public void run() { try { while (true) { int c =; try { lock.getBusyFlag(); if ((c == -1) || (EOF)) { EOF = true; // Mark End Of File in.close(); // Close Input Source return; // End IO Thread } else { putChar((byte) c); // Store the byte read } if (EOF) { in.close(); // Close Input Source return; // End IO Thread } } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } } } catch (IOException e) { IOError = e; // Store Exception return; } finally { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); empty.cvBroadcast(); // Alert all Threads } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } } }
private byte getChar() { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); byte c = result[0]; System.arraycopy(result, 1, result, 0, --reslen); full.cvSignal(); return c; } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } }
public void close() throws IOException { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); reslen = 0; // Clear Buffer EOF = true; // Mark End Of File empty.cvBroadcast(); // Alert all Threads full.cvBroadcast(); } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } }
public long skip(long n) throws IOException { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); int sizeskip = Math.min(reslen, (int) n); if (sizeskip > 0) { byte c[] = getChars(sizeskip); } return ((long) sizeskip); } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } }
private byte[] getChars(int chars) { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); byte c[] = new byte[chars]; System.arraycopy(result, 0, c, 0, chars); reslen -= chars; System.arraycopy(result, chars, result, 0, reslen); full.cvSignal(); return c; } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } }
public int read() throws IOException { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); while (reslen == 0) { try { if (EOF) return (-1); if (IOError != null) throw IOError; empty.cvWait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } return (int) getChar(); } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } }
private void putChar(byte c) { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); while ((reslen == result.length) && (!EOF)) { try { full.cvWait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } if (!EOF) { result[reslen++] = c; empty.cvSignal(); } } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } }
public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { try { lock.getBusyFlag(); while (reslen == 0) { try { if (EOF) return (-1); if (IOError != null) throw IOError; empty.cvWait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } int sizeread = Math.min(reslen, len); byte c[] = getChars(sizeread); System.arraycopy(c, 0, b, off, sizeread); return (sizeread); } finally { lock.freeBusyFlag(); } }
public void unlock() { flag.freeBusyFlag(); }
public void lock() { flag.getBusyFlag(); }