public void testToString() throws IOException { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(CONFIG)); startConfig(); endConfig(); Path fileResource = new Path(CONFIG); conf.addResource(fileResource); String expectedOutput = "Configuration: core-default.xml, core-site.xml, " + fileResource.toString(); assertEquals(expectedOutput, conf.toString()); }
/* * Broadcast local configuration to others over the network. * @return true if broadcast successful, false if failed. */ public static boolean doBroadcast(String releaseVersion, Configuration config, long publishTime) { boolean taskSuccess = true; _log.debug("{} - broadcasting cluster configuration {}", config.getNodeId(), config.toString()); try { MulticastUtil.create(config.getHwConfig().get(PropertyConstants.PROPERTY_KEY_NETIF)) .publish(releaseVersion, config.getNodeId(), config.getConfigMap(), publishTime); } catch (IOException e) { taskSuccess = false; _log.error("broadcast configuration caught exception with: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { "broadcast configuration via {} for {} is done", config.getHwConfig().get(PropertyConstants.PROPERTY_KEY_NETIF), config.getScenario()); } return taskSuccess; }
public static void main(String[] args) { Funid funid = new Funid(); int executionTimes = 10; System.out.println("Start"); // Map<String, List<GeneticApplication>> applicationMap = new // HashMap<String, List<GeneticApplication>>(); // List<GeneticApplication> applications; List<Configuration> configurations = Configuration.getBasicsConfigurations(); try { for (Configuration config : configurations) { System.out.println(config.toString()); System.out.println("Algo 1"); System.out.println("Execucao;Melhor;Gen. Enc.;Med. P. Ini; Med. P. Fin.;Razao;Tempo"); for (int i = 0; i < executionTimes; i++) { funid.setPopulationSize(config.getPopulationSize()); System.out.print((i + 1) + ";"); GeneticParameters params = new GeneticParameters( config.getCrossoverRate(), config.getMutationRate(), config.getPopulationSize(), config.getMaxGeneration(), MAXIMIZE, new Elitism(), new OnePointCrosserOver(), new RoulleteSelector(MAXIMIZE), new InversionMutator(), funid); new GeneticApplication(funid.getInitialPopulation()).setParams(params).execute(); } System.out.println(config.toString()); System.out.println("Algo 2"); System.out.println("Execucao;Melhor;Gen. Enc.;Med. P. Ini; Med. P. Fin.;Razao;Tempo"); for (int i = 0; i < executionTimes; i++) { System.out.print((i + 1) + ";"); GeneticParameters params = new GeneticParameters( config.getCrossoverRate(), config.getMutationRate(), config.getPopulationSize(), config.getMaxGeneration(), MAXIMIZE, new Generational(), new TwoPointsCrosserOver(), new RoulleteSelector(MAXIMIZE), new InversionMutator(), funid); new GeneticApplication(funid.getInitialPopulation()).setParams(params).execute(); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * @throws Exception * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 2.6 */ public void testToString_1() throws Exception { Configuration conf = new ConfigurationForTesting(); conf.getGeneticOperators().clear(); conf.getNaturalSelectors(false).clear(); conf.getNaturalSelectors(true).clear(); privateAccessor.setField(conf, "m_eventManager", null); String s = trimString(conf.toString()); String eventmgr = conf.S_NONE; String genops = conf.S_NONE; // natural selectors (pre) String natselsPre = conf.S_NONE; // natural selectors (post) String natselsPost = conf.S_NONE; assertEquals( trimString( conf.S_CONFIGURATION + ":" + conf.S_CONFIGURATION_NAME + ":" + conf.getName() + " " + conf.S_POPULATION_SIZE + ":" + conf.getPopulationSize() + " " + conf.S_MINPOPSIZE + ":" + conf.getMinimumPopSizePercent() + " " + conf.S_CHROMOSOME_SIZE + ":" + conf.getChromosomeSize() + " " + conf.S_SAMPLE_CHROM + ":" + conf.S_SIZE + ":" + conf.getSampleChromosome().size() + " " + conf.S_TOSTRING + ":" + conf.getSampleChromosome().toString() + " " + conf.S_RANDOM_GENERATOR + ":" + conf.getRandomGenerator().getClass().getName() + " " + conf.S_EVENT_MANAGER + ":" + eventmgr + " " + conf.S_CONFIGURATION_HANDLER + ":" + conf.getConfigurationHandler().getName() + " " + conf.S_FITNESS_FUNCTION + ":" + conf.getFitnessFunction().getClass().getName() + " " + conf.S_FITNESS_EVALUATOR + ":" + conf.getFitnessEvaluator().getClass().getName() + " " + conf.S_GENETIC_OPERATORS + ":" + genops + " " + conf.S_NATURAL_SELECTORS + "(" + conf.S_PRE + ")" + ":" + natselsPre + " " + conf.S_NATURAL_SELECTORS + "(" + conf.S_POST + ")" + ":" + natselsPost + " " // + conf.S_POPCONSTANT_SELECTOR + ":" // + "null" + " " ), s); }
/** * @throws Exception * @author Klaus Meffert * @since 2.4 */ public void testToString_0() throws Exception { Configuration conf = new ConfigurationForTesting(); conf.addGeneticOperator(new MutationOperator(conf)); conf.addNaturalSelector(new WeightedRouletteSelector(conf), true); conf.addNaturalSelector(new WeightedRouletteSelector(conf), false); conf.addNaturalSelector(new BestChromosomesSelector(conf), false); String s = trimString(conf.toString()); String eventmgr = conf.getEventManager() != null ? conf.getEventManager().getClass().getName() : conf.S_NONE; String genops = ""; if (conf.getGeneticOperators().size() < 1) { genops = conf.S_NONE; } else { for (int i = 0; i < conf.getGeneticOperators().size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { genops += "; "; } genops += conf.getGeneticOperators().get(i).getClass().getName(); ; } } // natural selectors (pre) String natselsPre = ""; int natsize = conf.getNaturalSelectors(true).size(); if (natsize < 1) { natselsPre = conf.S_NONE; } else { for (int i = 0; i < natsize; i++) { if (i > 0) { natselsPre += "; "; } natselsPre += " " + conf.getNaturalSelectors(true).get(i).getClass().getName(); } } // natural selectors (post) String natselsPost = ""; natsize = conf.getNaturalSelectors(false).size(); if (natsize < 1) { natselsPost = conf.S_NONE; } else { for (int i = 0; i < natsize; i++) { if (i > 0) { natselsPost += "; "; } natselsPost += " " + conf.getNaturalSelectors(false).get(i).getClass().getName(); } } assertEquals( trimString( conf.S_CONFIGURATION + ":" + conf.S_CONFIGURATION_NAME + ":" + conf.getName() + " " + conf.S_POPULATION_SIZE + ":" + conf.getPopulationSize() + " " + conf.S_MINPOPSIZE + ":" + conf.getMinimumPopSizePercent() + " " + conf.S_CHROMOSOME_SIZE + ":" + conf.getChromosomeSize() + " " + conf.S_SAMPLE_CHROM + ":" + conf.S_SIZE + ":" + conf.getSampleChromosome().size() + " " + conf.S_TOSTRING + ":" + conf.getSampleChromosome().toString() + " " + conf.S_RANDOM_GENERATOR + ":" + conf.getRandomGenerator().getClass().getName() + " " + conf.S_EVENT_MANAGER + ":" + eventmgr + " " + conf.S_CONFIGURATION_HANDLER + ":" + conf.getConfigurationHandler().getName() + " " + conf.S_FITNESS_FUNCTION + ":" + conf.getFitnessFunction().getClass().getName() + " " + conf.S_FITNESS_EVALUATOR + ":" + conf.getFitnessEvaluator().getClass().getName() + " " + conf.S_GENETIC_OPERATORS + ":" + genops + " " + conf.S_NATURAL_SELECTORS + "(" + conf.S_PRE + ")" + ":" + natselsPre + " " + conf.S_NATURAL_SELECTORS + "(" + conf.S_POST + ")" + ":" + natselsPost + " " // + conf.S_POPCONSTANT_SELECTOR + ":" // + "null" + " " ), s); }