Пример #1
  public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
    // ...
    // if(getRadarHeadingRadians() - getGunHeading() == 0)
    //			fire(1);
    // Absolute angle towards target
    double angleToEnemy = getHeadingRadians() + e.getBearingRadians();

    // Subtract current radar heading to get the turn required to face the enemy, be sure it is
    // normalized
    double radarTurn = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(angleToEnemy - getRadarHeadingRadians());

    // Distance we want to scan from middle of enemy to either side
    // The 36.0 is how many units from the center of the enemy robot it scans.
    double extraTurn = Math.min(Math.atan(5.0 / e.getDistance()), Rules.RADAR_TURN_RATE_RADIANS);

    // Adjust the radar turn so it goes that much further in the direction it is going to turn
    // Basically if we were going to turn it left, turn it even more left, if right, turn more
    // right.
    // This allows us to overshoot our enemy so that we get a good sweep that will not slip.
    radarTurn += (radarTurn < 0 ? -extraTurn : extraTurn);

    // Turn the radar

    // is the enemy left or right of us
    double distance = getRadarHeading() - getGunHeading();
    double[] wert = {distance};

    // setTurnGunLeft(encog.Adjust.predict(NETWORK, wert));

    if (distance < 0) setTurnGunRight(distance);

    if (distance >= 0) setTurnGunRight(distance);

    // System.out.println(distance);

    // if enemy is within fire range -> fire
    //	    if (getGunHeading() > getRadarHeading()-2 && getGunHeading() < getRadarHeading()+2)


    System.out.println("gunheat:" + getGunHeat());
    if (getGunHeat() == 1.2) {
      System.out.println("distance: " + LIST);
      //	    	int shouldHit = (int) (getTime() + (e.getDistance() / 17));
      //    		System.out.println("when should it hit: " + shouldHit);

    if (LIST.size() != 0) {
      if (LIST.get(0) + (getTime() - LIST.get(0)) * VELOCITY > e.getDistance()) {
        System.out.println("did you hit?: " + getTime());

Пример #2
 private void goTo(Point2D destination) {
   double angle =
           absoluteBearing(robotLocation, destination) - getHeadingRadians());
   double turnAngle = Math.atan(Math.tan(angle));
   setAhead(robotLocation.distance(destination) * (angle == turnAngle ? 1 : -1));
   // Hit the brake pedal hard if we need to turn sharply
   setMaxVelocity(Math.abs(getTurnRemaining()) > 33 ? 0 : MAX_VELOCITY);