public void testSingleDataset() throws IOException {
    InvCatalogImpl cat =;

    InvDataset ds = cat.findDatasetByID("testSingleDataset");
    assert (ds != null) : "cant find dataset 'testSingleDataset'";
    assert ds.getDataType() == FeatureType.GRID;

    ThreddsDataFactory fac = new ThreddsDataFactory();

    ThreddsDataFactory.Result dataResult = fac.openFeatureDataset(ds, null);

    assert dataResult != null;
    assert !dataResult.fatalError;
    assert dataResult.featureDataset != null;

    GridDataset gds = (GridDataset) dataResult.featureDataset;
    GridDatatype grid = gds.findGridDatatype("Z_sfc");
    assert grid != null;
    GridCoordSystem gcs = grid.getCoordinateSystem();
    assert gcs != null;
    assert null == gcs.getVerticalAxis();

    CoordinateAxis1D time = gcs.getTimeAxis1D();
    assert time != null;
    assert time.getSize() == 1;
    assert 102840.0 == time.readScalarDouble();

Пример #2
  void setField(GridDatatype field) {
    /*int idx = fieldChooser.setSelectedByName(field.toString());
    if (idx < 0)
      fieldChooser.setSelectedByIndex(0); */

    GridCoordSystem gcs = field.getCoordinateSystem();

    // levels
    CoordinateAxis1D axis = gcs.getVerticalAxis();
    setChooserWanted("level", axis != null);
    if (axis != null) {
      List<NamedObject> levels = axis.getNames();
      levelChooser.setCollection(levels.iterator(), true);
      NamedObject no = levels.get(controller.getCurrentLevelIndex());

    // times
    if (gcs.hasTimeAxis()) {
      axis = gcs.hasTimeAxis1D() ? gcs.getTimeAxis1D() : gcs.getTimeAxisForRun(0);
      setChooserWanted("time", axis != null);
      if (axis != null) {
        List<NamedObject> names = axis.getNames();
        timeChooser.setCollection(names.iterator(), true);
        NamedObject no = names.get(controller.getCurrentTimeIndex());
    } else {
      setChooserWanted("time", false);

    axis = gcs.getEnsembleAxis();
    setChooserWanted("ensemble", axis != null);
    if (axis != null) {
      List<NamedObject> names = axis.getNames();
      ensembleChooser.setCollection(names.iterator(), true);
      NamedObject no = names.get(controller.getCurrentEnsembleIndex());

    axis = gcs.getRunTimeAxis();
    setChooserWanted("runtime", axis != null);
    if (axis != null) {
      List<NamedObject> names = axis.getNames();
      runtimeChooser.setCollection(names.iterator(), true);
      NamedObject no = names.get(controller.getCurrentRunTimeIndex());


Пример #3
  public static ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage extractGeospatial(GridDataset gridDataset) {
    ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage gc = new ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage();
    LatLonRect llbb = null;
    CoordinateAxis1D vaxis = null;

    for (GridDataset.Gridset gridset : gridDataset.getGridsets()) {
      GridCoordSystem gsys = gridset.getGeoCoordSystem();
      if (llbb == null) llbb = gsys.getLatLonBoundingBox();

      CoordinateAxis1D vaxis2 = gsys.getVerticalAxis();
      if (vaxis == null) vaxis = vaxis2;
      else if ((vaxis2 != null) && (vaxis2.getSize() > vaxis.getSize())) vaxis = vaxis2;

    if (llbb != null) gc.setBoundingBox(llbb);
    if (vaxis != null) gc.setVertical(vaxis);
    return gc;
Пример #4
  protected Element genLonLatEnvelope(GridCoordSystem gcs) {
    // <CoverageOfferingBrief>/lonLatEnvelope
    Element lonLatEnvelopeElem = new Element("lonLatEnvelope", wcsNS);
    lonLatEnvelopeElem.setAttribute("srsName", "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84");

    LatLonRect llbb = gcs.getLatLonBoundingBox();
    LatLonPoint llpt = llbb.getLowerLeftPoint();
    LatLonPoint urpt = llbb.getUpperRightPoint();

    // <CoverageOfferingBrief>/lonLatEnvelope/gml:pos
    String firstPosition = llpt.getLongitude() + " " + llpt.getLatitude();
    double lon = llpt.getLongitude() + llbb.getWidth();
    String secondPosition = lon + " " + urpt.getLatitude();
    // ToDo WCS 1.0Plus - Deal with conversion to meters. (Yikes!!)
    CoordinateAxis1D vertAxis = gcs.getVerticalAxis();
    if (vertAxis != null) {
      // See verAxis.getUnitsString()
      double zeroIndexValue = vertAxis.getCoordValue(0);
      double sizeIndexValue = vertAxis.getCoordValue(((int) vertAxis.getSize()) - 1);
      if (vertAxis.getPositive().equals(ucar.nc2.constants.CF.POSITIVE_UP)) {
        firstPosition += " " + zeroIndexValue;
        secondPosition += " " + sizeIndexValue;
      } else {
        firstPosition += " " + sizeIndexValue;
        secondPosition += " " + zeroIndexValue;

    lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent(new Element("pos", gmlNS).addContent(firstPosition));
    lonLatEnvelopeElem.addContent(new Element("pos", gmlNS).addContent(secondPosition));

    // <CoverageOfferingBrief>/lonLatEnvelope/gml:timePostion [2]
    if (gcs.hasTimeAxis()) {
          new Element("timePosition", gmlNS)
          new Element("timePosition", gmlNS)

    return lonLatEnvelopeElem;