@Test public void replaceAll() throws Exception { assertEquals( "my name is Bob, Bob is my name", StringUtil.replaceAll("my name is $name, $name is my name", "$name", "Bob")); assertEquals("_$namex_", StringUtil.replaceAll("_$name_", "$name", "$namex")); }
/** * find the smells related to one file, and update file object * * @param issue * @param filename */ public static void addSmell2File(JSONObject issue, JSONObject file, String dir) { String version = (String) issue.get("affect"); if (version == null || version.equals("")) { return; } version = StringUtil.formatIssueVersion(version); String extractedName = StringUtil.dir2pkg(dir); for (int i = 0; i < smells.size(); i++) { JSONObject smell = (JSONObject) smells.get(i); if (version.equals(smell.get("version"))) { JSONArray smellsPerVersion = (JSONArray) smell.get("smells"); for (int j = 0; j < smellsPerVersion.size(); j++) { JSONObject smellPerVersion = (JSONObject) smellsPerVersion.get(j); String classname = (String) smellPerVersion.get("classname"); // found the smells related to particular file if (classname.contains(extractedName)) { // add the smells to this file!! JSONObject tmpSmell = null; if (file.containsKey("smells")) { tmpSmell = (JSONObject) file.get("smells"); int tmpSmellNum = Integer.parseInt(smellPerVersion.get("bco").toString()); if (tmpSmellNum != 0) { tmpSmell.put("Concern_Overload", tmpSmellNum); } // exclude dependency cycle for now // tmpSmell.put("bdc", smellPerVersion.get("bdc")); tmpSmellNum = Integer.parseInt(smellPerVersion.get("buo").toString()); if (tmpSmellNum != 0) { tmpSmell.put("Link_Overload", tmpSmellNum); } tmpSmellNum = Integer.parseInt(smellPerVersion.get("spf").toString()); if (tmpSmellNum != 0) { tmpSmell.put("Scattered_Parasitic_Functionality", tmpSmellNum); } } else { tmpSmell = new JSONObject(); int tmpSmellNum = Integer.parseInt(smellPerVersion.get("bco").toString()); if (tmpSmellNum != 0) { tmpSmell.put("Concern_Overload", tmpSmellNum); } // exclude dependency cycle for now // tmpSmell.put("bdc", smellPerVersion.get("bdc")); tmpSmellNum = Integer.parseInt(smellPerVersion.get("buo").toString()); if (tmpSmellNum != 0) { tmpSmell.put("Link_Overload", tmpSmellNum); } tmpSmellNum = Integer.parseInt(smellPerVersion.get("spf").toString()); if (tmpSmellNum != 0) { tmpSmell.put("Scattered_Parasitic_Functionality", tmpSmellNum); } file.put("smells", tmpSmell); } } } return; } } }
public void testCreate() { board.initialize(); assertEquals(32, board.pieceCount()); String blankRank = StringUtil.appendNewLine("........"); assertEquals( StringUtil.appendNewLine("RNBQKBNR") + StringUtil.appendNewLine("PPPPPPPP") + blankRank + blankRank + blankRank + blankRank + StringUtil.appendNewLine("pppppppp") + StringUtil.appendNewLine("rnbqkbnr"), board.print()); }
public String getSmartsMatchesFilePath( MatchEngine matchEngine, List<ListedFragmentProperty> fragments) { String allSmartsStrings = ""; for (ListedFragmentProperty fragment : fragments) allSmartsStrings += fragment.getSmarts(); String enc = StringUtil.getMD5(matchEngine + allSmartsStrings); return Settings.destinationFile(dataset, enc + ".matches.csv"); }
@Test public void testCombineArraysWithOneItemInFirst() { String[] first = new String[] {"a"}; String[] result = StringUtil.combineArrays(first, new String[] {}); assertEquals(1, result.length); assertEquals("a", result[0]); }
public byte[] getTarget() throws URLSyntaxException { if (target == null) { getSchemeSpecificPart(); if (schemeSpecificPart == null) { throw new URLSyntaxException(); } int idx = schemeSpecificPart.indexOf(";"); if (idx == -1) { target = StringUtil.getBytes(schemeSpecificPart, true); } else { target = StringUtil.getBytes(schemeSpecificPart.substring(0, idx), true); } } return target; }
public String getAlignResultsPerClusterFilePath(int clusterIndex, String params) { return Settings.destinationFile( dataset, getEncodedSettingsIncludingFeatures(clusteringData.getDatasetClusterer()) + "." + StringUtil.getMD5(clusterIndex + params) + ".cluster"); }
@Test public void testCombineArraysWithOneItemInEach() { String[] first = new String[] {"a"}; String[] second = new String[] {"b"}; String[] result = StringUtil.combineArrays(first, second); assertEquals(2, result.length); assertEquals("a", result[0]); assertEquals("b", result[1]); }
/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { ChucDanh chucDanh = new ChucDanh("GD", "Giam Doc", 0); NguoiDung nguoiDung = new NguoiDung( "b1203950", "Vo Phu Quoi", "Can Tho", "*****@*****.**", "0979921380", chucDanh); // new ChucDanhDAO().addChucDanh(chucDanh); new NguoiDungDAO().addNguoiDung(nguoiDung); new CTNguoiDungDAO() .addCTNguoiDung(new CTNguoiDung(nguoiDung.getMsnv(), StringUtil.encryptMD5("12345678"), 0)); }
public ResultSet departmentList(Connection con, pageBean pageBean, departmentList department) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("select * from table_department"); if (department != null && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(department.getDepartmentInfo())) { sb.append(" and departmentInfo like '%" + department.getDepartmentInfo() + "%'"); } if (pageBean != null) { sb.append(" limit " + pageBean.getStart() + "," + pageBean.getRows()); } PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sb.toString().replaceFirst("and", "where")); return pstmt.executeQuery(); }
/** @return */ public String resetPassword() { this.volunteer = (VolunteerBean) getBusiness().getLeaf(getId()).getResponseData(); this.listSource = (List<SourceCodeBean>) SOURBUS.getAllLeaves().getResponseData(); if (volunteer != null) { SystemSettingBean systemSetting = ssb.getLeaf(); volunteer.setPassword(StringUtil.toMD5(systemSetting.getDefaultPassword())); getBusiness().updateLeaf(volunteer, volunteer); addActionMessage("密码重置成功!"); } else { addActionError("获取用户失败!重置密码失败!"); } return SUCCESS; }
@RequestMapping("about") public void About(Model model, String id) { List<Article> aboutList = aboutService.getAboutList(); model.addAttribute("aboutlist", aboutList); if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(id) && aboutList.size() > 0) { id = String.valueOf(aboutList.get(0).getId()); } model.addAttribute("classid", id); List<Article> aboutOneContent = aboutService.getAboutOneContent(id); model.addAttribute("aboutonecontent", aboutOneContent); }
public int departmentCount(Connection con, departmentList department) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("select count(*) as total from table_department"); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(department.getDepartmentInfo())) { sb.append(" and departmentInfo like '%" + department.getDepartmentInfo() + "%'"); } PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sb.toString().replaceFirst("and", "where")); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { return rs.getInt("total"); } else { return 0; } }
// 根据名字查找商品列表, 包括参数是否有库存 public String findProductByName() { setMessage(null); setTitle("商品查找结果"); System.out.println("mergeParamsAsURI=" + mergeParamsAsURI()); try { String name = getParameter("keyword"); String availableStr = getParameter("available"); boolean available = false; try { available = Boolean.parseBoolean(availableStr); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) { setMessage("请输入商品名字"); } else { setTitle("所有名字包含" + name + "的商品列表"); List<Product> products = productManager.findAllByNameIncludeAmount(name, available); int currentPage = getParameterInt("page"); PageBean pageBean = new PageBean(); pageBean.setCurrentPage(currentPage); pageBean.setPageCount(2); pageBean.setRecordCount( (int) productManager.countFindAllByNameIncludeAmount(name, available)); pageBean.setPageUrl("product/findByName.action?" + mergeParamsAsURI()); setAttribute("pageBean", pageBean); if (products == null || products.size() == 0) { throw new Exception(); } setAttribute("products", products); } } catch (Exception e) { setMessage("没有符合条件的商品信息"); } if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(getParameter("ajax"))) { return "ajax"; } return SUCCESS; }
@Test public void testCombineArraysWithMixedNumbers() { String[] first = new String[] {"a", "b", "c"}; String[] second = new String[] {"d", "e"}; String[] third = new String[] {"f", "g", "h"}; String[] result = StringUtil.combineArrays(first, second, third); assertEquals(8, result.length); assertEquals("a", result[0]); assertEquals("b", result[1]); assertEquals("c", result[2]); assertEquals("d", result[3]); assertEquals("e", result[4]); assertEquals("f", result[5]); assertEquals("g", result[6]); assertEquals("h", result[7]); }
@Test public void shouldStripCarriageReturns() throws Exception { assertEquals("\n", StringUtil.stripCarriageReturns("\n")); assertEquals("\n", StringUtil.stripCarriageReturns("\n\r")); assertEquals("\n", StringUtil.stripCarriageReturns("\n\r\r\r\r\r")); assertEquals("\n", StringUtil.stripCarriageReturns("\r\n")); assertEquals("\n\n", StringUtil.stripCarriageReturns("\r\n\r\n\r\r\r")); assertEquals( "This\nis\na\nset\nof\nlines.\n", StringUtil.stripCarriageReturns("This\n\ris\r\na\nset\r\n\rof\nlines.\n\r")); }
public static void addSmell2Issue(JSONObject issue) { JSONArray commits = (JSONArray) issue.get("commits"); // iterate commits for (int commitIdx = 0; commitIdx < commits.size(); commitIdx++) { JSONObject commit = (JSONObject) commits.get(commitIdx); JSONArray files = (JSONArray) commit.get("files"); // iterate files in each commit for (int fileIdx = 0; fileIdx < files.size(); fileIdx++) { JSONObject file = (JSONObject) files.get(fileIdx); String filename = (String) file.get("filename"); String[] pkgPrefixs = projectConfig.getValue("PKG_PREFIX").split("#"); if (StringUtil.isValidFilename(filename, pkgPrefixs)) { addSmell2File(issue, file, filename); } } } }
@RequestMapping("joinus") public void JoinUs(Model model, String id) { List<Article> joinusList = aboutService.getJoinUsList(); model.addAttribute("joinuslist", joinusList); if (StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(id) && joinusList.size() > 0) { id = String.valueOf(joinusList.get(0).getId()); } model.addAttribute("classid", id); List<Article> joinUsOneContent = aboutService.getJoinUsOneContent(id); model.addAttribute("joinusonecontent", joinUsOneContent); // 附加的文章 List<Article> othersArticle = aboutService.getOthersArticleByType(Constants.JOIN_ARTICLE); model.addAttribute("othersarticle", othersArticle); }
public static Set<String> getDirectoryPrefix() { Set<String> prefixs = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < issues.size(); i++) { JSONObject issue = (JSONObject) issues.get(i); JSONArray commits = (JSONArray) issue.get("commits"); // iterate commits for (int commitIdx = 0; commitIdx < commits.size(); commitIdx++) { JSONObject commit = (JSONObject) commits.get(commitIdx); JSONArray files = (JSONArray) commit.get("files"); // iterate files in each commit for (int fileIdx = 0; fileIdx < files.size(); fileIdx++) { JSONObject file = (JSONObject) files.get(fileIdx); String filename = (String) file.get("filename"); prefixs.add(StringUtil.extractPkgPrefix(filename)); } } } return prefixs; }
private void parseParameters() throws URLSyntaxException { if (parameters == null) { parameters = new KeyValueMap(); getSchemeSpecificPart(); int idx = schemeSpecificPart.indexOf(';'); String parameters = schemeSpecificPart.substring(idx); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(parameters, ";"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String nextToken = tokenizer.nextToken(); idx = nextToken.indexOf('='); if (idx == -1) { throw new URLSyntaxException(); } String key = nextToken.substring(0, idx); byte[] value = StringUtil.getBytes(nextToken.substring(idx + 1), true); this.parameters.put(key, value); } } }
@Test public void testTrimAllSpacesStringResultsInEmptyString() { assertEquals("", StringUtil.trimNonNullString(" ")); }
public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = StringUtil.constructStringBuffer("Mission: ", noOfRegistered); buf.append(" handlers"); return buf.toString(); }
@Test public void testTrimNullStringReturnsNull() { assertEquals(null, StringUtil.trimNonNullString(null)); }
@Test public void testCombineArraysBothEmpty() { assertEquals(0, StringUtil.combineArrays(new String[] {}, new String[] {}).length); }
@Test public void testTrimStringWithLeadingAndTrailingSpaces() { assertEquals("FitNesse", StringUtil.trimNonNullString(" FitNesse ")); }