   * Returns the live methods of a program whose root methods are the <tt>main</tt> method of a set
   * of classes.
   * @param classes Names of classes containing root methods
   * @param context Repository for accessing BLOAT stuff
   * @return The <tt>MemberRef</tt>s of the live methods
  private static Collection liveMethods(final Collection classes, final BloatContext context) {

    // Determine the roots of the call graph
    final Set roots = new HashSet();
    Iterator iter = classes.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      final String className = (String) iter.next();
      try {
        final ClassEditor ce = context.editClass(className);
        final MethodInfo[] methods = ce.methods();

        for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
          final MethodEditor me = context.editMethod(methods[i]);

          if (!me.name().equals("main")) {

          BloatBenchmark.tr("  Root " + ce.name() + "." + me.name() + me.type());

      } catch (final ClassNotFoundException ex1) {
        BloatBenchmark.err.println("** Could not find class: " + ex1.getMessage());

    if (roots.isEmpty()) {
      BloatBenchmark.err.print("** No main method found in classes: ");
      iter = classes.iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        final String name = (String) iter.next();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
          BloatBenchmark.err.print(", ");

    final CallGraph cg = context.getCallGraph();

    final Set liveMethods = new TreeSet(new MemberRefComparator());

    return (liveMethods);
 private boolean isApplicablePlatformClass(ClassEditor ce) {
   String className = BloatUtil.normalizeClassName(ce.name());
   return Enum.class.getName().equals(className)
       || isSupportedCollection(className)
       || Object.class.getName().equals(className);