public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (fg != null) { fgColor = DisplayOptions.getColor(fg); setForeground(fgColor); } changeFont(); }
public VCaretEntry(SessionShare sshare, ButtonIF vif, String typ) { this.type = typ; this.vnmrIf = vif; this.fg = "black"; this.fontSize = "8"; setText(""); setOpaque(false); orgBg = VnmrRgb.getColorByName("darkGray"); setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.LEFT); setMargin(new Insets(0, 2, 0, 2)); ml = new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { int clicks = evt.getClickCount(); int modifier = evt.getModifiers(); if ((modifier & (1 << 4)) != 0) { if (clicks >= 2) ParamEditUtil.setEditObj((VObjIF) evt.getSource()); } } }; new DropTarget(this, this); DisplayOptions.addChangeListener(this); setEditable(true); caret = new VCaret(); setCaret(caret); addCaretListener(this); }
public VText(SessionShare sshare, ButtonIF vif, String typ) { this.vnmrIf = vif; setOpaque(false); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); twin = new VTextWin(this, sshare, vif, typ); setViewportView(twin); JViewport vp = getViewport(); vp.setBackground(Util.getBgColor()); orgBg = getBackground(); ml = new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { int clicks = evt.getClickCount(); int modifier = evt.getModifiers(); if ((modifier & (1 << 4)) != 0) { if (clicks >= 2) { ParamEditUtil.setEditObj((VObjIF) evt.getSource()); } } } }; new DropTarget(this, this); DisplayOptions.addChangeListener(this); }
/** * constructor * * @param sshare session share */ public SpotterButton(SessionShare sshare) { JMenuItem item; this.sshare = sshare; // setBackground(Global.BGCOLOR); setContentAreaFilled(false); // setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 5)); setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); setBorder(new VButtonBorder()); setUnderline(false); setIcon(Util.getImageIcon("search_20.png")); setToolTipText(Util.getLabel("_Locator_Statements")); addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { // Save startup time by not filling this menu until // it is first clicked. fillPopupMenu(); } }); addPopListener( new PopListener() { public void popHappened(String popStr) { SessionShare sshare = ResultTable.getSshare(); if (popStr.startsWith("save:")) { String saveName = popStr.substring(5); StatementHistory history = sshare.statementHistory(); history.readNamedStatement(saveName); } else if (popStr.startsWith("command:")) { String commandName = popStr.substring(8); int index = commandName.indexOf('/'); String objType = commandName.substring(0, index); LocatorHistory lh = sshare.getLocatorHistory(); // Set History Active Object type to this type. lh.setActiveObjType(objType); // Now get history for this type. StatementHistory history = sshare.statementHistory(); history.appendLastOfType(commandName); } else if (popStr.startsWith("title:")) { String objType = popStr.substring(6); LocatorHistory lh = sshare.getLocatorHistory(); // Update locator to the most recent statement for this type lh.setHistoryToThisType(objType); } } }); DisplayOptions.addChangeListener(this); } // SpotterButton()
public void changeFont() { font = DisplayOptions.getFont(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize); setFont(font); fontH = font.getSize(); rHeight = fontH; if (!inEditMode) { if ((curDim.height > 0) && (rHeight > curDim.height)) { adjustFont(curDim.width, curDim.height); } } repaint(); }
public void adjustFont(int w, int h) { if (h <= 0) return; int oldH = rHeight; if (font == null) { font = getFont(); fontH = font.getSize(); rHeight = fontH; } nHeight = h; if (fontH >= h) rHeight = h - 2; else rHeight = fontH; if ((rHeight < 10) && (fontH > 10)) rHeight = 10; if (oldH != rHeight) { // Font curFont = font.deriveFont((float) rHeight); Font curFont = DisplayOptions.getFont(font.getName(), font.getStyle(), rHeight); setFont(curFont); } if (rHeight > h) rHeight = h; }
/** PropertyChangeListener interface */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (DisplayOptions.isUpdateUIEvent(evt)) SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); }
private void initUi() { String history; String undo; String close; String abandon; String help; String string; char helpMnemonic; char historyMnemonic; char undoMnemonic; char closeMnemonic; char abandonMnemonic; DisplayOptions.addChangeListener(this); // setAlwaysOnTop(true); // Get text for buttons from properties/resource file history = Util.getLabel("blHistory", "Edit..."); undo = Util.getLabel("blUndo", "Undo"); close = Util.getLabel("blClose", "Close"); abandon = Util.getLabel("blAbandon", "Abandon"); help = Util.getLabel("blHelp", "Help"); // buttons undoButton = new JButton(undo); closeButton = new JButton(close); abandonButton = new JButton(abandon); helpButton = new JButton(help); // Create an ArrayList of menu items from properties file ArrayList<String> historyList = new ArrayList<String>(); historyList.add(Util.getLabel("mlHistReturnInitState", "Return to initial state")); historyList.add(Util.getLabel("mlHistMakeSnapshot", "Make a snapshot")); historyList.add(Util.getLabel("mlHistReturnToSnapshot", "Return to snapshot")); historyList.add(Util.getLabel("mlHistReturnToDefault", "Return to system defaults")); // Pop Button for history menu historyButton = new MPopButton(historyList); historyButton.setText(history); // Only set mnemonics if found. if (Util.labelExists("blmHelp")) { string = Util.getLabel("blmHelp"); helpMnemonic = string.charAt(0); helpButton.setMnemonic(helpMnemonic); } if (Util.labelExists("blmUndo")) { string = Util.getLabel("blmUndo"); undoMnemonic = string.charAt(0); undoButton.setMnemonic(undoMnemonic); } if (Util.labelExists("blmAbandon")) { string = Util.getLabel("blmAbandon"); abandonMnemonic = string.charAt(0); abandonButton.setMnemonic(abandonMnemonic); } if (Util.labelExists("blmClose")) { string = Util.getLabel("blmClose"); closeMnemonic = string.charAt(0); closeButton.setMnemonic(closeMnemonic); } if (Util.labelExists("blmHistory")) { string = Util.getLabel("blmHistory"); historyMnemonic = string.charAt(0); historyButton.setMnemonic(historyMnemonic); } helpButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { // Display Help if help file exists CSH_Util.displayCSHelp(dialogTitle); } }); // Make a panel to hold the buttons buttonPane = new JPanel(); // Put an empty border around the inside of the panel. buttonPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 5, 10, 5)); buttonPane.setLayout(new SimpleH2Layout(SimpleH2Layout.CENTER)); // Add the buttons to the panel with space between buttons. buttonPane.add(historyButton); // buttonPane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(5, 0))); buttonPane.add(undoButton); // buttonPane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(5, 0))); buttonPane.add(closeButton); // buttonPane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(5, 0))); buttonPane.add(abandonButton); // buttonPane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(5, 0))); buttonPane.add(helpButton); // Put everything together, using the content pane's BorderLayout. Container contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.add(buttonPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH); setHistoryEnabled(false); // setCloseEnabled(false); setAbandonEnabled(false); setUndoEnabled(false); if (!CSH_Util.haveTopic(dialogTitle)) setHelpEnabled(false); // buttonPane.setVisible(false); // Add key listener to the whole dialog addKeyListener(this); // Make the frame fit its contents. // pack(); // nothing to pack. }
public void destroy() { DisplayOptions.removeChangeListener(this); }
public void setAttribute(int attr, String c) { switch (attr) { case TYPE: type = c; break; case FGCOLOR: fg = c; fgColor = DisplayOptions.getColor(fg); setForeground(fgColor); repaint(); break; case BGCOLOR: if (!DisplayOptions.isOption(DisplayOptions.COLOR, c)) c = null; bg = c; if (c != null) { bgColor = DisplayOptions.getColor(c); setOpaque(true); } else { bgColor = Util.getBgColor(); if (isActive < 1) setOpaque(true); else setOpaque(inEditMode); } setBackground(bgColor); repaint(); break; case COLOR2: caretColor = c; if (DisplayOptions.isOption(DisplayOptions.COLOR, c)) { Color col = DisplayOptions.getColor(c); setCaretColor(col); setSelectionColor(col); } break; case SHOW: showVal = c; setBorder(isEnabled); break; case FONT_NAME: fontName = c; break; case FONT_STYLE: fontStyle = c; break; case FONT_SIZE: fontSize = c; break; case SETVAL: setVal = c; break; case SETVAL2: caretQuery = c; break; case VARIABLE: vnmrVar = c; break; case CMD: vnmrCmd = c; break; case CMD2: caretCmd = c; break; case NUMDIGIT: precision = c; break; case LABEL: label = c; break; case VALUE: value = c; setText(c); break; case KEYSTR: keyStr = c; break; case KEYVAL: setText(c); break; case DISABLE: m_strDisAbl = c; break; } }
public void fillPopupMenu() { JMenuItem item; TextImageIcon textIcon; StatementHistory history; int rowCount = 0; int numRows = 0; Insets margin = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); // Get the font defined in the displayOptions panel for menus Font ft = DisplayOptions.getFont("Menu1"); // We need a fairly small font, so make it 2 smaller. int size = ft.getSize(); // If larger than 12, subtract 2 if (size > 12) size -= 2; Font font = DisplayOptions.getFont(ft.getName(), ft.getStyle(), size); // This flag is used so that we only fill the menu when needed if (menuAlreadyFilled) return; menuAlreadyFilled = true; history = sshare.statementHistory(); ArrayList list = history.getNamedStatementList(); Color bgColor = Util.getBgColor(); // Only show the Saved Statements section if there are some. if (list != null && list.size() != 0) { item = popup.add("Saved Statements"); rowCount++; // item.setForeground(; // item.setBackground(bgColor); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); popup.add(item); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ArrayList nameNlabel = (ArrayList) list.get(i); // first item in nameNlabel is name and second is label item = popup.add(" " + (String) nameNlabel.get(1)); rowCount++; item.setActionCommand("save:" + (String) nameNlabel.get(0)); // item.setBackground(bgColor); item.addActionListener(popActionListener); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); } } // the rest of menu (return object types, statement types, etc.) ShufflerService shufflerService = sshare.shufflerService(); ArrayList objTypes = shufflerService.getAllMenuObjectTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < objTypes.size(); i++) { String objType = (String) objTypes.get(i); // Do not display menu for DB_AVAIL_SUB_TYPES if (objType.equals(Shuf.DB_AVAIL_SUB_TYPES)) continue; // addSeparator looks bad using GridLayout because it creates rows // and columns which are all equal in size. It cannot have a row // with a separator which is a different height than the other // rectangles it creates. So just use dashes. item = popup.add(separator); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); rowCount++; item = popup.add(shufflerService.getCategoryLabel(objType)); rowCount++; // item.setForeground(; item.setActionCommand("title:" + objType); // item.setBackground(bgColor); item.addActionListener(popActionListener); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); ArrayList menuStrings = shufflerService.getmenuStringsThisObj(objType); // If current rowCount plus the next section size is too big, // specify the numRows to the current value of rowCount -1. // That is, put this next section in a new column. // 47 is emperical number of rows to fit 90% full screen. if (numRows == 0 && rowCount - 1 + menuStrings.size() > 44) { numRows = rowCount - 2; } for (int j = 0; j < menuStrings.size(); j++) { String menuString = (String) menuStrings.get(j); item = popup.add(" " + menuString); rowCount++; item.setActionCommand("command:" + objType + "/" + menuString); // item.setBackground(bgColor); item.addActionListener(popActionListener); item.setFont(font); item.setMargin(margin); } // The spotter menu changes dynamically when // the list of saved statements changes. history.addStatementListener( new StatementAdapter() { public void saveListChanged() { refreshSaveMenu(); } }); } if (numRows == 0) numRows = rowCount; GridLayoutCol lm = new GridLayoutCol(numRows, 0); popup.setLayout(lm); }