   * Provides the ability to insert a new Score entity.
   * @param board object representing the state of the board
   * @return the board including the computer's move
  @ApiMethod(name = "board.getmove", path = "getmove", httpMethod = "POST")
  public Board getmove(
      Board board, @Named("id") int id, @Named("row") int row, @Named("col") int col) {
    System.out.println("id: " + id);

    CellContainer cellContainer = CellContainer.fromJson(board.getState());
    ArrayList<Cell> cells = cellContainer.cells;

    ArrayList<Cell> unoccupiedCells = new ArrayList<Cell>();
    for (Cell cell : cells) {
      System.out.println("row: " + row + " | cell.x: " + cell.x);
      if (row == cell.x && col == cell.y && row != 100 && col != 100) {
        System.out.println("updated 1");
        cell.val += (id + 1) * 10;
        CellContainer updateContainer = new CellContainer(cells);
        Board updated = new Board(CellContainer.toJson(updateContainer));
        return updated;

      if (cell.val <= 10) {

    if (id == 0) System.out.println("what");
    Random randomG = new Random();
    System.out.println("updated 2");
    Cell randomfreeCell = unoccupiedCells.get(randomG.nextInt(unoccupiedCells.size()));
    randomfreeCell.val = randomfreeCell.val + (id + 1) * 10;

    CellContainer updateContainer = new CellContainer(cells);
    Board updated = new Board(CellContainer.toJson(updateContainer));
    return updated;
文件: Chess.java 项目: humppa/Sakki
   * Constructs a new game by parsing given array of string as an array of FEN primitives.
   * <p>FEN parsing is permissive and uses best-effort approach i.e. anything, that is salvaged of
   * given input, is used as best as possible, and for the rest, reasonable default values are
   * assumed.
   * @param fenArray An array of FEN primitives used to initialize a game. Only the six first array
   *     elements are used and the are discarded if provided.
  public Chess(String[] fenArray) {
    turn = true;
    enpassant = null;
    halfmove = 0;
    fullmove = 1;

    if (fenArray.length >= 4) {
      try {
        enpassant = new Coord(fenArray[3]);
      } catch (Exception pass) {

    if (fenArray.length >= 1) {
      board = new Board(fenArray[0], enpassant);
    } else {
      board = new Board();

    if (fenArray.length >= 2) {
      if (fenArray[1].equals("b")) {
        turn = false;

    if (fenArray.length >= 3) {
      castling = new Castle(fenArray[2]);
    } else {
      castling = new Castle();


    if (fenArray.length >= 6) {
      try {
        halfmove = Integer.parseInt(fenArray[4]);
        fullmove = Integer.parseInt(fenArray[5]);
      } catch (NumberFormatException pass) {
   * Checks for a victory condition.
   * @param {string} boardString Current state of the board.
   * @return {number} Status code for the victory state.
  @ApiMethod(name = "board.checkForVictory", path = "checkForVictory", httpMethod = "POST")
  public Status checkForVictory(Board board) {

    CellContainer cellContainer = CellContainer.fromJson(board.getState());
    ArrayList<Cell> cells = cellContainer.cells;

    int num_free = 0;
    int score_player1 = 0;
    int score_player2 = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
      Cell cell = cells.get(i);

      if (0 < cell.val && cell.val <= 10) {
        num_free += 1;
      } else if (10 < cell.val && cell.val <= 20) {
        score_player1 += cell.val - 10;
      } else if (20 < cell.val && cell.val <= 30) {
        score_player2 += cell.val - 20;

    Status s = new Status();

    System.out.println("num free:" + num_free);
    if (num_free > 0) {
      return s;
    if (score_player1 > score_player2) {
      return s;
    if (score_player1 < score_player2) {
      return s;

    return s;
  public void playGame() {
    Board b = new Board(false);
    b.toString(); // just need to know, that it works
    // wb
    // bw
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(3, 4), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(4, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(3, 3), STATE.WHITE);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(4, 4), STATE.WHITE);

    b.markNextMoves(); // mark available moves

    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(3, 4), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(4, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(3, 3), STATE.WHITE);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(4, 4), STATE.WHITE);

    // new possible moves all Black of Course
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(2, 3), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(4, 5), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(3, 2), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(5, 4), STATE.SELECTABLE);

    assertEquals(true, b.isNextPlayerBlack());

    // make Illegal Move
    assertFalse(b.makeMove(1, 1));

    // nothing has changed
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(3, 4), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(4, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(3, 3), STATE.WHITE);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(4, 4), STATE.WHITE);

    // new possible moves all Black of Course
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(2, 3), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(4, 5), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(3, 2), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(5, 4), STATE.SELECTABLE);

    // make Legal Move
    assertTrue(b.makeMove(2, 3));
    assertEquals(1, b.getWhiteStones());
    assertEquals(4, b.getBlackStones());

    assertEquals(false, b.isNextPlayerBlack()); // white has next move
    // nothing has changed
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(2, 3), STATE.BLACK); // move we made
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(3, 4), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(4, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(3, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(4, 4), STATE.WHITE);

    b.toString(); // just need to know, that it works

    // try this move again
    assertFalse(b.makeMove(2, 3));
  public void playGameNoChecks() {
    Board b = new Board(true);
    // wb
    // bw
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(3, 4), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(4, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(3, 3), STATE.WHITE);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(4, 4), STATE.WHITE);

    assertTrue(b.markNextMoves()); // mark available moves
    assertTrue(b.markNextMoves()); // mark available moves, must work twice

    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(3, 4), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(4, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(3, 3), STATE.WHITE);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(4, 4), STATE.WHITE);

    // new possible moves all Black of Course
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(2, 3), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(4, 5), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(3, 2), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(5, 4), STATE.SELECTABLE);

    assertEquals(true, b.isNextPlayerBlack());

    // make Illegal Move and expect an Exception

    assertFalse(b.makeMove(1, 1));

    // nothing has changed
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(3, 4), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(4, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(3, 3), STATE.WHITE);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(4, 4), STATE.WHITE);

    // new possible moves all Black of Course
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(2, 3), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(4, 5), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(3, 2), STATE.SELECTABLE);
    assertEquals("Selectable", b.getState(5, 4), STATE.SELECTABLE);

    // make Legal Move
    assertTrue(b.makeMove(2, 3));
    // nothing has changed
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(2, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(3, 4), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("Black", b.getState(4, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(3, 3), STATE.BLACK);
    assertEquals("White", b.getState(4, 4), STATE.WHITE);

    b.markNextMoves(); // mark available moves

    // all marked fields have to be playable
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
        if (b.getBoolboard()[i * 8 + j] == STATE.SELECTABLE) {
          assertTrue(i + "/" + j + " is not legal but was marked as legal", b.isLegalMove(i, j));
    // try this move again, should fail
    assertFalse(b.makeMove(2, 3));
文件: Chess.java 项目: humppa/Sakki
  * Return the state of the board.
  * @return Two dimensional array of type Type containing the state of the board.
 public Type[][] getState() {
   return board.getState();