/** * This clause update Status and Process Date * * @return String format of update statement */ protected String buildUpdateStatus() throws Exception { // the String to return StringBuffer sbUpdate = null; // init the buffer sbUpdate = new StringBuffer("update stage_usac_form set "); // build the query sbUpdate.append("STATUS = " + this.STATUS); sbUpdate.append(", PROCESS_DATE = SYSDATE "); return sbUpdate.toString(); }
/** * Method to build a select clause for distinct filenames for a particular usac refrence number in * stage_usac_form * * @return String, the built select clause */ protected String buildSelectFileName() { USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("INSIDE buildSelectFileName()", this, null); // the String to return StringBuffer sbSelect = null; // init the buffer sbSelect = new StringBuffer("select "); // build the query sbSelect.append("distinct(FILENAME) "); sbSelect.append("from stage_usac_form "); return sbSelect.toString(); }
/** * This method searches the table stage_usac_form for the USAC File Name. It returns all the * columns in the table. * * @param <code>String file</code> The USAC File Name * @return Vector containing the Result Set */ public Vector searchStageUsacFormByFile(String file) { // the buffer for the query StringBuffer sbQuery = null; try { // init the buffer sbQuery = new StringBuffer(""); // build the query sbQuery.append(buildSelectClause()); sbQuery.append(" where upper(rtrim(ltrim(FILENAME)))=upper('" + file + "')"); sbQuery.append(" order by FRN , SDC_INV_NO "); // write to log if in debug mode USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug( "searchStageUsacFormByFile() " + "sbQuery is " + sbQuery.toString() + "\n", this, null); } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("searchStageUsacFormByFile(): " + e.getMessage(), this, e); } return super.selectSQLCall(sbQuery.toString()); }
/** * This method searches the table stage_usac_form for the SDC Invoice Number. It returns all the * columns in the table. * * @param <code>String invoice</code> The SDC Invoice Number * @return Vector containing the Result Set */ public Vector searchStageUsacFormByInv(String invoice) { // the buffer for the query StringBuffer sbQuery = null; try { // init the buffer sbQuery = new StringBuffer(""); // build the query sbQuery.append(buildSelectClause()); sbQuery.append(" where rtrim(ltrim(SDC_INV_NO))='" + invoice + "'"); // write to log if in debug mode USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug( "searchStageUsacFormByInv() " + "sbQuery is " + sbQuery.toString() + "\n", this, null); } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("searchStageUsacFormByInv(): " + e.getMessage(), this, e); } return super.selectSQLCall(sbQuery.toString()); }
// NEW METHOD TO UPDATE PROCESS DATE AND STATUS IN STAGE_USAC_FORM TABLE public boolean updateStatus() { // the buffer for the query StringBuffer sbQuery = null; try { // init the buffer sbQuery = new StringBuffer(); // build the query sbQuery.append(buildUpdateStatus()); sbQuery.append(" WHERE "); sbQuery.append(" ROWID = '" + this.ROWID + "' "); if (super.doSQLOneRowCall(sbQuery.toString())) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug( "updateStatus(): SUCCESS. sbQuery is " + sbQuery.toString() + "\n", this, null); return true; } else { USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug( "updateStatus(): Failure! sbQuery is " + sbQuery.toString() + "\n", this, null); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit( "exception in updateStatus ) " + "Unable to update a stage_usac_form status and process date: " + e.getMessage() + " with Query: " + sbQuery.toString(), this, e); return false; } }
/** * Method to build a select clause for all the columns in stage_usac_form table. * * @return String, the built select clause */ protected String buildSelectClauseRaw() { USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("INSIDE buildSelectClauseRaw()", this, null); // the String to return StringBuffer sbSelect = null; // init the buffer sbSelect = new StringBuffer("select "); // build the query // IMPORTANT STEP*****ROWID IS ALSO INCLUDED IN THE SELECT STATEMENT sbSelect.append("ROWID, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(HDR_SPIN,0) HDR_SPIN, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(SPIN_NM,'') SPIN_NM, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(RCPNT_EMAIL,'') RCPNT_EMAIL, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(USAC_EMAIL,'') USAC_EMAIL, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(RFRNC_NMBR,'') RFRNC_NMBR, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(RCRD_CNT,0) RCRD_CNT, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(TOT_PAYMENT,0) TOT_PAYMENT, "); sbSelect.append("USAC_PRCS_DAT, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(RTRCT_FLAG,'') RTRCT_FLAG, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(DTL_SPIN,0) DTL_SPIN, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(FRN,0) FRN, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(SDC_INV_NO,'') SDC_INV_NO, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(AMT_PAID,0) AMT_PAID, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(DSBRSMNT_TXT,'') DSBRSMNT_TXT, "); sbSelect.append("EMAIL_DATE, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(FILENAME,'') FILENAME, "); sbSelect.append("PROCESS_DATE, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(STATUS,0) STATUS "); sbSelect.append(" from stage_usac_form "); return sbSelect.toString(); }
/** * This method searches the tables FRNS, FRN_DETS, FRN_DET_HSTIES for the presence of a record in * a specific query. It returns the invoice line number. * * @param <code>StageUsacForm</code> The STAGE_USAC object. * @return long containing the invoice line number. */ public long searchForAmount(java.sql.Connection conn) { // the buffer for the query StringBuffer sbQuery = null; long returnAmt = 0; // Vector invline=null; PreparedStatement psStmt = null; ResultSet rsResult = null; try { // init the buffer sbQuery = new StringBuffer(""); // build the query sbQuery.append("SELECT max(INV_LN_NO) AS INV_LN_NO_MAX "); sbQuery.append("FROM (SELECT sum(CRDT_AMT) AMT, INV_LN_NO "); sbQuery.append("FROM FRNS, FRN_DETS, FRN_DET_HSTIES, INV "); sbQuery.append("WHERE "); sbQuery.append("FRN_ID=FRN_ID_FK AND FD_ID=FD_ID_FK AND INV_STAT='I' AND "); sbQuery.append("INV_ID_FK=INV_ID"); // sbQuery.append(" AND FRN = ?'"); sbQuery.append(" AND FRN = ? "); // sbQuery.append(this.getFrn()); // sbQuery.append("' GROUP BY INV_LN_NO) " ); sbQuery.append(" GROUP BY INV_LN_NO) "); sbQuery.append(" WHERE AMT = ?"); // sbQuery.append(this.getAmtPaid()); // write to log if in debug mode USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug( "searchForAmount(StageUsacForm) " + "sbQuery is " + sbQuery.toString() + "\n", this, null); psStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sbQuery.toString()); // psStmt.setLong(1,this.getFrn()); psStmt.setString(1, String.valueOf(this.getFrn())); psStmt.setDouble(2, this.getAmtPaid()); rsResult = psStmt.executeQuery(); if (rsResult.next()) { returnAmt = rsResult.getLong(1); } if (rsResult != null) rsResult.close(); if (psStmt != null) psStmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { try { if (rsResult != null) rsResult.close(); if (psStmt != null) psStmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close ResultSet and statement", this, ex); } USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit("searchForAmount(StageUsacForm) Failed Query:" + sbQuery.toString(), this, e); } /* try { if( rsResult != null) rsResult.close(); } catch(Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close ResultSet",this,null); } try { if( psStmt != null) psStmt.close(); } catch(Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("Unable to close Prepared Statement",this,null); }*/ return (returnAmt); } // searchForAmount
/** * This method updates this object into the stage_usac_form table. * * @return boolean, true if update successful else false. */ public boolean updateStageUsacForm() { // the buffer for the query StringBuffer sbQuery = null; try { // init the buffer sbQuery = new StringBuffer(); // build the query sbQuery.append(buildUpdateClause()); sbQuery.append(" WHERE "); sbQuery.append(" FRN = " + this.getFrn()); sbQuery.append(" AND SDC_INV_NO = '" + this.getSdcInvno() + "' "); sbQuery.append(" AND HDR_SPIN = " + this.getHdrSpin()); sbQuery.append(" AND DSBRSMNT_TXT = '" + this.getDsbrsmntTxt() + "' "); // update row - return true if update successful if (super.doSQLOneRowCall(sbQuery.toString())) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug( "updateStageUsacForm(): SUCCESS. sbQuery is " + sbQuery.toString() + "\n", this, null); return true; } else { USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug( "searchStageUsacFormByInv(): Failure! sbQuery is " + sbQuery.toString() + "\n", this, null); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit( "updateStageUsacForm(long lQL>, long lStageUsacForm) " + "Unable to update a stage_usac_form record: " + e.getMessage() + " with Query: " + sbQuery.toString(), this, e); return false; } // update was not successful, return false // return false; }
/** * Method to build a update clause for all the columns in stage_usac_form table. * * @return String, the built update clause * @exception Throws Exception on error */ protected String buildUpdateClause() throws Exception { // the String to return StringBuffer sbUpdate = null; // init the buffer sbUpdate = new StringBuffer("update stage_usac_form set "); // build the query sbUpdate.append("HDR_SPIN = " + this.HDR_SPIN); sbUpdate.append(", SPIN_NM = '" + this.SPIN_NM + "'"); sbUpdate.append(", RCPNT_EMAIL = '" + this.RCPNT_EMAIL + "'"); sbUpdate.append(", USAC_EMAIL = '" + this.USAC_EMAIL + "'"); sbUpdate.append(", RFRNC_NMBR = '" + this.RFRNC_NMBR + "'"); sbUpdate.append(", RCRD_CNT = " + this.RCRD_CNT); sbUpdate.append(", TOT_PAYMENT = " + this.TOT_PAYMENT); if (this.USAC_PRCS_DAT == null) { sbUpdate.append(", USAC_PRCS_DAT = null"); } else { sbUpdate.append(", USAC_PRCS_DAT = '" + this.USAC_PRCS_DAT + "'"); } sbUpdate.append(", RTRCT_FLAG = '" + this.RTRCT_FLAG + "'"); sbUpdate.append(", DTL_SPIN = " + this.DTL_SPIN); sbUpdate.append(", FRN = " + this.FRN); sbUpdate.append(", SDC_INV_NO = '" + this.SDC_INV_NO + "'"); sbUpdate.append(", AMT_PAID = " + this.AMT_PAID); sbUpdate.append(", DSBRSMNT_TXT = '" + this.DSBRSMNT_TXT + "'"); if (this.EMAIL_DATE == null) { sbUpdate.append(", EMAIL_DATE = null"); } else { sbUpdate.append(", EMAIL_DATE = '" + this.EMAIL_DATE + "'"); } sbUpdate.append(", FILENAME = '" + this.FILENAME + "'"); if (this.PROCESS_DATE == null) { sbUpdate.append(", PROCESS_DATE = null"); } else { sbUpdate.append(", PROCESS_DATE = '" + this.PROCESS_DATE + "'"); } sbUpdate.append(", STATUS = " + this.STATUS); return sbUpdate.toString(); }
/** * Method to build a select clause for all the columns in stage_usac_form table. * * @return String, the built select clause */ protected String buildSelectClause() { // the String to return StringBuffer sbSelect = null; // init the buffer sbSelect = new StringBuffer("select "); // build the query sbSelect.append("ROWID, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(HDR_SPIN,0) HDR_SPIN, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(SPIN_NM,'') SPIN_NM, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(RCPNT_EMAIL,'') RCPNT_EMAIL, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(USAC_EMAIL,'') USAC_EMAIL, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(RFRNC_NMBR,'') RFRNC_NMBR, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(RCRD_CNT,0) RCRD_CNT, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(TOT_PAYMENT,0) TOT_PAYMENT, "); sbSelect.append("USAC_PRCS_DAT, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(RTRCT_FLAG,'') RTRCT_FLAG, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(DTL_SPIN,0) DTL_SPIN, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(FRN,0) FRN, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(SDC_INV_NO,'') SDC_INV_NO, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(AMT_PAID,0) AMT_PAID, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(replace(DSBRSMNT_TXT,';','<BR>'),'') DSBRSMNT_TXT, "); sbSelect.append("EMAIL_DATE, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(FILENAME,'') FILENAME, "); sbSelect.append("PROCESS_DATE, "); sbSelect.append("nvl(STATUS,0) STATUS "); sbSelect.append(" from stage_usac_form "); return sbSelect.toString(); }
/** * This method pretty print the Class Object StageUsacForm * * @return String sbStr - Class Object StageUsacForm */ public String toString() { // init the buffer StringBuffer sbStr = new StringBuffer(); try { sbStr.append("\n HDR_SPIN: " + HDR_SPIN); sbStr.append("\n SPIN_NM: " + SPIN_NM); sbStr.append("\n RCPNT_EMAIL: " + RCPNT_EMAIL); sbStr.append("\n USAC_EMAIL: " + USAC_EMAIL); sbStr.append("\n RFRNC_NMBR: " + RFRNC_NMBR); sbStr.append("\n RCRD_CNT: " + RCRD_CNT); sbStr.append("\n TOT_PAYMENT: " + TOT_PAYMENT); sbStr.append("\n USAC_PRCS_DAT: " + USAC_PRCS_DAT); sbStr.append("\n RTRCT_FLAG: " + RTRCT_FLAG); sbStr.append("\n DTL_SPIN: " + DTL_SPIN); sbStr.append("\n FRN: " + FRN); sbStr.append("\n SDC_INV_NO: " + SDC_INV_NO); sbStr.append("\n AMT_PAID: " + AMT_PAID); sbStr.append("\n DSBRSMNT_TXT: " + DSBRSMNT_TXT); sbStr.append("\n EMAIL_DATE: " + EMAIL_DATE); sbStr.append("\n FILENAME: " + FILENAME); sbStr.append("\n PROCESS_DATE: " + PROCESS_DATE); sbStr.append("\n STATUS: " + STATUS); } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit( "toString(): Unable to convert stage_usac_form to a string. " + e.getMessage(), this, e); } return sbStr.toString(); }
/** * This method searches the table STAGE_USAC_FORM for the distinctfilename provided for the usac * refrence number given * * @param Stringusac refrence number * @return Vector containing the Result Set */ public Vector selectFileName(String rfrnc_nmbr) { // the buffer for the query StringBuffer sbQuery = null; Vector rsVector = new Vector(); PreparedStatement psStmt = null; ResultSet rsResult = null; try { // init the buffer sbQuery = new StringBuffer(""); // build the query sbQuery.append(buildSelectFileName()); sbQuery.append(" WHERE "); sbQuery.append(" rfrnc_nmbr = ?"); // sbQuery.append( rfrnc_nmbr ); // sbQuery.append("'"); USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug( "Get FileName by USAC Ref Number is: " + sbQuery.toString() + "\n", this, null); // execute the query psStmt = cConn.prepareStatement(sbQuery.toString()); psStmt.setString(1, rfrnc_nmbr); rsResult = psStmt.executeQuery(); if (rsResult != null) { while (rsResult.next()) { rsVector.addElement(rsResult.getString("FILENAME")); USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug(" THE FILENAME IS : " + rsResult.getString("FILENAME"), this, null); } } if (rsResult != null) rsResult.close(); if (psStmt != null) psStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { try { // close the statment and the ResultSet if (rsResult != null) rsResult.close(); if (psStmt != null) psStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit("selectSQLCall(): Fail to close result set or prepare statement", this, ex); } USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit( " SQL Exception : SQL Error message " + e.getMessage() + " with Query: \n" + sbQuery.toString(), this, e); } catch (Exception e) { try { // close the statment and the ResultSet if (rsResult != null) rsResult.close(); if (psStmt != null) psStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit("selectSQLCall(): Fail to close result set or prepare statement", this, ex); } USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit( "Error Executing the Query(): Error executing query " + e.getMessage(), this, e); } /* try { // close the statment and the ResultSet if (rsResult != null) rsResult.close(); if (psStmt != null) psStmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { USFEnv.getLog().writeCrit("selectSQLCall(): Fail to close result set or prepare statement",this, e); }*/ return rsVector; }
/** * This method searches the table STAGE_USAC_FORM for the data provided for the status and * startDate given * * @param <code>status</code> USAC record processing status * @param <code>startDate</code> selection start Date * @return Vector containing the Result Set */ public Vector getUsacErr(int status, java.sql.Date startDate) { // the buffer for the query StringBuffer sbQuery = null; Vector rsVector = new Vector(); try { // init the buffer sbQuery = new StringBuffer(""); // build the query sbQuery.append(buildSelectClauseRaw()); sbQuery.append(" WHERE "); sbQuery.append(" status "); if (status == 0) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug("inside the if loop for checking status is null or not", this, null); sbQuery.append(" is null"); } else { sbQuery.append("= "); sbQuery.append(status); } if (startDate != null) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeDebug("inside the if loop for checking startDate is null or not", this, null); sbQuery.append(" AND "); sbQuery.append(" usac_prcs_dat >= '"); sbQuery.append(startDate + "' "); } // order the result by filename, email date applic. number and frn // CHANGE MADE - ORDERT BY USAC REFRENCE NUMBER, TOTAL PAYMENT AND FRN IN ADDITION sbQuery.append(" ORDER BY rfrnc_nmbr, tot_payment, filename, frn, email_date, frn ASC "); // write to log if in debug mode USFEnv.getLog().writeDebug("Get USAC by error is: " + sbQuery.toString() + "\n", this, null); rsVector = super.selectSQLCall(sbQuery.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { USFEnv.getLog() .writeCrit("Caught Exception in get USAC by status: " + e.getMessage(), this, e); } return (rsVector); }