void ICmd$$SINGLETONS() { Proto.Obj po; Value.Obj vo; vo = (Value.Obj) om.findStrict("xdc.tools.ICmd", "xdc.tools"); po = (Proto.Obj) om.findStrict("xdc.tools.ICmd.Module", "xdc.tools"); vo.init2(po, "xdc.tools.ICmd", $$DEFAULT, false); vo.bind("Module", po); vo.bind("$category", "Interface"); vo.bind("$capsule", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.ICmd$$capsule", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind("Instance", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.ICmd.Instance", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind("Params", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.ICmd.Params", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind( "PARAMS", ((Proto.Str) om.findStrict("xdc.tools.ICmd.Params", "xdc.tools")).newInstance()); vo.bind("$package", om.findStrict("xdc.tools", "xdc.tools")); tdefs.clear(); proxies.clear(); inherits.clear(); vo.bind("$$tdefs", Global.newArray(tdefs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$proxies", Global.newArray(proxies.toArray())); vo.bind("$$inherits", Global.newArray(inherits.toArray())); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$interfaces")).add(vo); pkgV.bind("ICmd", vo); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$unitNames")).add("ICmd"); vo.seal(null); }
/** * Parse type variables for generics * * @param variables * @return */ protected static TypeVar[] ParseTypeVariables(TypeVariable[] variables, ParamTag[] tags) { TypeVar[] vars = null; if (variables != null && variables.length > 0) { ArrayList<TypeVar> varsList = new ArrayList<TypeVar>(); for (TypeVariable variable : variables) { TypeVar var = new TypeVar(); var.name = variable.typeName(); Type[] bounds = variable.bounds(); if (bounds != null && bounds.length > 0) { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Type bound : bounds) { list.add(bound.qualifiedTypeName()); } var.bounds = list.toArray(new String[] {}); } for (ParamTag tag : tags) if (tag.parameterName().equals(var.name)) var.comment = tag.parameterComment(); varsList.add(var); } vars = varsList.toArray(new TypeVar[] {}); } return vars; }
// returns the stream of final pig script to be passed to Grunt private static BufferedReader runParamPreprocessor( BufferedReader origPigScript, ArrayList<String> params, ArrayList<String> paramFiles, String scriptFile, boolean createFile) throws org.apache.pig.tools.parameters.ParseException, IOException { ParameterSubstitutionPreprocessor psp = new ParameterSubstitutionPreprocessor(50); String[] type1 = new String[1]; String[] type2 = new String[1]; if (createFile) { BufferedWriter fw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(scriptFile)); psp.genSubstitutedFile( origPigScript, fw, params.size() > 0 ? params.toArray(type1) : null, paramFiles.size() > 0 ? paramFiles.toArray(type2) : null); return new BufferedReader(new FileReader(scriptFile)); } else { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); psp.genSubstitutedFile( origPigScript, writer, params.size() > 0 ? params.toArray(type1) : null, paramFiles.size() > 0 ? paramFiles.toArray(type2) : null); return new BufferedReader(new StringReader(writer.toString())); } }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public synchronized MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo() { log.debug("getMBeanInfo"); if (_dirty) { _dirty = false; ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes = (ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[]) _attributes.toArray(new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[_attributes.size()]); ModelMBeanOperationInfo[] operations = (ModelMBeanOperationInfo[]) _operations.toArray(new ModelMBeanOperationInfo[_operations.size()]); ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[] notifications = (ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[]) _notifications.toArray(new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[_notifications.size()]); _beanInfo = new ModelMBeanInfoSupport( _object.getClass().getName(), findDescription(null), attributes, null, operations, notifications); } return _beanInfo; }
void IRtscProductTemplate$$SINGLETONS() { Proto.Obj po; Value.Obj vo; vo = (Value.Obj) om.findStrict("xdc.tools.IRtscProductTemplate", "xdc.tools"); po = (Proto.Obj) om.findStrict("xdc.tools.IRtscProductTemplate.Module", "xdc.tools"); vo.init2(po, "xdc.tools.IRtscProductTemplate", $$DEFAULT, false); vo.bind("Module", po); vo.bind("$category", "Interface"); vo.bind("$capsule", $$UNDEF); vo.bind("$package", om.findStrict("xdc.tools", "xdc.tools")); tdefs.clear(); proxies.clear(); inherits.clear(); vo.bind( "TemplateInfo", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.IRtscProductTemplate.TemplateInfo", "xdc.tools")); tdefs.add(om.findStrict("xdc.tools.IRtscProductTemplate.TemplateInfo", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind("$$tdefs", Global.newArray(tdefs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$proxies", Global.newArray(proxies.toArray())); vo.bind("$$inherits", Global.newArray(inherits.toArray())); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$interfaces")).add(vo); pkgV.bind("IRtscProductTemplate", vo); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$unitNames")).add("IRtscProductTemplate"); vo.seal(null); }
/** Validate prerequisites entries (prerequisite.csv) */ public void validatePrerequisites() { String file = "prerequisite.csv"; // CHECK ALL ENTRIES FOR BLANK FIELDS for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { boolean rowHasMissingFields = false; // Line Number. First row (index 0) is data row. So +2 to get line number. int line = i + 2; ArrayList<String> rowMessageList = new ArrayList<>(); String[] row = entries.get(i); rowHasMissingFields = tool.rowHasMissingFields(row, rowMessageList); if (rowHasMissingFields) { blacklistedEntries.add(row); String[] message = rowMessageList.toArray(new String[0]); errorList.add(new BootstrapError(file, line, message)); } } // STEP 2: CHECK ALL FOR invalidExamDate invalidStart, invalidEnd for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { boolean rowHasInvalidCourse = false; boolean rowHasInvalidPrerequisite = false; boolean rowHasDuplicatePrimaryKey = false; int line = i + 2; ArrayList<String> rowMessageList = new ArrayList<>(); String[] row = entries.get(i); // if not already blacklisted due to error if (!blacklistedEntries.contains(row)) { rowHasInvalidCourse = tool.rowHasInvalidCourse(row, rowMessageList); rowHasInvalidPrerequisite = tool.rowHasInvalidPrerequisite(row, rowMessageList); // if there are duplicates, the latest/bottomest row will be accepted. // The earlier rows will be errored. String foreignKey = "course"; String primaryKey = "prerequisite"; // rowHasDuplicatePrimaryKey = // tool.rowHasDuplicatePrimaryKey(foreignKey,primaryKey,row,rowMessageList); /* * NO NEED TO TEST FOR DUPLICATES */ // Blacklist row if any of the validations blacklistedEntries are "true" if (rowHasInvalidCourse || rowHasInvalidPrerequisite || rowHasDuplicatePrimaryKey) { blacklistedEntries.add(row); // add row to blackList String[] message = rowMessageList.toArray(new String[0]); errorList.add(new BootstrapError(file, line, message)); } } } // end of 2nd for-loop // method ends }
public boolean columnsDBParse( int idOfFile) // Функция, разбирающая xml файл с конфигами всех таблиц, сохраняющаяя названия // таблиц, названия столбцов и типы столбцов { ArrayList<String[]> arrayList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); ArrayList<String[]> typesArrayList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> typesStrings = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); try { XmlPullParser xpp = app.getResources().getXml(idOfFile); while (xpp.getEventType() != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { switch (xpp.getEventType()) { case XmlPullParser.START_TAG: if (xpp.getDepth() == 2) { list.add(xpp.getAttributeValue(0)); } if (xpp.getDepth() == 3) { strings.add(xpp.getAttributeValue(0)); typesStrings.add(xpp.getAttributeValue(1)); } break; case XmlPullParser.END_TAG: if (xpp.getDepth() == 2) { String[] helpArray = new String[strings.size()]; helpArray = strings.toArray(helpArray); arrayList.add(helpArray); helpArray = new String[typesStrings.size()]; helpArray = typesStrings.toArray(helpArray); typesArrayList.add(helpArray); typesStrings = new ArrayList<String>(); strings = new ArrayList<String>(); } break; default: break; } xpp.next(); } this.DBcolumns = arrayList; this.DBtypes = typesArrayList; String[] arr = new String[list.size()]; arr = list.toArray(arr); this.tables = arr; } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (this.DBcolumns == null || this.tables == null) { return false; } else { return true; } }
void Platform$$SINGLETONS() { Proto.Obj po; Value.Obj vo; vo = (Value.Obj) om.findStrict("ti.platforms.evm6424.Platform", "ti.platforms.evm6424"); po = (Proto.Obj) om.findStrict("ti.platforms.evm6424.Platform.Module", "ti.platforms.evm6424"); vo.init2(po, "ti.platforms.evm6424.Platform", $$DEFAULT, false); vo.bind("Module", po); vo.bind("$category", "Module"); vo.bind( "$capsule", om.findStrict("ti.platforms.evm6424.Platform$$capsule", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); vo.bind( "Instance", om.findStrict("ti.platforms.evm6424.Platform.Instance", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); vo.bind( "Params", om.findStrict("ti.platforms.evm6424.Platform.Params", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); vo.bind( "PARAMS", ((Proto.Str) om.findStrict("ti.platforms.evm6424.Platform.Params", "ti.platforms.evm6424")) .newInstance()); vo.bind("$package", om.findStrict("ti.platforms.evm6424", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); tdefs.clear(); proxies.clear(); mcfgs.clear(); vo.bind("Board", om.findStrict("xdc.platform.IPlatform.Board", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); tdefs.add(om.findStrict("xdc.platform.IPlatform.Board", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); vo.bind("Memory", om.findStrict("xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); tdefs.add(om.findStrict("xdc.platform.IPlatform.Memory", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); vo.bind("MemoryMap", om.findStrict("xdc.platform.IPlatform.MemoryMap", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); vo.bind("$$tdefs", Global.newArray(tdefs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$proxies", Global.newArray(proxies.toArray())); vo.bind("$$mcfgs", Global.newArray(mcfgs.toArray())); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$modules")).add(vo); ((Value.Arr) om.findStrict("$modules", "ti.platforms.evm6424")).add(vo); vo.bind("$$instflag", 1); vo.bind("$$iobjflag", 1); vo.bind("$$sizeflag", 1); vo.bind("$$dlgflag", 0); vo.bind("$$iflag", 1); vo.bind("$$romcfgs", "|"); Proto.Str ps = (Proto.Str) vo.find("Module_State"); if (ps != null) vo.bind("$object", ps.newInstance()); vo.bind( "$$meta_iobj", om.has("ti.platforms.evm6424.Platform$$instance$static$init", null) ? 1 : 0); vo.bind("$$fxntab", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$logEvtCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$errorDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$assertDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); Value.Map atmap = (Value.Map) vo.getv("$attr"); atmap.seal("length"); vo.bind( "Object", om.findStrict("ti.platforms.evm6424.Platform.Object", "ti.platforms.evm6424")); pkgV.bind("Platform", vo); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$unitNames")).add("Platform"); }
String constructDN(final T o, final String parentDN, final Map<String, Attribute> attrMap) throws LDAPPersistException { final String existingDN = getEntryDN(o); if (existingDN != null) { return existingDN; } final ArrayList<String> rdnNameList = new ArrayList<String>(1); final ArrayList<byte[]> rdnValueList = new ArrayList<byte[]>(1); for (final FieldInfo i : rdnFields) { final Attribute a = attrMap.get(toLowerCase(i.getAttributeName())); if (a == null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_RDN_FIELD_MISSING_VALUE.get(type.getName(), i.getField().getName())); } rdnNameList.add(a.getName()); rdnValueList.add(a.getValueByteArray()); } for (final GetterInfo i : rdnGetters) { final Attribute a = attrMap.get(toLowerCase(i.getAttributeName())); if (a == null) { throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_RDN_GETTER_MISSING_VALUE.get( type.getName(), i.getMethod().getName())); } rdnNameList.add(a.getName()); rdnValueList.add(a.getValueByteArray()); } final String[] rdnNames = new String[rdnNameList.size()]; rdnNameList.toArray(rdnNames); final byte[][] rdnValues = new byte[rdnNames.length][]; rdnValueList.toArray(rdnValues); final RDN rdn = new RDN(rdnNames, rdnValues); if (parentDN == null) { return new DN(rdn, defaultParentDN).toString(); } else { try { final DN parsedParentDN = new DN(parentDN); return new DN(rdn, parsedParentDN).toString(); } catch (LDAPException le) { debugException(le); throw new LDAPPersistException( ERR_OBJECT_HANDLER_INVALID_PARENT_DN.get(type.getName(), parentDN, le.getMessage()), le); } } }
public void sendEmail() throws MessagingException { if (msg.getFrom() == null) msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("*****@*****.**")); msg.setHeader("X-mailer", "msgsend"); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, (Address[]) toList.toArray(new Address[0])); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, (Address[]) ccList.toArray(new Address[0])); msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, (Address[]) bccList.toArray(new Address[0])); msg.setSentDate(new Date()); if (!toList.isEmpty()) Transport.send(msg); }
public static TreePath[] selectMaximals(final TreePath[] paths) { if (paths == null) return new TreePath[0]; final TreePath[] noDuplicates = removeDuplicates(paths); final ArrayList<TreePath> result = new ArrayList<TreePath>(); for (final TreePath path : noDuplicates) { final ArrayList<TreePath> otherPaths = new ArrayList<TreePath>(Arrays.asList(noDuplicates)); otherPaths.remove(path); if (!isDescendants(path, otherPaths.toArray(new TreePath[otherPaths.size()]))) result.add(path); } return result.toArray(new TreePath[result.size()]); }
static { int current_chr = -1; File hgnc = new File(CfgReader.getBasic(Consts.CURRENT_ASSEMBLY, Consts.FORMAT_HGNC).get_Path()); ByteBufferChannel bbc = new ByteBufferChannel(hgnc, 0, hgnc.length()); String[] temp = bbc.ToString(Consts.DEFAULT_ENCODE).split("\n"); ArrayList<String> ChrList_temp = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Integer> ChrStart_temp = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> ChrEnd_temp = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ChrMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); SymbolMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Symbols = new String[temp.length]; Symbols_sorted = new String[temp.length]; HGNCs = new String[temp.length]; Entrezs = new String[temp.length]; RefSeqs = new String[temp.length]; UCSCs = new String[temp.length]; Ensembls = new String[temp.length]; Names = new String[temp.length]; Chrs = new int[temp.length]; Starts = new int[temp.length]; Ends = new int[temp.length]; for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { String[] line_temp = temp[i].split("\t"); if (!ChrMap.containsKey(line_temp[0])) { if (i > 0) ChrEnd_temp.add(i - 1); ChrMap.put(line_temp[0], ++current_chr); ChrList_temp.add(line_temp[0]); ChrStart_temp.add(i); } Chrs[i] = current_chr; Starts[i] = Integer.parseInt(line_temp[1]); Ends[i] = Integer.parseInt(line_temp[2]); Symbols[i] = line_temp[3]; Symbols_sorted[i] = line_temp[3]; SymbolMap.put(line_temp[3], i); RefSeqs[i] = line_temp[4]; UCSCs[i] = line_temp[5]; Ensembls[i] = line_temp[6]; Entrezs[i] = line_temp[7]; HGNCs[i] = line_temp[8]; Names[i] = line_temp[9]; } ChrEnd_temp.add(temp.length - 1); Arrays.sort(Symbols_sorted); ChrList = new String[ChrList_temp.size()]; ChrStarts = new Integer[ChrList.length]; ChrEnds = new Integer[ChrList.length]; ChrList_temp.toArray(ChrList); ChrStart_temp.toArray(ChrStarts); ChrEnd_temp.toArray(ChrEnds); }
/** Validate Student entries */ public void validateStudent() { String file = "student.csv"; // CHECK ALL ENTRIES FOR BLANK FIELDS for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { boolean rowHasMissingFields = false; // Line Number. First row (index 0) is data row. So +2 to get line number. int line = i + 2; ArrayList<String> rowMessageList = new ArrayList<>(); String[] row = entries.get(i); rowHasMissingFields = tool.rowHasMissingFields(row, rowMessageList); if (rowHasMissingFields) { blacklistedEntries.add(row); String[] message = rowMessageList.toArray(new String[0]); errorList.add(new BootstrapError(file, line, message)); } } // STEP 2: CHECK ALL FOR duplicateUserid and invalidEDollar for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { boolean rowHasDuplicateUserId = false; boolean rowHasInvalidEDollar = false; int line = i + 2; ArrayList<String> rowMessageList = new ArrayList<>(); String[] row = entries.get(i); // if not already blacklisted due to error if (!blacklistedEntries.contains(row)) { // if there are duplicates, the latest/bottomest row will be accepted. // The earlier rows will be errored. rowHasDuplicateUserId = tool.rowHasDuplicatePrimaryKey("userid", row, line, rowMessageList); rowHasInvalidEDollar = tool.rowHasInvalidEDollar(row, rowMessageList); // Blacklist row if any of the validations blacklistedEntries are "true" if (rowHasInvalidEDollar || rowHasDuplicateUserId) { blacklistedEntries.add(row); // add row to blackList String[] message = rowMessageList.toArray(new String[0]); errorList.add(new BootstrapError(file, line, message)); } } } // method ends }
void Agent$$SINGLETONS() { Proto.Obj po; Value.Obj vo; vo = (Value.Obj) om.findStrict("ti.sysbios.rta.Agent", "ti.sysbios.rta"); po = (Proto.Obj) om.findStrict("ti.sysbios.rta.Agent.Module", "ti.sysbios.rta"); vo.init2(po, "ti.sysbios.rta.Agent", $$DEFAULT, false); vo.bind("Module", po); vo.bind("$category", "Module"); vo.bind("$capsule", om.findStrict("ti.sysbios.rta.Agent$$capsule", "ti.sysbios.rta")); vo.bind("$package", om.findStrict("ti.sysbios.rta", "ti.sysbios.rta")); tdefs.clear(); proxies.clear(); mcfgs.clear(); icfgs.clear(); inherits.clear(); vo.bind("Transport", om.findStrict("ti.sysbios.rta.Agent.Transport", "ti.sysbios.rta")); vo.bind( "Transport_RTDX", om.findStrict("ti.sysbios.rta.Agent.Transport_RTDX", "ti.sysbios.rta")); vo.bind( "Transport_STOP_MODE_ONLY", om.findStrict("ti.sysbios.rta.Agent.Transport_STOP_MODE_ONLY", "ti.sysbios.rta")); vo.bind( "Transport_USER", om.findStrict("ti.sysbios.rta.Agent.Transport_USER", "ti.sysbios.rta")); vo.bind("$$tdefs", Global.newArray(tdefs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$proxies", Global.newArray(proxies.toArray())); vo.bind("$$mcfgs", Global.newArray(mcfgs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$icfgs", Global.newArray(icfgs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$inherits", Global.newArray(inherits.toArray())); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$modules")).add(vo); ((Value.Arr) om.findStrict("$modules", "ti.sysbios.rta")).add(vo); vo.bind("$$instflag", 0); vo.bind("$$iobjflag", 1); vo.bind("$$sizeflag", 1); vo.bind("$$dlgflag", 0); vo.bind("$$iflag", 0); vo.bind("$$romcfgs", "|"); vo.bind("$$nortsflag", 0); Proto.Str ps = (Proto.Str) vo.find("Module_State"); if (ps != null) vo.bind("$object", ps.newInstance()); vo.bind("$$meta_iobj", om.has("ti.sysbios.rta.Agent$$instance$static$init", null) ? 1 : 0); vo.bind("$$fxntab", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$logEvtCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$errorDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$assertDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); Value.Map atmap = (Value.Map) vo.getv("$attr"); atmap.seal("length"); pkgV.bind("Agent", vo); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$unitNames")).add("Agent"); }
void G711DEC$$SINGLETONS() { Proto.Obj po; Value.Obj vo; vo = (Value.Obj) om.findStrict( "ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711.G711DEC", "ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711"); po = (Proto.Obj) om.findStrict( "ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711.G711DEC.Module", "ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711"); vo.init2(po, "ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711.G711DEC", $$DEFAULT, false); vo.bind("Module", po); vo.bind("$category", "Module"); vo.bind( "$capsule", om.findStrict( "ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711.G711DEC$$capsule", "ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711")); vo.bind( "$package", om.findStrict("ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711", "ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711")); tdefs.clear(); proxies.clear(); mcfgs.clear(); vo.bind("$$tdefs", Global.newArray(tdefs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$proxies", Global.newArray(proxies.toArray())); vo.bind("$$mcfgs", Global.newArray(mcfgs.toArray())); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$modules")).add(vo); ((Value.Arr) om.findStrict("$modules", "ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711")).add(vo); vo.bind("$$instflag", 0); vo.bind("$$iobjflag", 1); vo.bind("$$sizeflag", 1); vo.bind("$$dlgflag", 0); vo.bind("$$iflag", 1); vo.bind("$$romcfgs", "|"); Proto.Str ps = (Proto.Str) vo.find("Module_State"); if (ps != null) vo.bind("$object", ps.newInstance()); vo.bind( "$$meta_iobj", om.has("ti.sdo.ce.examples.codecs.g711.G711DEC$$instance$static$init", null) ? 1 : 0); vo.bind("$$fxntab", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$logEvtCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$errorDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$assertDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); Value.Map atmap = (Value.Map) vo.getv("$attr"); atmap.seal("length"); pkgV.bind("G711DEC", vo); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$unitNames")).add("G711DEC"); }
void Cmdr$$SINGLETONS() { Proto.Obj po; Value.Obj vo; vo = (Value.Obj) om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr", "xdc.tools"); po = (Proto.Obj) om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr.Module", "xdc.tools"); vo.init2(po, "xdc.tools.Cmdr", $$DEFAULT, false); vo.bind("Module", po); vo.bind("$category", "Module"); vo.bind("$capsule", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr$$capsule", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind("Instance", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr.Instance", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind("Params", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr.Params", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind( "PARAMS", ((Proto.Str) om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr.Params", "xdc.tools")).newInstance()); vo.bind("$package", om.findStrict("xdc.tools", "xdc.tools")); tdefs.clear(); proxies.clear(); mcfgs.clear(); icfgs.clear(); inherits.clear(); vo.bind("Context", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr.Context", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind("SHELL", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr.SHELL", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind("SCRIPT", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr.SCRIPT", "xdc.tools")); vo.bind("$$tdefs", Global.newArray(tdefs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$proxies", Global.newArray(proxies.toArray())); vo.bind("$$mcfgs", Global.newArray(mcfgs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$icfgs", Global.newArray(icfgs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$inherits", Global.newArray(inherits.toArray())); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$modules")).add(vo); ((Value.Arr) om.findStrict("$modules", "xdc.tools")).add(vo); vo.bind("$$instflag", 1); vo.bind("$$iobjflag", 1); vo.bind("$$sizeflag", 1); vo.bind("$$dlgflag", 0); vo.bind("$$iflag", 0); vo.bind("$$romcfgs", "|"); vo.bind("$$nortsflag", 0); Proto.Str ps = (Proto.Str) vo.find("Module_State"); if (ps != null) vo.bind("$object", ps.newInstance()); vo.bind("$$meta_iobj", om.has("xdc.tools.Cmdr$$instance$static$init", null) ? 1 : 0); vo.bind("$$fxntab", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$logEvtCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$errorDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$assertDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); Value.Map atmap = (Value.Map) vo.getv("$attr"); atmap.seal("length"); vo.bind("Object", om.findStrict("xdc.tools.Cmdr.Object", "xdc.tools")); pkgV.bind("Cmdr", vo); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$unitNames")).add("Cmdr"); }
void UNIVERSALConfig$$SINGLETONS() { Proto.Obj po; Value.Obj vo; vo = (Value.Obj) om.findStrict("ti.sdo.ce.universal.UNIVERSALConfig", "ti.sdo.ce.universal"); po = (Proto.Obj) om.findStrict("ti.sdo.ce.universal.UNIVERSALConfig.Module", "ti.sdo.ce.universal"); vo.init2(po, "ti.sdo.ce.universal.UNIVERSALConfig", $$DEFAULT, false); vo.bind("Module", po); vo.bind("$category", "Module"); vo.bind("$capsule", $$UNDEF); vo.bind("$package", om.findStrict("ti.sdo.ce.universal", "ti.sdo.ce.universal")); tdefs.clear(); proxies.clear(); mcfgs.clear(); icfgs.clear(); inherits.clear(); vo.bind("$$tdefs", Global.newArray(tdefs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$proxies", Global.newArray(proxies.toArray())); vo.bind("$$mcfgs", Global.newArray(mcfgs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$icfgs", Global.newArray(icfgs.toArray())); vo.bind("$$inherits", Global.newArray(inherits.toArray())); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$modules")).add(vo); ((Value.Arr) om.findStrict("$modules", "ti.sdo.ce.universal")).add(vo); vo.bind("$$instflag", 0); vo.bind("$$iobjflag", 1); vo.bind("$$sizeflag", 1); vo.bind("$$dlgflag", 0); vo.bind("$$iflag", 0); vo.bind("$$romcfgs", "|"); vo.bind("$$nortsflag", 0); Proto.Str ps = (Proto.Str) vo.find("Module_State"); if (ps != null) vo.bind("$object", ps.newInstance()); vo.bind( "$$meta_iobj", om.has("ti.sdo.ce.universal.UNIVERSALConfig$$instance$static$init", null) ? 1 : 0); vo.bind("$$fxntab", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$logEvtCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$errorDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); vo.bind("$$assertDescCfgs", Global.newArray()); Value.Map atmap = (Value.Map) vo.getv("$attr"); atmap.setElem("", "./UNIVERSALConfig.xdt"); atmap.seal("length"); vo.bind("TEMPLATE$", "./UNIVERSALConfig.xdt"); pkgV.bind("UNIVERSALConfig", vo); ((Value.Arr) pkgV.getv("$unitNames")).add("UNIVERSALConfig"); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public Content getTagletOutput(Tag tag, TagletWriter writer) { ArrayList inlineTags = new ArrayList(); inlineTags.add(new TextTag(tag.holder(), "<b>")); inlineTags.addAll(Arrays.asList(tag.inlineTags())); inlineTags.add(new TextTag(tag.holder(), "</b>")); return writer.commentTagsToOutput(tag, (Tag[]) inlineTags.toArray(new Tag[] {})); }
/** * Returns all editors. * * @return editors */ EditorArea[] editors() { final ArrayList<EditorArea> edits = new ArrayList<EditorArea>(); for (final Component c : tabs.getComponents()) { if (c instanceof EditorArea) edits.add((EditorArea) c); } return edits.toArray(new EditorArea[edits.size()]); }
ISourceContainer[] getSourceContainers(String location, String id) throws CoreException { ISourceContainer[] containers = (ISourceContainer[]) fSourceContainerMap.get(location); if (containers != null) { return containers; } ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); ModelEntry entry = MonitorRegistry.findEntry(id); boolean match = false; IMonitorModelBase[] models = entry.getWorkspaceModels(); for (int i = 0; i < models.length; i++) { if (isPerfectMatch(models[i], new Path(location))) { IResource resource = models[i].getUnderlyingResource(); // if the plug-in matches a workspace model, // add the project and any libraries not coming via a container // to the list of source containers, in that order if (resource != null) { addProjectSourceContainers(resource.getProject(), result); } match = true; break; } } if (!match) { File file = new File(location); if (file.isFile()) { // in case of linked plug-in projects that map to an external JARd plug-in, // use source container that maps to the library in the linked project. ISourceContainer container = getArchiveSourceContainer(location); if (container != null) { containers = new ISourceContainer[] {container}; fSourceContainerMap.put(location, containers); return containers; } } models = entry.getExternalModels(); for (int i = 0; i < models.length; i++) { if (isPerfectMatch(models[i], new Path(location))) { // try all source zips found in the source code locations IClasspathEntry[] entries = MDEClasspathContainer.getExternalEntries(models[i]); for (int j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) { IRuntimeClasspathEntry rte = convertClasspathEntry(entries[j]); if (rte != null) result.add(rte); } break; } } } IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] entries = (IRuntimeClasspathEntry[]) result.toArray(new IRuntimeClasspathEntry[result.size()]); containers = JavaRuntime.getSourceContainers(entries); fSourceContainerMap.put(location, containers); return containers; }
public WDBObject[] search(SimpleNode expression, Adapter scda) throws Exception { boolean hasWhereClause = (expression != null); WDBObject[] matchesArray = new WDBObject[0]; ArrayList<WDBObject> matchesList = new ArrayList<WDBObject>(); WDBObject[] indexFilteredArray; if (hasWhereClause) { indexFilteredArray = expression .filterObjectsWithIndexes(scda, this.indexes) .getFilteredResults(scda, this.indexes); } else { indexFilteredArray = null; } if (indexFilteredArray == null) { // Simple for loop for search WDBObject object; for (int i = 0; i < this.instances.size(); i++) { object = this.getInstance(i, scda); if (!hasWhereClause || (hasWhereClause && expression.eval(scda, object))) { matchesList.add(object); } } } else { // Simple for loop for search for (int i = 0; i < indexFilteredArray.length; i++) { if (!hasWhereClause || (hasWhereClause && expression.eval(scda, indexFilteredArray[i]))) { matchesList.add(indexFilteredArray[i]); } } } return (WDBObject[]) matchesList.toArray(matchesArray); }
private String[] splitAndRemoveEmpty(String[] sts, String splitSeparator) { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String st : sts) { result.addAll(Arrays.asList(splitAndRemoveEmpty(st, splitSeparator))); } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); }
@NotNull public UsageInfo[] findUsages() { myRenamers.clear(); ArrayList<UsageInfo> result = new ArrayList<UsageInfo>(); List<PsiElement> elements = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(myAllRenames.keySet()); //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { PsiElement element = elements.get(i); final String newName = myAllRenames.get(element); final UsageInfo[] usages = RenameUtil.findUsages( element, newName, mySearchInComments, mySearchTextOccurrences, myAllRenames); final List<UsageInfo> usagesList = Arrays.asList(usages); result.addAll(usagesList); for (AutomaticRenamerFactory factory : myRenamerFactories) { if (factory.isApplicable(element)) { myRenamers.add(factory.createRenamer(element, newName, usagesList)); } } for (AutomaticRenamerFactory factory : Extensions.getExtensions(AutomaticRenamerFactory.EP_NAME)) { if (factory.getOptionName() == null && factory.isApplicable(element)) { myRenamers.add(factory.createRenamer(element, newName, usagesList)); } } } UsageInfo[] usageInfos = result.toArray(new UsageInfo[result.size()]); usageInfos = UsageViewUtil.removeDuplicatedUsages(usageInfos); return usageInfos; }
@Nullable private ProblemDescriptor[] checkMember( final PsiDocCommentOwner docCommentOwner, final InspectionManager manager, final boolean isOnTheFly) { final ArrayList<ProblemDescriptor> problems = new ArrayList<ProblemDescriptor>(); final PsiDocComment docComment = docCommentOwner.getDocComment(); if (docComment == null) return null; final Set<PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement> references = new HashSet<PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement>(); docComment.accept(getVisitor(references, docCommentOwner, problems, manager, isOnTheFly)); for (PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement reference : references) { final List<PsiClass> classesToImport = new ImportClassFix(reference).getClassesToImport(); final PsiElement referenceNameElement = reference.getReferenceNameElement(); problems.add( manager.createProblemDescriptor( referenceNameElement != null ? referenceNameElement : reference, cannotResolveSymbolMessage("<code>" + reference.getText() + "</code>"), !isOnTheFly || classesToImport.isEmpty() ? null : new AddImportFix(classesToImport), ProblemHighlightType.LIKE_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL, isOnTheFly)); } return problems.isEmpty() ? null : problems.toArray(new ProblemDescriptor[problems.size()]); }
/** * ************************************************************************ Lineas de Remesa * * @param whereClause where clause or null (starting with AND) * @return lines */ public MRemesaLine[] getLines(String whereClause, String orderClause) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM C_RemesaLine WHERE C_Remesa_ID=? "); if (whereClause != null) sql.append(whereClause); if (orderClause != null) sql.append(" ").append(orderClause); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), get_TrxName()); pstmt.setInt(1, getC_Remesa_ID()); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) list.add(new MRemesaLine(getCtx(), rs)); rs.close(); pstmt.close(); pstmt = null; } catch (Exception e) { log.saveError("getLines - " + sql, e); } finally { try { if (pstmt != null) pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } pstmt = null; } // MRemesaLine[] lines = new MRemesaLine[list.size()]; list.toArray(lines); return lines; } // getLines
/** * Get Restriction Lines * * @param reload reload data * @return array of lines */ public MGoalRestriction[] getRestrictions(boolean reload) { if (m_restrictions != null && !reload) return m_restrictions; ArrayList<MGoalRestriction> list = new ArrayList<MGoalRestriction>(); // String sql = "SELECT * FROM PA_GoalRestriction " + "WHERE PA_Goal_ID=? AND IsActive='Y' " + "ORDER BY Org_ID, C_BPartner_ID, M_Product_ID"; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, get_Trx()); pstmt.setInt(1, getPA_Goal_ID()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) list.add(new MGoalRestriction(getCtx(), rs, get_Trx())); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } finally { DB.closeStatement(pstmt); DB.closeResultSet(rs); } // m_restrictions = new MGoalRestriction[list.size()]; list.toArray(m_restrictions); return m_restrictions; } // getRestrictions
/** * create a 1-d String array from a network, for easy transmission to R. triples (source, * edgeType, target) are filled in to an array of length 3 * # of interactions * * @param network a gaggle network * @return the edge attributes of the network as a string array */ protected String[] networkEdgeAttributesToStringArray(Network network) { Interaction[] interactions = network.getInteractions(); String source, target, type; String[] attributeNames = network.getEdgeAttributeNames(); ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Interaction interaction : interactions) { source = interaction.getSource(); type = interaction.getType(); target = interaction.getTarget(); String edgeName = source + " (" + type + ") " + target; String terseEdgeName = source + "::" + target + "::" + type; for (String name : attributeNames) { HashMap hash = network.getEdgeAttributes(name); if (hash.containsKey(edgeName)) { Object value = hash.get(edgeName); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(terseEdgeName); sb.append("::"); sb.append(name); sb.append("::"); sb.append(value.toString()); list.add(sb.toString()); } else { System.out.println("no " + name + " attribute for " + edgeName); } } // for a } // for r return list.toArray(new String[0]); } // networkEdgeAttributesToStringArray
// used to read in all dtf files and merge them. public static String[] mergeDTF() { // this section reads in all the text file names mergedDTF = new ArrayList<String>(); File f = new File("/DogeTix/src/BackEnd/DTFFolder"); FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".txt"); // or .dtf } }; File[] files = f.listFiles(filter); Scanner scan; try { // for every dtf file in the directory for (File file : files) { scan = new Scanner(file); while (scan.hasNextLine()) { // add the line to the arraylist mergedDTF.add(scan.nextLine()); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(0); } // merge the files into mergedDTF string array return mergedDTF.toArray(new String[mergedDTF.size()]); }
/** * Get Accessible Goals * * @param ctx context * @return array of goals */ public static MGoal[] getGoals(Ctx ctx) { ArrayList<MGoal> list = new ArrayList<MGoal>(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM PA_Goal WHERE IsActive='Y' " + "ORDER BY SeqNo"; sql = MRole.getDefault(ctx, false) .addAccessSQL(sql, "PA_Goal", false, true); // RW to restrict Access PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, (Trx) null); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { MGoal goal = new MGoal(ctx, rs, null); goal.updateGoal(false); list.add(goal); } } catch (Exception e) { s_log.log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e); } finally { DB.closeStatement(pstmt); DB.closeResultSet(rs); } MGoal[] retValue = new MGoal[list.size()]; list.toArray(retValue); return retValue; } // getGoals
/** * Creates a java process that executes the given main class and waits for the process to * terminate. * * @return a {@link ProcessOutputReader} that can be used to get the exit code and stdout+stderr * of the terminated process. */ public static ProcessOutputReader fg(Class main, String[] vmArgs, String[] mainArgs) throws IOException { File javabindir = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "bin"); File javaexe = new File(javabindir, "java"); int bits = Integer.getInteger("sun.arch.data.model", 0).intValue(); String vmKindArg = (bits == 64) ? "-d64" : null; ArrayList argList = new ArrayList(); argList.add(javaexe.getPath()); if (vmKindArg != null) { argList.add(vmKindArg); } // argList.add("-Dgemfire.systemDirectory=" + // GemFireConnectionFactory.getDefaultSystemDirectory()); argList.add("-Djava.class.path=" + System.getProperty("java.class.path")); argList.add("-Djava.library.path=" + System.getProperty("java.library.path")); if (vmArgs != null) { argList.addAll(Arrays.asList(vmArgs)); } argList.add(main.getName()); if (mainArgs != null) { argList.addAll(Arrays.asList(mainArgs)); } String[] cmd = (String[]) argList.toArray(new String[argList.size()]); return new ProcessOutputReader(Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd)); }