   * Given an input in JavaScript, get a control flow graph for it.
   * @param input Input JavaScript.
  private ControlFlowGraph<Node> createCfg(String input,
      boolean runSynBlockPass) {
    Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
    ControlFlowAnalysis cfa = new ControlFlowAnalysis(compiler, true, true);

    Node root = compiler.parseSyntheticCode("cfgtest", input);
    if (runSynBlockPass) {
      CreateSyntheticBlocks pass = new CreateSyntheticBlocks(
          compiler, "START", "END");
      pass.process(null, root);
    cfa.process(null, root);
    return cfa.getCfg();
   * Given an input in JavaScript, test if the control flow analysis
   * creates the proper control flow graph by comparing the expected
   * Dot file output.
   * @param input Input JavaScript.
   * @param expected Expected Graphviz Dot file.
   * @param shouldTraverseFunctions Whether to traverse functions when
   *    constructing the CFG (true by default). Passed in to the
   *    constructor of {@link ControlFlowAnalysis}.
  private void testCfg(String input, String expected,
      boolean shouldTraverseFunctions) {
    Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
    ControlFlowAnalysis cfa =
        new ControlFlowAnalysis(compiler, shouldTraverseFunctions, true);

    Node root = compiler.parseSyntheticCode("cfgtest", input);
    cfa.process(null, root);
    ControlFlowGraph<Node> cfg = cfa.getCfg();
    try {
      assertEquals(expected, DotFormatter.toDot(root, cfg));
    } catch (java.io.IOException e) {
      fail("Tests failed with IOExceptions");