Пример #1
   * Updates metadata when a worker periodically heartbeats with the master.
   * @param workerId the worker id
   * @param usedBytesOnTiers a mapping from tier alias to the used bytes
   * @param removedBlockIds a list of block ids removed from this worker
   * @param addedBlocksOnTiers a mapping from tier alias to the added blocks
   * @return an optional command for the worker to execute
  public Command workerHeartbeat(
      long workerId,
      Map<String, Long> usedBytesOnTiers,
      List<Long> removedBlockIds,
      Map<String, List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers) {
    synchronized (mBlocks) {
      synchronized (mWorkers) {
        if (!mWorkers.contains(mIdIndex, workerId)) {
          LOG.warn("Could not find worker id: {} for heartbeat.", workerId);
          return new Command(CommandType.Register, new ArrayList<Long>());

        MasterWorkerInfo workerInfo = mWorkers.getFirstByField(mIdIndex, workerId);
        processWorkerRemovedBlocks(workerInfo, removedBlockIds);
        processWorkerAddedBlocks(workerInfo, addedBlocksOnTiers);


        List<Long> toRemoveBlocks = workerInfo.getToRemoveBlocks();
        if (toRemoveBlocks.isEmpty()) {
          return new Command(CommandType.Nothing, new ArrayList<Long>());
        return new Command(CommandType.Free, toRemoveBlocks);
Пример #2
   * Updates metadata when a worker registers with the master.
   * @param workerId the worker id of the worker registering
   * @param storageTiers a list of storage tier aliases in order of their position in the worker's
   *     hierarchy
   * @param totalBytesOnTiers a mapping from storage tier alias to total bytes
   * @param usedBytesOnTiers a mapping from storage tier alias to the used byes
   * @param currentBlocksOnTiers a mapping from storage tier alias to a list of blocks
   * @throws NoWorkerException if workerId cannot be found
  public void workerRegister(
      long workerId,
      List<String> storageTiers,
      Map<String, Long> totalBytesOnTiers,
      Map<String, Long> usedBytesOnTiers,
      Map<String, List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers)
      throws NoWorkerException {
    synchronized (mBlocks) {
      synchronized (mWorkers) {
        if (!mWorkers.contains(mIdIndex, workerId)) {
          throw new NoWorkerException("Could not find worker id: " + workerId + " to register.");
        MasterWorkerInfo workerInfo = mWorkers.getFirstByField(mIdIndex, workerId);

        // Gather all blocks on this worker.
        HashSet<Long> blocks = new HashSet<Long>();
        for (List<Long> blockIds : currentBlocksOnTiers.values()) {

        // Detect any lost blocks on this worker.
        Set<Long> removedBlocks =
                mGlobalStorageTierAssoc, storageTiers, totalBytesOnTiers, usedBytesOnTiers, blocks);

        processWorkerRemovedBlocks(workerInfo, removedBlocks);
        processWorkerAddedBlocks(workerInfo, currentBlocksOnTiers);
        LOG.info("registerWorker(): {}", workerInfo);
Пример #3
   * Marks a block as committed on a specific worker.
   * @param workerId the worker id committing the block
   * @param usedBytesOnTier the updated used bytes on the tier of the worker
   * @param tierAlias the alias of the storage tier where the worker is committing the block to
   * @param blockId the committing block id
   * @param length the length of the block
  public void commitBlock(
      long workerId, long usedBytesOnTier, String tierAlias, long blockId, long length) {
        "Commit block from worker: {}",
        FormatUtils.parametersToString(workerId, usedBytesOnTier, blockId, length));
    synchronized (mBlocks) {
      synchronized (mWorkers) {
        MasterWorkerInfo workerInfo = mWorkers.getFirstByField(mIdIndex, workerId);
        workerInfo.updateUsedBytes(tierAlias, usedBytesOnTier);

        MasterBlockInfo masterBlockInfo = mBlocks.get(blockId);
        if (masterBlockInfo == null) {
          masterBlockInfo = new MasterBlockInfo(blockId, length);
          mBlocks.put(blockId, masterBlockInfo);
          BlockInfoEntry blockInfo =
        masterBlockInfo.addWorker(workerId, tierAlias);
Пример #4
 /** @return the ids of the children */
 public synchronized Set<Long> getChildrenIds() {
   Set<Long> ret = new HashSet<Long>(mChildren.size());
   for (Inode child : mChildren) {
   return ret;
Пример #5
  * Creates a {@link BlockInfo} form a given {@link MasterBlockInfo}, by populating worker
  * locations.
  * <p>NOTE: {@link #mWorkers} should already be locked before calling this method.
  * @param masterBlockInfo the {@link MasterBlockInfo}
  * @return a {@link BlockInfo} from a {@link MasterBlockInfo}. Populates worker locations
 private BlockInfo generateBlockInfo(MasterBlockInfo masterBlockInfo) {
   // "Join" to get all the addresses of the workers.
   List<BlockLocation> locations = new ArrayList<BlockLocation>();
   List<MasterBlockLocation> blockLocations = masterBlockInfo.getBlockLocations();
   // Sort the block locations by their alias ordinal in the master storage tier mapping
       new Comparator<MasterBlockLocation>() {
         public int compare(MasterBlockLocation o1, MasterBlockLocation o2) {
           return mGlobalStorageTierAssoc.getOrdinal(o1.getTierAlias())
               - mGlobalStorageTierAssoc.getOrdinal(o2.getTierAlias());
   for (MasterBlockLocation masterBlockLocation : blockLocations) {
     MasterWorkerInfo workerInfo =
         mWorkers.getFirstByField(mIdIndex, masterBlockLocation.getWorkerId());
     if (workerInfo != null) {
           new BlockLocation()
   return new BlockInfo()
Пример #6
   * Returns a worker id for the given worker.
   * @param workerNetAddress the worker {@link WorkerNetAddress}
   * @return the worker id for this worker
  public long getWorkerId(WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress) {
    // TODO(gene): This NetAddress cloned in case thrift re-uses the object. Does thrift re-use it?
    synchronized (mWorkers) {
      if (mWorkers.contains(mAddressIndex, workerNetAddress)) {
        // This worker address is already mapped to a worker id.
        long oldWorkerId = mWorkers.getFirstByField(mAddressIndex, workerNetAddress).getId();
        LOG.warn("The worker {} already exists as id {}.", workerNetAddress, oldWorkerId);
        return oldWorkerId;

      if (mLostWorkers.contains(mAddressIndex, workerNetAddress)) {
        // this is one of the lost workers
        final MasterWorkerInfo lostWorkerInfo =
            mLostWorkers.getFirstByField(mAddressIndex, workerNetAddress);
        final long lostWorkerId = lostWorkerInfo.getId();
        LOG.warn("A lost worker {} has requested its old id {}.", workerNetAddress, lostWorkerId);

        // Update the timestamp of the worker before it is considered an active worker.
        return lostWorkerId;

      // Generate a new worker id.
      long workerId = mNextWorkerId.getAndIncrement();
      mWorkers.add(new MasterWorkerInfo(workerId, workerNetAddress));

      LOG.info("getWorkerId(): WorkerNetAddress: {} id: {}", workerNetAddress, workerId);
      return workerId;
Пример #7
  * Gets info about the lost workers.
  * @return a set of worker info
 public Set<WorkerInfo> getLostWorkersInfo() {
   synchronized (mWorkers) {
     Set<WorkerInfo> ret = new HashSet<WorkerInfo>(mLostWorkers.size());
     for (MasterWorkerInfo worker : mLostWorkers) {
     return ret;
Пример #8
 /** @return a list of {@link WorkerInfo} objects representing the workers in Tachyon */
 public List<WorkerInfo> getWorkerInfoList() {
   synchronized (mWorkers) {
     List<WorkerInfo> workerInfoList = new ArrayList<WorkerInfo>(mWorkers.size());
     for (MasterWorkerInfo masterWorkerInfo : mWorkers) {
     return workerInfoList;
Пример #9
  * Removes blocks from workers.
  * @param blockIds a list of block ids to remove from Tachyon space
 public void removeBlocks(List<Long> blockIds) {
   synchronized (mBlocks) {
     synchronized (mWorkers) {
       for (long blockId : blockIds) {
         MasterBlockInfo masterBlockInfo = mBlocks.get(blockId);
         if (masterBlockInfo == null) {
         for (long workerId : new ArrayList<Long>(masterBlockInfo.getWorkers())) {
           MasterWorkerInfo worker = mWorkers.getFirstByField(mIdIndex, workerId);
           if (worker != null) {
             worker.updateToRemovedBlock(true, blockId);
Пример #10
  * @param name the name of the child
  * @return the inode with the given name, or null if there is no child with that name
 public synchronized Inode getChild(String name) {
   return mChildren.getFirstByField(mNameIndex, name);
Пример #11
  * Adds the given inode to the set of children.
  * @param child the inode to add
 public synchronized void addChild(Inode child) {
Пример #12
  * Removes the given child by its name from the directory.
  * @param name the name of the Inode to remove
  * @return true if the inode was removed, false otherwise
 public synchronized boolean removeChild(String name) {
   return mChildren.removeByField(mNameIndex, name);
Пример #13
  * Removes the given inode from the directory.
  * @param child the Inode to remove
  * @return true if the inode was removed, false otherwise
 public synchronized boolean removeChild(Inode child) {
   return mChildren.remove(child);
Пример #14
 /** @return the number of children in the directory */
 public synchronized int getNumberOfChildren() {
   return mChildren.size();
Пример #15
 /** @return an unmodifiable set of the children inodes */
 public synchronized Set<Inode> getChildren() {
   return ImmutableSet.copyOf(mChildren.iterator());
Пример #16
 /** @return the number of workers */
 public int getWorkerCount() {
   synchronized (mWorkers) {
     return mWorkers.size();
Пример #17
  * @param id the inode id of the child
  * @return the inode with the given id, or null if there is no child with that id
 public synchronized Inode getChild(long id) {
   return mChildren.getFirstByField(mIdIndex, id);