Пример #1
  public double getMaxValue(int pixelResolution) {
    Rectangle field = new Rectangle(pixelResolution, pixelResolution);
    double[] drawingPoint = plotSheet.toCoordinatePoint(field.x, 0, field);
    double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

    for (int i = 0; i < pixelResolution; i++) {
      drawingPoint = plotSheet.toCoordinatePoint(i, 0, field);
      double f_x = function.f(drawingPoint[0]);
      if (f_x > max) max = f_x;

    return max;
Пример #2
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see rendering.Drawable#paint(java.awt.Graphics)
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    if (function instanceof StepFunction2D) {
      this.isStepFunction = true;

    Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g;
    Stroke oldStroke = g2D.getStroke();
    g2D.setStroke(new BasicStroke(this.size)); // set stroke width of 10

    Color oldColor = g.getColor();
    Rectangle field = g.getClipBounds();

    if (autoscale) {
      double[] start = this.plotSheet.toCoordinatePoint(0, 0, field);
      double[] end =
          this.plotSheet.toCoordinatePoint(0, 0 + this.plotSheet.getFrameThickness(), field);

      this.scaleFactor = Math.abs(end[1] - start[1]);
      //			this.scaleFactor *= binSize;
    } else {
      this.scaleFactor = 1.0;

    if (this.isOnFrame) yOffset = plotSheet.getyRange()[0];

    double[] drawingPoint = plotSheet.toCoordinatePoint(field.x, 0, field);
    if (this.isOnFrame)
      drawingPoint =
          plotSheet.toCoordinatePoint(field.x + this.plotSheet.getFrameThickness(), 0, field);

    double f_x = function.f(drawingPoint[0]) * scaleFactor * extraScaleFactor;
    double f_x_old = f_x;

    int[] coordStart = plotSheet.toGraphicPoint(drawingPoint[0], f_x, field);
    if (this.isOnFrame)
      coordStart = plotSheet.toGraphicPoint(drawingPoint[0], this.yOffset - f_x, field);

    int[] coordEnd = coordStart;

    int leftStart = field.x + 1;
    int rightEnd = field.width + field.x;
    if (this.isOnFrame) {
      leftStart = field.x + this.plotSheet.getFrameThickness() + 1;
      rightEnd = field.width + field.x - this.plotSheet.getFrameThickness();

    if (this.hasLimit) {
      leftStart = plotSheet.xToGraphic(leftLimit, field);
      rightEnd = plotSheet.xToGraphic(rightLimit, field);

    for (int i = leftStart; i < rightEnd; i++) {
      drawingPoint = plotSheet.toCoordinatePoint(i, 0, field);

      coordEnd = coordStart;

      f_x_old = f_x;
      f_x = function.f(drawingPoint[0]) * scaleFactor * extraScaleFactor;
      coordStart = plotSheet.toGraphicPoint(drawingPoint[0], f_x, field);
      if (this.isOnFrame)
        coordStart = plotSheet.toGraphicPoint(drawingPoint[0], this.yOffset - f_x, field);

      double overlap = 0.2 * (plotSheet.getyRange()[1] - plotSheet.getyRange()[0]);

      if (f_x_old != Double.NaN
          && f_x != Double.NaN
          && f_x_old != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
          && f_x != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
          && f_x_old != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
          && f_x != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
          && f_x_old <= plotSheet.getyRange()[1] + overlap
          && f_x_old >= plotSheet.getyRange()[0] - overlap
          && f_x <= plotSheet.getyRange()[1] + overlap
          && f_x >= plotSheet.getyRange()[0] - overlap) {

        if (!this.isStepFunction) {
          g.drawLine(coordStart[0], coordStart[1], coordEnd[0], coordEnd[1]);
        } else {
          g.drawLine(coordStart[0], coordStart[1], coordStart[0], coordEnd[1]);

      } else if (!warned) {
        System.err.println("Could not draw part of function, possible pole or out of reach");
        warned = true;