2) { start = leadingRanges.get(i); end = leadingRanges.get(i + 1); if (i > 0) { drawLine(g, leadingRanges.get(i - 1), leadingBottomY, start, leadingBottomY, rounded); } drawLine(g, start, leadingBottomY + (i == 0 ? adjustY : 0), start, leadingTopY, rounded); if ((i + 2) < leadingRanges.size()) { drawLine(g, start, leadingTopY, end, leadingTopY, rounded); drawLine(g, end, leadingTopY, end, leadingBottomY, rounded); } } end = Math.max(end, maxWidth); drawLine(g, start, leadingTopY, end, leadingTopY, rounded); drawLine(g, end, leadingTopY, end, trailingTopY - 1, rounded); float targetX = trailingRanges.get(trailingRanges.size() - 1); drawLine(g, end, trailingTopY - 1, targetX, trailingTopY - 1, rounded); adjustY = end == targetX ? -2 : -1; // for lastX == targetX we need to avoid a gap when rounding is used for (int i = trailingRanges.size() - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { start = trailingRanges.get(i); end = trailingRanges.get(i + 1); drawLine(g, end, trailingTopY + (i == 0 ? adjustY : 0), end, trailingBottomY, rounded); drawLine(g, end, trailingBottomY, start, trailingBottomY, rounded); drawLine(g, start, trailingBottomY, start, trailingTopY, rounded); if (i > 0) { drawLine(g, start, trailingTopY, trailingRanges.get(i - 1), trailingTopY, rounded); } } float lastX = start; if (containsInnerLines) { if (start > 0) { drawLine(g, start, trailingTopY, start, trailingTopY - 1, rounded); drawLine(g, start, trailingTopY - 1, 0, trailingTopY - 1, rounded); drawLine(g, 0, trailingTopY - 1, 0, leadingBottomY + 1, rounded); } else { drawLine(g, start, trailingTopY, 0, leadingBottomY + 1, rounded); } lastX = 0; } targetX = leadingRanges.get(0); if (lastX < targetX) { drawLine(g, lastX, leadingBottomY + 1, targetX, leadingBottomY + 1, rounded); } else { drawLine(g, lastX, leadingBottomY + 1, lastX, leadingBottomY, rounded); drawLine(g, lastX, leadingBottomY, targetX, leadingBottomY, rounded); } } } }
private void doComment() { myStartLine = myDocument.getLineNumber(myStartOffset); myEndLine = myDocument.getLineNumber(myEndOffset); if (myEndLine > myStartLine && myDocument.getLineStartOffset(myEndLine) == myEndOffset) { myEndLine--; } myStartOffsets = new int[myEndLine - myStartLine + 1]; myEndOffsets = new int[myEndLine - myStartLine + 1]; myCommenters = new Commenter[myEndLine - myStartLine + 1]; myCommenterStateMap = new THashMap<SelfManagingCommenter, CommenterDataHolder>(); CharSequence chars = myDocument.getCharsSequence(); boolean singleline = myStartLine == myEndLine; int offset = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(myStartLine); offset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(myDocument.getCharsSequence(), offset, " \t"); final Language languageSuitableForCompleteFragment = PsiUtilBase.reallyEvaluateLanguageInRange( offset, CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward( myDocument.getCharsSequence(), myDocument.getLineEndOffset(myEndLine), " \t\n"), myFile); Commenter blockSuitableCommenter = languageSuitableForCompleteFragment == null ? LanguageCommenters.INSTANCE.forLanguage(myFile.getLanguage()) : null; if (blockSuitableCommenter == null && myFile.getFileType() instanceof AbstractFileType) { blockSuitableCommenter = new Commenter() { final SyntaxTable mySyntaxTable = ((AbstractFileType) myFile.getFileType()).getSyntaxTable(); @Nullable public String getLineCommentPrefix() { return mySyntaxTable.getLineComment(); } @Nullable public String getBlockCommentPrefix() { return mySyntaxTable.getStartComment(); } @Nullable public String getBlockCommentSuffix() { return mySyntaxTable.getEndComment(); } public String getCommentedBlockCommentPrefix() { return null; } public String getCommentedBlockCommentSuffix() { return null; } }; } boolean allLineCommented = true; boolean commentWithIndent = !CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(myProject).LINE_COMMENT_AT_FIRST_COLUMN; for (int line = myStartLine; line <= myEndLine; line++) { Commenter commenter = blockSuitableCommenter != null ? blockSuitableCommenter : findCommenter(line); if (commenter == null) return; if (commenter.getLineCommentPrefix() == null && (commenter.getBlockCommentPrefix() == null || commenter.getBlockCommentSuffix() == null)) { return; } if (commenter instanceof SelfManagingCommenter && myCommenterStateMap.get(commenter) == null) { final SelfManagingCommenter selfManagingCommenter = (SelfManagingCommenter) commenter; CommenterDataHolder state = selfManagingCommenter.createLineCommentingState( myStartLine, myEndLine, myDocument, myFile); if (state == null) state = SelfManagingCommenter.EMPTY_STATE; myCommenterStateMap.put(selfManagingCommenter, state); } myCommenters[line - myStartLine] = commenter; if (!isLineCommented(line, chars, commenter) && (singleline || !isLineEmpty(line))) { allLineCommented = false; if (commenter instanceof IndentedCommenter) { final Boolean value = ((IndentedCommenter) commenter).forceIndentedLineComment(); if (value != null) { commentWithIndent = value; } } break; } } if (!allLineCommented) { if (!commentWithIndent) { doDefaultCommenting(blockSuitableCommenter); } else { doIndentCommenting(blockSuitableCommenter); } } else { for (int line = myEndLine; line >= myStartLine; line--) { uncommentLine(line); // int offset1 = myStartOffsets[line - myStartLine]; // int offset2 = myEndOffsets[line - myStartLine]; // if (offset1 == offset2) continue; // Commenter commenter = myCommenters[line - myStartLine]; // String prefix = commenter.getBlockCommentPrefix(); // if (prefix == null || !myDocument.getText().substring(offset1, // myDocument.getTextLength()).startsWith(prefix)) { // prefix = commenter.getLineCommentPrefix(); // } // // String suffix = commenter.getBlockCommentSuffix(); // if (suffix == null && prefix != null) suffix = ""; // // if (prefix != null && suffix != null) { // final int suffixLen = suffix.length(); // final int prefixLen = prefix.length(); // if (offset2 >= 0) { // if (!CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, offset1 + prefixLen, prefix)) { // myDocument.deleteString(offset2 - suffixLen, offset2); // } // } // if (offset1 >= 0) { // for (int i = offset2 - suffixLen - 1; i > offset1 + prefixLen; --i) { // if (CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, i, suffix)) { // myDocument.deleteString(i, i + suffixLen); // } // else if (CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, i, prefix)) { // myDocument.deleteString(i, i + prefixLen); // } // } // myDocument.deleteString(offset1, offset1 + prefixLen); // } // } } } }
public void doWrapLongLinesIfNecessary( @NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final Project project, @NotNull Document document, int startOffset, int endOffset) { // Normalization. int startOffsetToUse = Math.min(document.getTextLength(), Math.max(0, startOffset)); int endOffsetToUse = Math.min(document.getTextLength(), Math.max(0, endOffset)); LineWrapPositionStrategy strategy = LanguageLineWrapPositionStrategy.INSTANCE.forEditor(editor); CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence(); int startLine = document.getLineNumber(startOffsetToUse); int endLine = document.getLineNumber(Math.max(0, endOffsetToUse - 1)); int maxLine = Math.min(document.getLineCount(), endLine + 1); int tabSize = EditorUtil.getTabSize(editor); if (tabSize <= 0) { tabSize = 1; } int spaceSize = EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(Font.PLAIN, editor); int[] shifts = new int[2]; // shifts[0] - lines shift. // shift[1] - offset shift. for (int line = startLine; line < maxLine; line++) { int startLineOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(line); int endLineOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(line); final int preferredWrapPosition = calculatePreferredWrapPosition( editor, text, tabSize, spaceSize, startLineOffset, endLineOffset, endOffsetToUse); if (preferredWrapPosition < 0 || preferredWrapPosition >= endLineOffset) { continue; } if (preferredWrapPosition >= endOffsetToUse) { return; } // We know that current line exceeds right margin if control flow reaches this place, so, wrap // it. int wrapOffset = strategy.calculateWrapPosition( document, editor.getProject(), Math.max(startLineOffset, startOffsetToUse), Math.min(endLineOffset, endOffsetToUse), preferredWrapPosition, false, false); if (wrapOffset < 0 // No appropriate wrap position is found. // No point in splitting line when its left part contains only white spaces, example: // line start -> | | <- right margin // | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa() <- don't want to wrap this // line even if it exceeds right margin || CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(text, startLineOffset, wrapOffset - 1, " \t") < startLineOffset) { continue; } // Move caret to the target position and emulate pressing <enter>. editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(wrapOffset); emulateEnter(editor, project, shifts); // We know that number of lines is just increased, hence, update the data accordingly. maxLine += shifts[0]; endOffsetToUse += shifts[1]; } }
private void uncommentLine(int line) { Commenter commenter = myCommenters[line - myStartLine]; if (commenter == null) commenter = findCommenter(line); if (commenter == null) return; final int startOffset = myStartOffsets[line - myStartLine]; if (commenter instanceof SelfManagingCommenter) { final SelfManagingCommenter selfManagingCommenter = (SelfManagingCommenter) commenter; selfManagingCommenter.uncommentLine( line, startOffset, myDocument, myCommenterStateMap.get(selfManagingCommenter)); return; } final int endOffset = myEndOffsets[line - myStartLine]; if (startOffset == endOffset) { return; } String prefix = commenter.getLineCommentPrefix(); if (prefix != null) { CharSequence chars = myDocument.getCharsSequence(); if (commenter instanceof CommenterWithLineSuffix) { CommenterWithLineSuffix commenterWithLineSuffix = (CommenterWithLineSuffix) commenter; String suffix = commenterWithLineSuffix.getLineCommentSuffix(); int theEnd = endOffset > 0 ? endOffset : myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line); while (theEnd > startOffset && Character.isWhitespace(chars.charAt(theEnd - 1))) { theEnd--; } String lineText = myDocument.getText(new TextRange(startOffset, theEnd)); if (lineText.indexOf(suffix) != -1) { int start = startOffset + lineText.indexOf(suffix); myDocument.deleteString(start, start + suffix.length()); } } boolean skipNewLine = false; boolean commented = CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, startOffset, prefix) || (skipNewLine = prefix.endsWith(" ") && CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, startOffset, prefix.trim() + "\n")); assert commented; int charsToDelete = skipNewLine ? prefix.trim().length() : prefix.length(); int theEnd = endOffset > 0 ? endOffset : chars.length(); // if there's exactly one space after line comment prefix and before the text that follows in // the same line, delete the space too if (startOffset + charsToDelete < theEnd - 1 && chars.charAt(startOffset + charsToDelete) == ' ') { if (startOffset + charsToDelete == theEnd - 2 || chars.charAt(startOffset + charsToDelete + 1) != ' ') { charsToDelete++; } } myDocument.deleteString(startOffset, startOffset + charsToDelete); return; } String text = myDocument.getCharsSequence().subSequence(startOffset, endOffset).toString(); prefix = commenter.getBlockCommentPrefix(); final String suffix = commenter.getBlockCommentSuffix(); if (prefix == null || suffix == null) { return; } IntArrayList prefixes = new IntArrayList(); IntArrayList suffixes = new IntArrayList(); for (int position = 0; position < text.length(); ) { int prefixPos = text.indexOf(prefix, position); if (prefixPos == -1) { break; } prefixes.add(prefixPos); position = prefixPos + prefix.length(); int suffixPos = text.indexOf(suffix, position); if (suffixPos == -1) { suffixPos = text.length() - suffix.length(); } suffixes.add(suffixPos); position = suffixPos + suffix.length(); } assert prefixes.size() == suffixes.size(); for (int i = prefixes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { uncommentRange( startOffset + prefixes.get(i), Math.min(startOffset + suffixes.get(i) + suffix.length(), endOffset), commenter); } }
private void commentLine(int line, int offset, @Nullable Commenter commenter) { if (commenter == null) commenter = findCommenter(line); if (commenter == null) return; if (commenter instanceof SelfManagingCommenter) { final SelfManagingCommenter selfManagingCommenter = (SelfManagingCommenter) commenter; selfManagingCommenter.commentLine( line, offset, myDocument, myCommenterStateMap.get(selfManagingCommenter)); return; } String prefix = commenter.getLineCommentPrefix(); if (prefix != null) { if (commenter instanceof CommenterWithLineSuffix) { int endOffset = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line); endOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(myDocument.getCharsSequence(), endOffset, " \t"); int shiftedStartOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(myDocument.getCharsSequence(), offset, " \t"); String lineSuffix = ((CommenterWithLineSuffix) commenter).getLineCommentSuffix(); if (!CharArrayUtil.regionMatches( myDocument.getCharsSequence(), shiftedStartOffset, prefix)) { if (!CharArrayUtil.regionMatches( myDocument.getCharsSequence(), endOffset - lineSuffix.length(), lineSuffix)) { myDocument.insertString(endOffset, lineSuffix); } myDocument.insertString(offset, prefix); } } else { myDocument.insertString(offset, prefix); } } else { prefix = commenter.getBlockCommentPrefix(); String suffix = commenter.getBlockCommentSuffix(); if (prefix == null || suffix == null) return; int endOffset = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line); if (endOffset == offset && myStartLine != myEndLine) return; final int textLength = myDocument.getTextLength(); final CharSequence chars = myDocument.getCharsSequence(); offset = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(chars, offset, " \t"); if (endOffset == textLength) { final int shifted = CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(chars, textLength - 1, " \t"); if (shifted < textLength - 1) endOffset = shifted; } else { endOffset = CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(chars, endOffset, " \t"); } if (endOffset < offset || offset == textLength - 1 && line != myDocument.getLineCount() - 1) { return; } final String text = chars.subSequence(offset, endOffset).toString(); final IntArrayList prefixes = new IntArrayList(); final IntArrayList suffixes = new IntArrayList(); final String commentedSuffix = commenter.getCommentedBlockCommentSuffix(); final String commentedPrefix = commenter.getCommentedBlockCommentPrefix(); for (int position = 0; position < text.length(); ) { int nearestPrefix = text.indexOf(prefix, position); if (nearestPrefix == -1) { nearestPrefix = text.length(); } int nearestSuffix = text.indexOf(suffix, position); if (nearestSuffix == -1) { nearestSuffix = text.length(); } if (Math.min(nearestPrefix, nearestSuffix) == text.length()) { break; } if (nearestPrefix < nearestSuffix) { prefixes.add(nearestPrefix); position = nearestPrefix + prefix.length(); } else { suffixes.add(nearestSuffix); position = nearestSuffix + suffix.length(); } } if (!(commentedSuffix == null && !suffixes.isEmpty() && offset + suffixes.get(suffixes.size() - 1) + suffix.length() >= endOffset)) { myDocument.insertString(endOffset, suffix); } int nearestPrefix = prefixes.size() - 1; int nearestSuffix = suffixes.size() - 1; while (nearestPrefix >= 0 || nearestSuffix >= 0) { if (nearestSuffix == -1 || nearestPrefix != -1 && prefixes.get(nearestPrefix) > suffixes.get(nearestSuffix)) { final int position = prefixes.get(nearestPrefix); nearestPrefix--; if (commentedPrefix != null) { myDocument.replaceString( offset + position, offset + position + prefix.length(), commentedPrefix); } else if (position != 0) { myDocument.insertString(offset + position, suffix); } } else { final int position = suffixes.get(nearestSuffix); nearestSuffix--; if (commentedSuffix != null) { myDocument.replaceString( offset + position, offset + position + suffix.length(), commentedSuffix); } else if (offset + position + suffix.length() < endOffset) { myDocument.insertString(offset + position + suffix.length(), prefix); } } } if (!(commentedPrefix == null && !prefixes.isEmpty() && prefixes.get(0) == 0)) { myDocument.insertString(offset, prefix); } } }
public void invoke(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull PsiFile file) { myProject = project; myFile = file.getViewProvider().getPsi(file.getViewProvider().getBaseLanguage()); myEditor = editor; PsiElement context = myFile.getContext(); if (context != null && (context.textContains('\'') || context.textContains('\"'))) { String s = context.getText(); if (StringUtil.startsWith(s, "\"") || StringUtil.startsWith(s, "\'")) { myFile = context.getContainingFile(); myEditor = editor instanceof EditorWindow ? ((EditorWindow) editor).getDelegate() : editor; } } myDocument = myEditor.getDocument(); if (!FileDocumentManager.getInstance().requestWriting(myDocument, project)) { return; } PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).commitDocument(myDocument); FeatureUsageTracker.getInstance().triggerFeatureUsed("codeassists.comment.line"); myCodeStyleManager = CodeStyleManager.getInstance(myProject); final SelectionModel selectionModel = myEditor.getSelectionModel(); boolean hasSelection = selectionModel.hasSelection(); myStartOffset = selectionModel.getSelectionStart(); myEndOffset = selectionModel.getSelectionEnd(); FoldRegion fold = myEditor.getFoldingModel().getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(myStartOffset); if (fold != null && fold.shouldNeverExpand() && fold.getStartOffset() == myStartOffset && fold.getEndOffset() == myEndOffset) { // Foldings that never expand are automatically selected, so the fact it is selected must not // interfer with commenter's logic hasSelection = false; } if (myDocument.getTextLength() == 0) return; while (true) { int lastLineEnd = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(myDocument.getLineNumber(myEndOffset)); FoldRegion collapsedAt = myEditor.getFoldingModel().getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(lastLineEnd); if (collapsedAt != null) { final int endOffset = collapsedAt.getEndOffset(); if (endOffset <= myEndOffset) { break; } myEndOffset = endOffset; } else { break; } } boolean wholeLinesSelected = !hasSelection || myStartOffset == myDocument.getLineStartOffset(myDocument.getLineNumber(myStartOffset)) && myEndOffset == myDocument.getLineEndOffset(myDocument.getLineNumber(myEndOffset - 1)) + 1; boolean startingNewLineComment = !hasSelection && isLineEmpty(myDocument.getLineNumber(myStartOffset)) && !Comparing.equal( IdeActions.ACTION_COMMENT_LINE, ActionManagerEx.getInstanceEx().getPrevPreformedActionId()); doComment(); if (startingNewLineComment) { final Commenter commenter = myCommenters[0]; if (commenter != null) { String prefix; if (commenter instanceof SelfManagingCommenter) { prefix = ((SelfManagingCommenter) commenter) .getCommentPrefix( myStartLine, myDocument, myCommenterStateMap.get((SelfManagingCommenter) commenter)); if (prefix == null) prefix = ""; // TODO } else { prefix = commenter.getLineCommentPrefix(); if (prefix == null) prefix = commenter.getBlockCommentPrefix(); } int lineStart = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(myStartLine); lineStart = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(myDocument.getCharsSequence(), lineStart, " \t"); lineStart += prefix.length(); lineStart = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(myDocument.getCharsSequence(), lineStart, " \t"); if (lineStart > myDocument.getTextLength()) lineStart = myDocument.getTextLength(); myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(lineStart); myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.RELATIVE); } } else { if (!hasSelection) { // Don't tweak caret position if we're already located on the last document line. LogicalPosition position = myEditor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition(); if (position.line < myDocument.getLineCount() - 1) { int verticalShift = 1 + myEditor.getSoftWrapModel().getSoftWrapsForLine(position.line).size() - position.softWrapLinesOnCurrentLogicalLine; myEditor.getCaretModel().moveCaretRelatively(0, verticalShift, false, false, true); } } else { if (wholeLinesSelected) { selectionModel.setSelection(myStartOffset, selectionModel.getSelectionEnd()); } } } }
private void moveToLogicalPosition(LogicalPosition pos, boolean locateBeforeSoftWrap) { assertIsDispatchThread(); myDesiredX = -1; validateCallContext(); int column = pos.column; int line = pos.line; int softWrapLinesBefore = pos.softWrapLinesBeforeCurrentLogicalLine; int softWrapLinesCurrent = pos.softWrapLinesOnCurrentLogicalLine; int softWrapColumns = pos.softWrapColumnDiff; Document doc = myEditor.getDocument(); if (column < 0) { column = 0; softWrapColumns = 0; } if (line < 0) { line = 0; softWrapLinesBefore = 0; softWrapLinesCurrent = 0; } int lineCount = doc.getLineCount(); if (lineCount == 0) { line = 0; } else if (line > lineCount - 1) { line = lineCount - 1; softWrapLinesBefore = 0; softWrapLinesCurrent = 0; } EditorSettings editorSettings = myEditor.getSettings(); if (!editorSettings.isVirtualSpace() && line < lineCount && !myEditor.getSelectionModel().hasBlockSelection()) { int lineEndOffset = doc.getLineEndOffset(line); int lineEndColumnNumber = myEditor.offsetToLogicalPosition(lineEndOffset).column; if (column > lineEndColumnNumber) { column = lineEndColumnNumber; if (softWrapColumns != 0) { softWrapColumns -= column - lineEndColumnNumber; } } } ((FoldingModelImpl) myEditor.getFoldingModel()).flushCaretPosition(); VerticalInfo oldInfo = myCaretInfo; LogicalPosition oldCaretPosition = myLogicalCaret; LogicalPosition logicalPositionToUse; if (pos.visualPositionAware) { logicalPositionToUse = new LogicalPosition( line, column, softWrapLinesBefore, softWrapLinesCurrent, softWrapColumns, pos.foldedLines, pos.foldingColumnDiff); } else { logicalPositionToUse = new LogicalPosition(line, column); } setCurrentLogicalCaret(logicalPositionToUse); final int offset = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(myLogicalCaret); FoldRegion collapsedAt = myEditor.getFoldingModel().getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(offset); if (collapsedAt != null && offset > collapsedAt.getStartOffset()) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { FoldRegion[] allCollapsedAt = ((FoldingModelImpl) myEditor.getFoldingModel()).fetchCollapsedAt(offset); for (FoldRegion foldRange : allCollapsedAt) { foldRange.setExpanded(true); } } }; myEditor.getFoldingModel().runBatchFoldingOperation(runnable); } myEditor.setLastColumnNumber(myLogicalCaret.column); myVisibleCaret = myEditor.logicalToVisualPosition(myLogicalCaret); myOffset = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset(myLogicalCaret); LOG.assertTrue(myOffset >= 0 && myOffset <= myEditor.getDocument().getTextLength()); myVisualLineStart = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset( myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(new VisualPosition(myVisibleCaret.line, 0))); myVisualLineEnd = myEditor.logicalPositionToOffset( myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(new VisualPosition(myVisibleCaret.line + 1, 0))); myEditor.updateCaretCursor(); requestRepaint(oldInfo); if (locateBeforeSoftWrap && SoftWrapHelper.isCaretAfterSoftWrap(myEditor)) { int lineToUse = myVisibleCaret.line - 1; if (lineToUse >= 0) { moveToVisualPosition( new VisualPosition( lineToUse, EditorUtil.getLastVisualLineColumnNumber(myEditor, lineToUse))); return; } } if (!oldCaretPosition.toVisualPosition().equals(myLogicalCaret.toVisualPosition())) { CaretEvent event = new CaretEvent(myEditor, oldCaretPosition, myLogicalCaret); for (CaretListener listener : myCaretListeners) { listener.caretPositionChanged(event); } } }
@Override @SuppressWarnings({"AssignmentToForLoopParameter"}) public void paint( @NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull RangeHighlighter highlighter, @NotNull Graphics g) { int startOffset = highlighter.getStartOffset(); final Document doc = highlighter.getDocument(); if (startOffset >= doc.getTextLength()) return; final int endOffset = highlighter.getEndOffset(); final int endLine = doc.getLineNumber(endOffset); int off; int startLine = doc.getLineNumber(startOffset); IndentGuideDescriptor descriptor = editor.getIndentsModel().getDescriptor(startLine, endLine); final CharSequence chars = doc.getCharsSequence(); do { int start = doc.getLineStartOffset(startLine); int end = doc.getLineEndOffset(startLine); off = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(chars, start, end, " \t"); startLine--; } while (startLine > 1 && off < doc.getTextLength() && chars.charAt(off) == '\n'); final VisualPosition startPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(off); int indentColumn = startPosition.column; // It's considered that indent guide can cross not only white space but comments, javadocs // etc. Hence, there is a possible // case that the first indent guide line is, say, single-line comment where comment // symbols ('//') are located at the first // visual column. We need to calculate correct indent guide column then. int lineShift = 1; if (indentColumn <= 0 && descriptor != null) { indentColumn = descriptor.indentLevel; lineShift = 0; } if (indentColumn <= 0) return; final FoldingModel foldingModel = editor.getFoldingModel(); if (foldingModel.isOffsetCollapsed(off)) return; final FoldRegion headerRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(doc.getLineEndOffset(doc.getLineNumber(off))); final FoldRegion tailRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset( doc.getLineStartOffset(doc.getLineNumber(endOffset))); if (tailRegion != null && tailRegion == headerRegion) return; final boolean selected; final IndentGuideDescriptor guide = editor.getIndentsModel().getCaretIndentGuide(); if (guide != null) { final CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); final int caretOffset = caretModel.getOffset(); selected = caretOffset >= off && caretOffset < endOffset && caretModel.getLogicalPosition().column == indentColumn; } else { selected = false; } Point start = editor.visualPositionToXY( new VisualPosition(startPosition.line + lineShift, indentColumn)); final VisualPosition endPosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(endOffset); Point end = editor.visualPositionToXY(new VisualPosition(endPosition.line, endPosition.column)); int maxY = end.y; if (endPosition.line == editor.offsetToVisualPosition(doc.getTextLength()).line) { maxY += editor.getLineHeight(); } Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds(); if (clip != null) { if (clip.y >= maxY || clip.y + clip.height <= start.y) { return; } maxY = Math.min(maxY, clip.y + clip.height); } final EditorColorsScheme scheme = editor.getColorsScheme(); g.setColor( selected ? scheme.getColor(EditorColors.SELECTED_INDENT_GUIDE_COLOR) : scheme.getColor(EditorColors.INDENT_GUIDE_COLOR)); // There is a possible case that indent line intersects soft wrap-introduced text. // Example: // this is a long line <soft-wrap> // that| is soft-wrapped // | // | <- vertical indent // // Also it's possible that no additional intersections are added because of soft wrap: // this is a long line <soft-wrap> // | that is soft-wrapped // | // | <- vertical indent // We want to use the following approach then: // 1. Show only active indent if it crosses soft wrap-introduced text; // 2. Show indent as is if it doesn't intersect with soft wrap-introduced text; if (selected) { g.drawLine(start.x + 2, start.y, start.x + 2, maxY); } else { int y = start.y; int newY = start.y; SoftWrapModel softWrapModel = editor.getSoftWrapModel(); int lineHeight = editor.getLineHeight(); for (int i = Math.max(0, startLine + lineShift); i < endLine && newY < maxY; i++) { List<? extends SoftWrap> softWraps = softWrapModel.getSoftWrapsForLine(i); int logicalLineHeight = softWraps.size() * lineHeight; if (i > startLine + lineShift) { logicalLineHeight += lineHeight; // We assume that initial 'y' value points just below the target // line. } if (!softWraps.isEmpty() && softWraps.get(0).getIndentInColumns() < indentColumn) { if (y < newY || i > startLine + lineShift) { // There is a possible case that soft wrap is located on // indent start line. g.drawLine(start.x + 2, y, start.x + 2, newY + lineHeight); } newY += logicalLineHeight; y = newY; } else { newY += logicalLineHeight; } FoldRegion foldRegion = foldingModel.getCollapsedRegionAtOffset(doc.getLineEndOffset(i)); if (foldRegion != null && foldRegion.getEndOffset() < doc.getTextLength()) { i = doc.getLineNumber(foldRegion.getEndOffset()); } } if (y < maxY) { g.drawLine(start.x + 2, y, start.x + 2, maxY); } } }
@Override public void invoke( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull Caret caret, @NotNull PsiFile file) { if (!CodeInsightUtilBase.prepareEditorForWrite(editor)) return; myProject = project; myEditor = editor; myCaret = caret; myFile = file; myDocument = editor.getDocument(); if (!FileDocumentManager.getInstance().requestWriting(myDocument, project)) { return; } FeatureUsageTracker.getInstance().triggerFeatureUsed("codeassists.comment.block"); final Commenter commenter = findCommenter(myFile, myEditor, caret); if (commenter == null) return; final String prefix; final String suffix; if (commenter instanceof SelfManagingCommenter) { final SelfManagingCommenter selfManagingCommenter = (SelfManagingCommenter) commenter; mySelfManagedCommenterData = selfManagingCommenter.createBlockCommentingState( caret.getSelectionStart(), caret.getSelectionEnd(), myDocument, myFile); if (mySelfManagedCommenterData == null) { mySelfManagedCommenterData = SelfManagingCommenter.EMPTY_STATE; } prefix = selfManagingCommenter.getBlockCommentPrefix( caret.getSelectionStart(), myDocument, mySelfManagedCommenterData); suffix = selfManagingCommenter.getBlockCommentSuffix( caret.getSelectionEnd(), myDocument, mySelfManagedCommenterData); } else { prefix = commenter.getBlockCommentPrefix(); suffix = commenter.getBlockCommentSuffix(); } if (prefix == null || suffix == null) return; TextRange commentedRange = findCommentedRange(commenter); if (commentedRange != null) { final int commentStart = commentedRange.getStartOffset(); final int commentEnd = commentedRange.getEndOffset(); int selectionStart = commentStart; int selectionEnd = commentEnd; if (myCaret.hasSelection()) { selectionStart = myCaret.getSelectionStart(); selectionEnd = myCaret.getSelectionEnd(); } if ((commentStart < selectionStart || commentStart >= selectionEnd) && (commentEnd <= selectionStart || commentEnd > selectionEnd)) { commentRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd, prefix, suffix, commenter); } else { uncommentRange(commentedRange, trim(prefix), trim(suffix), commenter); } } else { if (myCaret.hasSelection()) { int selectionStart = myCaret.getSelectionStart(); int selectionEnd = myCaret.getSelectionEnd(); if (commenter instanceof IndentedCommenter) { final Boolean value = ((IndentedCommenter) commenter).forceIndentedLineComment(); if (value != null && value == Boolean.TRUE) { selectionStart = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(myDocument.getLineNumber(selectionStart)); selectionEnd = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(myDocument.getLineNumber(selectionEnd)); } } commentRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd, prefix, suffix, commenter); } else { EditorUtil.fillVirtualSpaceUntilCaret(editor); int caretOffset = myCaret.getOffset(); if (commenter instanceof IndentedCommenter) { final Boolean value = ((IndentedCommenter) commenter).forceIndentedLineComment(); if (value != null && value == Boolean.TRUE) { final int lineNumber = myDocument.getLineNumber(caretOffset); final int start = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(lineNumber); final int end = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(lineNumber); commentRange(start, end, prefix, suffix, commenter); return; } } myDocument.insertString(caretOffset, prefix + suffix); myCaret.moveToOffset(caretOffset + prefix.length()); } } }