Пример #1
   * Returns the view for editing the restaurant. Checks if restaurant with provided id exists, if
   * it does, returns view for editing.
   * @param restaurantId
   * @return
  public Result editRestaurant(Integer restaurantId) {
    Restaurant restaurant = Restaurant.findRestaurantById(restaurantId);

    if (restaurant != null) {
      return ok(views.html.restaurant.updateRestaurant.render(restaurant));
    } else {
      return redirect(routes.Application.index());
Пример #2
   * Saves restaurant into the database. Collects all data from the form, checks if provided hotel
   * already contains a restaurant (according to project specifications, one hotel can contain only
   * one restaurant).
   * @param hotelId
   * @return
  public Result saveRestaurant(Integer hotelId) {

    // Checking if there is a restaurant with provided
    // hotel id in the database.
    if (!Restaurant.existsInDB(hotelId)) {
      Form<Restaurant> boundForm = restaurantForm.bindFromRequest();

      Restaurant restaurant = new Restaurant();
      Form<Restaurant> restaurantForm1 = restaurantForm.bindFromRequest();

      // Collecting data from the form
      String name = restaurantForm1.field("name").value();
      String restaurantType = restaurantForm1.field("restauranType").value();
      Integer capacity = Integer.parseInt(restaurantForm1.field("capacity").value());
      String description = restaurantForm1.field("description").value();
      String open = restaurantForm1.field("restOpen").value();
      String close = restaurantForm1.field("restClose").value();
      String workingHours = open + " - " + close;

      restaurant.name = name;
      restaurant.restauranType = restaurantType;
      restaurant.capacity = capacity;
      restaurant.workingHours = workingHours;
      restaurant.description = description;

      // Finding hotel with provided hotel id
      Hotel hotel = Hotel.findHotelById(hotelId);

      // Checking if hotel with provided id exists
      if (hotel != null) {
        restaurant.hotel = hotel;

      // Getting timestamp
      Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
      restaurant.timestamp = c.getTime();

      // Saving the restaurant into the database

    } else {
      flash("error", "There is already added restaurant for selected hotel.");
      return ok(createRestaurant.render(hotelId));

    if (session("userId") != null) {
      flash("create", "The restaurant was created!");
      return redirect(routes.Hotels.showSellerHotels());
    } else {
      return redirect(routes.Application.index());
Пример #3
   * Updates currently selected restaurant. Checks if room with selected id exists, if it does,
   * collects data from the form and updates the room.
   * @param restaurantId
   * @return
  public Result updateRestaurant(Integer restaurantId) {

    // Creating restaurant with provided restaurantId
    Restaurant restaurant = Restaurant.findRestaurantById(restaurantId);

    // Checking if such restaurant exists
    // If it does, collects its data and updates the restaurant.
    if (restaurant != null) {
      Form<Restaurant> restaurantForm1 = restaurantForm.bindFromRequest();

      String name = restaurantForm1.field("name").value();
      String restaurantType = restaurantForm1.field("restauranType").value();
      Integer capacity = Integer.parseInt(restaurantForm1.field("capacity").value());
      String description = restaurantForm1.field("description").value();
      String open = restaurantForm1.field("restOpen").value();
      String close = restaurantForm1.field("restClose").value();
      String workingHours = open + " - " + close;

      restaurant.name = name;
      restaurant.restauranType = restaurantType;
      restaurant.capacity = capacity;
      restaurant.workingHours = workingHours;
      restaurant.description = description;

      // Adding images for the restaurant.
      Http.MultipartFormData body1 = request().body().asMultipartFormData();
      List<Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart> fileParts = body1.getFiles();
      if (fileParts != null) {
        for (Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart filePart1 : fileParts) {
          File file = filePart1.getFile();
          Image image = Image.create(file, null, null, null, null, restaurantId);


    if (session("userId") != null) {
      flash("edit", "The restaurant was updated!");
      return redirect(routes.Hotels.showSellerHotels());
    } else {
      return redirect(routes.Application.index());