public void insert(Client client) throws SQLException { String firstName = client.getFitstName(); String secondName = client.getSecondName(); String email = client.getEmail(); PreparedStatement ps = OracleConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT into Client VALUES ? ,? ,? "); ps.setString(1, firstName); ps.setString(2, secondName); ps.setString(3, email); ps.executeQuery(); }
public Client select(Long id) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = OracleConnection.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * from Client WHERE id = ?"); ps.setLong(1, id); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); Client resClient = new Client(); resClient.setId(id); resClient.setFirstName(rs.getString(1)); resClient.setSecondName(rs.getString(2)); resClient.setEmail(rs.getString(3)); return resClient; }
public void delete(Client client) throws SQLException { String firstName = client.getFitstName(); String secondName = client.getSecondName(); PreparedStatement ps = OracleConnection.getConnection() .prepareStatement( "SELECT * FROM client c, good_order o WHERE c.first_name = ? and c.second_name =? join on ("); ps.setString(1, firstName); ps.setString(2, secondName); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs.first()) { System.out.println("This client has an order, can`t be deleted"); } else { ps = OracleConnection.getConnection() .prepareStatement("DELETE FROM client WHERE first_name = ? and secind_name = ?"); ps.setString(1, firstName); ps.setString(2, secondName); ps.executeUpdate(); } }