  // scaxis
  // Adapted from SU source codes
  //    CWP/SU
  private void scaxis(double x1, double x2, AuxSCAxis aux) {
    int n, i, iloga;
    double d, f, eps, a, b, xmin, xmax;
    double rdint[] = new double[4];

    /* Set readable intervals */
    rdint[0] = 1.0;
    rdint[1] = 2.0;
    rdint[2] = 5.0;
    rdint[3] = 10.0;

    /* Handle x1 == x2 as a special case */
    if (x1 == x2) {
      aux.nxnum = 1;
      aux.dxnum = 1.0f;
      aux.fxnum = x1;


    /* determine minimum and maximum */
    xmin = (x1 < x2) ? x1 : x2;
    xmax = (x1 > x2) ? x1 : x2;

    /* get desired number of numbered values */
    n = aux.nxnum;
    n = (2 > n) ? 2 : n;

    /* determine output parameters, adjusted for roundoff */
    a = (xmax - xmin) / (double) (n - 1);
    iloga = (int) Math.log10((double) a);
    if (a < 1.0) {
      iloga = iloga - 1;

    b = a / Math.pow(10.0, (double) iloga);
    for (i = 0; i < 3 && b >= Math.sqrt(rdint[i] * rdint[i + 1]); i++) {;

    d = rdint[i] * Math.pow(10.0, (double) iloga);
    f = ((int) (xmin / d)) * d - d;
    eps = 0.0001 * (xmax - xmin);

    while (f < (xmin - eps)) {
      f += d;

    n = 1 + (int) ((xmax + eps - f) / d);

    /* set output parameters before returning */
    aux.nxnum = n;
    aux.dxnum = d;
    aux.fxnum = f;
  private void drawHorizontalAxis(java.awt.Graphics g, int pX, int pY, int pWidth, int pHeight) {
    float xbeg = m_xmin;
    float xend = m_xmax;
    float pbeg = m_pbeg;
    float pend = m_pend;

    double amin = (xbeg < xend) ? xbeg : xend;
    double amax = (xbeg > xend) ? xbeg : xend;

    amin += pbeg;
    amax += pend;

    // if (m_dxtic == 0.0) {
    AuxSCAxis sc = new AuxSCAxis();
    sc.dxnum = 1.0;
    sc.fxnum = 0.0;
    sc.nxnum = pWidth / (8 * getLabelsCW(g));

    scaxis(amin, amax, sc);

    double dtic = m_dtic;
    double ntic = m_ntic;
    double fnum = m_fnum;

    dtic = sc.dxnum;
    ntic = sc.nxnum;
    fnum = sc.fxnum;
    // }

    double scale = pWidth / (amax - amin);
    double base = pX - scale * (amin);

    int tw;
    int xa;
    int ya = pY;
    int yt = pY;

    /* determine tic size */
    int ticsize = AXIS_TICSIZE;

    int labelca = ticsize;
    int labelch = getLabelsCH(g);

    int ticb = 0;
    int numb = 0;
    int labelb = 0;

    switch (m_axisSide) {
      case AXIS_TOP:
        ticb = -ticsize;
        numb = ticb - AXIS_TICSIZE / 2;
        labelb = numb;
        ya = pY;
        yt = ya + labelb - labelch - AXIS_TICSIZE / 2;
      case AXIS_BOTTOM:
        ticb = ticsize;
        numb = ticb;
        labelb = numb + labelch;
        ya = pY + pHeight;
        yt = ya + labelb + labelch;

    boolean grided = false;

    java.awt.Graphics2D g2 = (java.awt.Graphics2D) g;

    double azero = 0.0001 * (amax - amin);
    String str;
    int lstr;

    double dnum = dtic;

    for (double anum = fnum; anum <= amax; anum += dnum) {
      if (anum < amin) {

      xa = (int) (base + scale * anum);

      g2.drawLine(xa, ya, xa, ya + ticb);
      if (anum > -azero && anum < azero) {
        str = String.format("%1.0f", 0.0);
      } else {
        str = String.format("%1.0f", anum);
      lstr = str.length();
      tw = lstr * getLabelsCW(g);
      g2.drawString(str, xa - tw / 2, ya + labelb);

    g2.setStroke(new java.awt.BasicStroke(1));

    double dtic2 = dnum / ntic;
    for (double atic = fnum - ntic * dtic2 - dtic2; atic <= amax; atic += dtic2) {
      if (atic < amin) {
      xa = (int) (base + scale * atic);
      g2.drawLine(xa, ya, xa, ya + ticb / 2);

    lstr = m_title.length();

    tw = lstr * getAxisTitleCW(g);
    g2.drawString(m_title, pX + pWidth / 2 - tw / 2, yt);
  private void drawVerticalAxis(java.awt.Graphics g, int pX, int pY, int pWidth, int pHeight) {
    float xbeg = m_xmin;
    float xend = m_xmax;
    float pbeg = m_pbeg;
    float pend = m_pend;

    double amin = (xbeg < xend) ? xbeg : xend;
    double amax = (xbeg > xend) ? xbeg : xend;

    // if (m_dytic == 0.0) {
    AuxSCAxis sc = new AuxSCAxis();
    sc.dxnum = 1.0f;
    sc.fxnum = 0.0f;
    sc.nxnum = pHeight / (8 * getLabelsCW(g));

    scaxis(xbeg, xend, sc);

    double dtic = sc.dxnum;
    int ntic = sc.nxnum;
    double fnum = sc.fxnum;
    // }
    double dnum = dtic;

    double scale = pHeight / (xend + pend - xbeg - pbeg);
    double base = pY - scale * (xbeg + pbeg);

    int tw;
    int xa = pX;
    int ya = pY;

    /* determine tic size */
    int ticsize = AXIS_TICSIZE;

    int labelca = ticsize;
    int labelch = getLabelsCH(g);

    int ticb = -ticsize;
    int numb = ticb - ticsize / 4;
    int labelb = 0;

    if (m_style == AXIS_NORMAL) {
      scale = -pHeight / (xend + pend - xbeg - pbeg);
      base = pY + pHeight - scale * (xbeg + pbeg);

    boolean grided = false;

    java.awt.Graphics2D g2 = (java.awt.Graphics2D) g;

    double azero = 0.0001 * (amax - amin);
    String str;
    int lstr;

    for (double anum = fnum; anum <= amax; anum += dnum) {
      if (anum < amin) {
      ya = (int) (base + scale * anum);

      g2.drawLine(xa, ya, xa + ticb, ya);
      if (anum > -azero && anum < azero) {
        str = String.format("%1.2f", 0.0);
      } else {
        str = String.format("%1.2f", anum);
      lstr = str.length();
      tw = lstr * getLabelsCW(g);
      g2.drawString(str, xa + numb - tw, ya + labelca / 4);

    g2.setStroke(new java.awt.BasicStroke(1));

    double dtic2 = dnum / ntic;
    for (double atic = fnum - ntic * dtic2 - dtic2; atic <= amax; atic += dtic2) {
      if (atic < amin) {
      ya = (int) (base + scale * atic);
      g2.drawLine(xa, ya, xa + ticb / 2, ya);


    lstr = m_title.length();

    tw = lstr * getAxisTitleCW(g);

    java.awt.geom.AffineTransform t = g2.getTransform();

    g2.translate(pX - getLabelsCW(g) * 5 + numb, pY + pHeight / 2 + tw / 2);
    g2.rotate(-Math.PI / 2.0);
    g2.drawString(m_title, 0, 0);
