private boolean isHigh() { return (_callTrackerStats.getCallCount() >= adjustedMinCallCount() && (_latency >= _config.getHighLatency() || _callTrackerStats.getErrorRate() >= _config.getHighErrorRate())) || (_callTrackerStats.getOutstandingCount() >= _config.getMinOutstandingCount() && _outstandingLatency >= _config.getHighOutstanding()); }
private boolean isLow() { return _callTrackerStats.getCallCount() >= adjustedMinCallCount() && _latency <= _config.getLowLatency() && _callTrackerStats.getErrorRate() <= _config.getLowErrorRate() && (_callTrackerStats.getOutstandingCount() < _config.getMinOutstandingCount() || _outstandingLatency <= _config.getLowOutstanding()); }
/** * checks if the stats that we used to compute drop rate is stale or not. Stale meaning, we use a * certain interval (configured to be 5 seconds) to count the number of calls, latency, etc during * that 5 seconds. So every 5 seconds we'll want to refresh the window of interval for counting. * * <p>So if it's stale, we'll call CallTrackerImpl to refresh the window * * @param now */ private void checkStale(long now) { if (_callTrackerStats.stale(now)) { // this code is a bit strange at first i.e. why it's not _callTrackerStats = // _callTracker.getCallStats(); // but instead it's just _callTracker.getCallStats(); even though getCallStats returns a new // Object. // but this is fine because getCallStats() will eventually call Tracker.rolloverStats() which // has a listener! // the listener is actually {@see DegraderImpl.rollOverStats(CallTracker.CallStats)} which // will update // _callTrackerStats with the new stats. So we're fine. _callTracker.getCallStats(); } }
public synchronized Stats getStats() { checkStale(_clock.currentTimeMillis()); return new Stats( _dropRate, _computedDropRate, _countTotal.get(), _noOverrideDropCountTotal.get(), _droppedCountTotal.get(), _lastNotDroppedTime.get(), _callTrackerStats.getInterval(), _callTrackerStats.getIntervalEndTime(), _lastIntervalDroppedRate, _callTrackerStats.getCallCount(), _latency, _callTrackerStats.getErrorRate(), _outstandingLatency, _callTrackerStats.getOutstandingCount(), _callTrackerStats.getErrorTypeCountsTotal()); }
private void snapLatency() { CallTracker.CallStats stats = _callTrackerStats; switch (_config._latencyToUse) { case PCT50: _latency = stats.getCallTimeStats().get50Pct(); break; case PCT90: _latency = stats.getCallTimeStats().get90Pct(); break; case PCT95: _latency = stats.getCallTimeStats().get95Pct(); break; case PCT99: _latency = stats.getCallTimeStats().get99Pct(); break; case AVERAGE: _latency = Math.round(stats.getCallTimeStats().getAverage()); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Latency to use " + _config._latencyToUse + " is unknown"); } }
private void snapOutstandingLatency() { CallTracker.CallStats stats = _callTrackerStats; _outstandingLatency = stats.getOutstandingStartTimeAvg(); }
private synchronized void rolloverStats(CallTracker.CallStats stats) { _callTrackerStats = stats; snapLatency(); snapOutstandingLatency(); if (_config.isLogEnabled()) { + " " + _callTrackerStats); } long countTotal = _countTotal.get(); long noOverrideDropCountTotal = _noOverrideDropCountTotal.get(); long droppedCountTotal = _droppedCountTotal.get(); long dropped = droppedCountTotal - _lastIntervalDroppedCountTotal; long count = countTotal - _lastIntervalCountTotal; double lastIntervalDroppedRate = count == 0 ? 0.0 : (double) dropped / (double) count; double oldDropRate = _computedDropRate; double newDropRate = oldDropRate; if (oldDropRate < _config.getMaxDropRate() && isHigh()) { newDropRate = Math.min(_config.getMaxDropRate(), oldDropRate + _config.getUpStep()); } else if (oldDropRate > 0.0 && isLow()) { newDropRate = Math.max(0.0, oldDropRate - _config.getDownStep()); } if (oldDropRate != newDropRate) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn( _config.getName() + " ComputedDropRate " + (oldDropRate > newDropRate ? "decreased" : "increased") + " from " + oldDropRate + " to " + newDropRate + ", OverrideDropRate=" + _config.getOverrideDropRate() + ", AdjustedMinCallCount=" + adjustedMinCallCount() + ", CallCount=" + _callTrackerStats.getCallCount() + ", Latency=" + _latency + ", ErrorRate=" + stats.getErrorRate() + ", OutstandingLatency=" + _outstandingLatency + ", OutstandingCount=" + stats.getOutstandingCount() + ", CountTotal=" + countTotal + ", NoOverrideDropCountTotal=" + noOverrideDropCountTotal + ", DroppedCountTotal=" + droppedCountTotal + ", LastIntervalDroppedRate=" + lastIntervalDroppedRate); } } else { if (_config.isLogEnabled() && log.isInfoEnabled()) { _config.getName() + " ComputedDropRate=" + newDropRate + ", OverrideDropRate=" + _config.getOverrideDropRate() + ", AdjustedMinCallCount=" + adjustedMinCallCount() + ", CallCount=" + _callTrackerStats.getCallCount() + ", Latency=" + _latency + ", ErrorRate=" + stats.getErrorRate() + ", OutstandingLatency=" + _outstandingLatency + ", OutstandingCount=" + stats.getOutstandingCount() + ", CountTotal=" + countTotal + ", NoOverrideDropCountTotal=" + noOverrideDropCountTotal + ", DroppedCountTotal=" + droppedCountTotal + ", LastIntervalDroppedRate=" + lastIntervalDroppedRate); } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( _config.getName() + " ComputedDropRate=" + newDropRate + ", OverrideDropRate=" + _config.getOverrideDropRate() + ", AdjustedMinCallCount=" + adjustedMinCallCount() + ", CallCount=" + _callTrackerStats.getCallCount() + ", Latency=" + _latency + ", ErrorRate=" + stats.getErrorRate() + ", OutstandingLatency=" + _outstandingLatency + ", OutstandingCount=" + stats.getOutstandingCount() + ", CountTotal=" + countTotal + ", NoOverrideDropCountTotal=" + noOverrideDropCountTotal + ", DroppedCountTotal=" + droppedCountTotal + ", LastIntervalDroppedRate=" + lastIntervalDroppedRate); } } _lastIntervalCountTotal = countTotal; _lastIntervalDroppedCountTotal = droppedCountTotal; _lastIntervalDroppedRate = lastIntervalDroppedRate; setComputedDropRate(newDropRate); }