  protected Object doExecute() throws Exception {

    // prevent creating fabric if already created
    ServiceReference<FabricService> sref = bundleContext.getServiceReference(FabricService.class);
    FabricService fabricService = sref != null ? bundleContext.getService(sref) : null;
    if (!force
        && (fabricService != null && fabricService.getCurrentContainer().isEnsembleServer())) {
          "Current container "
              + fabricService.getCurrentContainerName()
              + " is already in the current fabric ensemble. Cannot create fabric.");
          "You can use the --force option, if you want to force re-create the fabric.");
      return null;

    Configuration bootConfiguration =
        configAdmin.getConfiguration(BootstrapConfiguration.COMPONENT_PID, null);
    Dictionary<String, Object> bootProperties = bootConfiguration.getProperties();
    if (bootProperties == null) {
      bootProperties = new Hashtable<>();

    String runtimeIdentity = runtimeProperties.getRuntimeIdentity();
    CreateEnsembleOptions.Builder<?> builder =


    if (containers == null || containers.isEmpty()) {
      containers = Arrays.asList(runtimeIdentity);

    if (!noImport && importDir != null) {

    if (globalResolver != null) {
      bootProperties.put(ZkDefs.GLOBAL_RESOLVER_PROPERTY, globalResolver);

    if (resolver != null) {
      bootProperties.put(ZkDefs.LOCAL_RESOLVER_PROPERTY, resolver);

    if (manualIp != null) {
      bootProperties.put(ZkDefs.MANUAL_IP, manualIp);

    if (bindAddress != null) {
      if (!bindAddress.contains(":")) {
        bootProperties.put(ZkDefs.BIND_ADDRESS, bindAddress);
      } else {
        String[] parts = bindAddress.split(":");
        bootProperties.put(ZkDefs.BIND_ADDRESS, parts[0]);

    if (zooKeeperServerPort > 0) {
      // --zookeeper-server-port option has higher priority than
      // CreateEnsembleOptions.ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_PORT and
      // system/runtime properties

    // Configure External Git Repository.
    if (externalGitUrl != null) {
      builder.dataStoreProperty(GIT_REMOTE_URL, externalGitUrl);
    if (externalGitUser != null) {
      builder.dataStoreProperty(GIT_REMOTE_USER, externalGitUser);
    if (externalGitPassword != null) {
      builder.dataStoreProperty(GIT_REMOTE_PASSWORD, externalGitPassword);

    if (profiles != null && profiles.size() > 0) {

    if (nonManaged) {
    } else {

    bootProperties.put(ZkDefs.MINIMUM_PORT, String.valueOf(minimumPort));
    bootProperties.put(ZkDefs.MAXIMUM_PORT, String.valueOf(maximumPort));

    newUser = newUser != null ? newUser : ShellUtils.retrieveFabricUser(session);
    newUserPassword =
        newUserPassword != null ? newUserPassword : ShellUtils.retrieveFabricUserPassword(session);

    Path propsPath = runtimeProperties.getConfPath().resolve("users.properties");
    Properties userProps = new Properties(propsPath.toFile());

    if (userProps.isEmpty()) {
      String[] credentials = promptForNewUser(newUser, newUserPassword);
      newUser = credentials[0];
      newUserPassword = credentials[1];
    } else {
      if (newUser == null || newUserPassword == null) {
        newUser = "" + userProps.keySet().iterator().next();
        newUserPassword = "" + userProps.get(newUser);
        if (newUserPassword.contains(ROLE_DELIMITER)) {
          newUserPassword = newUserPassword.substring(0, newUserPassword.indexOf(ROLE_DELIMITER));
      String passwordWithroles = userProps.get(newUser);
      if (passwordWithroles != null && passwordWithroles.contains(ROLE_DELIMITER)) {
        String[] infos = passwordWithroles.split(",");
        String oldUserRole = newUserRole;
        for (int i = 1; i < infos.length; i++) {
          if (infos[i].trim().startsWith(BackingEngine.GROUP_PREFIX)) {
            // it's a group reference
            String groupInfo = (String) userProps.get(infos[i].trim());
            if (groupInfo != null) {
              String[] roles = groupInfo.split(",");
              for (int j = 1; j < roles.length; j++) {
                if (!roles[j].trim().equals(oldUserRole)) {
                  newUserRole = newUserRole + ROLE_DELIMITER + roles[j].trim();
          } else {
            // it's an user reference
            if (!infos[i].trim().equals(oldUserRole)) {
              newUserRole = newUserRole + ROLE_DELIMITER + infos[i].trim();

    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(newUser)) {
      System.out.println("No user specified. Cannot create a new fabric ensemble.");
      return null;

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    // session is unset when this is called from FMC
    if (session != null) {
      ShellUtils.storeFabricCredentials(session, newUser, newUserPassword);

    if (generateZookeeperPassword) {
      // do nothing use the generated password.
    } else if (zookeeperPassword == null) {
      zookeeperPassword =
    } else {

    CreateEnsembleOptions options =
        builder.users(userProps).withUser(newUser, newUserPassword, newUserRole).build();

    if (containers.size() == 1 && containers.contains(runtimeIdentity)) {
    } else {
      ServiceProxy<ZooKeeperClusterService> serviceProxy =
          ServiceProxy.createServiceProxy(bundleContext, ZooKeeperClusterService.class);
      try {
        serviceProxy.getService().createCluster(containers, options);
      } finally {

    ShellUtils.storeZookeeperPassword(session, options.getZookeeperPassword());
    if (zookeeperPassword == null && !generateZookeeperPassword) {
      sb.append("Zookeeper password: (reusing users ")
          .append(" password:"******")\n");
          "(You can use the --zookeeper-password / --generate-zookeeper-password option to specify one.)\n");
    } else if (generateZookeeperPassword) {
      sb.append("Generated zookeeper password:"******"Using specified zookeeper password:"******"It may take a couple of seconds for the container to provision...");
          "You can use the --wait-for-provisioning option, if you want this command to block until the container is provisioned.");

    return null;
/** Arguments for creating a new container via SSH */
public class CreateSshContainerOptions
    extends CreateContainerBasicOptions<CreateSshContainerOptions>
    implements CreateRemoteContainerOptions {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = -1171578973712670970L;

  public static final String DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE =
      System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + ".ssh" + File.separatorChar + "id_rsa";

  static final Integer DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES = 1;
  static final Integer DEFAULT_SSH_PORT = 22;

  private String username;
  private String password;
  private String host;
  private Integer port = DEFAULT_SSH_PORT;
  private String path = "/usr/local/fusesource/container";
  private Integer sshRetries = DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES;
  private Integer retryDelay = 1;
  private String privateKeyFile = DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE;
  private String passPhrase;
  private CreateEnsembleOptions createEnsembleOptions = CreateEnsembleOptions.build();

  public CreateSshContainerOptions() {
    this.providerType = "ssh";

  public String toString() {
    return "createSshContainer("
        + getUsername()
        + "@"
        + getHost()
        + ":"
        + getPort()
        + " "
        + getPath()
        + ")";

  public CreateSshContainerOptions username(final String username) {
    this.username = username;
    return this;

  public CreateSshContainerOptions password(final String password) {
    this.password = password;
    return this;

  public CreateSshContainerOptions host(final String host) {
    this.host = host;
    return this;

  public CreateSshContainerOptions port(final Integer port) {
    this.port = port;
    return this;

  public CreateSshContainerOptions path(final String path) {
    this.path = path;
    return this;

  public CreateSshContainerOptions sshRetries(final Integer sshRetries) {
    this.sshRetries = sshRetries;
    return this;

  public CreateSshContainerOptions retryDelay(final Integer retryDelay) {
    this.retryDelay = retryDelay;
    return this;

  public CreateSshContainerOptions privateKeyFile(final String privateKeyFile) {
    this.privateKeyFile = privateKeyFile;
    return this;

  public CreateSshContainerOptions passPhrase(final String passPhrase) {
    this.passPhrase = passPhrase;
    return this;

  public CreateSshContainerOptions createEnsembleOptions(
      final CreateEnsembleOptions createEnsembleOptions) {
    this.createEnsembleOptions = createEnsembleOptions;
    return this;

  public String getUsername() {
    try {
      return username != null && !username.isEmpty()
          ? username
          : getProviderURI().getUserInfo().split(":")[0];
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Username should be part of the url or explicitly specified");

  public void setUsername(String username) {
    this.username = username;

  public String getPassword() {
    if (password != null && !password.isEmpty()) {
      return password;
    } else if (getProviderURI() != null
        && getProviderURI().getUserInfo() != null
        && getProviderURI().getUserInfo().contains(":")) {
      return getProviderURI().getUserInfo().split(":")[1];
    } else {
      return null;

  public void setPassword(String password) {
    this.password = password;

  public String getHost() {
    return host != null && !host.isEmpty() ? host : getProviderURI().getHost();

  public void setHost(String host) {
    this.host = host;

  public Integer getPort() {
    return port != null && port != 0
        ? port
        : (getProviderURI() != null && getProviderURI().getPort() != 0
            ? getProviderURI().getPort()
            : DEFAULT_SSH_PORT);

  public void setPort(Integer port) {
    this.port = port;

  public Integer getSshRetries() {
    return sshRetries != null ? sshRetries : DEFAULT_SSH_RETRIES;

  public void setSshRetries(Integer sshRetries) {
    this.sshRetries = sshRetries;

  public String getPath() {
    return path;

  public void setPath(String path) {
    this.path = path;

  public Integer getRetryDelay() {
    return retryDelay;

  public void setRetryDelay(Integer retryDelay) {
    this.retryDelay = retryDelay;

  public String getPrivateKeyFile() {
    // We check for a parameter first as the privateKeyFile has a default value assigned.
    return getParameters().get("privateKeyFile") != null
        ? getParameters().get("privateKeyFile")
        : privateKeyFile;

  public void setPrivateKeyFile(String privateKeyFile) {
    this.privateKeyFile = privateKeyFile;

  public String getPassPhrase() {
    return passPhrase;

  public void setPassPhrase(String passPhrase) {
    this.passPhrase = passPhrase;

  public CreateEnsembleOptions getCreateEnsembleOptions() {
    return createEnsembleOptions;

  public void setCreateEnsembleOptions(CreateEnsembleOptions createEnsembleOptions) {
    this.createEnsembleOptions = createEnsembleOptions;