private boolean handleProtectionChangeEvent( AbstractNe ne, Map<String, String> values, CHANGE oper) { try { String workingAid = values.get("AID1"); String protectionAid = values.get("AID2"); NetworkElement omeNe = (NetworkElement) ne; // Set up the data for event HashMap<String, String> eventData = new HashMap<String, String>(); eventData.put("workingAid", workingAid); eventData.put("proctectingAid", protectionAid); eventData.put("operation", oper.asString()); dbchgEvent.addDataElement(eventData); getParameters().put(AbstractCommandlet.RESULT_KEY, dbchgEvent); // String command = values.get("COMMAND"); if (oper == CHANGE.DELETE) { // don't handle any thing, for now log.debug("Got the DLT-FFP report for " + workingAid + ":" + protectionAid); DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateOrAddFacilityAttr( ne, workingAid, AbstractFacilityXml.PROTECTIONSCHEME_ATTR, "N/A"); DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateOrAddFacilityAttr( ne, protectionAid, AbstractFacilityXml.PROTECTIONSCHEME_ATTR, "N/A"); omeNe.getProtectionAid().remove(workingAid); omeNe.getProtectionAid().remove(protectionAid); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.PROTECTIONSCHEME_ATTR, "N/A"); return true; } log.debug("Got the ENT-FFP report for " + workingAid + ":" + protectionAid); String[] aidMap = workingAid.split("-"); Map<String, String> paramList = new HashMap<String, String>(); paramList.put(ObjectElement.OPERATION_KEY, "RTRV-FFP-" + aidMap[0]); paramList.put("WRKGAID", aidMap[0] + "-1-ALL"); List<Map<String, String>> result = omeNe.getTl1Session().sendToNE(paramList); if (result != null) { Iterator<Map<String, String>> ir = result.iterator(); while (ir.hasNext()) { Map<String, String> aResult =; String protectionScheme = aResult.get("PS"); omeNe.getProtectionAid().add(workingAid); omeNe.getProtectionAid().add(protectionAid); DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateOrAddFacilityAttr( ne, workingAid, AbstractFacilityXml.PROTECTIONSCHEME_ATTR, protectionScheme); DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateOrAddFacilityAttr( ne, protectionAid, AbstractFacilityXml.PROTECTIONSCHEME_ATTR, protectionScheme); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.PROTECTIONSCHEME_ATTR, protectionScheme); } return true; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to handle FFP event", e); } return false; }
private boolean updateFacilityAttribute( AbstractNe ne, Map<String, String> aResult, String aid, CHANGE oper) throws Exception { /* * TODO: Much of the logic here is a duplicate of what has to be done on * retrievals, in GetAllEthWanFacility. There should be one copy of this * processing code called from both retrievals and dbchg events. */ Map<String, String> facilityMap = null; int layer = 1; String layerStr; Element newFacElem = null; String changedFac = null; Map<String, String> currentNeAttrValue = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (Facility.isWan(aid)) { // If the WAN is a standalone, it is / will be explicitly stored in the // db. // If it's part of an EthWan EPL port, it'll be the ETH in our db. // Therefore, do the lookup based on shelf/slot/port // Note: For Eth/Wan EPL-like facility pairs, we rely on the ETH being // processed // ahead of the Wan. boolean wanIntoEthMapping = false; Element changedElement = null; String[] aidArr = aid.split("-"); changedFac = DbUtility.INSTANCE.retrieveAFacility(ne, aidArr[1], aidArr[2], aidArr[3]); if (changedFac != null) { changedElement = DbOpsHelper.xmlToElement(changedFac); String type = changedElement.getAttributeValue(FacilityConstants.TYPE_ATTR); if (Facility.isEth(type)) { wanIntoEthMapping = true; } } if (wanIntoEthMapping) { // A WAN that belongs to an Eth/Wan EPL port // Flip input "WAN" aid to found facility "ETHxxx" aid aid = changedElement.getAttributeValue(AbstractFacilityXml.AID_ATTR); layer = 2; layerStr = AbstractFacilityXml.LAYER2_ELEMENT; newFacElem = new Element(layerStr); facilityMap = OmeFacilityXML.wanToEthEPLNeToXmlMapping; // DRAC FLAG: to indicate this ETH is actually a WAN-backed ETH (see // GetAllEthWanFacility) newFacElem.setAttribute(FacilityConstants.IS_EPL, "true"); currentNeAttrValue.put(FacilityConstants.IS_EPL, "true"); } else { // Standalone WAN // WAN as Layer2 selectable UNI layer = 2; layerStr = AbstractFacilityXml.LAYER2_ELEMENT; newFacElem = new Element(layerStr); facilityMap = OmeFacilityXML.wanNeToXmlMapping; } } else if (Facility.isEth(aid)) { layer = 2; layerStr = AbstractFacilityXml.LAYER2_ELEMENT; newFacElem = new Element(layerStr); facilityMap = OmeFacilityXML.ethNeToXmlMapping; // Nov.1, 2010 // At the time of writing, the OME R7 load was not emitting a dbchange // report // for FE (ETH100) in such a way that the primary state could be parsed. // The ETH100 would only appear on toggling association (thereby learning // of // of the ETH100 via retrievals. // TEMPORARY FIX: assume worst case 'OOS' if (aid.startsWith("ETH100") && oper == CHANGE.ADD) { newFacElem.setAttribute(FacilityConstants.PRISTATE_ATTR, "OOS"); } } else { layer = 1; layerStr = AbstractFacilityXml.LAYER1_ELEMENT; newFacElem = new Element(layerStr); facilityMap = OmeFacilityXML.commonNeToXmlMapping; } // DRAC FLAG: for L2SS-based facilities String[] aidArr = aid.split("-"); if (ne.slotIsL2SS(aidArr[1], aidArr[2])) { newFacElem.setAttribute(FacilityConstants.IS_L2SS_FACILITY, "true"); currentNeAttrValue.put(FacilityConstants.IS_L2SS_FACILITY, "true"); } // Build the list of XML attributes based on the NE key/value. Iterator<String> keyIr = facilityMap.keySet().iterator(); while (keyIr.hasNext()) { String neKey =; String xmlKey = facilityMap.get(neKey); String aValue = aResult.get(neKey); if (aValue != null) { if (aid.indexOf("ETH10G") >= 0 && xmlKey.equals(AbstractFacilityXml.SPEED_ATTR)) { // Only one value is reported: always 10G. Normalize to Mb/s ... aValue = "10000"; } currentNeAttrValue.put(xmlKey, aValue); newFacElem.setAttribute(xmlKey, aValue); } } if (changedFac == null) { changedFac = DbUtility.INSTANCE.retrieveAFacility(ne, aid); } XMLOutputter outXml = new XMLOutputter(Format.getCompactFormat()); if (changedFac == null) { // Create new entry and setup the data for the event as well HashMap<String, String> eventData = new HashMap<String, String>(); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.AID_ATTR, aid); eventData.put("operation", CHANGE.ADD.asString()); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.ID_ATTR, Integer.toString(layer)); newFacElem.setAttribute(AbstractFacilityXml.VALID_ATTR, "true"); newFacElem.setAttribute(AbstractFacilityXml.ID_ATTR, Integer.toString(layer)); newFacElem.setAttribute(AbstractFacilityXml.AID_ATTR, aid); List<Attribute> staticAttr = OmeFacilityXML.getStaticAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < staticAttr.size(); i++) { Attribute anAttr = staticAttr.get(i); if (newFacElem.getAttributeValue(anAttr.getName()) == null) { newFacElem.setAttribute(anAttr.getName(), anAttr.getValue()); } eventData.put(anAttr.getName(), anAttr.getValue()); } String[] aidMap = aid.split("-"); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.PORT_ATTR, aidMap[3]); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.SHELF_ATTR, aidMap[1]); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.SLOT_ATTR, aidMap[2]); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.TYPE_ATTR, aidMap[0]); newFacElem.setAttribute(AbstractFacilityXml.PORT_ATTR, aidMap[3]); newFacElem.setAttribute(AbstractFacilityXml.SHELF_ATTR, aidMap[1]); newFacElem.setAttribute(AbstractFacilityXml.SLOT_ATTR, aidMap[2]); newFacElem.setAttribute(AbstractFacilityXml.TYPE_ATTR, aidMap[0]); // PREPARE THE EVENT FOR LPCP_PORT dbchgEvent.addDataElement(eventData); dbchgEvent.addDataElement(currentNeAttrValue); String newFacStr = outXml.outputString(newFacElem); if (oper == CHANGE.ADD) { log.debug("Create new Facility: " + newFacStr); DbUtility.INSTANCE.addNewFacility(ne, newFacStr); } } else { OmeFacilityXML changedFacXML = new OmeFacilityXML(changedFac); Map<String, String> updateList = changedFacXML.updateFacilityAttr(aid, currentNeAttrValue); if (updateList != null || oper != CHANGE.MODIFY) { // If there are no changes and the operation is ADD or DELETE, then // we still want to update the Valid field accordingly if (updateList == null) { updateList = new HashMap<String, String>(); } if (oper == CHANGE.ADD) { updateList.put(AbstractFacilityXml.VALID_ATTR, "true"); } else if (oper == CHANGE.DELETE) { updateList.put(AbstractFacilityXml.VALID_ATTR, "false"); } updateList.put(AbstractFacilityXml.AID_ATTR, aid); updateList.put("operation", oper.asString()); dbchgEvent.addDataElement(updateList); // // DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateAFacility(ne, updateList, aid); // Add missing attributes here. This will be the case when an // an Eth/Wan pair enrol; when the Wan enrols, its attributes of // interest will be added to its associated Eth: boolean addNewAttributes = true; DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateAFacility(ne, updateList, aid, addNewAttributes); } else { return false; } } return true; }
private boolean handleBlsrChangeEvent(AbstractNe ne, Map<String, String> values, CHANGE oper) { try { String workingAid = values.get("AID1"); String protectionAid = values.get("AID2"); NetworkElement omeNe = (NetworkElement) ne; // Set up the data for event HashMap<String, String> eventData = new HashMap<String, String>(); eventData.put("workingAid", workingAid); eventData.put("proctectingAid", protectionAid); eventData.put("operation", oper.asString()); dbchgEvent.addDataElement(eventData); getParameters().put(AbstractCommandlet.RESULT_KEY, dbchgEvent); // String command = values.get("COMMAND"); if (oper == CHANGE.DELETE) { // don't handle any thing, for now log.debug("Got the DLT-BLSRMAP report for " + workingAid + ":" + protectionAid); DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateOrAddFacilityAttr( ne, workingAid, AbstractFacilityXml.APSID_ATTR, "N/A"); DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateOrAddFacilityAttr( ne, protectionAid, AbstractFacilityXml.APSID_ATTR, "N/A"); omeNe.getRingName().remove(workingAid); omeNe.getRingName().remove(protectionAid); omeNe.setApsId(null); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.APSID_ATTR, "N/A"); return true; } log.debug("Got the ENT-BLSRMAP report for " + workingAid + ":" + protectionAid); Map<String, String> paramList = new HashMap<String, String>(); paramList.put(ObjectElement.OPERATION_KEY, Tl1CommandCode.RTRV_BLSRMAP.toString()); paramList.put("WRKGAID", workingAid); paramList.put("PROTAID", protectionAid); List<Map<String, String>> result = omeNe.getTl1Session().sendToNE(paramList); if (result != null) { Iterator<Map<String, String>> ir = result.iterator(); while (ir.hasNext()) { Map<String, String> blsrResult =; String ringName = blsrResult.get("LABEL"); omeNe.getRingName().put(workingAid, ringName); omeNe.getRingName().put(protectionAid, ringName); // ringMap is expected to have the following format // "3:3/0:0/1:1/2:2/3:3" try { String ringMap = blsrResult.get("RINGMAP"); log.debug("got ringMap info for " + ringName + " in " + ringMap); String apsIdStr = ringMap.split("/")[0].split(":")[0]; omeNe.setApsId(Integer.valueOf(apsIdStr)); // update the facility in the database with the apsId. DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateOrAddFacilityAttr( ne, workingAid, AbstractFacilityXml.APSID_ATTR, apsIdStr); DbUtility.INSTANCE.updateOrAddFacilityAttr( ne, protectionAid, AbstractFacilityXml.APSID_ATTR, apsIdStr); eventData.put(AbstractFacilityXml.APSID_ATTR, apsIdStr); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Fail to obtain the ring information", ex); } } return true; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to handle BLSRMAP event", e); } return false; }