    public void expandBlock(Block block, boolean state) {
      if (block.isExpanded() == state || !block.canExpand() || block.getSize() == 1) return;

      Point range = getBlockSelectionRange(block);
      int delta = 0;


      if (state) {
        // Expanding
        delta = block.getSize() - 1;
      } else {
        delta = 1 - block.getSize();

      // Set the selection back to the top of the range (it defaults to
      // the bottom)
      // so we see the top of the newly expanded block if it's long

      // Update the remaining block position info
      int size = getNumberBlocks();
      for (int b = block.getIndex() + 1; b < size; b++) {
        Block update = getBlock(b);
        update.setStart(update.getStart() + delta);

 public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int row, int col) {
   int current = applyInsertModeForCursor(block.getIndex());
   if (row != current) {
     Err.error("Should be updating the current row, " + current + " not " + row + " for " + block);
     // block.setIndex( true, row);
   TableIdEnum id = IdEnum.newTable(getTableControl(), row, col, getColumnClass(col), null);
   TableSignatures.setText(id, aValue);
  /** Expand/contract all blocks currently on screen */
  public void expandPage(boolean state) {
    // Get all the information about which part of the text window is
    // visible
    int topLine = m_Text.getTopIndex();
    int lineHeight = m_Text.getLineHeight();
    int visibleLines = m_Text.getClientArea().height / lineHeight;
    int lastLine = Math.min(m_Text.getLineCount(), m_Text.getTopIndex() + visibleLines);

    boolean atBottom = (lastLine == m_Text.getLineCount());

    // Start with the first block that starts at topLine or includes
    // topLine.
    Block topBlock = m_FoldingDoc.getBlockByLineNumber(topLine);
    Block bottomBlock = m_FoldingDoc.getBlockByLineNumber(lastLine);

    if (topBlock == null) return;

    // Stop redrawing while we expand/collapse everything then turn it back
    // on

    // If the lastLine is after the bottom block, use the last block in the
    // document
    if (bottomBlock == null)
      bottomBlock = m_FoldingDoc.getBlock(m_FoldingDoc.getNumberBlocks() - 1);

    int topIndex = topBlock.getIndex();
    int bottomIndex = bottomBlock.getIndex();

    for (int i = topIndex; i <= bottomIndex; i++) {
      Block block = m_FoldingDoc.getBlock(i);
      m_FoldingDoc.expandBlock(block, state);

    // If the selection was set to the bottom before we expanded make sure
    // it stays there after the expansion.
    if (state && atBottom) scrollBottom();

    // Redraw everything
     * Returns the character positions for the start and end of a block -- so we can use these to
     * set the selection to the block
    public Point getBlockSelectionRange(Block block) {
      int start = 0;

      for (int b = 0; b < block.getIndex(); b++) {
        int chars = ((Block) m_TextBlocks.get(b)).getVisibleCharCount();
        start += chars;

      int end = start + block.getVisibleCharCount();

      return new Point(start, end);
 private int applyInsertModeForAllOtherRows(int index) {
   int result = index;
   if (block == oper.getCurrentBlock()
       && (oper.getState(block).isNew() /* && !oper.getState( block).isPrior()*/)) {
     // Not using JTable anymore, and this -1 was not helping SdzDsgnr - so decided
     // to start using ComponentTableView instead
     int cursor = block.getIndex(); // - 1;
     if (index > cursor) {
   return result;
  protected void paintIcons(PaintEvent e) {
    // Check if we've turned off redraws
    if (m_DrawingDisabled) return;

    GC gc = e.gc;

    Rectangle client = m_IconBar.getClientArea();

    // Make sure the text control is properly initialized
    if (m_Text.getLineHeight() == 0) return;

    // Get all the information about which part of the text window is
    // visible
    int topLine = m_Text.getTopIndex();
    int lineHeight = m_Text.getLineHeight();
    int visibleLines = m_Text.getClientArea().height / lineHeight;
    int lastLine = Math.min(m_Text.getLineCount(), m_Text.getTopIndex() + visibleLines);

    // Start with the first block that starts at topLine or includes
    // topLine.
    Block topBlock = m_FoldingDoc.getBlockByLineNumber(topLine);
    int blockCount = m_FoldingDoc.getNumberBlocks();

    if (topBlock == null) return;

    int blockIndex = topBlock.getIndex();

    int outerSize = 9;
    int innerSize = 6;
    int offset = (outerSize - innerSize) / 2 + 1;

    Color gray = m_IconBar.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_GRAY);
    Color black = m_IconBar.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_BLACK);

    // Go through each block in turn until we're off the bottom of the
    // screen
    // or at the end of the list of blocks drawing icons
    while (blockIndex != -1 && blockIndex < blockCount) {
      Block block = m_FoldingDoc.getBlock(blockIndex);

      int line = block.getStart();

      // Once we drop off the bottom of the screen we're done
      if (line >= lastLine) break;

      int pos = line - topLine;
      int y = pos * lineHeight + (lineHeight / 2) - (outerSize / 2) - 1;
      int x = 1;

      boolean expanded = block.isExpanded();

      if (block.canExpand()) {
        gc.drawRectangle(x, y, x + outerSize, x + outerSize);

        // Start with a - sign
        int y1 = y + 1 + (outerSize / 2);
        gc.drawLine(x + offset, y1, x + offset + innerSize, y1);

        if (!expanded) {
          // If not expanded turn the - into a +
          int x1 = x + 1 + (outerSize / 2);
          gc.drawLine(x1, y + offset, x1, y + offset + innerSize);
        } else {
          // If expanded draw a line to show what is in the expanded
          // area
          int x1 = x + 1 + (outerSize / 2);
          int yTop = y + outerSize + 2;
          int yBottom = y + ((block.getSize() - 1) * lineHeight) + (outerSize / 2);
          gc.drawLine(x1, yTop, x1, yBottom);
          gc.drawLine(x1, yBottom, client.width - 1, yBottom);
  * set param is hardly ever being used, which means things like will be setting the current row
  * visibly current when in fact it already is visibly current. No big deal!
 public void setDisplay(OperationEnum currentOperation, int row, String reason) {
   StateEnum currentState = oper.getState(block);
   Block currentBlock = oper.getCurrentBlock();
   // int idxCurrentRow = block.getCursorPosition() - 1;
   int idxCurrentRow = block.getIndex();
   if (currentState.isNew() && currentState.isPrior()) {
   if (false /*SdzNote.SET_DISPLAY_ON_TABLE.isVisible()*/) {
     Err.pr("Inside setDisplay for <" + block + "> times: " + times);
     Err.pr("\tCurrent block: " + currentBlock);
     Err.pr("\tblock that has table: " + block);
     Err.pr("\tcurrent operation: " + currentOperation);
     Err.pr("\tcurrent state: " + currentState);
     Err.pr("\trow to change to: " + idxCurrentRow);
     if (times == 39) {
   if (currentOperation == OperationEnum.REMOVE
   // && currentState.isNew()
   // && !block.isChildOf( currentBlock)
   ) {
     usersModel.fireTableRowsDeleted(idxCurrentRow, idxCurrentRow);
     // usersModel.fireRowChangedTo( idxCurrentRow-1);
   else if(currentOperation == OperationEnum.REMOVE &&
   currentState.isNavigating() &&
   !block.isChildOf( currentBlock))
   // w/out this, in case where deleted first row,
   // would not have become selected again
   usersModel.fireRowChangedTo( idxCurrentRow);
   else if (currentOperation == OperationEnum.EXECUTE_QUERY) {
         "setDisplay because of " + currentOperation + ", because " + reason);
     // No evidence yet that need this
     // usersModel.fireRowChangedTo( idxCurrentRow);
   if (currentState.isNew()
       && (currentOperation == OperationEnum.PREVIOUS || currentOperation == OperationEnum.NEXT)) {
   if((currentOperation == OperationEnum.INSERT
   || currentOperation == OperationEnum.INSERT_PRIOR)
   && block == currentBlock)
   usersModel.fireRowChangedTo( idxCurrentRow);
   Err.pr( "blankoutDisplay, have changed row to " + idxCurrentRow);
   else if (currentOperation == OperationEnum.REFRESH) {
     Err.pr(/*SdzNote.SET_DISPLAY_ON_TABLE*/ false, "@@ setDisplay for op " + currentOperation);
         row, row, "setDisplay for op " + currentOperation + " because " + reason);
   } else {
     Err.pr(SdzNote.SET_DISPLAY_ON_TABLE, "@@ setDisplay, default as op was " + currentOperation);
  * Not part of the table model (so doesn't get called when the table is painting). Has proven to
  * be a good place to set the table up just prior to painting.
 public void blankoutDisplay(OperationEnum currentOperation, int row, String reason) {
   int idxCurrentRow = block.getIndex();
   // OperationEnum currentOperation = oper.getCurrentOperation();
   StateEnum currentState = oper.getState(block);
   Block currentBlock = oper.getCurrentBlock();
   if (false /*SdzNote.SET_DISPLAY_ON_TABLE.isVisible()*/) {
     Err.pr("Inside blankoutDisplay for <" + block + "> times: " + times);
     Err.pr("\tcurrentBlock: " + currentBlock);
     Err.pr("\tblock that has table: " + block);
     Err.pr("\tcurrent operation: " + currentOperation);
     Err.pr("\tcurrent state: " + currentState);
     Err.pr("\tidxCurrentRow: " + idxCurrentRow);
     if (times == 39) {
   if (currentOperation == OperationEnum.INSERT_AFTER_PLACE
       || currentOperation == OperationEnum.INSERT_AT_PLACE) {
     if (block == currentBlock) {
       int index = -99;
       /* We don't do this for field, so lets not do it for table either
       if(currentOperation == OperationEnum.INSERT || currentOperation == OperationEnum.INSERT_IGNORE)
           index = block.getIndex() + 1;
         index = block.getIndex();
       usersModel.fireTableRowsInserted(index, index);
       // Was trying to select the row on the table. Doing at the post operation performed
       // trigger (see SdzDsgnr for this) actually works, so as there's a workaround
       // we've left this as a slight note
           "Do we actually need access to the JTable if wanted to do this here?");
       // usersModel.fireRowChangedTo(index);
       Err.pr("Inserting a row s/know to move to it as well...");
       Err.pr(SdzNote.SET_DISPLAY_ON_TABLE, "blankoutDisplay, have changed row to " + index);
     } else {
       // For example when insert master
           "blankoutDisplay because of an "
               + "INSERT on different block to current, because "
               + reason);
   } else if (currentOperation == OperationEnum.REMOVE /* && block == currentBlock*/) {
      * Do not want to fireTableDataChanged(), as this would lead to the
      * edited data being written ie. setValueAt() being called.
     if (
     /* (currentState.isNavigating() ||
     currentState.isNew()) ||*/
     currentState == StateEnum.FROZEN) {
       // When do this then model will no longer have the extra artificial
       // inserted row, and fireTableRowsDeleted will work
       usersModel.fireTableRowsDeleted(idxCurrentRow, idxCurrentRow);
   } else if (currentOperation == OperationEnum.EXECUTE_QUERY) {
      * As above
     usersModel.fireTableDataChanged("blankoutDisplay because of EXECUTE_QUERY because " + reason);
   } else if ((currentOperation == OperationEnum.NEXT
           || currentOperation == OperationEnum.PREVIOUS)
       && currentState.isNavigating()) {
     usersModel.fireTableDataChanged("blankoutDisplay because of NEXT/PREVIOUS because " + reason);
   } else if (currentOperation == OperationEnum.REFRESH) {
         /*SdzNote.SET_DISPLAY_ON_TABLE*/ false, "@@ blankoutDisplay for op " + currentOperation);
         row, row, "blankoutDisplay for op " + currentOperation + " because " + reason);
   } else {
         /*SdzNote.SET_DISPLAY_ON_TABLE*/ false,
         "@@ blankoutDisplay, default as op was " + currentOperation);
         "blankoutDisplay because of Un-programmed for op "
             + currentOperation
             + " because "
             + reason);
  public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
    Object result = null;
    if (row < getRowCount()) {
      pr("{{ row " + row + " is less than getRowCount() " + getRowCount(), true);
      if (!TableSignatures.useNew(getTableControl())
          && row == applyInsertModeForCursor(block.getIndex())) {
            "{{ for row "
                + row
                + " col "
                + col
                + ", getting from special insert buffer, actual index is "
                + block.getIndex(),
        TableIdEnum id = IdEnum.newTable(getTableControl(), row, col, getColumnClass(col), null);
        result = TableSignatures.getText(id);
      } else {
        pr("{{ for row " + row + " col " + col + ", getting directly from database table", true);

        AbstractTableItemAdapter ta = null;
        if (!doingNonVisual()) {
          ta = (AbstractTableItemAdapter) flatColumns.get(col);
          if (ta.getTableControl().getClass() == TableComp.class) {
            Err.error("Expected a Visual table, got " + ta.getTableControl().getClass().getName());
        } else {
          ta = (AbstractTableItemAdapter) nvFlatColumns.get(getNonVisualOrdinal());
          if (ta.getTableControl().getClass() != TableComp.class) {
                "Expected a Non-Visual table, got " + ta.getTableControl().getClass().getName());
        pr("Getting database table value from DoAdapter() id " + ta.getDoAdapter().id, true);
        Object obj = ta.getStoredFlatObject();
        pr("StoredFlatObject: " + obj, true);
        if (obj != null) {
          pr("\tis of type " + obj.getClass().getName(), true);
        result = ta.getDoAdapter().getFieldValue(obj);
      if (!doingNonVisual() && nvTables != null) {
        if (row != lastRowPainted) {
          int i = 0;
          for (Iterator iterator = nvTables.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); i++) {
            TableComp tableComp = (TableComp) iterator.next();
            tableComp.getModel().getValueAt(row, 0);
          lastRowPainted = row;
    } else {
      Print.pr("Want row " + row);
      Print.pr("Row count is " + getRowCount());
      Err.error("Table asking for a row that's not there: <" + row + "> for block " + block);
    if (result != null) {
          "Value at "
              + col
              + ", "
              + row
              + " is "
              + result
              + " of type "
              + result.getClass().getName()
              + " from ID:"
              + id);
    return result;