   * makes cursor hand if at the end of an exon using mouses position, does not change pos or tier
   * variable
  public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
    // setPos sets the pos variable to the mouse position, cant do this
    // because on right click menu want to preserve the pos clicked on
    // and setPos here changes pos if user moves mouse after right click
    // setPos (e.getX(), e.getY());

    // moveMouseTier and moveMousePos can differ from this.tier and pos
    int mouseMoveTier = baseEditorPanel.getTierForPixelPosition(e.getY()); // SeqAlignPanel
    int mouseMovePos = calculatePosition(e.getX(), e.getY());

    // make the cursor a hand if it is at the end of a feature
    int type = baseEditorPanel.getBoundaryType(mouseMovePos, mouseMoveTier);
    if (type == baseEditorPanel.NO_BOUNDARY) baseEditorPanel.setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor());
    else baseEditorPanel.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));
   * Right mouse: highlight base. Left mouse: figure dragType, dragFeature, dragStartPos,
   * startDragTier
  public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    setPos(e.getX(), e.getY());

    // show base at right mouse click highlighted (on release - popup menu)
    if (MouseButtonEvent.isRightMouseClickNoShift(e)) {
      BaseRenderer rend = baseEditorPanel.getRendererAt(tier);
      if (rend instanceof SelectableDNARenderer) {
        ((SelectableDNARenderer) rend).setTargetPos(pos, tier);

    if (!MouseButtonEvent.isLeftMouseClick(e)) return;

    if (dragStartPos == -1) {

      if (e.isControlDown()) dragType = baseEditorPanel.SEQ_SELECT_DRAG;
      else dragType = baseEditorPanel.getBoundaryType(pos, tier);

      dragFeature = baseEditorPanel.getFeatureAtPosition(pos, tier);

      dragStartPos = pos;
      startPos = pos;
      startDragTier = tier;
      if (dragFeature == null
          && ((dragType != baseEditorPanel.SEQ_SELECT_DRAG)
              || startDragTier > baseEditorPanel.getTierCount()
              || startDragTier < 3)) {

      if (dragType == baseEditorPanel.START_BOUNDARY) {
        /* the 5 prime edge of the feature (exon) can
        be moved within limits. These are no farther
        in the 3prime direction than the end of the
        feature and no farther in the 5prime direction
        than the beginning (5prime) of the preceding
        intron */
        limit_3prime = (int) dragFeature.getEnd();
        int lowBound = baseEditorPanel.basePairToPos(dragFeature.getStart());
        // subtract one to move into the preceding intron
        double[] lowRange = baseEditorPanel.getRangeAtPosition(tier, lowBound - 1);
        if (lowRange[0] < 0) limit_5prime = baseEditorPanel.posToBasePair(0);
        else limit_5prime = baseEditorPanel.posToBasePair((int) lowRange[0]);
      } else if (dragType == baseEditorPanel.END_BOUNDARY) {
        limit_5prime = (int) dragFeature.getStart();
        int highBound = baseEditorPanel.basePairToPos((int) dragFeature.getEnd());
        double[] highRange = baseEditorPanel.getRangeAtPosition(tier, highBound + 1);
        SequenceI seq = baseEditorPanel.getSequenceForTier(tier);
        if (highRange[1] > seq.getLength())
          limit_3prime = baseEditorPanel.posToBasePair(seq.getLength());
        else limit_3prime = baseEditorPanel.posToBasePair((int) highRange[1]);
      } else if (dragType == baseEditorPanel.SEQ_SELECT_DRAG) {