public void restoreLocation(String cmd) { CommandExecutor cmdExe = new CommandExecutor(this); cmdExe.execute(cmd); if (linkedMode) { broadcastLocation(); } }
private <TRequest> ClientCommandExecutor createExecutor( Membership.Member member, Command<TRequest> command) { CommandExecutor commandHandler = null; for (CommandExecutor ch : commandHandlers) { if (ch.canHandle(command.getType())) commandHandler = ch; } return new UdpClientCommandExecutor<>(member, command, commandHandler, logger); }
@Test public final void injectCommand() throws Exception { final CommandExecutor ex = new CommandExecutor(); ex.registerObserver( new IObserveUndoRedo() { @Override public void undoPossibleChanged(final boolean isUndoPossible) { CommandExecutorTest.this.observatorWasNotifiedUndoable = true; } @Override public void redoPossibleChanged(final boolean isRedoPossible) { CommandExecutorTest.this.observatorWasNotifiedRedoable = true; } }); ex.executeCommand( new ICommand() { @Override public void undo() throws Exception { CommandExecutorTest.this.didUndo = true; } @Override public boolean isUndoable() { return true; } @Override public Object getReturnValue() { return "YIEAH!"; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Just a test command"; } @Override public void execute() throws Exception { CommandExecutorTest.this.didExecute = true; } }); assertTrue("Command was executed", this.didExecute); assertTrue("Observer was notified about undoable action", this.observatorWasNotifiedUndoable); this.observatorWasNotifiedUndoable = false; ex.undoLastCommand(); assertTrue("Command was undone", this.didUndo); assertTrue("Observer was notified about redoable action", this.observatorWasNotifiedRedoable); this.didExecute = false; ex.redoLastCommand(); assertTrue("Command was redone", this.didExecute); assertTrue("Observer was notified about undoable action", this.observatorWasNotifiedUndoable); }
public static void main(String[] args) { CommandExecutor executor = new CommandExecutorProxy("Asia", "wrong_pwd"); try { executor.runCommand("ls -ltr"); executor.runCommand(" rm -rf abc.pdf"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception Message::" + e.getMessage()); } }
/** * Start the Android Emulator with the specified options. * * @throws org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException * @see #emulatorAvd * @see #emulatorWait * @see #emulatorOptions */ protected void startAndroidEmulator() throws MojoExecutionException { parseParameters(); CommandExecutor executor = CommandExecutor.Factory.createDefaultCommmandExecutor(); executor.setLogger(this.getLog()); try { String filename; if (isWindows()) { filename = writeEmulatorStartScriptWindows(); } else { filename = writeEmulatorStartScriptUnix(); } final AndroidDebugBridge androidDebugBridge = initAndroidDebugBridge(); if (androidDebugBridge.isConnected()) { List<IDevice> devices = Arrays.asList(androidDebugBridge.getDevices()); int numberOfDevices = devices.size(); getLog() .info("Found " + numberOfDevices + " devices connected with the Android Debug Bridge"); IDevice existingEmulator = null; for (IDevice device : devices) { if (device.isEmulator()) { if (isExistingEmulator(device)) { existingEmulator = device; break; } } } if (existingEmulator == null) { getLog().info(START_EMULATOR_MSG + filename); executor.executeCommand(filename, null); getLog().info(START_EMULATOR_WAIT_MSG + parsedWait); // wait for the emulator to start up Thread.sleep(new Long(parsedWait)); } else { getLog() .info( String.format( "Emulator already running [Serial No: '%s', AVD Name '%s']. Skipping start and wait.", existingEmulator.getSerialNumber(), existingEmulator.getAvdName())); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("", e); } }
/** * The method does the following: * * <p> case of none atomic command * * <p>- execute the command using the command executor * * <p>- notify all waiting thread about the command execution * * <p> case of atomic command * * <p>- execute the command using the command executor * * <p>- notify all waiting thread about the command execution only * * <p>if the current command is the last element in the atomic command * * @param modelCommand * @throws PlanckDBException */ @SuppressWarnings("SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter") public void doJobs(final Command modelCommand) throws PlanckDBException { boolean consume = true; if (modelCommand.getTransaction() == TRUE && modelCommand.getSessionId() == sessionMetaData.getSessionId()) { consume = false; } if (consume) { commandExecutor.consume(modelCommand); } if (atomicContainer.isPartOfAtomicCommand(modelCommand)) { Command rootCommand = atomicContainer.update(modelCommand); if (rootCommand != null) { synchronized (rootCommand) { rootCommand.notifyAll(); } } } else { synchronized (modelCommand) { modelCommand.notifyAll(); } } // log.debug("message done version : "+modelCommand.getVersion()+" id // "+modelCommand.getEntityId()); }
public void listPoints() throws Exception { ListPointsCommand command = new ListPointsCommand(); command = executor.executeCommand(command); for (Point point : command.getPoints()) { System.out.println("\t" + point); } }
@Override public void deleteFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String name) throws IOException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("deleteFile name:" + name); } try { ContentContext tctx = (ContentContext) tree.getContext(); NodeRef rootNode = tctx.getRootNode(); DriverState driverState = getDriverState(sess); String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(name); String folder = paths[0]; String file = paths[1]; EvaluatorContext ctx = getEvaluatorContext(driverState, folder); Operation o = new DeleteFileOperation(file, rootNode, name); Command c = ruleEvaluator.evaluate(ctx, o); commandExecutor.execute(sess, tree, c); releaseEvaluatorContextIfEmpty(driverState, ctx, folder); } catch ( ade) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Unable to delete file " + name, ade); } } // End of deleteFile
/** * Extracts the package name from an apk file. * * @param apkFile apk file to extract package name from. * @return the package name from inside the apk file. */ protected String extractPackageNameFromApk(File apkFile) throws MojoExecutionException { CommandExecutor executor = CommandExecutor.Factory.createDefaultCommmandExecutor(); executor.setLogger(this.getLog()); executor.setCaptureStdOut(true); executor.setCaptureStdErr(true); AaptCommandBuilder commandBuilder = AaptCommandBuilder.dump(getLog()) .xmlTree() .setPathToApk(apkFile.getAbsolutePath()) .addAssetFile("AndroidManifest.xml"); getLog().info(getAndroidSdk().getAaptPath() + " " + commandBuilder.toString()); try { executor.executeCommand(getAndroidSdk().getAaptPath(),, false); final String xmlTree = executor.getStandardOut(); return extractPackageNameFromAndroidManifestXmlTree(xmlTree); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error while trying to figure out package name from inside apk file " + apkFile); } finally { String errout = executor.getStandardError(); if ((errout != null) && (errout.trim().length() > 0)) { getLog().error(errout); } } }
public void removePoint(Point point) throws Exception { RemovePointCommand command = new RemovePointCommand(point); command = executor.executeCommand(command); if (command.isOk()) { System.out.println("Punto borrado."); } else { System.out.println("Punto no borrado."); } }
public void addPoint(Point point) throws Exception { AddPointCommand command = new AddPointCommand(point); command = executor.executeCommand(command); if (command.isOk()) { System.out.println("Punto añadido."); } else { System.out.println("Punto no añadido."); } }
public void containsPoint(Point point) throws Exception { ContainsPointCommand command = new ContainsPointCommand(point); command = executor.executeCommand(command); if (command.isContains()) { System.out.println("El servidor contiene el punto " + point); } else { System.out.println("El servidor no contiene el punto " + point); } }
/** * Extracts the package name from an apk file. * * @param apkFile apk file to extract package name from. * @return the package name from inside the apk file. */ protected String extractPackageNameFromApk(File apkFile) throws MojoExecutionException { CommandExecutor executor = CommandExecutor.Factory.createDefaultCommmandExecutor(); executor.setLogger(this.getLog()); List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(); commands.add("dump"); commands.add("xmltree"); commands.add(apkFile.getAbsolutePath()); commands.add("AndroidManifest.xml"); getLog().info(getAndroidSdk().getPathForTool("aapt") + " " + commands.toString()); try { executor.executeCommand(getAndroidSdk().getPathForTool("aapt"), commands, true); final String xmlTree = executor.getStandardOut(); return extractPackageNameFromAndroidManifestXmlTree(xmlTree); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error while trying to figure out package name from inside apk file " + apkFile); } finally { getLog().error(executor.getStandardError()); } }
@Override public void terminate() { boolean wasTerminated; synchronized (this) { wasTerminated = terminated; terminated = true; } if (!wasTerminated) { partitionerFinished(); documentListener.deregisterListener(); commandExecutor.terminate(); interpreter.interrupt(); interpreter.terminate(); } }
private <C extends Command<R>, R extends Serializable> void registerExecutor( final NodeContext nodeContext, final CommandExecutor<C, R> executor, ZNode node) { final ZNode executorNode = node.createChild(znode().withPath(nodeNameOf(executor.getQualifier()))); final ZNode queueNode = executorNode.createChild(znode().withPath("queue")); executorNode.createChild(znode().withPath("result")); log.debug("Created znodes for executor {}", executorNode.getPath()); queueNode.addChildrenWatcher( new Watcher() { @Override public void process(WatchedEvent event) { if (event.getType() != Event.EventType.NodeChildrenChanged) { return; } synchronized (lock) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Children changed {} event type {}", queueNode.getPath(), event.getType()); } List<QueueEntry<C, R>> entries = getEntries(queueNode, this); for (final QueueEntry<C, R> entry : entries) { Runnable run = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { executeCommand(executor, executorNode, entry, nodeContext); } }; ZookeeperCoordinator.this.executor.execute(run); } } } }); }
private static <C extends Command<R>, R extends Serializable> void executeCommand( CommandExecutor<C, R> executor, ZNode executorNode, final QueueEntry<C, R> entry, final NodeContext nodeContext) { String relativePath = entry.getResultPath().substring(executorNode.getPath().length() + 1); final ZNode output = executorNode.child(relativePath); final NodeCommandExecutionListener<C> listener = entry.getListener(); try { C command = entry.getCommand(); listener.onCommandExecutionStarted(command, nodeContext); R result = executor.execute(command, nodeContext); log.debug("Command {} executed", command); listener.onCommandExecuted(command); output.setObject(CommandExecutionResult.success(result)); } catch (Throwable throwable) { // todo add fail event log.error("error during task execution", throwable); output.setObject(; } }
protected Response execute(String driverCommand, Map<String, ?> parameters) { Command command = new Command(sessionId, driverCommand, parameters); Response response; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String currentName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); Thread.currentThread() .setName("Forwarding " + driverCommand + " on session " + sessionId + " to remote"); try { log(sessionId, command.getName(), command, When.BEFORE); response = executor.execute(command); log(sessionId, command.getName(), command, When.AFTER); if (response == null) { return null; } // Unwrap the response value by converting any JSON objects of the form // {"ELEMENT": id} to RemoteWebElements. Object value = converter.apply(response.getValue()); response.setValue(value); } catch (SessionTerminatedException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log(sessionId, command.getName(), command, When.EXCEPTION); String errorMessage = "Error communicating with the remote browser. " + "It may have died."; if (driverCommand.equals(DriverCommand.NEW_SESSION)) { errorMessage = "Could not start a new session. Possible causes are " + "invalid address of the remote server or browser start-up failure."; } throw new UnreachableBrowserException(errorMessage, e); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setName(currentName); } return errorHandler.throwIfResponseFailed(response, System.currentTimeMillis() - start); }
/** * Undeploys an apk, specified by package name, from a connected emulator or usb device. * * @param packageName the package name to undeploy. * @param deleteDataAndCacheDirectoriesOnDevice <code>true</code> to delete the application's data * and cache directories on the device, <code>false</code> to keep them. * @return <code>true</code> if successfully undeployed, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean undeployApk(String packageName, boolean deleteDataAndCacheDirectoriesOnDevice) throws MojoExecutionException { CommandExecutor executor = CommandExecutor.Factory.createDefaultCommmandExecutor(); executor.setLogger(this.getLog()); List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(); commands.add("uninstall"); if (!deleteDataAndCacheDirectoriesOnDevice) { commands.add("-k"); // ('-k' means keep the data and cache directories) } commands.add(packageName); getLog().info(getAndroidSdk().getPathForTool("adb") + " " + commands.toString()); try { executor.executeCommand(getAndroidSdk().getPathForTool("adb"), commands, false); getLog().debug(executor.getStandardOut()); getLog().debug(executor.getStandardError()); return true; } catch (ExecutionException e) { getLog().error(executor.getStandardOut()); getLog().error(executor.getStandardError()); return false; } }
@Override public void closeFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, NetworkFile param) throws IOException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("closeFile:" + param.getFullName()); } ContentContext tctx = (ContentContext) tree.getContext(); NodeRef rootNode = tctx.getRootNode(); DriverState driverState = getDriverState(sess); String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(param.getFullName()); String folder = paths[0]; String file = paths[1]; try { EvaluatorContext ctx = getEvaluatorContext(driverState, folder); Operation o = new CloseFileOperation( file, param, rootNode, param.getFullName(), param.hasDeleteOnClose(), param.isForce()); Command c = ruleEvaluator.evaluate(ctx, o); commandExecutor.execute(sess, tree, c); releaseEvaluatorContextIfEmpty(driverState, ctx, folder); } catch ( ade) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Unable to close file " + param.getFullName(), ade); } }
/** * Deploys an apk file to a connected emulator or usb device. * * @param apkFile the file to deploy * @throws MojoExecutionException If there is a problem deploying the apk file. */ protected void deployApk(File apkFile) throws MojoExecutionException { CommandExecutor executor = CommandExecutor.Factory.createDefaultCommmandExecutor(); executor.setLogger(this.getLog()); List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(); // Check if a specific device should be used if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(device)) { if ("usb".equals(device)) { commands.add("-d"); } else if ("emulator".equals(device)) { commands.add("-e"); } else { commands.add("-s"); commands.add(device); } } commands.add("install"); commands.add("-r"); commands.add(apkFile.getAbsolutePath()); getLog().info(getAndroidSdk().getPathForTool("adb") + " " + commands.toString()); try { executor.executeCommand(getAndroidSdk().getPathForTool("adb"), commands, false); final String standardOut = executor.getStandardOut(); if (standardOut != null && standardOut.contains("Failure")) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error deploying " + apkFile + " to device. You might want to add command line parameter -Dandroid.undeployBeforeDeploy=true or add plugin configuration tag <undeployBeforeDeploy>true</undeployBeforeDeploy>\n" + standardOut); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { getLog().error(executor.getStandardOut()); getLog().error(executor.getStandardError()); throw new MojoExecutionException("Error deploying " + apkFile + " to device.", e); } }
@Override public void feed(JsonEvent logEvent) { CommandExecutor exec = new CommandExecutor(this, logEvent);, commandTemplate); }
public void removeModelChangedListener(NodeModelChangedListener nodeModelChangedListener) { commandExecutor.removeModelChangedListener(nodeModelChangedListener); }
public void addModelChangedListener(NodeModelChangedListener nodeModelChangedListener) { commandExecutor.addModelChangedListener(nodeModelChangedListener); }
@Override public NetworkFile createFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, FileOpenParams params) throws IOException { try { int attr = params.getAttributes(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { int sharedAccess = params.getSharedAccess(); String strSharedAccess = SharingMode.getSharingModeAsString(sharedAccess); logger.debug( "createFile:" + params.getPath() + ", isDirectory: " + params.isDirectory() + ", isStream: " + params.isStream() + ", readOnlyAccess: " + params.isReadOnlyAccess() + ", readWriteAccess: " + params.isReadWriteAccess() + ", writeOnlyAccess:" + params.isWriteOnlyAccess() + ", attributesOnlyAccess:" + params.isAttributesOnlyAccess() + ", sequentialAccessOnly:" + params.isSequentialAccessOnly() + ", requestBatchOpLock:" + params.requestBatchOpLock() + ", requestExclusiveOpLock:" + params.requestExclusiveOpLock() + ", isDeleteOnClose:" + params.isDeleteOnClose() + ", sharedAccess: " + strSharedAccess + ", allocationSize: " + params.getAllocationSize() + ", isHidden:" + FileAttribute.isHidden(attr) + ", isSystem:" + FileAttribute.isSystem(attr)); } long creationDateTime = params.getCreationDateTime(); if (creationDateTime != 0) { logger.debug("creationDateTime is set:" + new Date(creationDateTime)); } ContentContext tctx = (ContentContext) tree.getContext(); NodeRef rootNode = tctx.getRootNode(); String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(params.getPath()); String folder = paths[0]; String file = paths[1]; DriverState driverState = getDriverState(sess); EvaluatorContext ctx = getEvaluatorContext(driverState, folder); Operation o = new CreateFileOperation( file, rootNode, params.getPath(), params.getAllocationSize(), FileAttribute.isHidden(attr)); Command c = ruleEvaluator.evaluate(ctx, o); Object ret = commandExecutor.execute(sess, tree, c); if (ret != null && ret instanceof NetworkFile) { return (NetworkFile) ret; } else { // Error - contact broken logger.error( "contract broken - NetworkFile not returned. " + ret == null ? "Return value is null" : ret); return null; } } catch ( ade) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Unable to create file " + params.getPath(), ade); } }
@Override public void registerNode( NodeContext nodeContext, Set<Worker> workers, final StatusChangeListener listener) throws CoordinatorException {"Going to register node {} with {} workers", nodeContext.getId(), workers.size()); ZNode typeNode = rootNode.child(CoordinationUtil.nodeNameOf(nodeContext.getId().getType())); ZNode node = typeNode.createChild(znode().withPath(nodeContext.getId().getIdentifier())); Set<CommandExecutor<?, ?>> executors = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<Qualifier<?>> qualifiers = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Worker worker : workers) { for (CommandExecutor<?, ?> executor : worker.getExecutors()) { Qualifier<?> qualifier = executor.getQualifier(); if (qualifiers.contains(qualifier)) { throw new CoordinatorException( "Executor for qualifier " + qualifier + " is already registered"); } executors.add(executor); } } for (CommandExecutor<?, ?> executor : executors) { registerExecutor(nodeContext, executor, node); } rootNode.addNodeWatcher( new Watcher() { @Override public void process(WatchedEvent event) { if (event.getState() == Event.KeeperState.Disconnected) { listener.onCoordinatorDisconnected(); } if (event.getState() == Event.KeeperState.SyncConnected) { listener.onCoordinatorConnected(); } } }); ZNode statuses = rootNode.child(CoordinationUtil.STATUSES_NODE_NAME); statuses.createChild(znode().ephemeralSequential().withDataObject(nodeContext.getId())); Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); lock.lock(); try { Collection<NodeId> nodeIds = Sets.newHashSet(); StatusWatcher statusWatcher = new StatusWatcher(statuses, lock, nodeIds, listener); List<ZNode> nodes = statuses.children(statusWatcher); for (ZNode zNode : nodes) { nodeIds.add(zNode.getObject(NodeId.class)); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } node.createChild(znode().withPath(CoordinationUtil.AVAILABLE_NODE_NAME)); }
@Override public void renameFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, String oldPath, String newPath) throws IOException { ContentContext tctx = (ContentContext) tree.getContext(); NodeRef rootNode = tctx.getRootNode(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("renameFile oldPath:" + oldPath + ", newPath:" + newPath); } DriverState driverState = getDriverState(sess); // Is this a rename within the same folder or a move between folders? String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(oldPath); String oldFolder = paths[0]; String oldFile = paths[1]; paths = FileName.splitPath(newPath); String newFolder = paths[0]; String newFile = paths[1]; try { if (oldFolder.equalsIgnoreCase(newFolder)) { logger.debug("renameFileCommand - is a rename within the same folder"); EvaluatorContext ctx = getEvaluatorContext(driverState, oldFolder); Operation o = new RenameFileOperation(oldFile, newFile, oldPath, newPath, rootNode); Command c = ruleEvaluator.evaluate(ctx, o); commandExecutor.execute(sess, tree, c); ruleEvaluator.notifyRename(ctx, o, c); releaseEvaluatorContextIfEmpty(driverState, ctx, oldFolder); } else { logger.debug("moveFileCommand - move between folders"); Operation o = new MoveFileOperation(oldFile, newFile, oldPath, newPath, rootNode); /* * Note: At the moment we only have move scenarios for the destination folder - so * we only need to evaluate against a single (destination) context/folder. * This will require re-design as and when we need to have scenarios for the source/folder */ // EvaluatorContext ctx1 = getEvaluatorContext(driverState, oldFolder); EvaluatorContext ctx2 = getEvaluatorContext(driverState, newFolder); Command c = ruleEvaluator.evaluate(ctx2, o); commandExecutor.execute(sess, tree, c); releaseEvaluatorContextIfEmpty(driverState, ctx2, newFolder); // diskInterface.renameFile(sess, tree, oldPath, newPath); } } catch ( ade) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Unable to rename file file " + oldPath, ade); } }
/** * Directly execute a message. This is usually called from runWorker(), but is also called * externally to execute a message for TxLogPlayback */ public void execute(SourcedMessage message) { commandExecutor.execute(message); }
@Override public NetworkFile openFile(SrvSession sess, TreeConnection tree, FileOpenParams param) throws IOException { String path = param.getPath(); boolean truncate = param.isOverwrite(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { int sharedAccess = param.getSharedAccess(); String strSharedAccess = SharingMode.getSharingModeAsString(sharedAccess); logger.debug( "openFile:" + path + ", isDirectory: " + param.isDirectory() + ", isStream: " + param.isStream() + ", readOnlyAccess: " + param.isReadOnlyAccess() + ", readWriteAccess: " + param.isReadWriteAccess() + ", writeOnlyAccess:" + param.isWriteOnlyAccess() + ", attributesOnlyAccess:" + param.isAttributesOnlyAccess() + ", sequentialAccessOnly:" + param.isSequentialAccessOnly() + ", writeThrough:" + param.isWriteThrough() + ", truncate:" + truncate + ", requestBatchOpLock:" + param.requestBatchOpLock() + ", requestExclusiveOpLock:" + param.requestExclusiveOpLock() + ", isDeleteOnClose:" + param.isDeleteOnClose() + ", allocationSize:" + param.getAllocationSize() + ", sharedAccess: " + strSharedAccess + ", openAction: " + param.getOpenAction() + param); } ContentContext tctx = (ContentContext) tree.getContext(); NodeRef rootNode = tctx.getRootNode(); DriverState driverState = getDriverState(sess); String[] paths = FileName.splitPath(path); String folder = paths[0]; String file = paths[1]; EvaluatorContext ctx = getEvaluatorContext(driverState, folder); OpenFileMode openMode = OpenFileMode.READ_ONLY; if (param.isAttributesOnlyAccess()) { openMode = OpenFileMode.ATTRIBUTES_ONLY; } else if (param.isReadWriteAccess()) { openMode = OpenFileMode.READ_WRITE; } else if (param.isWriteOnlyAccess()) { openMode = OpenFileMode.WRITE_ONLY; } else if (param.isReadOnlyAccess()) { openMode = OpenFileMode.READ_ONLY; } else if (param.isDeleteOnClose()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("open file has delete on close"); } openMode = OpenFileMode.DELETE; } try { Operation o = new OpenFileOperation(file, openMode, truncate, rootNode, path); Command c = ruleEvaluator.evaluate(ctx, o); Object ret = commandExecutor.execute(sess, tree, c); if (ret != null && ret instanceof NetworkFile) { NetworkFile x = (NetworkFile) ret; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("returning open file: for path:" + path + ", ret:" + ret); } return x; } else { // Error - contact broken logger.error( "contract broken - NetworkFile not returned. " + ret == null ? "Return value is null" : ret); return null; } } catch ( ade) { throw new AccessDeniedException("Unable to open file " + param.getPath(), ade); } // return diskInterface.openFile(sess, tree, params); } // End of OpenFile