@Test public void testInjectionOfString() throws CLIException { HelloClI command = new HelloClI(); CLI cli = CLIConfigurator.define(HelloClI.class); CommandLine evaluatedCLI = cli.parse(Arrays.asList("--name", "vert.x")); CLIConfigurator.inject(evaluatedCLI, command); assertThat(command.run()).isEqualToIgnoringCase("Hello vert.x"); assertThat(command.name).isEqualToIgnoringCase("vert.x"); }
@Test public void retrievingExtraArguments() throws ParsingException { cli = new CLI() { { operand("input"); } }; Args args = cli.parse("input", "output", "encoding"); assertEquals(asList("output", "encoding"), args.others()); }
@Test public void specifyingADefaultValueForAnOption() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { option("-b").takingArgument("SIZE").ofType(int.class).defaultingTo(1024); } }; cli.parse(); assertEquals(1024, cli.get("-b")); }
@Test public void usingSimpleOptionSwitches() throws ParsingException { cli = new CLI() { { flag("-x").describedAs("Turns debugging on"); } }; cli.parse("-x"); assertTrue(cli.has("-x")); }
@Test public void detectingAnUnrecognizedOption() throws Exception { cli = new CLI(); try { cli.parse("--whatever"); fail("Expected exception " + UnrecognizedOptionException.class.getName()); } catch (UnrecognizedOptionException expected) { assertEquals("--whatever", expected.getOption()); assertThat(expected.getMessage(), containsString("whatever")); } }
@Test public void specifyingTheTypeOfAnOptionArgument() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { option("-b").takingArgument("SIZE").ofType(int.class); } }; cli.parse("-b", "1024"); int blockSize = cli.<Integer>get("-b"); assertEquals(1024, blockSize); }
@Test public void definingAnOptionWithAnAliasForm() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { option("-x").alias("--debug"); } }; cli.parse("--debug"); assertTrue(cli.has("-x")); assertTrue(cli.has("--debug")); }
@Test public void usingACustomOptionType() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { coerceType(BigDecimal.class).using(new BigDecimalCoercer()); option("--size VALUE").ofType(BigDecimal.class); } }; cli.parse("--size", "1000.00"); assertEquals(new BigDecimal("1000.00"), cli.get("--size")); }
@Test public void specifyingTheTypeOfAPositionalArgument() throws ParsingException { cli = new CLI() { { operand("input").ofType(File.class); } }; cli.parse("/path/to/input"); File inputFile = cli.get("input"); assertEquals("/path/to/input", inputFile.getAbsolutePath()); }
@Test public void specifyingAnOptionInLiteralForm() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { option("-h", "--host HOSTNAME", "Hostname to bind to"); } }; cli.parse("--host", ""); assertTrue(cli.has("-h")); assertTrue(cli.has("--host")); assertEquals("", cli.get("-h")); }
@Test public void executingACallbackWhenAnOptionIsDetected() throws Exception { final CaptureLocale captureLocale = new CaptureLocale(); cli = new CLI() { { option("-l LOCALE").ofType(Locale.class).whenPresent(captureLocale); } }; cli.parse("-l", "FR"); assertEquals(Locale.FRENCH, captureLocale.locale); }
@Test public void usingBuiltInCoercers() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { option("-c").takingArgument("CLASSNAME").ofType(Class.class); operand("file").ofType(File.class); } }; cli.parse("-c", "java.lang.String", "/path/to/file"); assertEquals(String.class, cli.get("-c")); assertEquals(new File("/path/to/file"), cli.get("file")); }
@Test public void definingAnOptionThatExpectsAnArgument() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { option("-b").takingArgument("SIZE"); } }; cli.parse("-b", "1024"); assertTrue(cli.has("-b")); assertEquals("1024", cli.get("-b")); }
@Test public void usingPositionalArguments() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { operand("input").describedAs("The input file"); operand("output").describedAs("The output file"); } }; cli.parse("input", "output"); assertEquals("input", cli.get("input")); assertEquals("output", cli.get("output")); }
@Test public void retrievingArgumentsInATypeSafeWay() throws ParsingException { cli = new CLI(); ArgumentSpec<Boolean> verbose = cli.option("-v").ofType(Boolean.class); ArgumentSpec<Integer> size = cli.option("--block-size").takingArgument("SIZE").ofType(int.class).defaultingTo(1024); OperandSpec<File> input = cli.operand("input").ofType(File.class); Args args = cli.parse("-v", "--block-size", "2048", "/path/to/input"); File inputFile = input.get(args); assertEquals("/path/to/input", inputFile.getAbsolutePath()); boolean verboseFlag = verbose.get(args); assertEquals(true, verboseFlag); int blockSize = size.get(args); assertEquals(2048, blockSize); }
@Test public void omittingARequiredOptionArgument() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { option("-b SIZE").ofType(int.class); } }; try { cli.parse("-b"); fail("Expected exception " + ArgumentMissingException.class.getName()); } catch (ArgumentMissingException expected) { assertEquals("-b", expected.getUnsatisfiedOption()); assertThat(expected.getMessage(), containsString("-b")); } }
@Test public void omittingARequiredPositionalArgument() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { operand("input"); operand("output"); } }; try { cli.parse("input"); fail("Expected exception " + MissingOperandException.class.getName()); } catch (MissingOperandException expected) { assertEquals("output", expected.getMissingOperand()); assertThat(expected.getMessage(), containsString("output")); } }
@Test public void usingAnInvalidPositionalArgument() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { operand("size").ofType(int.class); } }; try { cli.parse("LITERAL"); fail("Expected exception " + InvalidArgumentException.class.getName()); } catch (InvalidArgumentException expected) { assertEquals("size", expected.getUnsatisfiedArgument()); assertEquals("LITERAL", expected.getOffendingValue()); assertThat(expected.getMessage(), containsString("size")); assertThat(expected.getMessage(), containsString("LITERAL")); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { CLI.parse(args, new String[0]); InputStream inputStream = args.length == 0 ? System.in : new java.io.FileInputStream(CLI.infile); if (CLI.target == CLI.SCAN) { DecafScanner lexer = new DecafScanner(new DataInputStream(inputStream)); Token token; boolean done = false; while (!done) { try { for (token = lexer.nextToken(); token.getType() != DecafParserTokenTypes.EOF; token = lexer.nextToken()) { String type = ""; String text = token.getText(); switch (token.getType()) { case DecafScannerTokenTypes.ID: type = " IDENTIFIER"; break; } System.out.println(token.getLine() + type + " " + text); } done = true; } catch (Exception e) { // print the error: System.out.println(CLI.infile + " " + e); lexer.consume(); } } } else if (CLI.target == CLI.PARSE || CLI.target == CLI.DEFAULT) { DecafScanner lexer = new DecafScanner(new DataInputStream(inputStream)); DecafParser parser = new DecafParser(lexer); parser.program(); } } catch (Exception e) { // print the error: System.out.println(CLI.infile + " " + e); } }
@Test public void aMoreComplexExampleThatUsesAMixOfDifferentArguments() throws Exception { cli = new CLI() { { flag("-h").describedAs("Human readable format"); option("-b").alias("--block-size").takingArgument("SIZE").ofType(int.class); flag("-x"); operand("input").as("INFILE").describedAs("The input file"); operand("output", "OUTFILE", "The output file"); } }; cli.parse("-h", "--block-size", "1024", "-x", "input", "output", "extra", "more extra"); assertEquals(6, cli.options().size()); assertTrue(cli.has("-h")); assertEquals(1024, cli.get("--block-size")); assertTrue(cli.has("-x")); assertEquals("input", cli.get("input")); assertEquals("output", cli.get("output")); assertEquals(asList("extra", "more extra"), cli.others()); }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { CLI.parse(args, new String[0]); InputStream inputStream = args.length == 0 ? System.in : new java.io.FileInputStream(CLI.infile); if (CLI.target == CLI.SCAN) { DecafScanner lexer = new DecafScanner(new DataInputStream(inputStream)); Token token; boolean done = false; while (!done) { try { for (token = lexer.nextToken(); token.getType() != DecafParserTokenTypes.EOF; token = lexer.nextToken()) { String type = ""; String text = token.getText(); switch (token.getType()) { case DecafScannerTokenTypes.ID: type = " IDENTIFIER"; break; case DecafScannerTokenTypes.CHAR: type = " CHARLITERAL"; break; case DecafScannerTokenTypes.TRUE: case DecafScannerTokenTypes.FALSE: type = " BOOLEANLITERAL"; break; case DecafScannerTokenTypes.HEX: case DecafScannerTokenTypes.DECIMAL: type = " INTLITERAL"; break; case DecafScannerTokenTypes.STRING: type = " STRINGLITERAL"; break; } System.out.println(token.getLine() + type + " " + text); } done = true; } catch (Exception e) { // print the error: System.out.println(CLI.infile + " " + e); lexer.consume(); } } } else if (CLI.target == CLI.PARSE || CLI.target == CLI.DEFAULT) { DecafScanner lexer = new DecafScanner(new DataInputStream(inputStream)); DecafParser parser = new DecafParser(lexer, CLI.debug); // DecafParser parser = new DecafParser (lexer); parser.program(); } else if (CLI.target == CLI.INTER) { DecafScanner lexer = new DecafScanner(new DataInputStream(inputStream)); DecafParser parser = new DecafParser(lexer, CLI.debug); parser.program(); IrNode irRoot = parser.getIrTree(); SemanticChecker checker = new SemanticChecker(CLI.infile, CLI.debug); if (CLI.debug) System.out.println("--- checking -----"); checker.checkProgram((IrClassDecl) irRoot); } else if (CLI.target == CLI.LOWIR) { DecafScanner lexer = new DecafScanner(new DataInputStream(inputStream)); DecafParser parser = new DecafParser(lexer, CLI.debug); parser.program(); IrNode irRoot = parser.getIrTree(); SemanticChecker checker = new SemanticChecker(CLI.infile, CLI.debug); if (CLI.debug) System.out.println("--- checking -----"); checker.checkProgram((IrClassDecl) irRoot); CodeGen codegen = new CodeGen(irRoot, CLI.debug); codegen.genLowIr(); codegen.printLowIr(); } } catch (Exception e) { // print the error: System.out.println(CLI.infile + " " + e); } }
private CommandLine parse(CLI cli, String... args) throws CLIException { return cli.parse(Arrays.asList(args)); }