private void initActiveSheet() { if (dataFile == null) return; if (sheetIndex > -1) { dataSheet = dataFile.getSheetAt(sheetIndex); if (dataSheet == null) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Sheet with index " + sheetIndex + " does not exist in file: " + inputFile.getFullPath()); } } else if (sheetName != null) { dataSheet = dataFile.getSheet(sheetName); if (dataSheet == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Sheet with name " + sheetName + " does not exist in file: " + inputFile.getFullPath()); } } else { int index = dataFile.getActiveSheetIndex(); dataSheet = dataFile.getSheetAt(index); } headerColumns = null; int numMergedRegions = dataSheet.getNumMergedRegions(); mergedRegions = new ArrayList<>(numMergedRegions); for (int i = 0; i < numMergedRegions; i++) { mergedRegions.add(dataSheet.getMergedRegion(i)); } }
@Override public List<ConnectionProfile> readProfiles(String filename) { LogMgr.logInfo( "IniProfileStorage.readProfiles()", "Loading connection profiles from " + filename); WbProperties props = new WbProperties(1); BufferedReader reader = null; List<ConnectionProfile> profiles = new ArrayList<>(25); WbFile inifile = new WbFile(filename); try { File fileDir = inifile.getCanonicalFile().getParentFile(); reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); props.loadFromReader(reader); Set<String> keys = getProfileKeys(props); for (String key : keys) { ConnectionProfile profile = readProfile(fileDir, key, props); if (profile != null) { profiles.add(profile); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogMgr.logError( "IniProfileStorage.readProfiles()", "Could not read profiles from: " + filename, ex); } finally { FileUtil.closeQuietely(reader); } return profiles; }
public LoadWorkspaceFileAction(MainWindow aClient, WbFile file) { super(); client = aClient; workspace = file; this.setMenuText(workspace.getFileName()); this.setTooltip(workspace.getFullPath()); this.setIcon(null); }
@Test public void testMapping() { TestUtil util = new TestUtil("PkMappingTest"); WbFile f = new WbFile(util.getBaseDir(), ""); PkMapping map = new PkMapping(f.getFullPath()); TableIdentifier tbl = new TableIdentifier("PERSON"); map.addMapping(tbl, "id"); TableIdentifier tbl2 = new TableIdentifier("person"); List<String> col = map.getPKColumns(tbl2); assertEquals(1, col.size()); assertEquals("id", col.get(0)); }
@Override public void executeAction(ActionEvent e) { boolean canLoad = client.saveWorkspace(true); if (canLoad) { this.client.loadWorkspace(workspace.getFullPath(), true); } }
@Override public void writeFormatFile(DataExporter exporter, RowDataConverter converter) { WbFile baseFile = new WbFile(exporter.getFullOutputFilename()); String dir = baseFile.getParent(); String tableName = exporter.getTableNameToUse(); WbFile ctl = new WbFile(dir, "load_" + tableName + ".sql"); PrintWriter out = null; try { out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(ctl)); out.print("load data infile '"); out.print(baseFile.getFullPath()); out.print("'\n"); out.print(" into table "); out.println(tableName); String encoding = exporter.getEncoding(); if (encoding != null) { out.print(" character set " + encoding + "\n"); } String delim = StringUtil.escapeText(exporter.getTextDelimiter(), CharacterRange.RANGE_CONTROL); out.print(" columns\n"); out.print(" terminated by '" + delim + "'\n"); String quote = exporter.getTextQuoteChar(); if (quote != null) { out.print(" "); if (!exporter.getQuoteAlways()) { out.print("optionally "); } out.print("enclosed by '" + quote + "'\n"); } if (exporter.getExportHeaders()) { out.print(" ignore 1 lines\n"); } } catch (Exception e) { LogMgr.logError( "PostgresCopyStatementWriter.writeFormatFile()", "Could not write format file", e); } finally { FileUtil.closeQuietely(out); } }
public ExcelReader(File excelFile, int sheetNumber, String name) { inputFile = new WbFile(excelFile); sheetIndex = sheetNumber > -1 ? sheetNumber : -1; if (sheetIndex < 0 && StringUtil.isNonBlank(name)) { sheetName = name.trim(); } else { sheetName = null; } useXLSX = inputFile.getExtension().equalsIgnoreCase("xlsx"); }
@Override public List<String> getSheets() { List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); if (dataFile == null) { try { load(); } catch (Exception io) { LogMgr.logError( "ExcelReader.getSheets()", "Could not load Excel file: " + inputFile.getFullPath(), io); return names; } } int count = dataFile.getNumberOfSheets(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { names.add(dataFile.getSheetName(i)); } return names; }
@Test public void testWriteFormatFile() throws Exception { TestUtil util = getTestUtil(); final WbFile export = new WbFile(util.getBaseDir(), "export.txt"); DataExporter exporter = new DataExporter(null) { @Override public String getFullOutputFilename() { return export.getFullPath(); } @Override public boolean getExportHeaders() { return true; } @Override public String getTextDelimiter() { return "\t"; } @Override public String getTextQuoteChar() { return "\""; } @Override public String getEncoding() { return "UTF-8"; } @Override public String getTableNameToUse() { return "person"; } }; ColumnIdentifier id = new ColumnIdentifier("id", Types.INTEGER, true); ColumnIdentifier firstname = new ColumnIdentifier("firstname", Types.VARCHAR); ColumnIdentifier lastname = new ColumnIdentifier("lastname", Types.VARCHAR); final TableIdentifier table = new TableIdentifier("person"); final ResultInfo info = new ResultInfo(new ColumnIdentifier[] {id, firstname, lastname}); info.setUpdateTable(table); RowDataConverter converter = new RowDataConverter() { @Override public ResultInfo getResultInfo() { return info; } @Override public StringBuilder convertRowData(RowData row, long rowIndex) { return new StringBuilder(); } @Override public StringBuilder getStart() { return null; } @Override public StringBuilder getEnd(long totalRows) { return null; } }; try { PostgresCopyStatementWriter writer = new PostgresCopyStatementWriter(); writer.writeFormatFile(exporter, converter); WbFile formatFile = new WbFile(util.getBaseDir(), "import_export.sql"); assertTrue(formatFile.exists()); List<String> contents = StringUtil.readLines(formatFile); assertNotNull(contents); assertEquals(3, contents.size()); assertEquals("copy person (id, firstname, lastname)", contents.get(0).trim()); assertEquals("from '" + export.getFullPath() + "'", contents.get(1).trim()); String expected = "with (format csv, header true, quote '\"', delimiter '\t', encoding 'UTF-8', null '');"; assertEquals(expected, contents.get(2).trim()); } finally { util.emptyBaseDirectory(); } }
@Test public void testWriteFormatFile() throws Exception { TestUtil util = getTestUtil(); final WbFile export = new WbFile(util.getBaseDir(), "export.txt"); DataExporter exporter = new DataExporter(null) { @Override public String getFullOutputFilename() { return export.getFullPath(); } @Override public boolean getExportHeaders() { return true; } @Override public String getTextDelimiter() { return "\t"; } @Override public String getTextQuoteChar() { return "\""; } }; ColumnIdentifier id = new ColumnIdentifier("id", Types.INTEGER, true); ColumnIdentifier firstname = new ColumnIdentifier("firstname", Types.VARCHAR); ColumnIdentifier lastname = new ColumnIdentifier("lastname", Types.VARCHAR); final TableIdentifier table = new TableIdentifier("person"); final ResultInfo info = new ResultInfo(new ColumnIdentifier[] {id, firstname, lastname}); info.setUpdateTable(table); RowDataConverter converter = new RowDataConverter() { @Override public ResultInfo getResultInfo() { return info; } @Override public StringBuilder convertRowData(RowData row, long rowIndex) { return new StringBuilder(); } @Override public StringBuilder getStart() { return null; } @Override public StringBuilder getEnd(long totalRows) { return null; } }; try { SqlServerFormatFileWriter writer = new SqlServerFormatFileWriter(); writer.writeFormatFile(exporter, converter); WbFile formatFile = new WbFile(util.getBaseDir(), "export.fmt"); assertTrue(formatFile.exists()); List<String> contents = StringUtil.readLines(formatFile); assertEquals("7.0", contents.get(0)); assertEquals("3", contents.get(1)); assertEquals("1 SQLCHAR 0 0 \"\\t\" 1 id", contents.get(2).trim()); assertEquals("2 SQLCHAR 0 0 \"\\t\" 2 firstname", contents.get(3).trim()); assertEquals("3 SQLCHAR 0 0 \"\\n\" 3 lastname", contents.get(4).trim()); } finally { util.emptyBaseDirectory(); } }
@Override public StatementRunnerResult execute(String aSql) throws SQLException { StatementRunnerResult result = new StatementRunnerResult(); String parm = SqlUtil.stripVerb(aSql); cmdLine.parse(parm); WbFile inputFile = evaluateFileArgument(cmdLine.getValue(ARG_INPUT)); WbFile outputFile = evaluateFileArgument(cmdLine.getValue(ARG_OUTPUT)); WbFile xsltFile = evaluateFileArgument(cmdLine.getValue(ARG_STYLESHEET)); if (!cmdLine.hasArguments()) { result.addErrorMessageByKey("ErrXsltWrongParameter"); return result; } if (inputFile == null) { result.addErrorMessageByKey("ErrXsltMissingInputFile"); return result; } if (!inputFile.exists()) { result.addErrorMessageByKey("ErrFileNotFound", cmdLine.getValue(ARG_INPUT)); return result; } if (outputFile == null) { result.addErrorMessageByKey("ErrXsltMissingOutputFile"); return result; } if (xsltFile == null) { result.addErrorMessageByKey("ErrXsltMissingStylesheet"); return result; } if (!xsltFile.exists()) { result.addErrorMessageByKey("ErrFileNotFound", cmdLine.getValue(ARG_STYLESHEET)); return result; } Map<String, String> params = getParameters(cmdLine); XsltTransformer transformer = new XsltTransformer(); try { transformer.setSaveSystemOutMessages(true); transformer.setXsltBaseDir(getXsltBaseDir()); transformer.transform(inputFile, outputFile, xsltFile, params); String msg = transformer.getAllOutputs(); if (msg.length() != 0) { result.addMessage(msg); result.addMessage(""); // create newline } WbFile xsltUsed = new WbFile(transformer.getXsltUsed()); WbFile userXslt = new WbFile(xsltFile); if (xsltUsed != null && !userXslt.equals(xsltUsed)) { // If the xslt file has been "automatically" found, inform the user about this result.addMessage(ResourceMgr.getFormattedString("MsgXsltUsed", xsltUsed.getFullPath())); } result.addMessage(ResourceMgr.getFormattedString("MsgXsltSuccessful", outputFile)); result.setSuccess(); } catch (Exception e) { LogMgr.logError( "WbXslt.execute()", "Error when transforming '" + inputFile + "' to '" + outputFile + "' using " + xsltFile, e); String msg = transformer.getAllOutputs(e); LogMgr.logError("WbXslt.execute()", msg, null); result.addErrorMessage(msg); } return result; }
private ConnectionProfile readProfile(File baseDir, String key, WbProperties props) { key = "." + key; String url = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_URL, null); String tags = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_TAGS, null); String name = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_NAME, null); String driverClass = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_DRIVERCLASS, null); String driverJar = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_DRIVERJAR, null); String driverName = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_DRIVERNAME, null); String group = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_GROUP, null); String user = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_USERNAME, null); String pwd = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_PWD, null); String icon = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_ICON, null); String wksp = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_WORKSPACE, null); String delimiter = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_ALT_DELIMITER, null); String macroFile = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_MACROFILE, null); String postConnect = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_SCRIPT_CONNECT, null); String preDisconnect = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_SCRIPT_DISCONNECT, null); String idleScript = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_SCRIPT_IDLE, null); String xmlProps = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_CONN_PROPS, null); String colorValue = props.getProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_INFO_COLOR, null); Properties connProps = toProperties(xmlProps); Color color = Settings.stringToColor(colorValue); boolean autoCommit = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_AUTOCOMMMIT, false); boolean storeCache = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_STORECACHE, false); boolean storePwd = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_STORE_PWD, true); boolean rollback = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_ROLLBACK_DISCONNECT, false); boolean seperateConnection = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_SEPARATECONNECTION, false); boolean ignoreDropError = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_IGNOREDROPERRORS, false); boolean trimCharData = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_TRIMCHARDATA, false); boolean sysDBA = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_ORACLESYSDBA, false); boolean detectOpen = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_DETECTOPENTRANSACTION, false); boolean readonly = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_READONLY, false); boolean preventNoWhere = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_PREVENT_NO_WHERE, false); boolean confirmUpdates = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_CONFIRM_UPDATES, false); boolean promptUsername = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_PROMPTUSERNAME, false); boolean emptyStringIsNull = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_EMPTY_STRING_IS_NULL, false); boolean includeNullInInsert = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_INCLUDE_NULL_ON_INSERT, true); boolean removeComments = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_REMOVE_COMMENTS, false); boolean rememberExplorerSchema = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_REMEMEMBER_SCHEMA, false); boolean hideWarnings = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_HIDE_WARNINGS, false); boolean copyProps = props.getBoolProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_COPY_PROPS, false); int idleTime = props.getIntProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_IDLE_TIME, -1); int size = props.getIntProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_FETCHSIZE, -1); int timeOut = props.getIntProperty(PROP_PREFIX + key + PROP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, -1); Integer fetchSize = null; if (size >= 0) { fetchSize = Integer.valueOf(size); } Integer connectionTimeOut = null; if (timeOut > 0) { connectionTimeOut = Integer.valueOf(timeOut); } // if a driver jar was explicitely specified, that jar should be used // regardless of any registered driver that might be referenced through driverName if (StringUtil.isNonEmpty(driverJar)) { WbFile drvFile = new WbFile(driverJar); if (!drvFile.isAbsolute()) { drvFile = new WbFile(baseDir, driverJar); LogMgr.logDebug( "IniProfileStorage.readProfile()", "Using full path: " + drvFile.getFullPath() + " for driver jar " + driverJar + " from profile " + name); driverJar = drvFile.getFullPath(); } else { driverJar = drvFile.getFullPath(); } DbDriver drv = ConnectionMgr.getInstance().registerDriver(driverClass, driverJar); driverName = drv.getName(); } ObjectNameFilter schemaFilter = getSchemaFilter(props, key); ObjectNameFilter catalogFilter = getCatalogFilter(props, key); ConnectionProfile profile = new ConnectionProfile(); profile.setName(name); profile.setUsername(user); profile.setUrl(url); profile.setInputPassword(pwd); profile.setDriverclass(driverClass); profile.setDriverName(driverName); profile.setGroup(group); profile.setTagList(tags); profile.setDefaultFetchSize(fetchSize); profile.setOracleSysDBA(sysDBA); profile.setReadOnly(readonly); profile.setWorkspaceFile(wksp); profile.setIcon(icon); profile.setConnectionTimeout(connectionTimeOut); profile.setRollbackBeforeDisconnect(rollback); profile.setUseSeparateConnectionPerTab(seperateConnection); profile.setAlternateDelimiterString(delimiter); profile.setMacroFilename(macroFile); profile.setIgnoreDropErrors(ignoreDropError); profile.setTrimCharData(trimCharData); profile.setDetectOpenTransaction(detectOpen); profile.setPreventDMLWithoutWhere(preventNoWhere); profile.setConfirmUpdates(confirmUpdates); profile.setPromptForUsername(promptUsername); profile.setEmptyStringIsNull(emptyStringIsNull); profile.setIncludeNullInInsert(includeNullInInsert); profile.setRemoveComments(removeComments); profile.setStoreExplorerSchema(rememberExplorerSchema); profile.setHideWarnings(hideWarnings); profile.setStoreCacheLocally(storeCache); profile.setAutocommit(autoCommit); profile.setPreDisconnectScript(preDisconnect); profile.setPostConnectScript(postConnect); profile.setIdleScript(idleScript); profile.setIdleTime(idleTime); profile.setStorePassword(storePwd); profile.setCopyExtendedPropsToSystem(copyProps); profile.setConnectionProperties(connProps); profile.setInfoDisplayColor(color); profile.setSchemaFilter(schemaFilter); profile.setCatalogFilter(catalogFilter); return profile; }