public static double[] embedded_estimate(
      double h,
      double[] xold,
      double[] xnew,
      double[] xe,
      double[] atol,
      double[] rtol,
      double p,
      double aMax,
      double aMin,
      double alpha) {
    // initializations

    int n = xold.length;

    double[] tau = new double[n];
    double[] ad1 = new double[n];
    double[] dq1 = new double[n];
    double hOpt;
    double epsilon;
    double hNew;

    // calculations

    StdMet.tau(tau, xold, xnew, atol, rtol); // get the array of
    // tolerances for this step

    StdMet.arraydiff(ad1, xnew, xe); // (higer order solution - lower order solution)
    StdMet.dotQuo(dq1, ad1, tau); // ad1/tau

    epsilon = StdMet.rmsNorm(dq1); // epsilon = rmsNorm(ad1/tau)

    // calculate h and see if it is optimal

    hOpt = h * Math.pow((1.0 / epsilon), 1.0 / p); // calculate
    // optimal stepsize for next step

    hNew = Math.min(aMax * h, Math.max(aMin * h, alpha * hOpt));
    // calculate hNew with h and hOpt

    double[] estimation = new double[2];

    estimation[0] = epsilon;
    estimation[1] = hNew;

    return (estimation);
  public static double[] stepdoubling_estimate(
      double h,
      double[] eta1,
      double[] eta2,
      double[] xtemp,
      double atol,
      double rtol,
      double p,
      double amax,
      double alpha) {
    // initializations

    int n = eta1.length;

    double[] diff1 = new double[n];
    double[] err = new double[n];
    double[] eps = new double[n];
    double[] est = new double[n];
    double norm;
    double hopt;
    double hNew;

    // calculations

    StdMet.arraydiff(diff1, eta2, eta1); // get error
    StdMet.stam(err, 1 / (Math.pow(2, p) - 1), diff1);

    StdMet.epsilon(eps, xtemp, eta1, atol, rtol); // get epsilon
    StdMet.dotQuo(est, err, eps);

    norm = StdMet.rmsNorm(est); // take norm of est

    // calculate h and see if it is optimal

    hopt = h / (Math.pow(Math.pow(2, p) * StdMet.rmsNorm(est), (1 / (p + 1))));

    hNew = Math.min(amax * h, Math.max((1 / amax) * h, alpha * 2 * hopt));
    // calculate hNew with h and hOpt

    double[] estimation = new double[3];

    estimation[0] = hNew;
    estimation[1] = hopt;
    estimation[2] = norm;

    return (estimation);