// since surefire and eclipse don't otherwise guarantee the order, we are // starting this one alphabetically before create2nodes.. @Test(enabled = true, dependsOnMethods = "testImagesCache") public void testAScriptExecutionAfterBootWithBasicTemplate() throws Exception { String tag = this.tag + "run"; try { client.destroyNodesMatching(NodePredicates.withTag(tag)); } catch (Exception e) { } TemplateOptions options = client.templateOptions().blockOnPort(22, 120); try { Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes = client.runNodesWithTag(tag, 1, options); Credentials good = nodes.iterator().next().getCredentials(); assert good.account != null; assert good.key != null; Image image = Iterables.get(nodes, 0).getImage(); try { Map<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> responses = runScriptWithCreds(tag, image.getOsFamily(), new Credentials(good.account, "romeo")); assert false : "shouldn't pass with a bad password\n" + responses; } catch (RunScriptOnNodesException e) { assert Throwables.getRootCause(e).getMessage().contains("Auth fail") : e; } runScriptWithCreds(tag, image.getOsFamily(), good); checkNodes(nodes, tag); } finally { client.destroyNodesMatching(NodePredicates.withTag(tag)); } }
// since surefire and eclipse don't otherwise guarantee the order, we are // starting this one alphabetically before create2nodes.. @Test( enabled = true, dependsOnMethods = {"testCompareSizes"}) public void testAScriptExecutionAfterBootWithBasicTemplate() throws Exception { String tag = this.tag + "run"; try { client.destroyNodesMatching(withTag(tag)); } catch (Exception e) { } TemplateOptions options = client.templateOptions().blockOnPort(22, 120); try { Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes = client.runNodesWithTag(tag, 1, options); Credentials good = nodes.iterator().next().getCredentials(); assert good.identity != null : nodes; assert good.credential != null : nodes; OperatingSystem os = get(nodes, 0).getOperatingSystem(); try { Map<? extends NodeMetadata, ExecResponse> responses = runScriptWithCreds(tag, os, new Credentials(good.identity, "romeo")); assert false : "shouldn't pass with a bad password\n" + responses; } catch (RunScriptOnNodesException e) { assert getRootCause(e).getMessage().contains("Auth fail") : e; } runScriptWithCreds(tag, os, good); checkNodes(nodes, tag); } finally { client.destroyNodesMatching(withTag(tag)); } }
public void testOptionToNotBlock() throws Exception { String tag = this.tag + "block"; try { client.destroyNodesMatching(withTag(tag)); } catch (Exception e) { } // no inbound ports TemplateOptions options = client.templateOptions().blockUntilRunning(false).inboundPorts(); try { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes = client.runNodesWithTag(tag, 1, options); NodeMetadata node = getOnlyElement(nodes); assert node.getState() != NodeState.RUNNING; long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; assert duration < 30 * 1000 : "duration longer than 30 seconds!: " + duration / 1000; } finally { client.destroyNodesMatching(withTag(tag)); } }
@Test(enabled = true, dependsOnMethods = "testGet") public void testOptionToNotBlock() throws Exception { String tag = this.tag + "block"; try { client.destroyNodesMatching(NodePredicates.withTag(tag)); } catch (Exception e) { } // no inbound ports TemplateOptions options = client.templateOptions().blockUntilRunning(false).inboundPorts(); try { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes = client.runNodesWithTag(tag, 1, options); NodeMetadata node = Iterables.getOnlyElement(nodes); assertEquals(node.getState(), NodeState.PENDING); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; assert duration < 30 * 1000 : "duration longer than 30 seconds!: " + duration / 1000; } finally { client.destroyNodesMatching(NodePredicates.withTag(tag)); } }