public TiledImage makeQuadCurve(
      int lineBeginningX,
      int lineBeginningY,
      int lineEndingX,
      int lineEndingY,
      double slope1st,
      double slope2nd,
      Inspiram inspiram) {
    int width = inspiram.layers[inspiram.currentLayer].getWidth();
    int height = inspiram.layers[inspiram.currentLayer].getHeight();
    SampleModel mySampleModel =
    int nbands = mySampleModel.getNumBands();
    Raster readableRaster = inspiram.layers[inspiram.currentLayer].getLayerImage().getData();
    WritableRaster writableRaster = readableRaster.createCompatibleWritableRaster();
    int[] pixels = new int[nbands * width * height];
    readableRaster.getPixels(0, 0, width, height, pixels);
    double yIntercept1st = findYIntercept(p1X, p1Y, slope1st);
    double yIntercept2nd = findYIntercept(p2X, p2Y, slope2nd);
        "Y-Intercept of 1st: "
            + findYIntercept(p0X, p0Y, slope1st)
            + "     Y-Intercept of 2nd: "
            + findYIntercept(p1X, p1Y, slope1st));
    int pixelIndexQ = 0;

    double x1first = p0X;
    double x2first = p1X;
    double y1first = p0Y;
    double y2first = p1Y;
    double x1second = p1X;
    double x2second = p2X;
    double y1second = p1Y;
    double y2second = p2Y;
    if (p0X >= p1X) {
      x1first = p1X;
      x2first = p0X;
      y1first = p1Y;
      y2first = p0Y;
    if (p1X >= p2X) {
      x1second = p2X;
      x2second = p1X;
      y1second = p2Y;
      y2second = p1Y;

    double repeatingXs1st = Math.abs(slope1st);
    double yPlus1st = 0;
    double repeatingXs2nd = Math.abs(slope2nd);
    double yPlus2nd = 0;

    Change change = new Change("QUAD Bezier Creation", inspiram.currentLayer);
    System.out.println("SLOPE: " + slope1st);
    for (double dub = .01; dub < 1.0; dub += .001) {

      // P's//
      double x1st = (x1first + ((x2first - x1first) * dub)); // X coordinate for 1st line
      double x2nd = (x1second + ((x2second - x1second) * dub)); // X coordinate for 2nd line
      double y1st =
          (slope1st * (x1first + ((x2first - x1first) * dub))
              + yIntercept1st); // Y coordinate for 1st line
      double y2nd =
          (slope2nd * (x1second + ((x2second - x1second) * dub))
              + yIntercept2nd); // Y coordinate for 2nd line.
      // End of P's//

      // Q's//
      double yDifferenceQ = y2nd - y1st;
      double xDifferenceQ = x2nd - x1st;
      double slopeQ = (((yDifferenceQ) / (xDifferenceQ)));
      double yInterceptQ = findYIntercept(x2nd, y2nd, slopeQ);
      double x1Q = x1st;
      double x2Q = x2nd;
      double y1Q = y1st;
      double y2Q = y2nd;
      if (x1st >= x2nd) {
        x1Q = x2nd;
        x2Q = x1st;
        y1Q = y2nd;
        y2Q = y1st;
      double repeatingXsQ = Math.abs(slopeQ);
      double yPlusQ = 0;

      double xQ = (x1Q + ((x2Q - x1Q) * dub)); // X coordinate for q line
      double yQ = (slopeQ * (x1Q + ((x2Q - x1Q) * dub)) + yInterceptQ); // Y coordinate for q line
      // End of Q's//

      pixelIndexQ = (int) yQ * width * nbands + (int) xQ * nbands;

      PixelHistory pixelHistory = new PixelHistory((int) xQ, (int) yQ);
      if (!change.getAllPixelHistory().contains(pixelHistory.x)
          && !change.getAllPixelHistory().contains(pixelHistory.y)) {
        pixelHistory.setPrevR(pixels[(pixelIndexQ - 0) + (0)]);
        pixelHistory.setPrevG(pixels[(pixelIndexQ - 0) + (1)]);
        pixelHistory.setPrevB(pixels[(pixelIndexQ - 0) + (2)]);
        pixels[(pixelIndexQ - 0) + (0)] = 255;
        pixels[(pixelIndexQ - 0) + (1)] = 255;
        pixels[(pixelIndexQ - 0) + (2)] = 255;
        if (!change.getAllPixelHistory().contains(pixelHistory.x)
            && !change.getAllPixelHistory().contains(pixelHistory.y)) {
    writableRaster.setPixels(0, 0, width, height, pixels);
    TiledImage ti = new TiledImage(inspiram.layers[inspiram.currentLayer].getLayerImage(), 1, 1);
    return ti;