 Object get(Scriptable scope, String name, Object javaObject, boolean isStatic) {
   Map<String, Object> ht = isStatic ? staticMembers : members;
   Object member = ht.get(name);
   if (!isStatic && member == null) {
     // Try to get static member from instance (LC3)
     member = staticMembers.get(name);
   if (member == null) {
     member = this.getExplicitFunction(scope, name, javaObject, isStatic);
     if (member == null) return Scriptable.NOT_FOUND;
   if (member instanceof Scriptable) {
     return member;
   Context cx = Context.getContext();
   Object rval;
   Class<?> type;
   try {
     if (member instanceof BeanProperty) {
       BeanProperty bp = (BeanProperty) member;
       if (bp.getter == null) return Scriptable.NOT_FOUND;
       rval = bp.getter.invoke(javaObject, Context.emptyArgs);
       type = bp.getter.method().getReturnType();
     } else {
       Field field = (Field) member;
       rval = field.get(isStatic ? null : javaObject);
       type = field.getType();
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw Context.throwAsScriptRuntimeEx(ex);
   // Need to wrap the object before we return it.
   scope = ScriptableObject.getTopLevelScope(scope);
   return cx.getWrapFactory().wrap(cx, scope, rval, type);
 private static Object doCall(
     Context cx,
     Scriptable scope,
     Scriptable thisObj,
     Function f,
     Object[] args,
     long argsToWrap) {
   // Wrap the rest of objects
   for (int i = 0; i != args.length; ++i) {
     if (0 != (argsToWrap & (1 << i))) {
       Object arg = args[i];
       if (!(arg instanceof Scriptable)) {
         args[i] = cx.getWrapFactory().wrap(cx, scope, arg, null);
   return f.call(cx, scope, thisObj, args);
 public Object getDefaultValue(Class<?> hint) {
   if (hint == ScriptRuntime.FunctionClass) return this;
   Object rval;
   Class<?> type;
   try {
     rval = field.get(javaObject);
     type = field.getType();
   } catch (IllegalAccessException accEx) {
     throw Context.reportRuntimeError1("msg.java.internal.private", field.getName());
   Context cx = Context.getContext();
   rval = cx.getWrapFactory().wrap(cx, this, rval, type);
   if (rval instanceof Scriptable) {
     rval = ((Scriptable) rval).getDefaultValue(hint);
   return rval;
  synchronized Object getPkgProperty(String name, Scriptable start, boolean createPkg) {
    Object cached = super.get(name, start);
    if (cached != NOT_FOUND) return cached;
    if (negativeCache != null && negativeCache.contains(name)) {
      // Performance optimization: see bug 421071
      return null;

    String className = (packageName.length() == 0) ? name : packageName + '.' + name;
    Context cx = Context.getContext();
    ClassShutter shutter = cx.getClassShutter();
    Scriptable newValue = null;
    if (shutter == null || shutter.visibleToScripts(className)) {
      Class<?> cl = null;
      if (classLoader != null) {
        cl = Kit.classOrNull(classLoader, className);
      } else {
        cl = Kit.classOrNull(className);
      if (cl != null) {
        WrapFactory wrapFactory = cx.getWrapFactory();
        newValue = wrapFactory.wrapJavaClass(cx, getTopLevelScope(this), cl);
    if (newValue == null) {
      if (createPkg) {
        NativeJavaPackage pkg;
        pkg = new NativeJavaPackage(true, className, classLoader);
        ScriptRuntime.setObjectProtoAndParent(pkg, getParentScope());
        newValue = pkg;
      } else {
        // add to negative cache
        if (negativeCache == null) negativeCache = new HashSet<String>();
    if (newValue != null) {
      // Make it available for fast lookup and sharing of
      // lazily-reflected constructors and static members.
      super.put(name, start, newValue);
    return newValue;
  /* The JavaScript constructor */
  private static Object jsConstructor(
      Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
    if (args.length == 0 || args[0] == null || args[0] == Undefined.instance) {
      Object argument = args.length == 0 ? Undefined.instance : args[0];
      throw ScriptRuntime.typeError1("msg.no.properties", ScriptRuntime.toString(argument));
    Scriptable obj = ScriptRuntime.toObject(scope, args[0]);
    boolean keyOnly = args.length > 1 && ScriptRuntime.toBoolean(args[1]);
    if (thisObj != null) {
      // Called as a function. Convert to iterator if possible.

      // For objects that implement java.lang.Iterable or
      // java.util.Iterator, have JavaScript Iterator call the underlying
      // iteration methods
      Iterator<?> iterator = VMBridge.instance.getJavaIterator(cx, scope, obj);
      if (iterator != null) {
        scope = ScriptableObject.getTopLevelScope(scope);
        return cx.getWrapFactory()
            .wrap(cx, scope, new WrappedJavaIterator(iterator, scope), WrappedJavaIterator.class);

      // Otherwise, just call the runtime routine
      Scriptable jsIterator = ScriptRuntime.toIterator(cx, scope, obj, keyOnly);
      if (jsIterator != null) {
        return jsIterator;

    // Otherwise, just set up to iterate over the properties of the object.
    // Do not call __iterator__ method.
    Object objectIterator =
                ? ScriptRuntime.ENUMERATE_KEYS_NO_ITERATOR
                : ScriptRuntime.ENUMERATE_ARRAY_NO_ITERATOR);
    ScriptRuntime.setEnumNumbers(objectIterator, true);
    NativeIterator result = new NativeIterator(objectIterator);
    result.setPrototype(ScriptableObject.getClassPrototype(scope, result.getClassName()));
    return result;
  Object invokeImpl(Context cx, Object target, Scriptable topScope, Method method, Object[] args) {
    int N = (args == null) ? 0 : args.length;

    Callable function = (Callable) target;
    Scriptable thisObj = topScope;
    Object[] jsargs = new Object[N + 1];
    jsargs[N] = method.getName();
    if (N != 0) {
      WrapFactory wf = cx.getWrapFactory();
      for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
        jsargs[i] = wf.wrap(cx, topScope, args[i], null);

    Object result = function.call(cx, topScope, thisObj, jsargs);
    Class<?> javaResultType = method.getReturnType();
    if (javaResultType == Void.TYPE) {
      result = null;
    } else {
      result = Context.jsToJava(result, javaResultType);
    return result;
  public Object call(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
    // Find a method that matches the types given.
    if (methods.length == 0) {
      throw new RuntimeException("No methods defined for call");

    int index = findFunction(cx, methods, args);
    if (index < 0) {
      Class<?> c = methods[0].method().getDeclaringClass();
      String sig = c.getName() + '.' + getFunctionName() + '(' + scriptSignature(args) + ')';
      throw Context.reportRuntimeError1("msg.java.no_such_method", sig);

    MemberBox meth = methods[index];
    Class<?>[] argTypes = meth.argTypes;

    if (meth.vararg) {
      // marshall the explicit parameters
      Object[] newArgs = new Object[argTypes.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length - 1; i++) {
        newArgs[i] = Context.jsToJava(args[i], argTypes[i]);

      Object varArgs;

      // Handle special situation where a single variable parameter
      // is given and it is a Java or ECMA array or is null.
      if (args.length == argTypes.length
          && (args[args.length - 1] == null
              || args[args.length - 1] instanceof NativeArray
              || args[args.length - 1] instanceof NativeJavaArray)) {
        // convert the ECMA array into a native array
        varArgs = Context.jsToJava(args[args.length - 1], argTypes[argTypes.length - 1]);
      } else {
        // marshall the variable parameters
        Class<?> componentType = argTypes[argTypes.length - 1].getComponentType();
        varArgs = Array.newInstance(componentType, args.length - argTypes.length + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(varArgs); i++) {
          Object value = Context.jsToJava(args[argTypes.length - 1 + i], componentType);
          Array.set(varArgs, i, value);

      // add varargs
      newArgs[argTypes.length - 1] = varArgs;
      // replace the original args with the new one
      args = newArgs;
    } else {
      // First, we marshall the args.
      Object[] origArgs = args;
      for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        Object arg = args[i];
        Object coerced = Context.jsToJava(arg, argTypes[i]);
        if (coerced != arg) {
          if (origArgs == args) {
            args = args.clone();
          args[i] = coerced;
    Object javaObject;
    if (meth.isStatic()) {
      javaObject = null; // don't need an object
    } else {
      Scriptable o = thisObj;
      Class<?> c = meth.getDeclaringClass();
      for (; ; ) {
        if (o == null) {
          throw Context.reportRuntimeError3(
        if (o instanceof Wrapper) {
          javaObject = ((Wrapper) o).unwrap();
          if (c.isInstance(javaObject)) {
        o = o.getPrototype();
    if (debug) {
      printDebug("Calling ", meth, args);

    Object retval = meth.invoke(javaObject, args);
    Class<?> staticType = meth.method().getReturnType();

    if (debug) {
      Class<?> actualType = (retval == null) ? null : retval.getClass();
          " ----- Returned " + retval + " actual = " + actualType + " expect = " + staticType);

    Object wrapped =
                cx, scope,
                retval, staticType);
    if (debug) {
      Class<?> actualType = (wrapped == null) ? null : wrapped.getClass();
      System.err.println(" ----- Wrapped as " + wrapped + " class = " + actualType);

    if (wrapped == null && staticType == Void.TYPE) {
      wrapped = Undefined.instance;
    return wrapped;
   * Performs conversions on argument types if needed and invokes the underlying Java method or
   * constructor.
   * <p>Implements Function.call.
   * @see gov.nbcs.rp.common.js.javascript.Function#call( Context, Scriptable, Scriptable, Object[])
  public Object call(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) {
    Object result;
    boolean checkMethodResult = false;

    if (parmsLength < 0) {
      if (parmsLength == VARARGS_METHOD) {
        Object[] invokeArgs = {cx, thisObj, args, this};
        result = member.invoke(null, invokeArgs);
        checkMethodResult = true;
      } else {
        boolean inNewExpr = (thisObj == null);
        Boolean b = inNewExpr ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
        Object[] invokeArgs = {cx, args, this, b};
        result =
            (member.isCtor()) ? member.newInstance(invokeArgs) : member.invoke(null, invokeArgs);

    } else {
      if (!isStatic) {
        Class clazz = member.getDeclaringClass();
        if (!clazz.isInstance(thisObj)) {
          boolean compatible = false;
          if (thisObj == scope) {
            Scriptable parentScope = getParentScope();
            if (scope != parentScope) {
              // Call with dynamic scope for standalone function,
              // use parentScope as thisObj
              compatible = clazz.isInstance(parentScope);
              if (compatible) {
                thisObj = parentScope;
          if (!compatible) {
            // Couldn't find an object to call this on.
            throw ScriptRuntime.typeError1("msg.incompat.call", functionName);

      Object[] invokeArgs;
      if (parmsLength == args.length) {
        // Do not allocate new argument array if java arguments are
        // the same as the original js ones.
        invokeArgs = args;
        for (int i = 0; i != parmsLength; ++i) {
          Object arg = args[i];
          Object converted = convertArg(cx, scope, arg, typeTags[i]);
          if (arg != converted) {
            if (invokeArgs == args) {
              invokeArgs = (Object[]) args.clone();
            invokeArgs[i] = converted;
      } else if (parmsLength == 0) {
        invokeArgs = ScriptRuntime.emptyArgs;
      } else {
        invokeArgs = new Object[parmsLength];
        for (int i = 0; i != parmsLength; ++i) {
          Object arg = (i < args.length) ? args[i] : Undefined.instance;
          invokeArgs[i] = convertArg(cx, scope, arg, typeTags[i]);

      if (member.isMethod()) {
        result = member.invoke(thisObj, invokeArgs);
        checkMethodResult = true;
      } else {
        result = member.newInstance(invokeArgs);

    if (checkMethodResult) {
      if (hasVoidReturn) {
        result = Undefined.instance;
      } else if (returnTypeTag == JAVA_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE) {
        result = cx.getWrapFactory().wrap(cx, scope, result, null);
      // XXX: the code assumes that if returnTypeTag == JAVA_OBJECT_TYPE
      // then the Java method did a proper job of converting the
      // result to JS primitive or Scriptable to avoid
      // potentially costly Context.javaToJS call.

    return result;
   * @deprecated Use {@link Context#getWrapFactory()} together with calling {@link
   *     WrapFactory#wrap(Context, Scriptable, Object, Class)}
  public static Object wrap(Scriptable scope, Object obj, Class<?> staticType) {

    Context cx = Context.getContext();
    return cx.getWrapFactory().wrap(cx, scope, obj, staticType);