// Tests for readDictionaryBinary and writeDictionaryBinary
  private String runReadAndWrite(
      final List<String> words,
      final SparseArray<List<Integer>> bigrams,
      final HashMap<String, List<String>> shortcuts,
      final int bufferType,
      final FormatSpec.FormatOptions formatOptions,
      final String message) {

    final String dictName = "runReadAndWrite";
    final String dictVersion = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());
    final File file =
            dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions, getContext().getCacheDir());

    final FusionDictionary dict =
        new FusionDictionary(
            new PtNodeArray(),
            BinaryDictUtils.makeDictionaryOptions(dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions));
    addUnigrams(words.size(), dict, words, shortcuts);
    addBigrams(dict, words, bigrams);
    checkDictionary(dict, words, bigrams, shortcuts);

    final long write = timeWritingDictToFile(file, dict, formatOptions);
    final long read = timeReadingAndCheckDict(file, words, bigrams, shortcuts, bufferType);

    return "PROF: read="
        + read
        + "ms, write="
        + write
        + "ms :"
        + message
        + " : "
        + outputOptions(bufferType, formatOptions);
 public void testVer2DictGetWordProperty() {
   final FormatOptions formatOptions = BinaryDictUtils.VERSION2_OPTIONS;
   final ArrayList<String> words = sWords;
   final HashMap<String, List<String>> shortcuts = sShortcuts;
   final String dictName = "testGetWordProperty";
   final String dictVersion = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());
   final FusionDictionary dict =
       new FusionDictionary(
           new PtNodeArray(),
           BinaryDictUtils.makeDictionaryOptions(dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions));
   addUnigrams(words.size(), dict, words, shortcuts);
   addBigrams(dict, words, sEmptyBigrams);
   final File file =
           dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions, getContext().getCacheDir());
   timeWritingDictToFile(file, dict, formatOptions);
   final BinaryDictionary binaryDictionary =
       new BinaryDictionary(
           0 /* offset */,
           true /* useFullEditDistance */,
           false /* isUpdatable */);
   for (final String word : words) {
     final WordProperty wordProperty =
         binaryDictionary.getWordProperty(word, false /* isBeginningOfSentence */);
     assertEquals(word, wordProperty.mWord);
     assertEquals(UNIGRAM_FREQ, wordProperty.getProbability());
     if (shortcuts.containsKey(word)) {
       assertEquals(shortcuts.get(word).size(), wordProperty.mShortcutTargets.size());
       final List<String> shortcutList = shortcuts.get(word);
       for (final WeightedString shortcutTarget : wordProperty.mShortcutTargets) {
         assertEquals(UNIGRAM_FREQ, shortcutTarget.getProbability());
  private String runReadUnigramsAndBigramsBinary(
      final ArrayList<String> words,
      final SparseArray<List<Integer>> bigrams,
      final int bufferType,
      final FormatSpec.FormatOptions formatOptions,
      final String message) {
    final String dictName = "runReadUnigrams";
    final String dictVersion = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());
    final File file =
            dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions, getContext().getCacheDir());

    // making the dictionary from lists of words.
    final FusionDictionary dict =
        new FusionDictionary(
            new PtNodeArray(),
            BinaryDictUtils.makeDictionaryOptions(dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions));
    addUnigrams(words.size(), dict, words, null /* shortcutMap */);
    addBigrams(dict, words, bigrams);

    timeWritingDictToFile(file, dict, formatOptions);

    // Caveat: Currently, the Java code to read a v4 dictionary doesn't calculate the
    // probability when there's a timestamp for the entry.
    // TODO: Abandon the Java code, and implement the v4 dictionary reading code in native.
    long wordMap =
            file, words, bigrams, bufferType, !formatOptions.mHasTimestamp /* checkProbability */);
    long fullReading =
        timeReadingAndCheckDict(file, words, bigrams, null /* shortcutMap */, bufferType);

    return "readDictionaryBinary="
        + fullReading
        + ", readUnigramsAndBigramsBinary="
        + wordMap
        + " : "
        + message
        + " : "
        + outputOptions(bufferType, formatOptions);
  public void testVer2DictIteration() {
    final FormatOptions formatOptions = BinaryDictUtils.VERSION2_OPTIONS;
    final ArrayList<String> words = sWords;
    final HashMap<String, List<String>> shortcuts = sShortcuts;
    final SparseArray<List<Integer>> bigrams = sEmptyBigrams;
    final String dictName = "testGetWordProperty";
    final String dictVersion = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());
    final FusionDictionary dict =
        new FusionDictionary(
            new PtNodeArray(),
            BinaryDictUtils.makeDictionaryOptions(dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions));
    addUnigrams(words.size(), dict, words, shortcuts);
    addBigrams(dict, words, bigrams);
    final File file =
            dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions, getContext().getCacheDir());
    timeWritingDictToFile(file, dict, formatOptions);
    Log.d(TAG, file.getAbsolutePath());
    final BinaryDictionary binaryDictionary =
        new BinaryDictionary(
            0 /* offset */,
            true /* useFullEditDistance */,
            false /* isUpdatable */);

    final HashSet<String> wordSet = new HashSet<>(words);
    final HashSet<Pair<String, String>> bigramSet = new HashSet<>();

    for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
      final List<Integer> bigramList = bigrams.get(i);
      if (bigramList != null) {
        for (final Integer word1Index : bigramList) {
          final String word1 = words.get(word1Index);
          bigramSet.add(new Pair<>(words.get(i), word1));
    int token = 0;
    do {
      final BinaryDictionary.GetNextWordPropertyResult result =
      final WordProperty wordProperty = result.mWordProperty;
      final String word0 = wordProperty.mWord;
      assertEquals(UNIGRAM_FREQ, wordProperty.mProbabilityInfo.mProbability);
      if (shortcuts.containsKey(word0)) {
        assertEquals(shortcuts.get(word0).size(), wordProperty.mShortcutTargets.size());
        final List<String> shortcutList = shortcuts.get(word0);
        for (final WeightedString shortcutTarget : wordProperty.mShortcutTargets) {
          assertEquals(UNIGRAM_FREQ, shortcutTarget.getProbability());
      for (int j = 0; j < wordProperty.mBigrams.size(); j++) {
        final String word1 = wordProperty.mBigrams.get(j).mWord;
        final Pair<String, String> bigram = new Pair<>(word0, word1);
      token = result.mNextToken;
    } while (token != 0);
  private void runGetTerminalPosition(
      final ArrayList<String> words,
      final SparseArray<List<Integer>> bigrams,
      final int bufferType,
      final FormatOptions formatOptions,
      final String message) {
    final String dictName = "testGetTerminalPosition";
    final String dictVersion = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis());
    final File file =
            dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions, getContext().getCacheDir());

    final FusionDictionary dict =
        new FusionDictionary(
            new PtNodeArray(),
            BinaryDictUtils.makeDictionaryOptions(dictName, dictVersion, formatOptions));
    addUnigrams(sWords.size(), dict, sWords, null /* shortcutMap */);
    addBigrams(dict, words, bigrams);
    timeWritingDictToFile(file, dict, formatOptions);

    final DictDecoder dictDecoder =
        BinaryDictIOUtils.getDictDecoder(file, 0, file.length(), DictDecoder.USE_BYTEARRAY);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      Log.e(TAG, "IOException while opening the buffer", e);
    } catch (UnsupportedFormatException e) {
      Log.e(TAG, "IOException while opening the buffer", e);
    assertTrue("Can't get the buffer", dictDecoder.isDictBufferOpen());

    try {
      // too long word
      final String longWord = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
      assertEquals(FormatSpec.NOT_VALID_WORD, dictDecoder.getTerminalPosition(longWord));

      // null
      assertEquals(FormatSpec.NOT_VALID_WORD, dictDecoder.getTerminalPosition(null));

      // empty string
      assertEquals(FormatSpec.NOT_VALID_WORD, dictDecoder.getTerminalPosition(""));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (UnsupportedFormatException e) {

    // Test a word that is contained within the dictionary.
    long sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sWords.size(); ++i) {
      final long time = checkGetTerminalPosition(dictDecoder, sWords.get(i), true);
      sum += time == -1 ? 0 : time;
        "per search : "
            + (((double) sum) / sWords.size() / 1000000)
            + " : "
            + message
            + " : "
            + outputOptions(bufferType, formatOptions));

    // Test a word that isn't contained within the dictionary.
    final Random random = new Random((int) System.currentTimeMillis());
    final int[] codePointSet =
        CodePointUtils.generateCodePointSet(DEFAULT_CODE_POINT_SET_SIZE, random);
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
      final String word = CodePointUtils.generateWord(random, codePointSet);
      if (sWords.indexOf(word) != -1) continue;
      checkGetTerminalPosition(dictDecoder, word, false);