Пример #1
   * @param g
   * @param s get the boundaryvalues for the shape
  public static void paintTexture(Graphics2D g, Shape s, DrawingPad pad) {
    Rectangle r = s.getBounds();
    if (r.height <= 0 || r.width <= 0) return;
     * when the height and width of the symbol is greater than 0 then GraphicsConfiguration is set
     * to DeviceConnfiguration
    GraphicsConfiguration config = g.getDeviceConfiguration();
    BufferedImage strip = (BufferedImage) pad.getImage();

    /** creates an object gstrip for drawing horizontal and vertical strip */
    Graphics2D gStrip = strip.createGraphics();

    horStrip(gStrip, strip, 0, r.width, 0);

    Shape prevClip = g.getClip();
    if (!r.equals(s)) {

    vertStrip(g, strip, r.y, r.height, r.x);