@Override public Option<MapStatus> stop(boolean success) { try { // Update task metrics from accumulators (null in UnsafeShuffleWriterSuite) Map<String, Accumulator<Object>> internalAccumulators = taskContext.internalMetricsToAccumulators(); if (internalAccumulators != null) { internalAccumulators .apply(InternalAccumulator.PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY()) .add(getPeakMemoryUsedBytes()); } if (stopping) { return Option.apply(null); } else { stopping = true; if (success) { if (mapStatus == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot call stop(true) without having called write()"); } return Option.apply(mapStatus); } else { // The map task failed, so delete our output data. shuffleBlockResolver.removeDataByMap(shuffleId, mapId); return Option.apply(null); } } } finally { if (sorter != null) { // If sorter is non-null, then this implies that we called stop() in response to an error, // so we need to clean up memory and spill files created by the sorter sorter.cleanupResources(); } } }
private Option<SakaiBulkDownloadFolder> findBulkDownloadFolder() throws NotValidDownloadFolderException { File[] foundFiles = folder.listFiles( new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File path) { return path.isDirectory() && path.getName().equals(MergingEnvironment.get().getAssignmentName()); } }); if (foundFiles.length > 0) { return Option.apply(new SakaiBulkDownloadFolder(foundFiles[0].getAbsolutePath())); } Option<File> zipFile = DirectoryUtils.find( folder, new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.getName().endsWith(".zip"); } }); if (zipFile.isEmpty()) { return Option.empty(); } // Extract the zip to look for the folder try { System.out.println("Extracting bulk downloads..."); ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(zipFile.get()); zip.extractAll(folder.getAbsolutePath()); // Look for a folder, taking the first one found. Option<File> resultsFolder = DirectoryUtils.find( folder, new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.isDirectory() && pathname.getName().equals(MergingEnvironment.get().getAssignmentName()); } }); if (resultsFolder.isDefined()) { try { return Option.apply(new SakaiBulkDownloadFolder(resultsFolder.get().getAbsolutePath())); } catch (Exception e) { return Option.empty(); } } System.out.println("done."); return Option.empty(); } catch (ZipException e) { return Option.empty(); } }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { zookeeper = new EmbeddedZookeeper(); zkConnect = String.format("", zookeeper.port()); zkUtils = ZkUtils.apply( zkConnect, zkSessionTimeout, zkConnectionTimeout, JaasUtils.isZkSecurityEnabled()); zkClient = zkUtils.zkClient(); configs = new Vector<>(); servers = new Vector<>(); for (int i = 0; i < numBrokers; i++) { final Option<java.io.File> noFile = scala.Option.apply(null); final Option<SecurityProtocol> noInterBrokerSecurityProtocol = scala.Option.apply(null); Properties props = TestUtils.createBrokerConfig( i, zkConnect, false, false, TestUtils.RandomPort(), noInterBrokerSecurityProtocol, noFile, true, false, TestUtils.RandomPort(), false, TestUtils.RandomPort(), false, TestUtils.RandomPort()); props.setProperty("auto.create.topics.enable", "true"); props.setProperty("num.partitions", "1"); // We *must* override this to use the port we allocated (Kafka currently allocates one port // that it always uses for ZK props.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", this.zkConnect); KafkaConfig config = new KafkaConfig(props); configs.add(config); KafkaServer server = TestUtils.createServer(config, SystemTime$.MODULE$); servers.add(server); } brokerList = TestUtils.getBrokerListStrFromServers( JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(servers), SecurityProtocol.PLAINTEXT); if (setupRestApp) { restApp = new RestApp(choosePort(), zkConnect, KAFKASTORE_TOPIC, compatibilityType); restApp.start(); } }
public List<Date> build() { DateRangeBuilder builder = new DateRangeBuilder( from, to, duration, holiday, Option.apply(loc), scalaList(shifters), selector, Option.apply(customDayOfMonth), Option.apply(customDayOfYear)); return builder.javaList(); }
public UnsafeShuffleWriter( BlockManager blockManager, IndexShuffleBlockResolver shuffleBlockResolver, TaskMemoryManager memoryManager, ShuffleMemoryManager shuffleMemoryManager, UnsafeShuffleHandle<K, V> handle, int mapId, TaskContext taskContext, SparkConf sparkConf) throws IOException { final int numPartitions = handle.dependency().partitioner().numPartitions(); if (numPartitions > UnsafeShuffleManager.MAX_SHUFFLE_OUTPUT_PARTITIONS()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "UnsafeShuffleWriter can only be used for shuffles with at most " + UnsafeShuffleManager.MAX_SHUFFLE_OUTPUT_PARTITIONS() + " reduce partitions"); } this.blockManager = blockManager; this.shuffleBlockResolver = shuffleBlockResolver; this.memoryManager = memoryManager; this.shuffleMemoryManager = shuffleMemoryManager; this.mapId = mapId; final ShuffleDependency<K, V, V> dep = handle.dependency(); this.shuffleId = dep.shuffleId(); this.serializer = Serializer.getSerializer(dep.serializer()).newInstance(); this.partitioner = dep.partitioner(); this.writeMetrics = new ShuffleWriteMetrics(); taskContext.taskMetrics().shuffleWriteMetrics_$eq(Option.apply(writeMetrics)); this.taskContext = taskContext; this.sparkConf = sparkConf; this.transferToEnabled = sparkConf.getBoolean("spark.file.transferTo", true); open(); }
@BeforeClass public static void setupJobManager() { Configuration config = new Configuration(); int port = NetUtils.getAvailablePort(); config.setString(ConfigConstants.JOB_MANAGER_IPC_ADDRESS_KEY, "localhost"); config.setInteger(ConfigConstants.JOB_MANAGER_IPC_PORT_KEY, port); scala.Option<Tuple2<String, Object>> listeningAddress = scala.Option.apply(new Tuple2<String, Object>("localhost", port)); jobManagerSystem = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem(config, listeningAddress); ActorRef jobManagerActorRef = JobManager.startJobManagerActors( config, jobManagerSystem, StreamingMode.BATCH_ONLY, JobManager.class, MemoryArchivist.class) ._1(); try { LeaderRetrievalService lrs = LeaderRetrievalUtils.createLeaderRetrievalService(config); jmGateway = LeaderRetrievalUtils.retrieveLeaderGateway(lrs, jobManagerSystem, timeout); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Could not retrieve the JobManager gateway. " + e.getMessage()); } }
public String buildRuntimeErrorMessage( Instruction instruction, Throwable throwable, String message) { if (throwable instanceof EngineException && ((EngineException) throwable).cachedRuntimeErrorMessage().isDefined()) { return ((EngineException) throwable).cachedRuntimeErrorMessage().get(); } return StackTraceBuilder.build( activation, agent, instruction, scala.Option.apply(throwable), message); }
/** * Convertit un objet User (modèle) en objet SocialUser/Identity * * @param user * @return */ private Identity userToIdentity(User user) { UserId userId; String firstName = null; String lastName = null; if (user.authenticationMethod.equals("userPassword")) { userId = new UserId(user.email, "userPassword"); } else { userId = new UserId(user.credentials.extUserId, user.credentials.providerId); firstName = user.credentials.firstName; lastName = user.credentials.lastName; } OAuth1Info oAuth1 = null; OAuth2Info oAuth2 = null; PasswordInfo passwordInfo = null; if (user.authenticationMethod.equals("oauth1")) { oAuth1 = new OAuth1Info(user.credentials.oAuth1Token, user.credentials.oAuth1Secret); } else if (user.authenticationMethod.equals("oauth2")) { oAuth2 = new OAuth2Info( user.credentials.oAuth2AccessToken, Option.apply(user.credentials.oAuth2TokenType), Option.apply((Object) user.credentials.oAuth2ExpiresIn), Option.apply(user.credentials.oAuth2RefreshToken)); } else if (user.authenticationMethod.equals("userPassword")) { passwordInfo = new PasswordInfo( user.credentials.passwordHasher, user.credentials.password, Option.apply(user.credentials.passwordSalt)); } SocialUser socialUser = new SocialUser( userId, firstName, lastName, user.fullname, Option.apply(user.email), Option.apply(user.avatar), new AuthenticationMethod(user.authenticationMethod), Option.apply(oAuth1), Option.apply(oAuth2), Option.apply(passwordInfo)); return (Identity) socialUser; }
private XFormsContainingDocument createDocumentFromStore( RequestParameters parameters, boolean isInitialState, boolean disableUpdates) { final boolean isServerState = parameters.getEncodedClientStaticState() == null; final XFormsState xformsState; if (isServerState) { // State must be found by UUID in the store final ExternalContext externalContext = NetUtils.getExternalContext(); final XFormsStateStore stateStore = XFormsStateStoreFactory.instance(externalContext); if (indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled()) indentedLogger.logDebug( LOG_TYPE, "Getting document state from store.", "current cache size", Integer.toString(XFormsDocumentCache.instance().getCurrentSize()), "current store size", Long.toString(stateStore.getCurrentSize()), "max store size", Long.toString(stateStore.getMaxSize())); final ExternalContext.Session session = externalContext.getRequest().getSession(XFormsStateManager.FORCE_SESSION_CREATION); xformsState = stateStore.findState(session, parameters.getUUID(), isInitialState); if (xformsState == null) { // 2014-11-12: This means that 1. We had a valid incoming session and 2. we obtained a lock // on the // document, yet we didn't find it. This means that somehow state was not placed into or // expired from // the state store. throw new SessionExpiredException( "Unable to retrieve XForms engine state. Unable to process incoming request."); } } else { // State comes directly with request xformsState = new XFormsState( scala.Option.<String>apply(null), parameters.getEncodedClientStaticState(), DynamicState.apply(parameters.getEncodedClientDynamicState())); } // Create document final XFormsContainingDocument document = new XFormsContainingDocument(xformsState, disableUpdates); assert isServerState ? document.getStaticState().isServerStateHandling() : document.getStaticState().isClientStateHandling(); return document; }
/** * Create an BuildDocHandler that serves the manual from a given directory by wrapping a * FilesystemRepository, and the API docs from a given JAR file by wrapping a JarRepository. * * @param directory The directory to serve the documentation from. * @param jarFile The JAR file to server the documentation from. * @param base The directory within the JAR file to serve the documentation from, or null if the * documentation should be served from the root of the JAR. * @param fallbackToJar Whether the doc handler should fall back to the jar repo for docs. */ public static BuildDocHandler fromDirectoryAndJar( File directory, JarFile jarFile, String base, boolean fallbackToJar) { FileRepository fileRepo = new FilesystemRepository(directory); FileRepository jarRepo = new JarRepository(jarFile, Option.apply(base)); FileRepository manualRepo; if (fallbackToJar) { manualRepo = new AggregateFileRepository(new FileRepository[] {fileRepo, jarRepo}); } else { manualRepo = fileRepo; } return new DocumentationHandler(manualRepo, jarRepo); }
// #http-context-creation public static HttpsContext create( SSLContext sslContext, Optional<Collection<String>> enabledCipherSuites, Optional<Collection<String>> enabledProtocols, Optional<ClientAuth> clientAuth, Optional<SSLParameters> sslParameters) // #http-context-creation { final scala.Option<scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String>> ecs; if (enabledCipherSuites.isPresent()) ecs = scala.Option.apply(Util.immutableSeq(enabledCipherSuites.get())); else ecs = scala.Option.empty(); final scala.Option<scala.collection.immutable.Seq<String>> ep; if (enabledProtocols.isPresent()) ep = scala.Option.apply(Util.immutableSeq(enabledProtocols.get())); else ep = scala.Option.empty(); return new akka.http.scaladsl.HttpsContext( sslContext, ecs, ep, OptionConverters.toScala(clientAuth), OptionConverters.toScala(sslParameters)); }
/** Called when connected to Mesos as a new framework. */ private void registered(Registered message) { connectionMonitor.tell(message, self()); try { workerStore.setFrameworkID(Option.apply(message.frameworkId())); } catch (Exception ex) { fatalError("unable to store the assigned framework ID", ex); return; } launchCoordinator.tell(message, self()); reconciliationCoordinator.tell(message, self()); taskRouter.tell(message, self()); }
public String cssText2sldText(String css) { try { GeoServerDataDirectory datadir = new GeoServerDataDirectory(getCatalog().getResourceLoader()); File styleDir = datadir.findStyleDir(); scala.collection.Seq<org.geoscript.geocss.Rule> rules = CssParser.parse(css).get(); Translator translator = new Translator(scala.Option.apply(styleDir.toURI().toURL())); Style style = translator.css2sld(rules); SLDTransformer tx = new org.geotools.styling.SLDTransformer(); tx.setIndentation(2); StringWriter sldChars = new java.io.StringWriter(); System.out.println(sldChars.toString()); tx.transform(style, sldChars); return sldChars.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WicketRuntimeException("Error while parsing stylesheet [" + css + "] : " + e); } }
public Runnable replace( final ConnectionResult connectionResult, XFormsModelSubmission.SubmissionParameters p, XFormsModelSubmission.SecondPassParameters p2) { // Set new instance document to replace the one submitted final XFormsInstance replaceInstanceNoTargetref = submission.findReplaceInstanceNoTargetref(p.refInstance); if (replaceInstanceNoTargetref == null) { // Replacement instance or node was specified but not found // // Not sure what's the right thing to do with 1.1, but this could be done // as part of the model's static analysis if the instance value is not // obtained through AVT, and dynamically otherwise. // // Another option would be to dispatch, at runtime, an xxforms-binding-error event. // xforms-submit-error is // consistent with targetref, so might be better. throw new XFormsSubmissionException( submission, "instance attribute doesn't point to an existing instance for replace=\"instance\".", "processing instance attribute", new XFormsSubmitErrorEvent( containingDocument, submission, XFormsSubmitErrorEvent.ErrorType.TARGET_ERROR, connectionResult)); } else { final NodeInfo destinationNodeInfo = submission.evaluateTargetRef( p.xpathContext, replaceInstanceNoTargetref, p.submissionElementContextItem); if (destinationNodeInfo == null) { // Throw target-error // XForms 1.1: "If the processing of the targetref attribute fails, // then submission processing ends after dispatching the event // xforms-submit-error with an error-type of target-error." throw new XFormsSubmissionException( submission, "targetref attribute doesn't point to an element for replace=\"instance\".", "processing targetref attribute", new XFormsSubmitErrorEvent( containingDocument, submission, XFormsSubmitErrorEvent.ErrorType.TARGET_ERROR, connectionResult)); } // This is the instance which is effectively going to be updated final XFormsInstance updatedInstance = containingDocument.getInstanceForNode(destinationNodeInfo); if (updatedInstance == null) { throw new XFormsSubmissionException( submission, "targetref attribute doesn't point to an element in an existing instance for replace=\"instance\".", "processing targetref attribute", new XFormsSubmitErrorEvent( containingDocument, submission, XFormsSubmitErrorEvent.ErrorType.TARGET_ERROR, connectionResult)); } // Whether the destination node is the root element of an instance final boolean isDestinationRootElement = updatedInstance.instanceRoot().isSameNodeInfo(destinationNodeInfo); if (p2.isReadonly && !isDestinationRootElement) { // Only support replacing the root element of an instance when using a shared instance throw new XFormsSubmissionException( submission, "targetref attribute must point to instance root element when using read-only instance replacement.", "processing targetref attribute", new XFormsSubmitErrorEvent( containingDocument, submission, XFormsSubmitErrorEvent.ErrorType.TARGET_ERROR, connectionResult)); } final IndentedLogger detailsLogger = getDetailsLogger(p, p2); // Obtain root element to insert if (detailsLogger.isDebugEnabled()) detailsLogger.logDebug( "", p2.isReadonly ? "replacing instance with read-only instance" : "replacing instance with mutable instance", "instance", updatedInstance.getEffectiveId()); // Perform insert/delete. This will dispatch xforms-insert/xforms-delete events. // "the replacement is performed by an XForms action that performs some // combination of node insertion and deletion operations that are // performed by the insert action (10.3 The insert Element) and the // delete action" // NOTE: As of 2009-03-18 decision, XForms 1.1 specifies that deferred event handling flags // are set instead of // performing RRRR directly. final DocumentInfo newDocumentInfo = wrappedDocumentInfo != null ? wrappedDocumentInfo : XFormsInstance.createDocumentInfo( resultingDocumentOrDocumentInfo, updatedInstance.instance().exposeXPathTypes()); if (isDestinationRootElement) { // Optimized insertion for instance root element replacement // Update the instance (this also marks it as modified) updatedInstance.update( Option.<InstanceCaching>apply(instanceCaching), newDocumentInfo, p2.isReadonly); final NodeInfo newDocumentRootElement = updatedInstance.instanceRoot(); // Call this directly, since we are not using insert/delete here updatedInstance.model().markStructuralChange(updatedInstance); // Dispatch xforms-delete event // NOTE: Do NOT dispatch so we are compatible with the regular root element replacement // (see below). In the future, we might want to dispatch this, especially if // XFormsInsertAction dispatches xforms-delete when removing the root element // updatedInstance.getXBLContainer(containingDocument).dispatchEvent(pipelineContext, new // XFormsDeleteEvent(updatedInstance, Collections.singletonList(destinationNodeInfo), 1)); // Dispatch xforms-insert event // NOTE: use the root node as insert location as it seems to make more sense than pointing // to the earlier root element Dispatch.dispatchEvent( new XFormsInsertEvent( containingDocument, updatedInstance, Collections.singletonList((Item) newDocumentRootElement), null, newDocumentRootElement.getDocumentRoot(), "after")); } else { // Generic insertion updatedInstance.markModified(); final NodeInfo newDocumentRootElement = DataModel.firstChildElement(newDocumentInfo); final List<NodeInfo> destinationCollection = Collections.singletonList(destinationNodeInfo); // Perform the insertion // Insert before the target node, so that the position of the inserted node // wrt its parent does not change after the target node is removed // This will also mark a structural change XFormsInsertAction.doInsert( containingDocument, detailsLogger, "before", destinationCollection, destinationNodeInfo.getParent(), Collections.singletonList(newDocumentRootElement), 1, false, true); if (!destinationNodeInfo .getParent() .isSameNodeInfo(destinationNodeInfo.getDocumentRoot())) { // The node to replace is NOT a root element // Perform the deletion of the selected node XFormsDeleteAction.doDelete( containingDocument, detailsLogger, destinationCollection, 1, true); } // Update model instance // NOTE: The inserted node NodeWrapper.index might be out of date at this point because: // * doInsert() dispatches an event which might itself change the instance // * doDelete() does as well // Does this mean that we should check that the node is still where it should be? } // Dispatch xforms-submit-done return submission.sendSubmitDone(connectionResult); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(getOpt1(Option.apply(1))); }
private XFormsContainingDocument createDocumentFromStore( RequestParameters parameters, boolean isInitialState, boolean disableUpdates) { final boolean isServerState = parameters.getEncodedClientStaticState() == null; final XFormsState xformsState; if (isServerState) { // State must be found by UUID in the store final ExternalContext externalContext = NetUtils.getExternalContext(); final XFormsStateStore stateStore = XFormsStateStoreFactory.instance(externalContext); if (indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled()) indentedLogger.logDebug( LOG_TYPE, "Getting document state from store.", "current cache size", Integer.toString(XFormsDocumentCache.instance().getCurrentSize()), "current store size", Long.toString(stateStore.getCurrentSize()), "max store size", Long.toString(stateStore.getMaxSize())); final ExternalContext.Session session = externalContext.getRequest().getSession(XFormsStateManager.FORCE_SESSION_CREATION); xformsState = stateStore.findState(session, parameters.getUUID(), isInitialState); if (xformsState == null) { // Oops, we couldn't find the state in the store final String UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_XFORMS_STATE_MESSAGE = "Unable to retrieve XForms engine state."; final String PLEASE_RELOAD_PAGE_MESSAGE = "Please reload the current page. Note that you will lose any unsaved changes."; // Produce exception final ExternalContext.Session currentSession = externalContext.getRequest().getSession(false); final String message; if (currentSession == null || currentSession.isNew()) { // This means that no session is currently existing, or a session exists but it is newly // created message = "Your session has expired. " + PLEASE_RELOAD_PAGE_MESSAGE; } else { // There is a session and it is still known by the client message = UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_XFORMS_STATE_MESSAGE + " " + PLEASE_RELOAD_PAGE_MESSAGE; } indentedLogger.logError("", message); throw new OXFException(message); } } else { // State comes directly with request xformsState = new XFormsState( scala.Option.<String>apply(null), parameters.getEncodedClientStaticState(), DynamicState.apply(parameters.getEncodedClientDynamicState())); } // Create document final XFormsContainingDocument document = new XFormsContainingDocument(xformsState, disableUpdates); assert isServerState ? document.getStaticState().isServerStateHandling() : document.getStaticState().isClientStateHandling(); return document; }
/// For org.nlogo.window.Editable public scala.Option<String> helpLink() { return scala.Option.apply(null); }
@Override public Option<Float> getFloat(String key) throws NoSuchElementException { if (!prefs.contains(key)) throw new NoSuchElementException(key); return Option.apply(prefs.getFloat(key, 0)); }
@Override public Option<Boolean> getBoolean(String key) throws NoSuchElementException { if (!prefs.contains(key)) throw new NoSuchElementException(key); return Option.apply(prefs.getBoolean(key, false)); }
@Override public Option<String> getString(String key) throws NoSuchElementException { if (!prefs.contains(key)) throw new NoSuchElementException(key); return Option.apply(prefs.getString(key, null)); }
@Override public Option<String> getRaw(String key) throws NoSuchElementException { if (!prefs.contains(key)) throw new NoSuchElementException(key); return Option.apply(getAll().get(key).toString()); }
public void onStart(Application app) { Logger.info("Application started"); String uploadPath = Configuration.getUploadPath(); File file = new File(uploadPath); if (!file.exists()) { try { if (!file.mkdir()) { System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath()); } ; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println( "Error while creating directory for server files, please check 'uploadPath' value in application.conf file"); System.exit(-1); } } else { if (!file.canRead() || !file.canWrite()) { System.out.println( "Error: Server have no read and write access to " + uploadPath + ", please check 'uploadPath' value in application.conf file"); System.exit(-1); } } // Checking existence of main directory String usersFilesDir = Configuration.getUploadPath(); File applicationDir = new File(usersFilesDir + "/users/"); if (!applicationDir.exists()) { Boolean createAppDir = applicationDir.mkdir(); if (!createAppDir) { Logger.warn("Error while creating users directory"); System.exit(-1); } else { Logger.info("Users directory created"); } } if (Configuration.isApplyNewLimits()) { for (Account account : Account.findAll()) { account.setNewLimits(); } } if (Configuration.isCreateDefaultUsers()) { UserService userService = new UserService(app); try { Integer nDefault = Configuration.getnDefaultUsers(); String nameDefault = Configuration.getNameDefaultUser(); for (int i = 1; i <= nDefault; i++) { String username = nameDefault + Integer.toString(i); String email = username + "@vdjviz.com"; LocalUser localUser = LocalUser.find.byId(email); if (localUser == null) { Option<PasswordHasher> bcrypt = Registry.hashers().get("bcrypt"); SocialUser socialUser = new SocialUser( new IdentityId(email, "userpass"), username, username, String.format("%s %s", username, username), Option.apply(email), null, AuthenticationMethod.UserPassword(), null, null, Some.apply( new PasswordInfo( "bcrypt", BCrypt.hashpw(username, BCrypt.gensalt()), null))); userService.doSave(socialUser); } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { Logger.error("Error while creating default users"); e.printStackTrace(); } } // Deleting empty files for (Account account : Account.findAll()) { for (UserFile userFile : account.getUserfiles()) { File fileDir = new File(userFile.getDirectoryPath()); if (!fileDir.exists() || !userFile.checkExist()) { UserFile.deleteFile(userFile); Logger.of("user." + account.getUserName()) .warn( "Deleted empty file " + userFile.getFileName() + " for user : "******"user." + account.getUserName()) .info("File " + userFile.getFileName() + " was deleted"); } } } } } }, Akka.system().dispatcher()); } }
@Override public Option<Sort> getCellForUnit(KLabel unit) { return Option.apply(units.inverse().get(unit)); }
/** * Create an BuildDocHandler that serves documentation from a given JAR file by wrapping a * JarRepository. * * @param jarFile The JAR file to server the documentation from. * @param base The directory within the JAR file to serve the documentation from, or null if the * documentation should be served from the root of the JAR. */ public static BuildDocHandler fromJar(JarFile jarFile, String base) { FileRepository repo = new JarRepository(jarFile, Option.apply(base)); return new DocumentationHandler(repo); }
@Override public Option<Object> get(String key) { return Option.apply(client.get(key)); }
public static List<NodeInfo> doInsert( XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument, IndentedLogger indentedLogger, String positionAttribute, List collectionToBeUpdated, NodeInfo insertContextNodeInfo, List<Item> originItems, int insertionIndex, boolean doClone, boolean doDispatch, boolean requireDefaultValues) { final boolean isEmptyNodesetBinding = collectionToBeUpdated == null || collectionToBeUpdated.size() == 0; final NodeInfo insertLocationNodeInfo; if (isEmptyNodesetBinding) { // Insert INTO a node // "If the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty, the insert location node is // the insert // context node." // "a. If the Node Set Binding node-set is not specified or empty, the target location depends // on the // node type of the cloned node. If the cloned node is an attribute, then the target location // is before // the first attribute of the insert location node. If the cloned node is not an attribute, // then the // target location is before the first child of the insert location node." insertLocationNodeInfo = insertContextNodeInfo; } else { // Insert BEFORE or AFTER a node insertLocationNodeInfo = (NodeInfo) collectionToBeUpdated.get(insertionIndex - 1); } // Identify the instance that actually changes final XFormsInstance modifiedInstanceOrNull = (containingDocument != null) ? containingDocument.getInstanceForNode(insertLocationNodeInfo) : null; // NOTE: The check on `hasAnyCalculationBind` is not optimal: we should check whether // specifically there are any xxf:default which can touch this // instance, ideally. // NOTE: We do this test here so that we don't unnecessarily annotate nodes. final boolean applyDefaults = requireDefaultValues && modifiedInstanceOrNull != null && modifiedInstanceOrNull.model().staticModel().hasDefaultValueBind() && containingDocument .getXPathDependencies() .hasAnyCalculationBind( modifiedInstanceOrNull.model().staticModel(), modifiedInstanceOrNull.getPrefixedId()); // "3. The origin node-set is determined." // "5. Each node in the origin node-set is cloned in the order it appears in the origin // node-set." final List<Node> sourceNodes; final List<Node> clonedNodes; { final List<Node> clonedNodesTemp; if (originItems == null) { // There are no explicitly specified origin objects, use node from Node Set Binding node-set // "If the origin attribute is not given and the Node Set Binding node-set is empty, then // the origin // node-set is the empty node-set. [...] The insert action is terminated with no effect if // the // origin node-set is the empty node-set." if (isEmptyNodesetBinding) { if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled()) indentedLogger.logDebug( "xf:insert", "origin node-set from node-set binding is empty, terminating"); return Collections.emptyList(); } // "Otherwise, if the origin attribute is not given, then the origin node-set consists of // the last // node of the Node Set Binding node-set." final Node singleSourceNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfoConvert( (NodeInfo) collectionToBeUpdated.get(collectionToBeUpdated.size() - 1)); // TODO: check namespace handling might be incorrect. Should use // copyElementCopyParentNamespaces() instead? final Node singleClonedNode = Dom4jUtils.createCopy(singleSourceNode); sourceNodes = Collections.singletonList(singleSourceNode); clonedNodesTemp = Collections.singletonList(singleClonedNode); } else { // There are explicitly specified origin objects // "The insert action is terminated with no effect if the origin node-set is the empty // node-set." if (originItems.size() == 0) { if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled()) indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:insert", "origin node-set is empty, terminating"); return Collections.emptyList(); } // "Each node in the origin node-set is cloned in the order it appears in the origin // node-set." sourceNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(originItems.size()); // set to max possible size clonedNodesTemp = new ArrayList<Node>(originItems.size()); for (final Object currentObject : originItems) { if (currentObject instanceof NodeInfo) { // This is the regular case covered by XForms 1.1 / XPath 1.0 // NOTE: Don't clone nodes if doClone == false final Node sourceNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfoConvert((NodeInfo) currentObject); final Node clonedNode = doClone ? (sourceNode instanceof Element) ? ((Element) sourceNode).createCopy() : (Node) sourceNode.clone() : sourceNode; sourceNodes.add(sourceNode); clonedNodesTemp.add(clonedNode); } else if (currentObject instanceof AtomicValue) { // This is an extension: support sequences containing atomic values // Convert the result to a text node final String stringValue = ((Item) currentObject).getStringValue(); final Text textNode = DocumentFactory.createText(stringValue); sourceNodes.add( null); // there is no source node for this cloned node, it's a source item clonedNodesTemp.add(textNode); } else throw new IllegalStateException(); } } // Remove instance data from cloned nodes and perform Document node adjustment for (int i = 0; i < clonedNodesTemp.size(); i++) { final Node clonedNodeTemp = clonedNodesTemp.get(i); if (clonedNodeTemp instanceof Element) { // Element node if (applyDefaults) InstanceDataOps.setRequireDefaultValueRecursively(clonedNodeTemp); else InstanceDataOps.removeRecursively(clonedNodeTemp); clonedNodeTemp.detach(); } else if (clonedNodeTemp instanceof Attribute) { // Attribute node if (applyDefaults) InstanceDataOps.setRequireDefaultValueRecursively(clonedNodeTemp); else InstanceDataOps.removeRecursively(clonedNodeTemp); clonedNodeTemp.detach(); } else if (clonedNodeTemp instanceof Document) { // Document node final Element clonedNodeTempRootElement = clonedNodeTemp.getDocument().getRootElement(); if (clonedNodeTempRootElement == null) { // Can be null in rare cases of documents without root element clonedNodesTemp.set( i, null); // we support having a null node further below, so set this to null } else { if (applyDefaults) InstanceDataOps.setRequireDefaultValueRecursively(clonedNodeTempRootElement); else InstanceDataOps.removeRecursively(clonedNodeTempRootElement); // We can never really insert a document into anything at this point, but we assume that // this means the root element clonedNodesTemp.set(i, clonedNodeTempRootElement.detach()); } } else { // Other nodes clonedNodeTemp.detach(); } } clonedNodes = clonedNodesTemp; } // "6. The target location of each cloned node or nodes is determined" // "7. The cloned node or nodes are inserted in the order they were cloned at their target // location // depending on their node type." // Find actual insertion point and insert final int insertLocationIndexWithinParentBeforeUpdate; final List<Node> insertedNodes; final String beforeAfterInto; if (isEmptyNodesetBinding) { // Insert INTO a node insertLocationIndexWithinParentBeforeUpdate = findNodeIndexRewrapIfNeeded(insertLocationNodeInfo); final Node insertLocationNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfo(insertContextNodeInfo, CANNOT_INSERT_READONLY_MESSAGE); insertedNodes = doInsert(insertLocationNode, clonedNodes, modifiedInstanceOrNull, doDispatch); beforeAfterInto = "into"; // Normalize text nodes if needed to respect XPath 1.0 constraint { boolean hasTextNode = false; for (Node clonedNode : clonedNodes) { hasTextNode |= clonedNode != null && (clonedNode instanceof Text); } if (hasTextNode) Dom4jUtils.normalizeTextNodes(insertLocationNode); } } else { // Insert BEFORE or AFTER a node insertLocationIndexWithinParentBeforeUpdate = findNodeIndexRewrapIfNeeded(insertLocationNodeInfo); final Node insertLocationNode = XFormsUtils.getNodeFromNodeInfo(insertLocationNodeInfo, CANNOT_INSERT_READONLY_MESSAGE); final Document insertLocationNodeDocument = insertLocationNode.getDocument(); if (insertLocationNodeDocument != null && insertLocationNodeDocument.getRootElement() == insertLocationNode) { // "c. if insert location node is the root element of an instance, then that instance root // element // location is the target location. If there is more than one cloned node to insert, only // the // first node that does not cause a conflict is considered." insertedNodes = doInsert( insertLocationNode.getDocument(), clonedNodes, modifiedInstanceOrNull, doDispatch); beforeAfterInto = positionAttribute; // TODO: ideally normalize to "into document node"? // NOTE: Don't need to normalize text nodes in this case, as no new text node is inserted } else { // "d. Otherwise, the target location is immediately before or after the insert location // node, based on the position attribute setting or its default." if (insertLocationNode instanceof Attribute) { // Special case for "next to an attribute" // NOTE: In XML, attributes are unordered. dom4j handles them as a list so has order, but // the XForms spec shouldn't rely on attribute order. We could try to keep the order, but // it // is harder as we have to deal with removing duplicate attributes and find a reasonable // insertion strategy. // TODO: Don't think we should even do this now in XForms 1.1 insertedNodes = doInsert( insertLocationNode.getParent(), clonedNodes, modifiedInstanceOrNull, doDispatch); } else { // Other node types final Element parentNode = insertLocationNode.getParent(); final List<Node> siblingElements = parentNode.content(); final int actualIndex = siblingElements.indexOf(insertLocationNode); // Prepare insertion of new element final int actualInsertionIndex; if ("before".equals(positionAttribute)) { actualInsertionIndex = actualIndex; } else { // "after" actualInsertionIndex = actualIndex + 1; } // "7. The cloned node or nodes are inserted in the order they were cloned at their target // location depending on their node type." boolean hasTextNode = false; int addIndex = 0; insertedNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(clonedNodes.size()); for (Node clonedNode : clonedNodes) { if (clonedNode != null) { // NOTE: we allow passing some null nodes so we check on null if (!(clonedNode instanceof Attribute || clonedNode instanceof Namespace)) { // Element, text, comment, processing instruction node siblingElements.add(actualInsertionIndex + addIndex, clonedNode); insertedNodes.add(clonedNode); hasTextNode |= clonedNode instanceof Text; addIndex++; } else { // We never insert attributes or namespace nodes as siblings if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled()) indentedLogger.logDebug( "xf:insert", "skipping insertion of node as sibling in element content", "type", Node$.MODULE$.nodeTypeName(clonedNode), "node", clonedNode instanceof Attribute ? Dom4jUtils.attributeToDebugString((Attribute) clonedNode) : clonedNode.toString()); } } } // Normalize text nodes if needed to respect XPath 1.0 constraint if (hasTextNode) Dom4jUtils.normalizeTextNodes(parentNode); } beforeAfterInto = positionAttribute; } } // Whether some nodes were inserted final boolean didInsertNodes = insertedNodes != null && insertedNodes.size() > 0; // Log stuff if (indentedLogger != null && indentedLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (didInsertNodes) indentedLogger.logDebug( "xf:insert", "inserted nodes", "count", Integer.toString(insertedNodes.size()), "instance", (modifiedInstanceOrNull != null) ? modifiedInstanceOrNull.getEffectiveId() : null); else indentedLogger.logDebug("xf:insert", "no node inserted"); } // "XForms Actions that change the tree structure of instance data result in setting all four // flags to true" if (didInsertNodes && modifiedInstanceOrNull != null) { // NOTE: Can be null if document into which delete is performed is not in an instance, e.g. in // a variable modifiedInstanceOrNull.markModified(); modifiedInstanceOrNull .model() .markStructuralChange( scala.Option.<XFormsInstance>apply(modifiedInstanceOrNull), FlaggedDefaultsStrategy$.MODULE$); } // Gather list of modified nodes final List<NodeInfo> insertedNodeInfos; if (didInsertNodes && modifiedInstanceOrNull != null) { // Instance can be null if document into which delete is performed is not in an instance, e.g. // in a variable final DocumentWrapper documentWrapper = (DocumentWrapper) modifiedInstanceOrNull.documentInfo(); insertedNodeInfos = new ArrayList<NodeInfo>(insertedNodes.size()); for (Node insertedNode : insertedNodes) insertedNodeInfos.add(documentWrapper.wrap(insertedNode)); } else { insertedNodeInfos = Collections.emptyList(); } // "4. If the insert is successful, the event xforms-insert is dispatched." // XFormsInstance handles index and repeat items updates if (doDispatch && didInsertNodes && modifiedInstanceOrNull != null) { // Adjust insert location node and before/after/into in case the root element was replaced final NodeInfo adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo; final String adjustedBeforeAfterInto; final NodeInfo parent = insertedNodeInfos.get(0).getNodeKind() == org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE ? insertedNodeInfos.get(0).getParent() : null; if (parent != null && parent.equals(parent.getDocumentRoot())) { // Node was inserted under document node adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo = parent.getDocumentRoot(); adjustedBeforeAfterInto = "into"; } else { adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo = rewrapIfNeeded(insertLocationNodeInfo); adjustedBeforeAfterInto = beforeAfterInto; } Dispatch.dispatchEvent( new XFormsInsertEvent( modifiedInstanceOrNull, insertedNodeInfos, originItems, adjustedInsertLocationNodeInfo, adjustedBeforeAfterInto, insertLocationIndexWithinParentBeforeUpdate)); } return insertedNodeInfos; }
// hint could modify this class so we can get the map from it. class TestBridgeBuilder implements BridgeBuilder, BuildCallCounter { int buildCallsCount = 0; Option<UUID> vlanBridgePeerPortId = Option.apply(null); List<UUID> exteriorVxlanPortIds = new ArrayList<>(0); MacLearningTable mlTable; IpMacMap<IPv4Addr> ipMacMap; MAC[] notifiedMAC = new MAC[1]; UUID[] notifiedUUID = new UUID[2]; VlanPortMap vlanPortMap = new VlanPortMapImpl(); public void simulateNewPacket(MAC mac, UUID portId) { mlTable.add(mac, portId); } public void removePort(MAC mac, UUID portId) { mlTable.remove(mac, portId); } public UUID getPort(MAC mac) { final UUID result[] = new UUID[1]; result[0] = mlTable.get(mac); return result[0]; } public MAC getNotifiedMAC() { return notifiedMAC[0]; } public UUID[] getNotifiedUUID() { return notifiedUUID; } public int getBuildCallsCount() { return buildCallsCount; } @Override public BridgeBuilder setAdminStateUp(boolean adminStateUp) { return this; } @Override public void setTunnelKey(long key) {} @Override public void setExteriorPorts(List<UUID> ports) {} @Override public void removeMacLearningTable(short vlanId) {} @Override public Set<Short> vlansInMacLearningTable() { return new HashSet<>(); } @Override public void setMacLearningTable(short vlanId, MacLearningTable table) { mlTable = table; } @Override public void setIp4MacMap(IpMacMap<IPv4Addr> map) { ipMacMap = map; } @Override public void setVlanPortMap(VlanPortMap map) { vlanPortMap = map; } @Override public void setLogicalPortsMap(Map<MAC, UUID> macToLogicalPortId, Map<IPAddr, MAC> ipToMac) {} @Override public void setVlanBridgePeerPortId(Option<UUID> id) { vlanBridgePeerPortId = id; } @Override public void updateMacEntry(short vlanId, MAC mac, UUID oldPort, UUID newPort) {} @Override public void setExteriorVxlanPortIds(List<UUID> ids) { exteriorVxlanPortIds = ids; } @Override public BridgeBuilder setInFilter(UUID filterID) { return this; } @Override public BridgeBuilder setOutFilter(UUID filterID) { return this; } @Override public void build() { buildCallsCount++; // add the callback mlTable.notify( new Callback3<MAC, UUID, UUID>() { @Override public void call(MAC mac, UUID oldPortID, UUID newPortID) { notifiedMAC[0] = mac; notifiedUUID[0] = oldPortID; notifiedUUID[1] = newPortID; } }); } }
@Override public Option<Sort> getCellForConcat(KLabel concat) { return Option.apply(concats.inverse().get(concat)); }