public void setIsPDB() {
   atomSetCollection.setAtomSetAuxiliaryInfo("isPDB", Boolean.TRUE);
   if (htParams.get("pdbNoHydrogens") != null)
         "pdbNoHydrogens", htParams.get("pdbNoHydrogens"));
 public void setSymmetryOperator(String xyz) {
   if (ignoreFileSymmetryOperators) return;
       latticeCells, applySymmetryToBonds, doPackUnitCell, supercell);
   if (!atomSetCollection.addSpaceGroupOperation(xyz))
     Logger.warn("Skipping symmetry operation " + xyz);
   iHaveSymmetryOperators = true;
 private void setError(Throwable e) {
   if (line == null)
     atomSetCollection.errorMessage =
         "Unexpected end of file after line " + --ptLine + ":\n" + prevline;
     atomSetCollection.errorMessage =
         "Error reading file at line " + ptLine + ":\n" + line + "\n" + e.getMessage();
  private Object finish() {
    String s = (String) htParams.get("loadState");
    atomSetCollection.setAtomSetCollectionAuxiliaryInfo("loadState", s == null ? "" : s);
    s = (String) htParams.get("smilesString");
    if (s != null) atomSetCollection.setAtomSetCollectionAuxiliaryInfo("smilesString", s);
    if (!htParams.containsKey("templateAtomCount"))
      htParams.put("templateAtomCount", Integer.valueOf(atomSetCollection.getAtomCount()));
    if (htParams.containsKey("bsFilter"))
          Integer.valueOf(BitSetUtil.cardinalityOf((BitSet) htParams.get("bsFilter"))));
    if (!calculationType.equals("?"))
      atomSetCollection.setAtomSetCollectionAuxiliaryInfo("calculationType", calculationType);

    String name = atomSetCollection.getFileTypeName();
    String fileType = name;
    if (fileType.indexOf("(") >= 0) fileType = fileType.substring(0, fileType.indexOf("("));
    for (int i = atomSetCollection.getAtomSetCount(); --i >= 0; ) {
      atomSetCollection.setAtomSetAuxiliaryInfo("fileName", filePath, i);
      atomSetCollection.setAtomSetAuxiliaryInfo("fileType", fileType, i);
    if (atomSetCollection.errorMessage != null)
      return atomSetCollection.errorMessage + "\nfor file " + filePath + "\ntype " + name;
    if ((atomSetCollection.bsAtoms == null
                ? atomSetCollection.getAtomCount()
                : atomSetCollection.bsAtoms.cardinality())
            == 0
        && fileType.indexOf("DataOnly") < 0)
      return "No atoms found\nfor file " + filePath + "\ntype " + name;
    return atomSetCollection;
 protected int cloneLastAtomSet(int atomCount, Point3f[] pts) throws Exception {
   int lastAtomCount = atomSetCollection.getLastAtomSetAtomCount();
   atomSetCollection.cloneLastAtomSet(atomCount, pts);
   if (atomSetCollection.haveUnitCell) {
     iHaveUnitCell = true;
     doCheckUnitCell = true;
     spaceGroup = previousSpaceGroup;
     notionalUnitCell = previousUnitCell;
   return lastAtomCount;
 public void setMOData(Map<String, Object> moData) {
   atomSetCollection.setAtomSetAuxiliaryInfo("moData", moData);
   if (moData == null) return;
   List<Map<String, Object>> orbitals = (List<Map<String, Object>>) moData.get("mos");
   if (orbitals != null)
             + " molecular orbitals read in model "
             + atomSetCollection.getAtomSetCount());
 protected void addSiteScript(String script) {
   if (siteScript == null) siteScript = "";
   else if (!siteScript.endsWith(";")) siteScript += ";";
   siteScript += script;
       "sitescript", siteScript); // checked in ScriptEvaluator.load()
 protected void addJmolScript(String script) {"#jmolScript: " + script);
   if (previousScript == null) previousScript = "";
   else if (!previousScript.endsWith(";")) previousScript += ";";
   previousScript += script;
   atomSetCollection.setAtomSetCollectionAuxiliaryInfo("jmolscript", previousScript);
  * @param atom
  * @param iAtom
  * @return true if we want this atom
 protected boolean filterAtom(Atom atom, int iAtom) {
   if (!haveAtomFilter) return true;
   // cif, mdtop, pdb, gromacs, pqr
   boolean isOK = checkFilter(atom, filter1);
   if (filter2 != null) isOK |= checkFilter(atom, filter2);
   if (isOK && filterEveryNth) isOK = (((nFiltered++) % filterN) == 0);
   bsFilter.set(iAtom >= 0 ? iAtom : atomSetCollection.getAtomCount(), isOK);
   return isOK;
 public void setTransform(
     float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3) {
   if (matrixRotate != null || !doSetOrientation) return;
   matrixRotate = new Matrix3f();
   Vector3f v = new Vector3f();
   // rows in Sygress/CAChe and Spartan become columns here
   v.set(x1, y1, z1);
   matrixRotate.setColumn(0, v);
   v.set(x2, y2, z2);
   matrixRotate.setColumn(1, v);
   v.set(x3, y3, z3);
   matrixRotate.setColumn(2, v);
       "defaultOrientationMatrix", new Matrix3f(matrixRotate));
   // first two matrix column vectors define quaternion X and XY plane
   Quaternion q = new Quaternion(matrixRotate);
   atomSetCollection.setAtomSetCollectionAuxiliaryInfo("defaultOrientationQuaternion", q);"defaultOrientationMatrix = " + matrixRotate);
 protected void newAtomSet(String name) {
   if (atomSetCollection.getCurrentAtomSetIndex() >= 0) {
         "<collection of " + (atomSetCollection.getCurrentAtomSetIndex() + 1) + " models>");
   } else {
       "name", name, Math.max(0, atomSetCollection.getCurrentAtomSetIndex()));
 protected void addSites(Map<String, Map<String, Object>> htSites) {
   atomSetCollection.setAtomSetAuxiliaryInfo("pdbSites", htSites);
   String sites = "";
   for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : htSites.entrySet()) {
     String name = entry.getKey();
     Map<String, Object> htSite = entry.getValue();
     char ch;
     for (int i = name.length(); --i >= 0; )
       if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch = name.charAt(i)) && ch != '\'')
         name = name.substring(0, i) + "_" + name.substring(i + 1);
     // String seqNum = (String) htSite.get("seqNum");
     String groups = (String) htSite.get("groups");
     if (groups.length() == 0) continue;
     addSiteScript("@site_" + name + " " + groups);
     // addJmolScript("@" + seqNum + " " + groups);
     addSiteScript("site_" + name + " = \"" + groups + "\".split(\",\")");
     sites += (sites == "" ? "" : ",") + "site_" + name;
   addSiteScript("site_list = \"" + sites + "\".split(\",\")");
  * Extracts a block of frequency data from a file. This block may be of two types -- either X Y Z
  * across a row or each of X Y Z on a separate line. Data is presumed to be in fixed FORTRAN-like
  * column format, not space-separated columns.
  * @param iAtom0 the first atom to be assigned a frequency
  * @param atomCount the number of atoms to be assigned
  * @param modelAtomCount the number of atoms in each model
  * @param ignore the frequencies to ignore because the user has selected only certain vibrations
  *     to be read or for whatever reason; length serves to set the number of frequencies to be
  *     read
  * @param isWide when TRUE, this is a table that has X Y Z for each mode within the same row; when
  *     FALSE, this is a table that has X Y Z for each mode on a separate line.
  * @param col0 the column in which data starts
  * @param colWidth the width of the data columns
  * @param atomIndexes an array either null or indicating exactly which atoms get the frequencies
  *     (used by CrystalReader)
  * @param minLineLen
  * @param minlineLen TODO
  * @throws Exception
 protected void fillFrequencyData(
     int iAtom0,
     int atomCount,
     int modelAtomCount,
     boolean[] ignore,
     boolean isWide,
     int col0,
     int colWidth,
     int[] atomIndexes,
     int minLineLen)
     throws Exception {
   boolean withSymmetry = (modelAtomCount != atomCount);
   if (atomIndexes != null) atomCount = atomIndexes.length;
   int nLines = (isWide ? atomCount : atomCount * 3);
   int nFreq = ignore.length;
   String[][] data = new String[nLines][];
   fillDataBlock(data, col0, colWidth, minLineLen);
   for (int i = 0, atomPt = 0; i < nLines; i++, atomPt++) {
     String[] values = data[i];
     String[] valuesY = (isWide ? null : data[++i]);
     String[] valuesZ = (isWide ? null : data[++i]);
     int dataPt = values.length - (isWide ? nFreq * 3 : nFreq) - 1;
     for (int j = 0, jj = 0; jj < nFreq; jj++) {
       String x = values[dataPt];
       if (x.charAt(0) == ')') // AMPAC reader!
       x = x.substring(1);
       float vx = parseFloat(x);
       float vy = parseFloat(isWide ? values[++dataPt] : valuesY[dataPt]);
       float vz = parseFloat(isWide ? values[++dataPt] : valuesZ[dataPt]);
       if (ignore[jj]) continue;
       int iAtom = (atomIndexes == null ? atomPt : atomIndexes[atomPt]);
       if (iAtom < 0) continue;
       if (Logger.debugging)
         Logger.debug("atom " + iAtom + " vib" + j + ": " + vx + " " + vy + " " + vz);
           iAtom0 + modelAtomCount * j++ + iAtom, vx, vy, vz, withSymmetry);
 public boolean doGetModel(int modelNumber, String title) {
   if (title != null
       && nameRequired != null
       && nameRequired.length() > 0
       && title.toUpperCase().indexOf(nameRequired) < 0) return false;
   // modelNumber is 1-based, but firstLastStep is 0-based
   boolean isOK =
       (bsModels == null
           ? desiredModelNumber < 1 || modelNumber == desiredModelNumber
           : modelNumber > lastModelNumber
               ? false
               : modelNumber > 0 && bsModels.get(modelNumber - 1)
                   || haveModel
                       && firstLastStep != null
                       && firstLastStep[1] < 0
                       && (firstLastStep[2] < 2
                           || (modelNumber - 1 - firstLastStep[0]) % firstLastStep[2] == 0));
   if (isOK && desiredModelNumber == 0) atomSetCollection.discardPreviousAtoms();
   haveModel |= isOK;
   if (isOK) doProcessLines = true;
   return isOK;
 BondIterator(AtomSetCollection atomSetCollection) {
   bsAtoms = atomSetCollection.bsAtoms;
   bonds = atomSetCollection.getBonds();
   bondCount = atomSetCollection.getBondCount();
   ibond = 0;
 protected void finalizeReader() throws Exception {
   if (loadNote.length() > 0)
     atomSetCollection.setAtomSetCollectionAuxiliaryInfo("modelLoadNote", loadNote.toString());
   if (doCentralize) atomSetCollection.centralize();
 public void applySymmetryAndSetTrajectory() throws Exception {
   if (iHaveUnitCell && doCheckUnitCell) {
         notionalUnitCell, matUnitCellOrientation, unitCellOffset);
     if (doConvertToFractional || fileCoordinatesAreFractional) {
           latticeCells, applySymmetryToBonds, doPackUnitCell, supercell);
       if (ignoreFileSpaceGroupName || !iHaveSymmetryOperators) {
         if (!merging || symmetry == null) getSymmetry();
         if (symmetry.createSpaceGroup(
             (spaceGroup.indexOf("!") >= 0 ? "P1" : spaceGroup),
             notionalUnitCell)) {
       } else {
     if (iHaveFractionalCoordinates && merging && symmetry != null) {
       // when merging (with appendNew false), we must return cartesians
       // We no longer allow merging of multiple-model files
       // when the file to be appended has fractional coordinates and vibrations
       addVibrations = false;
   if (isTrajectory) atomSetCollection.setTrajectory();
  public void checkLineForScript() {
    if (line.indexOf("Jmol") >= 0) {
      if (line.indexOf("Jmol PDB-encoded data") >= 0) {
        atomSetCollection.setAtomSetCollectionAuxiliaryInfo("jmolData", line);
        if (!line.endsWith("#noautobond")) line += "#noautobond";
      if (line.indexOf("Jmol data min") >= 0) {;
        // The idea here is to use a line such as the following:
        // REMARK   6 Jmol data min = {-1 -1 -1} max = {1 1 1}
        //                      unScaledXyz = xyz / {10 10 10} + {0 0 0}
        //                      plotScale = {100 100 100}
        // to pass on to Jmol how to graph non-molecular data.
        // The format allows for the actual data to be linearly transformed
        // so that it fits into the PDB format for x, y, and z coordinates.
        // This adapter will then unscale the data and also pass on to
        // Jmol the unit cell equivalent that takes the actual data (which
        // will be considered the fractional coordinates) to Jmol coordinates,
        // which will be a cube centered at {0 0 0} and ranging from {-100 -100 -100}
        // to {100 100 100}.
        // Jmol 12.0.RC23 uses this to pass through the adapter a quaternion,
        // ramachandran, or other sort of plot.

        float[] data = new float[15];
            line.substring(10).replace('=', ' ').replace('{', ' ').replace('}', ' '), data);
        Point3f minXYZ = new Point3f(data[0], data[1], data[2]);
        Point3f maxXYZ = new Point3f(data[3], data[4], data[5]);
        fileScaling = new Point3f(data[6], data[7], data[8]);
        fileOffset = new Point3f(data[9], data[10], data[11]);
        Point3f plotScale = new Point3f(data[12], data[13], data[14]);
        if (plotScale.x <= 0) plotScale.x = 100;
        if (plotScale.y <= 0) plotScale.y = 100;
        if (plotScale.z <= 0) plotScale.z = 100;
        if (fileScaling.y == 0) fileScaling.y = 1;
        if (fileScaling.z == 0) fileScaling.z = 1;
        latticeCells = new int[3];
        atomSetCollection.setLatticeCells(latticeCells, true, false, supercell);
            plotScale.x * 2 / (maxXYZ.x - minXYZ.x),
            plotScale.y * 2 / (maxXYZ.y - minXYZ.y),
            plotScale.z * 2 / (maxXYZ.z == minXYZ.z ? 1 : maxXYZ.z - minXYZ.z),
        unitCellOffset = new Point3f(minXYZ);
        unitCellOffset = new Point3f(maxXYZ);
        unitCellOffset = new Point3f(plotScale);
        symmetry.toFractional(unitCellOffset, false);
        unitCellOffset.scaleAdd(-1f, minXYZ, unitCellOffset);
        Point3f pt = new Point3f(minXYZ);
        System.out.println("ASCR minXYZ " + pt);
        System.out.println("ASCR maxXYZ " + pt);
            "jmolDataScaling", new Point3f[] {minXYZ, maxXYZ, plotScale});
    if (line.endsWith("#noautobond")) {
      line = line.substring(0, line.lastIndexOf('#')).trim();
    int pt = line.indexOf("jmolscript:");
    if (pt >= 0) {
      String script = line.substring(pt + 11, line.length());
      if (script.indexOf("#") >= 0) {
        script = script.substring(0, script.indexOf("#"));
      line = line.substring(0, pt).trim();
 protected void set2D() {
   // MOL and JME
   atomSetCollection.setAtomSetCollectionAuxiliaryInfo("is2D", Boolean.TRUE);
   if (!checkFilter("NOMIN"))
     atomSetCollection.setAtomSetCollectionAuxiliaryInfo("doMinimize", Boolean.TRUE);