@Override public void initialize(Annotation[] nps, Document doc, boolean training) { super.initialize(nps, doc, training); pairs = new ArrayList<Annotation[]>(); HashMap<Annotation, ArrayList<Annotation>> posessives = new HashMap<Annotation, ArrayList<Annotation>>(); RuleResolvers.addAllPossesives(doc.getAnnotationSet(Constants.NP), doc, posessives); int propNames = 0, regular = 0, is = 0, def = 0; for (int j = nps.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { Annotation np2 = nps[j]; RuleResolvers.NPType type2 = RuleResolvers.getNPtype(np2, doc, posessives); // int par2 = ParNum.getValue(np2, doc); int sen2 = SentNum.getValue(np2, doc); boolean pn2 = type2.equals(RuleResolvers.NPType.PROPER_NAME); boolean pron2 = type2.equals(RuleResolvers.NPType.PRONOUN); boolean def2 = !pron2 && !pn2 && !FeatureUtils.isIndefinite(np2, doc); boolean specPronoun2 = pron2 && FeatureUtils.getPronounPerson(doc.getAnnotText(np2)) != PersonPronounTypeEnum.THIRD; boolean person2 = pn2 && ProperNameType.getValue(np2, doc).equals(FeatureUtils.NPSemTypeEnum.PERSON); boolean done = false; for (int k = j - 1; k >= 0 && !done; k--) { Annotation np1 = nps[k]; // Get the type of the first np RuleResolvers.NPType type1 = RuleResolvers.getNPtype(np1, doc, posessives); // int par1 = ParNum.getValue(np1, doc); // int parNum = Math.abs(par1 - par2); int sen1 = SentNum.getValue(np1, doc); int senNum = Math.abs(sen1 - sen2); boolean pron1 = type1.equals(RuleResolvers.NPType.PRONOUN); boolean pn1 = type1.equals(RuleResolvers.NPType.PROPER_NAME); boolean specPronoun1 = pron1 && FeatureUtils.getPronounPerson(doc.getAnnotText(np1)) != PersonPronounTypeEnum.THIRD; boolean person1 = pn1 && ProperNameType.getValue(np1, doc).equals(FeatureUtils.NPSemTypeEnum.PERSON); boolean includePair = false; if (pn1 && pn2 && ProperNameType.getValue(np1, doc).equals(ProperNameType.getValue(np2, doc))) { includePair = true; propNames++; } else if (person2 && specPronoun1) { includePair = true; is++; } else if (specPronoun1 && (specPronoun2 || person2)) { includePair = true; is++; } else if (specPronoun2 && (specPronoun1 || person1)) { includePair = true; is++; } else if (def2 && !pron1 && (senNum <= 6)) { includePair = true; def++; } else if (senNum <= 2) { includePair = true; regular++; } if (includePair) { pairs.add(new Annotation[] {np1, np2}); } else { if (!pn2 && !specPronoun2 && (!def2 || (senNum > 6))) { done = true; } } } } pairIter = pairs.iterator(); }
public static boolean sameSentence(Annotation np1, Annotation np2, Document doc) { return SentNum.getValue(np1, doc).equals(SentNum.getValue(np2, doc)); }