public BibtexEntry makeBibtexEntry() { BibtexEntry e = new BibtexEntry(, BibtexEntryTypes.INCOLLECTION); e.setField("title", "Marine finfish larviculture in Europe"); e.setField("bibtexkey", "shields01"); e.setField("year", "2001"); e.setField("author", "Kevin Shields"); return e; }
@Override public AbstractUndoableEdit add(BibtexEntry[] entries) { if (!supportsAdd()) { return null; } if (entries != null && entries.length > 0) { NamedCompound ce = new NamedCompound(Globals.lang("add entries to group")); boolean modified = false; for (BibtexEntry entry : entries) { if (!getSearchRule().applyRule(SearchRule.NULL_QUERY, entry)) { String oldContent = entry.getField(searchField); String pre = Globals.prefs.get(JabRefPreferences.GROUP_KEYWORD_SEPARATOR); String newContent = (oldContent == null ? "" : oldContent + pre) + searchExpression; entry.setField(searchField, newContent); // Store undo information. ce.addEdit(new UndoableFieldChange(entry, searchField, oldContent, newContent)); modified = true; } } if (modified) { ce.end(); } return modified ? ce : null; } return null; }
/** * Removes matches of searchString in the entry's field. This is only possible if the search * expression is not a regExp. */ private void removeMatches(BibtexEntry entry) { String content = entry.getField(searchField); if (content == null) { return; // nothing to modify } StringBuffer sbOrig = new StringBuffer(content); StringBuffer sbLower = new StringBuffer(content.toLowerCase()); StringBuffer haystack = caseSensitive ? sbOrig : sbLower; String needle = caseSensitive ? searchExpression : searchExpression.toLowerCase(); int i; int j; int k; final String separator = Globals.prefs.get(JabRefPreferences.GROUP_KEYWORD_SEPARATOR); while ((i = haystack.indexOf(needle)) >= 0) { sbOrig.replace(i, i + needle.length(), ""); sbLower.replace(i, i + needle.length(), ""); // reduce spaces at i to 1 j = i; k = i; while (j - 1 >= 0 && separator.indexOf(haystack.charAt(j - 1)) >= 0) { --j; } while (k < haystack.length() && separator.indexOf(haystack.charAt(k)) >= 0) { ++k; } sbOrig.replace(j, k, j >= 0 && k < sbOrig.length() ? separator : ""); sbLower.replace(j, k, j >= 0 && k < sbOrig.length() ? separator : ""); } String result = sbOrig.toString().trim(); entry.setField(searchField, !result.isEmpty() ? result : null); }
public synchronized boolean setCiteKeyForEntry(String id, String key) { if (!_entries.containsKey(id)) return false; // Entry doesn't exist! BibtexEntry entry = getEntryById(id); String oldKey = entry.getCiteKey(); if (key != null) entry.setField(BibtexFields.KEY_FIELD, key); else entry.clearField(BibtexFields.KEY_FIELD); return checkForDuplicateKeyAndAdd(oldKey, entry.getCiteKey(), false); }
/** * Take the given BibtexEntry and resolve any string references. * * @param entry A BibtexEntry in which all strings of the form #xxx# will be resolved against the * hash map of string references stored in the databasee. * @param inPlace If inPlace is true then the given BibtexEntry will be modified, if false then a * copy is made using close made before resolving the strings. * @return a BibtexEntry with all string references resolved. It is dependent on the value of * inPlace whether a copy is made or the given BibtexEntries is modified. */ public BibtexEntry resolveForStrings(BibtexEntry entry, boolean inPlace) { if (!inPlace) { entry = (BibtexEntry) entry.clone(); } for (Object field : entry.getAllFields()) { entry.setField(field.toString(), this.resolveForStrings(entry.getField(field.toString()))); } return entry; }
private BibtexEntry parseNextEntry(String allText, int startIndex) { BibtexEntry entry = null; int index = allText.indexOf("<div class=\"detail", piv); int endIndex = allText.indexOf("</div>", index); if (index >= 0 && endIndex > 0) { endIndex += 6; piv = endIndex; String text = allText.substring(index, endIndex); BibtexEntryType type = null; String sourceField = null; String typeName = ""; Matcher typeMatcher = typePattern.matcher(text); if (typeMatcher.find()) { typeName =; if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IEEE Journals & Magazines") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IEEE Early Access Articles") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IET Journals & Magazines") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("AIP Journals & Magazines") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("AVS Journals & Magazines") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IBM Journals & Magazines") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("TUP Journals & Magazines") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("BIAI Journals & Magazines")) { type = BibtexEntryType.getType("article"); sourceField = "journal"; } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IEEE Conference Publications") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IET Conference Publications") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("VDE Conference Publications")) { type = BibtexEntryType.getType("inproceedings"); sourceField = "booktitle"; } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IEEE Standards") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("Standards")) { type = BibtexEntryType.getType("standard"); sourceField = "number"; } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IEEE eLearning Library Courses")) { type = BibtexEntryType.getType("Electronic"); sourceField = "note"; } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("MIT Press eBook Chapters") || typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IEEE USA Books & eBooks")) { type = BibtexEntryType.getType("inCollection"); sourceField = "booktitle"; } } if (type == null) { type = BibtexEntryType.getType("misc"); sourceField = "note"; System.err.println("Type detection failed. Use MISC instead."); unparseable++; System.err.println(text); } entry = new BibtexEntry(, type); if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IEEE Standards")) { entry.setField("organization", "IEEE"); } if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("Wiley-IEEE Press eBook Chapters")) { entry.setField("publisher", "Wiley-IEEE Press"); } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("MIT Press eBook Chapters")) { entry.setField("publisher", "MIT Press"); } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IEEE USA Books & eBooks")) { entry.setField("publisher", "IEEE USA"); } if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("IEEE Early Access Articles")) { entry.setField("note", "Early Access"); } Set<String> fields = fieldPatterns.keySet(); for (String field : fields) { Matcher fieldMatcher = Pattern.compile(fieldPatterns.get(field)).matcher(text); if (fieldMatcher.find()) { entry.setField(field, htmlConverter.format(; if (field.equals("title") && fieldMatcher.find()) { String sec_title = htmlConverter.format(; if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getStandardType("standard")) { sec_title = sec_title.replaceAll("IEEE Std ", ""); } entry.setField(sourceField, sec_title); } if (field.equals("pages") && fieldMatcher.groupCount() == 2) { entry.setField(field, + "-" +; } } } Matcher authorMatcher = authorPattern.matcher(text); // System.out.println(text); StringBuilder authorNames = new StringBuilder(""); int authorCount = 0; while (authorMatcher.find()) { if (authorCount >= 1) { authorNames.append(" and "); } authorNames.append(htmlConverter.format(; // System.out.println(authorCount + ": " +; authorCount++; } entry.setField("author", authorNames.toString()); if (entry.getField("author") == null || entry.getField("author").startsWith("a href") || entry .getField("author") .startsWith("Topic(s)")) { // Fix for some documents without authors entry.setField("author", ""); } if (entry.getType() == BibtexEntryType.getStandardType("inproceedings") && entry.getField("author").equals("")) { entry.setType(BibtexEntryType.getStandardType("proceedings")); } if (includeAbstract) { index = text.indexOf("id=\"abstract"); if (index >= 0) { endIndex = text.indexOf("</div>", index) + 6; text = text.substring(index, endIndex); Matcher absMatcher = absPattern.matcher(text); if (absMatcher.find()) { // Clean-up abstract String abstr =; abstr = abstr.replaceAll("<span class='snippet'>([\\w]+)</span>", "$1"); entry.setField("abstract", htmlConverter.format(abstr)); } } } } if (entry == null) { return null; } else { return cleanup(entry); } }
private BibtexEntry cleanup(BibtexEntry entry) { if (entry == null) { return null; } // clean up title String title = entry.getField("title"); if (title != null) { // USe the alt-text and replace image links title = title.replaceAll("[ ]?img src=[^ ]+ alt=\"([^\"]+)\">[ ]?", "\\$$1\\$"); // Try to sort out most of the /spl / conversions // Deal with this specific nested type first title = title.replaceAll("/sub /spl infin//", "\\$_\\\\infty\\$"); title = title.replaceAll("/sup /spl infin//", "\\$\\^\\\\infty\\$"); // Replace general expressions title = title.replaceAll("/[sS]pl ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\\\$1\\$"); // Deal with subscripts and superscripts if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_CONVERT_TO_EQUATION)) { title = title.replaceAll("/sup ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\^\\{$1\\}\\$"); title = title.replaceAll("/sub ([^/]+)/", "\\$_\\{$1\\}\\$"); title = title.replaceAll("\\(sup\\)([^(]+)\\(/sup\\)", "\\$\\^\\{$1\\}\\$"); title = title.replaceAll("\\(sub\\)([^(]+)\\(/sub\\)", "\\_\\{$1\\}\\$"); } else { title = title.replaceAll("/sup ([^/]+)/", "\\\\textsuperscript\\{$1\\}"); title = title.replaceAll("/sub ([^/]+)/", "\\\\textsubscript\\{$1\\}"); title = title.replaceAll("\\(sup\\)([^(]+)\\(/sup\\)", "\\\\textsuperscript\\{$1\\}"); title = title.replaceAll("\\(sub\\)([^(]+)\\(/sub\\)", "\\\\textsubscript\\{$1\\}"); } // Replace \infin with \infty title = title.replaceAll("\\\\infin", "\\\\infty"); // Unit formatting if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_UNIT_FORMATTER_ON_SEARCH)) { title = unitFormatter.format(title); } // Automatic case keeping if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_CASE_KEEPER_ON_SEARCH)) { title = caseKeeper.format(title); } // Write back entry.setField("title", title); } // clean up author /* String author = (String)entry.getField("author"); if (author != null) { if (author.indexOf("a href=") >= 0) { // Author parsing failed because it was empty entry.setField("author",""); // Maybe not needed anymore due to another change } else { author = author.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); author = author.replaceAll("\\.", ". "); author = author.replaceAll("([^;]+),([^;]+),([^;]+)","$1,$3,$2"); // Change order in case of Jr. etc author = author.replaceAll(" ", " "); author = author.replaceAll("\\. -", ".-"); author = author.replaceAll("; ", " and "); author = author.replaceAll(" ,", ","); author = author.replaceAll(" ", " "); author = author.replaceAll("[ ,;]+$", ""); entry.setField("author", author); } }*/ // clean up month String month = entry.getField("month"); if (month != null && !month.isEmpty()) { month = month.replaceAll("\\.", ""); month = month.toLowerCase(); Pattern monthPattern = Pattern.compile("(\\d*+)\\s*([a-z]*+)-*(\\d*+)\\s*([a-z]*+)"); Matcher mm = monthPattern.matcher(month); String date = month; if (mm.find()) { if ( { if (! { date = "#" +, 3) + "#"; if (! { date += " " + + ","; } } else { date = + ","; } } else if ( { if (! { date = "#" +, 3) + "# " + + "--" + + ","; } else { date += ","; } } else { date = "#" +, 3) + "# " + + "--#" +, 3) + "# " + + ","; } } // date = date.trim(); // if (!date.isEmpty()) { entry.setField("month", date); // } } // clean up pages String field = "pages"; String pages = entry.getField(field); if (pages != null) { String[] pageNumbers = pages.split("-"); if (pageNumbers.length == 2) { if (pageNumbers[0].equals(pageNumbers[1])) { // single page entry.setField(field, pageNumbers[0]); } else { entry.setField(field, pages.replaceAll("-", "--")); } } } // clean up publication field BibtexEntryType type = entry.getType(); String sourceField = ""; if (type.getName().equals("Article")) { sourceField = "journal"; entry.clearField("booktitle"); } else if (type.getName().equals("Inproceedings")) { sourceField = "booktitle"; } String fullName = entry.getField(sourceField); if (fullName != null) { if (type.getName().equals("Article")) { int ind = fullName.indexOf(": Accepted for future publication"); if (ind > 0) { fullName = fullName.substring(0, ind); entry.setField("year", "to be published"); entry.clearField("month"); entry.clearField("pages"); entry.clearField("number"); } String[] parts = fullName.split("[\\[\\]]"); // [see also...], [legacy...] fullName = parts[0]; if (parts.length == 3) { fullName += parts[2]; } if (entry.getField("note").equals("Early Access")) { entry.setField("year", "to be published"); entry.clearField("month"); entry.clearField("pages"); entry.clearField("number"); } } else { fullName = fullName .replace("Conference Proceedings", "Proceedings") .replace("Proceedings of", "Proceedings") .replace("Proceedings.", "Proceedings"); fullName = fullName.replaceAll("International", "Int."); fullName = fullName.replaceAll("Symposium", "Symp."); fullName = fullName.replaceAll("Conference", "Conf."); fullName = fullName.replaceAll(" on", " ").replace(" ", " "); } Matcher m1 = publicationPattern.matcher(fullName); String abrvPattern = ".*[^,] '?\\d+\\)?"; if (m1.find()) { String prefix =; String postfix =; String abrv = ""; String[] parts = prefix.split("\\. ", 2); if (parts.length == 2) { if (parts[0].matches(abrvPattern)) { prefix = parts[1]; abrv = parts[0]; } else { prefix = parts[0]; abrv = parts[1]; } } if (!prefix.matches(abrvPattern)) { fullName = prefix + " " + postfix + " " + abrv; fullName = fullName.trim(); } else { fullName = postfix + " " + prefix; } } if (type.getName().equals("Article")) { fullName = fullName.replace(" - ", "-"); // IEE Proceedings- fullName = fullName.trim(); if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_IEEE_ABRV)) { fullName = Globals.journalAbbrev.getMedlineAbbreviation(fullName).orElse(fullName); } } if (type.getName().equals("Inproceedings")) { Matcher m2 = proceedingPattern.matcher(fullName); if (m2.find()) { String prefix =; String postfix ="\\.$", ""); if (!prefix.matches(abrvPattern)) { String abrv = ""; String[] parts = postfix.split("\\. ", 2); if (parts.length == 2) { if (parts[0].matches(abrvPattern)) { postfix = parts[1]; abrv = parts[0]; } else { postfix = parts[0]; abrv = parts[1]; } } fullName = prefix.trim() + " " + postfix.trim() + " " + abrv; } else { fullName = postfix.trim() + " " + prefix.trim(); } } fullName = fullName.trim(); fullName = fullName.replaceAll("^[tT]he ", "").replaceAll("^\\d{4} ", "").replaceAll("[,.]$", ""); String year = entry.getField("year"); fullName = fullName.replaceAll(", " + year + "\\.?", ""); if (!fullName.contains("Abstract") && !fullName.contains("Summaries") && !fullName.contains("Conference Record")) { fullName = "Proc. " + fullName; } } entry.setField(sourceField, fullName); } // clean up abstract String abstr = entry.getField("abstract"); if (abstr != null) { // Try to sort out most of the /spl / conversions // Deal with this specific nested type first abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sub /spl infin//", "\\$_\\\\infty\\$"); abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sup /spl infin//", "\\$\\^\\\\infty\\$"); // Replace general expressions abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/[sS]pl ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\\\$1\\$"); // Deal with subscripts and superscripts if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean(JabRefPreferences.USE_CONVERT_TO_EQUATION)) { abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sup ([^/]+)/", "\\$\\^\\{$1\\}\\$"); abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sub ([^/]+)/", "\\$_\\{$1\\}\\$"); abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\(sup\\)([^(]+)\\(/sup\\)", "\\$\\^\\{$1\\}\\$"); abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\(sub\\)([^(]+)\\(/sub\\)", "\\_\\{$1\\}\\$"); } else { abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sup ([^/]+)/", "\\\\textsuperscript\\{$1\\}"); abstr = abstr.replaceAll("/sub ([^/]+)/", "\\\\textsubscript\\{$1\\}"); abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\(sup\\)([^(]+)\\(/sup\\)", "\\\\textsuperscript\\{$1\\}"); abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\(sub\\)([^(]+)\\(/sub\\)", "\\\\textsubscript\\{$1\\}"); } // Replace \infin with \infty abstr = abstr.replaceAll("\\\\infin", "\\\\infty"); // Write back entry.setField("abstract", abstr); } // Clean up url String url = entry.getField("url"); if (url != null) { entry.setField("url", "" + url.replace("tp=&", "")); } return entry; }
private void insertFields(String[] fields, BibtexEntry entry, XmlDocument xmlDocument) { DocumentWrapper document = new DocumentWrapper(xmlDocument); for (String field : fields) { if (entry.getField(field) != null) { continue; } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("author")) { entry.setField(field, document.getAuthors("and")); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("title")) { entry.setField(field, document.getTitle()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("abstract")) { entry.setField(field, document.getAbstract()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("keywords")) { entry.setField(field, document.getKeyWords()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("doi")) { entry.setField(field, document.getDoi()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("pages")) { entry.setField(field, document.getPages()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("volume")) { entry.setField(field, document.getVolume()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("number")) { entry.setField(field, document.getNumber()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("year")) { entry.setField(field, document.getYear()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("month")) { entry.setField(field, document.getMonth()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("day")) { entry.setField(field, document.getDay()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("booktitle")) { entry.setField(field, document.getVenue()); } if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("journal")) { entry.setField(field, document.getVenue()); } } }