/* (non-Javadoc) * @see teal.sim.engine.HasSimEngine#setModel(teal.sim.engine.TSimEngine) */ public void setFramework(TFramework eMgr) { if ((fWork != null) && (fWork != eMgr) && (fWork instanceof TFramework)) { TFramework tfWork = (TFramework) fWork; // remove any existing Elements if (fconvolution != null) { tfWork.removeTElement(fconvolution); } if (fieldVis != null) { tfWork.removeTElement(fieldVis); } if (manager != null) { tfWork.removeTElement(manager); } } // if(eMgr instanceof TFramework) { fWork = eMgr; if (fWork != null) { TFramework tfWork = (TFramework) fWork; if (fconvolution != null) { tfWork.addTElement(fconvolution, false); } if (fieldVis != null) { tfWork.addTElement(fieldVis, false); } if (manager != null) { tfWork.addTElement(manager, false); } } // } }
// This method is an event handler called whenever an actionEvent is received (assuming an event // listener has been // added, which is done a TealAction is created). This method should contain the code you want to // run when each // ActionEvent is received. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // If the ActionEvent received is the one corresponding to our Help menu item added above, // launch the help file. if (e.getActionCommand().compareToIgnoreCase("Gauss's Law for a Dipole and Disk") == 0) { if (mFramework instanceof TFramework) { ((TFramework) mFramework).openBrowser("help/gausslawmagdipoledisk.html"); } } else if (e.getActionCommand().compareToIgnoreCase("Execution & View") == 0) { if (mFramework instanceof TFramework) { ((TFramework) mFramework).openBrowser("help/executionView.html"); } } else { super.actionPerformed(e); } }
public void setFieldConvolution(FieldConvolution fc) { fconvolution = fc; buildConvoActions(); if (fconvolution != null) { mElements.add(fc); if ((fWork != null) && (fWork instanceof TFramework)) { ((TFramework) fWork).addTElement(fconvolution, false); } } }
public void setFieldVisGrid(FieldDirectionGrid mgr) { if (mgr != null) { fieldVis = mgr; fvSlider.addRoute("value", fieldVis, "resolution"); fieldVis.setResolution(((Integer) fvSlider.getValue()).intValue()); setFVControlsVisible(true); setShowFV(mgr.isDrawn()); mElements.add(mgr); if ((fWork != null) && (fWork instanceof TFramework)) { ((TFramework) fWork).addTElement(fieldVis, false); } } else { setFVControlsVisible(false); } }
public void setFieldLineManager(FieldLineManager mgr) { if (mgr != null) { manager = mgr; flSlider.addRoute(manager, "symmetryCount"); manager.setSymmetryCount(((Integer) flSlider.getValue()).intValue()); manager.setColorMode(perVertexColor ? FieldLine.COLOR_VERTEX : FieldLine.COLOR_VERTEX_FLAT); setFLControlsVisible(true); mElements.add(manager); if ((fWork != null) && (fWork instanceof TFramework)) { ((TFramework) fWork).addTElement(manager, false); } } else { setFLControlsVisible(false); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String command = e.getActionCommand(); System.out.println("Action: " + command); if (e.getActionCommand().compareToIgnoreCase("Capacitor2") == 0) { if ((mFramework != null) && (mFramework instanceof TFramework)) { ((TFramework) mFramework).openBrowser("help/capacitor.html"); } else { TDebug.println("mFramework is null!"); } } else if (e.getSource() == plate1Number) { int value = 0; try { value = Integer.parseInt(plate1Number.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { return; } if (value < 0) { value = 0; plate1Number.setText("0"); } int change = value - pcList1.size(); if (change > 0) { addChargesToList1(change); } else { removeChargesFromList1(-change); } } else if (e.getSource() == plate2Number) { int value = 0; try { value = Integer.parseInt(plate2Number.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { return; } if (value < 0) { value = 0; plate2Number.setText("0"); } int change = value - pcList2.size(); if (change > 0) { addChargesToList2(change); } else { removeChargesFromList2(-change); } } else if (e.getSource() == plate1Charge) { double value = 0.; try { value = Double.parseDouble(plate1Charge.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < pcList1.size(); i++) { PointCharge pc = (PointCharge) pcList1.get(i); pc.setCharge(value); } } else if (e.getSource() == plate2Charge) { double value = 0.; try { value = Double.parseDouble(plate2Charge.getText()); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < pcList2.size(); i++) { PointCharge pc = (PointCharge) pcList2.get(i); pc.setCharge(value); } } else { super.actionPerformed(e); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if (evt.getSource() == showLinesCB) { setLinesEnabled(showLinesCB.isSelected()); } else if (evt.getSource() == showFVisCB) { setFVEnabled(showFVisCB.isSelected()); } else if (evt.getSource() == colorModeCB) { perVertexColor = colorModeCB.isSelected(); manager.setColorMode( colorModeCB.isSelected() ? FieldLine.COLOR_VERTEX : FieldLine.COLOR_VERTEX_FLAT); } else { int cmd = Integer.parseInt(evt.getActionCommand()); if (fconvolution != null) { Cursor cr = null; if (fWork instanceof TFramework) { cr = ((TFramework) fWork).getAppCursor(); ((TFramework) fWork).setAppCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); } Thread.yield(); TSimEngine model = fconvolution.getSimEngine(); if (model != null) { TEngineControl smc = model.getEngineControl(); if (smc.getSimState() == TEngineControl.RUNNING) { smc.stop(); model.refresh(); Thread.yield(); } switch (cmd) { case DLIC.DLIC_FLAG_E: // fconvolution.setField(((EMEngine)model).getEField()); fconvolution.setField(model.getElementByType(EField.class)); fconvolution.generateFieldImage(); break; case DLIC.DLIC_FLAG_B: // fconvolution.setField(((EMEngine)model).getBField()); fconvolution.setField(model.getElementByType(BField.class)); fconvolution.generateFieldImage(); break; case DLIC.DLIC_FLAG_G: // fconvolution.setField(((EMEngine)model).getGField()); fconvolution.setField(model.getElementByType(GField.class)); fconvolution.generateFieldImage(); break; case DLIC.DLIC_FLAG_P: // fconvolution.setField(((EMEngine)model).getPField()); fconvolution.setField(model.getElementByType(PField.class)); fconvolution.generateFieldImage(); break; case DLIC.DLIC_FLAG_EP: // fconvolution.setField(new // Potential(((EMEngine)model).getEField())); fconvolution.setField(new Potential(model.getElementByType(EField.class))); fconvolution.generateFieldImage(); break; case DLIC.DLIC_FLAG_BP: // fconvolution.setField(new // Potential(((EMEngine)model).getBField())); fconvolution.setField(new Potential(model.getElementByType(BField.class))); fconvolution.generateFieldImage(); break; case DLIC.DLIC_FLAG_EF: // fconvolution.setField(((EMEngine)model).getEField()); fconvolution.setField(model.getElementByType(EField.class)); fconvolution.generateColorMappedFluxImage(); break; case DLIC.DLIC_FLAG_BF: // fconvolution.setField(((EMEngine)model).getBField()); fconvolution.setField(model.getElementByType(BField.class)); fconvolution.generateColorMappedFluxImage(); break; default: break; } fconvolution.getImage(); } else { TDebug.println(0, "DLIC model is null"); } if (fWork instanceof TFramework) { ((TFramework) fWork).setAppCursor(cr); } } } }