Пример #1
  // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  // // private methods ////
  // Recursively compute the set of free variables for all actors
  // deeply contained in the given model.
  private Set _freeVariables(Entity model) throws IllegalActionException {
    // First get the free variables of contained actors.
    Set set = new HashSet();

    if (model instanceof CompositeEntity) {
      for (Iterator entities = ((CompositeEntity) model).entityList().iterator();
          entities.hasNext(); ) {
        Entity entity = (Entity) entities.next();

    // Next, compute the set of variable names defined in this container.
    Set variableNames = new HashSet();

    for (Iterator variables = model.attributeList(Variable.class).iterator();
        variables.hasNext(); ) {
      Variable variable = (Variable) variables.next();

    variableNames = Collections.unmodifiableSet(variableNames);

    // Free variables of contained actors that are defined in this
    // container are not free variables of this container.

    // Iterate over all the variables of this container, and add in
    // any free variables they reference.
    PtParser parser = new PtParser();
    ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector collector = new ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector();

    for (Iterator variables = model.attributeList(Variable.class).iterator();
        variables.hasNext(); ) {
      Variable variable = (Variable) variables.next();
      String expression = variable.getExpression();
      ASTPtRootNode root;

      if (variable.isStringMode()) {
        root = parser.generateStringParseTree(expression);
      } else {
        root = parser.generateParseTree(expression);

      Set freeIdentifiers = new HashSet(collector.collectFreeVariables(root));

      // Identifiers that reference other variables in the same container
      // are bound, not free.
      Set tempSet = new HashSet(variableNames);


    _entityToFreeVariableNameSet.put(model, set);
    return set;
Пример #2
   * Return the parameterized scheduling sequence. An exception will be thrown if the graph is not
   * schedulable.
   * @return A schedule of the deeply contained opaque entities in the firing order.
   * @exception NotSchedulableException If a parameterized schedule cannot be derived for the model.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If the rate parameters of the model are not correct, or the
   *     computed rates for external ports are not correct.
  protected Schedule _getSchedule() throws NotSchedulableException, IllegalActionException {
    PSDFDirector director = (PSDFDirector) getContainer();
    CompositeActor model = (CompositeActor) director.getContainer();

    // Get the vectorization factor.
    String vectorizationFactorExpression = "1";

    String vectorizationName = director.vectorizationFactor.getName(model);
    vectorizationFactorExpression = vectorizationName.replaceAll("\\.", "::");

    if (vectorizationFactorExpression.indexOf(" ") != -1) {
      throw new InternalErrorException(
          "The vectorizationFactor "
              + "PSDFDirector parameter must "
              + "not have spaces in its value.  The original value "
              + "was \""
              + vectorizationName
              + "\". Try changing the name of "
              + "director.");

    PSDFGraphReader graphReader = new PSDFGraphReader();
    PSDFGraph graph = (PSDFGraph) graphReader.convert(model);
    _debug("PSDF graph = \n" + graph.toString());

    if (_debugFlag) {

    PSDFAPGANStrategy strategy = new PSDFAPGANStrategy(graph);
    ptolemy.graph.sched.Schedule graphSchedule = strategy.schedule();
    _debug("P-APGAN schedule = \n" + graphSchedule.toString());

    SymbolicScheduleElement resultSchedule =
        _expandAPGAN(graph, strategy.getClusterManager().getRootNode(), strategy);

    _debug("Final schedule = \n" + resultSchedule.toString());

    if (_debugging) {
      _debug("The buffer size map:\n");

      Iterator relations = _bufferSizeMap.keySet().iterator();

      while (relations.hasNext()) {
        Relation relation = (Relation) relations.next();
        _debug(relation.getName() + ": " + _bufferSizeMap.get(relation) + "\n");


    // Crazy hack to infer firing counts for each actor.
    try {
      _inferFiringCounts(resultSchedule, null);
    } catch (NameDuplicationException ex) {
      throw new NotSchedulableException(new LinkedList(), ex, "Error recording firing counts");

    // Crazy hack to Infer port production: FIXME: This should be
    // done as part of the APGAN expansion where the rates of
    // external ports are unknown The reason is that it will make
    // rate information propagate from an actor input port to
    // another actors input port that are connected on the inside
    // to the same external input port.  See
    // BaseSDFScheduler.setContainerRates.
    Iterator ports = model.portList().iterator();

    while (ports.hasNext()) {
      IOPort port = (IOPort) ports.next();

      if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
        _debug("External Port " + port.getName());

      if (port.isInput() && port.isOutput()) {
        throw new NotSchedulableException(
            "External port is both an input and an output, " + "which is not allowed in SDF.");
      } else if (port.isInput()) {
        List sinks = port.insideSinkPortList();

        if (sinks.size() > 0) {
          IOPort connectedPort = (IOPort) sinks.get(0);
          Entity entity = (Entity) connectedPort.getContainer();
          String name = connectedPort.getName(model);
          String identifier = name.replaceAll("\\.", "::");

          String sinkExpression;
          Variable sinkRateVariable =
              DFUtilities.getRateVariable(connectedPort, "tokenConsumptionRate");

          if (sinkRateVariable == null) {
            sinkExpression = "1";
          } else {
            sinkExpression = identifier + "::" + sinkRateVariable.getName();

          String expression = sinkExpression + " * " + entity.getName() + "::firingsPerIteration";

          DFUtilities.setExpressionIfNotDefined(port, "tokenConsumptionRate", expression);

          if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
            _debug("Setting tokenConsumptionRate to " + expression);
      } else if (port.isOutput()) {
        List sources = port.insideSourcePortList();

        if (sources.size() > 0) {
          IOPort connectedPort = (IOPort) sources.get(0);
          Entity entity = (Entity) connectedPort.getContainer();
          String name = connectedPort.getName(model);
          String identifier = name.replaceAll("\\.", "::");
          Variable sourceRateVariable =
              DFUtilities.getRateVariable(connectedPort, "tokenProductionRate");
          String sourceExpression;

          if (sourceRateVariable == null) {
            sourceExpression = "1";
          } else {
            sourceExpression = identifier + "::" + sourceRateVariable.getName();

          String expression = sourceExpression + " * " + entity.getName() + "::firingsPerIteration";

          DFUtilities.setExpressionIfNotDefined(port, "tokenProductionRate", expression);

          if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
            _debug("Setting tokenProductionRate to " + expression);

        // Infer init production.
        // Note that this is a very simple type of inference...
        // However, in general, we don't want to try to
        // flatten this model...
        //  Iterator connectedPorts =
        //                     port.insideSourcePortList().iterator();
        //                 IOPort foundOutputPort = null;
        //                 int inferredRate = 0;
        //                 while (connectedPorts.hasNext()) {
        //                     IOPort connectedPort = (IOPort) connectedPorts.next();
        //                     int newRate;
        //                     if (connectedPort.isOutput()) {
        //                         newRate =
        //                             DFUtilities.getTokenInitProduction(connectedPort);
        //                     } else {
        //                         newRate = 0;
        //                     }
        //                     // If we've already set the rate, then check that the
        //                     // rate for any other internal port is correct.
        //                     if (foundOutputPort != null &&
        //                             newRate != inferredRate) {
        //                         throw new NotSchedulableException(
        //                                 "External output port " + port
        //                                 + " is connected on the inside to ports "
        //                                 + "with different initial production: "
        //                                 + foundOutputPort + " and "
        //                                 + connectedPort);
        //                     }
        //                     foundOutputPort = connectedPort;
        //                     inferredRate = newRate;
        //                 }
        //                 DFUtilities._setIfNotDefined(
        //                         port, "tokenInitProduction", inferredRate);
        //                 if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
        //                     _debug("Setting tokenInitProduction to "
        //                             + inferredRate);
        //                 }
      } else {
        throw new NotSchedulableException(
            "External port is neither an input and an output, " + "which is not allowed in SDF.");

    // Set the schedule to be valid.

    if (resultSchedule instanceof Schedule) {
      return (Schedule) resultSchedule;
    } else {
      // Must be ScheduleElement.
      Schedule schedule = new Schedule();
      schedule.add((ScheduleElement) resultSchedule);
      return schedule;