public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { List<String> msgfilecontents = new ArrayList<String>(); if (args.length > 0) msgfilecontents = readLines(new FileReader(args[0])); POMsgSource msgsrc = new POMsgSource(msgfilecontents); final List<String> msgstrings = msgsrc.getMsgStrings(); String screenshotSavePath = ""; List<String> existingScreenshotPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); if (args.length > 1) { screenshotSavePath = args[1] + "/"; File screenshotDir = new File(screenshotSavePath); if (!screenshotDir.exists()) { screenshotDir.mkdirs(); } else { for (String filename : screenshotDir.list()) { filename = screenshotSavePath + filename; existingScreenshotPaths.add(filename); } } } ScreenshotTaker st = new ScreenshotTaker(msgsrc, screenshotSavePath); st.guisetup(); st.addNewAnnotations(new HashMap<String, MsgAnnotation>()); for (String filename : existingScreenshotPaths) { // add those messages that are covered by existing screenshots to matchedMsgStrs System.out.println(filename); List<ImgMatch> matches = Main.getImgMatches(filename); HashMap<String, MsgAnnotation> annotations = Main.msgToAnnotationsTwoPass(msgstrings, GCollectionUtils.singleElemList(matches)); st.addNewAnnotations(annotations); st.processedImages.add(st.hashable(matches)); }; st.runme(); // long prev_screenshot_time = 0; }
public void runme() throws Exception { BufferedImage img = null; boolean imgCaptured = false; String imgMatchesHashable = null; List<ImgMatch> imgMatches = null; while (true) { if (frame.isFocused()) { imgCaptured = false; continue; } if (!recordingCheckbox.isSelected()) { imgCaptured = false; continue; } // if (curtime < prev_screenshot_time + 250) { // continue; // } // captureNewImage(); if (!imgCaptured) { img = captureNewImage(); if (sameImages(img, prevImg)) continue; imgMatches = Main.getImgMatches(img, ""); imgMatchesHashable = hashable(imgMatches); } if (frame.isFocused()) { imgCaptured = false; continue; } if (!recordingCheckbox.isSelected()) { imgCaptured = false; continue; } boolean containsNewMsgStrs = false; int origNumMatchedMsgStrs = 0; BufferedImage displayImage = null; if (msgstrings.size() == 0) { displayImage = img; } else { /* if (imgMatches.size() > 300) { System.err.println("too many words"); continue; } */ final MutableValue<HashMap<String, MsgAnnotation>> retv = new MutableValue<HashMap<String, MsgAnnotation>>(); final List<ImgMatch> imgMatchesF = imgMatches; Thread tx = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { retv.value = Main.msgToAnnotationsTwoPass( msgstrings, GCollectionUtils.singleElemList(imgMatchesF)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); tx.start(); boolean interrupted = false; while (tx.isAlive()) { if (!recordingCheckbox.isSelected()) continue; if (frame.isFocused()) continue; BufferedImage newImg = captureNewImage(); if (frame.isFocused()) continue; if (!recordingCheckbox.isSelected()) continue; if (!sameImages(img, newImg)) { List<ImgMatch> newImgMatches = Main.getImgMatches(newImg, ""); String newImgMatchesHashable = hashable(newImgMatches); if (!processedImages.contains(newImgMatchesHashable)) { interrupted = true; tx.interrupt(); imgCaptured = true; img = newImg; imgMatches = newImgMatches; imgMatchesHashable = newImgMatchesHashable; break; } } tx.join(1000); } // tx.join(); HashMap<String, MsgAnnotation> annotations = retv.value; if (interrupted || annotations == null) continue; imgCaptured = false; processedImages.add(imgMatchesHashable); displayImage = deepCopy(img); origNumMatchedMsgStrs = matchedMsgStrs.size(); addNewAnnotations(annotations); annotateScreenshot(displayImage, annotations); // HashMap<String, MsgAnnotation> annotations = Main.msgToAnnotationsWithTimeout(msgstrings, // GCollectionUtils.singleElemList(imgMatches), 3000); // if (annotations == null) // continue; } if (origNumMatchedMsgStrs != matchedMsgStrs.size()) { // updateMatchCount(); containsNewMsgStrs = true; } // prev_screenshot_time = curtime; if (savingScreenshots && containsNewMsgStrs) { while (new File(screenshotSavePath + screenshotNum + ".png").exists()) { ++screenshotNum; } ImageIO.write(img, "png", new File(screenshotSavePath + screenshotNum + ".png")); } picLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(displayImage)); prevImg = img; } }